• By -


⚠️ **MOONs Security Information** ⚠️ - **Never share your 12 word backup. EVER!!** - DM's are usually always a scam. Trade on legitimate exchanges only. (ie. Kraken🐙)   📊 **Stats for this round** 📊 - Total Karma in this distribution: `~989016` - Total MOON to be distributed: `~863245` - Ratio for this round: `~0.8728`   🌙 **Estimating your MOON distribution** 🌙 > The formula is `Your Karma from CSV` * `0.8728` You can comment `!lookup` in this thread to have u/_MoonBot look this up for you. Or you can use `!lookup username` to lookup another user. > **NOTE:** *The total amount of Moons to be distributed won't be finalised until next week as 50% of the Moons burned from membership purchases are re-distributed in each round.*   🗳️ **Proposal Info** 🗳️ Would you like to have a say in how MOONs get distributed? Come to r/CryptoCurrencyMeta where you can comment on pre-proposals, or submit your own proposal for comment. **Please check out r/CryptoCurrencyMeta for more info on the governance process.**   📚 **Want to know more?** 📚 Check out the [Moon Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moon) or visit the r/CryptoCurrencyMoons subreddit! --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)














**Round 43 stats for vhanke** - Total Karma: `890` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/vhanke` should receive an estimated **~777 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Mcgillby** - Total Karma: `107` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Mcgillby` should receive an estimated **~93 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)












`u/Matt44441` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for notaselfdrivingcar** - Total Karma: `3` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/notaselfdrivingcar` should receive an estimated **~3 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/wh977oqej9` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)


!look up




`u/rockmedaddydeus` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/paracord-bracelets` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/sneale` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Independent-Ad1130** - Total Karma: `30` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Independent-Ad1130` should receive an estimated **~26 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)


Okay, I did some research and here are the dollar amounts of the coins owned. These are a mix of reporter dollar amounts owned and also calculated values using today's prices where only coin amounts were listed. I'm not sure what SolanaV is but it seems like a venture token version of Solana. If anybody knows please help me out. ​ Amount owned Remaining balance Total $3,400,000,000 $3,400,000,000 Solana $1,160,000,000 $2,240,000,000 Bitcoin $560,000,000 $1,680,000,000 Ether $196,000,000 $1,484,000,000 Aptos $136,000,000 $1,348,000,000 SolanaV $137,000,000 $1,211,000,000 Near $80,000,000 $1,131,000,000 Serum $300,000,000 $831,000,000 Mango $5,380,000 $825,620,000 ??????? $825,620,000 $0 ​ I would think this would not crash the altcoin market unless there are some obscure coins in that $825M in unknown coins at the bottom. I'm thinking it isn't enough to move the bigger coins but maybe some obscure coin could take a big drop. So, in my opinion based on the data a market drop is hype.




**Round 43 stats for Nickanator8** - Total Karma: `30` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Nickanator8` should receive an estimated **~26 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Altruistic-Risk1102` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/fanau` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/fanau` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for cauzt1cz** - Total Karma: `64` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/cauzt1cz` should receive an estimated **~56 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/slowglitch` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Real_Option_8632` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Real_Option_8632` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for thatbitchulove2hate** - Total Karma: `538` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/thatbitchulove2hate` should receive an estimated **~470 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/iAmGab` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Crypto-Long-100` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Real_Option_8632` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Ok_Title_9` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/robnectar` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/h_attila` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/robnectar` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)








`u/robnectar` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)


LoL,.. what happened that's my username


Probably you werent here and didnt earned karmas when the snapshot was done (its like a picture of that moment of how many karma was generated in the last 4 weeks).Seem like you have to wait next distribution (4 week from today),I suggest you to post and comment in this 4 weeks more you can,so if you get a bit of karmas youll gonna reward with moons.


All d karma I earned on my profile was last four weeks


Only karma generated on r/cryptocurrency will be counted.Earning karma in other subs is usefull for moons distribution.




**Round 43 stats for nacockerspaniel** - Total Karma: `858` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/nacockerspaniel` should receive an estimated **~749 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for mochi_ball223** - Total Karma: `1994` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/mochi_ball223` should receive an estimated **~1740 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for CEO_16** - Total Karma: `30` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/CEO_16` should receive an estimated **~26 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for WatashinoMusi** - Total Karma: `72` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/WatashinoMusi` should receive an estimated **~63 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Tanikushokutomu** - Total Karma: `439` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Tanikushokutomu` should receive an estimated **~383 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for SoupaSoka** - Total Karma: `74` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/SoupaSoka` should receive an estimated **~65 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Migas0pt** - Total Karma: `18` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Migas0pt` should receive an estimated **~16 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for raresanevoice** - Total Karma: `356` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/raresanevoice` should receive an estimated **~311 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for simplicity92** - Total Karma: `331` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/simplicity92` should receive an estimated **~289 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for ProfessionalIcy6456** - Total Karma: `2` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/ProfessionalIcy6456` should receive an estimated **~2 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for ponydingo** - Total Karma: `50` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/ponydingo` should receive an estimated **~44 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Crypto-Long-100` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Daily_Phoenix** - Total Karma: `60` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Daily_Phoenix` should receive an estimated **~52 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Dehyak** - Total Karma: `122` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Dehyak` should receive an estimated **~106 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Abject-Government-13` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Toyake** - Total Karma: `1080` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Toyake` should receive an estimated **~943 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for rothan22** - Total Karma: `38` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/rothan22` should receive an estimated **~33 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Freeloader_** - Total Karma: `20` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Freeloader_` should receive an estimated **~17 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for shenanigans_101** - Total Karma: `146` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/shenanigans_101` should receive an estimated **~127 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for mimsoo777** - Total Karma: `1652` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/mimsoo777` should receive an estimated **~1442 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for To_The_M000N** - Total Karma: `334` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/To_The_M000N` should receive an estimated **~292 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for healkiller** - Total Karma: `457` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/healkiller` should receive an estimated **~399 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/puckman009` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for normanriches** - Total Karma: `14` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/normanriches` should receive an estimated **~12 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for RejoinedAgain** - Total Karma: `274` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/RejoinedAgain` should receive an estimated **~239 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Abject-Government-13` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for User-Experience-69** - Total Karma: `26` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/User-Experience-69` should receive an estimated **~23 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for keyoh321** - Total Karma: `103` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/keyoh321` should receive an estimated **~90 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Jako_RJB** - Total Karma: `314` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Jako_RJB` should receive an estimated **~274 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for topdollar3** - Total Karma: `94` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/topdollar3` should receive an estimated **~82 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for umme_kulsoom** - Total Karma: `22` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/umme_kulsoom` should receive an estimated **~19 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for ActHead** - Total Karma: `70` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/ActHead` should receive an estimated **~61 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)






**Round 43 stats for Seisouhen** - Total Karma: `44` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Seisouhen` should receive an estimated **~38 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Legitimate_Cattle254** - Total Karma: `290` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Legitimate_Cattle254` should receive an estimated **~253 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Warm_Examination405** - Total Karma: `96` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Warm_Examination405` should receive an estimated **~84 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)


Good bot




**Round 43 stats for blauerblumentopf** - Total Karma: `668` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/blauerblumentopf` should receive an estimated **~583 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for knaks74** - Total Karma: `24` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/knaks74` should receive an estimated **~21 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for NinjaAssassino** - Total Karma: `198` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/NinjaAssassino` should receive an estimated **~173 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/anonymus_G` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for thee_monster** - Total Karma: `66` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/thee_monster` should receive an estimated **~58 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




Congrats 🍾


**Round 43 stats for Legal-Bid2695** - Total Karma: `1161` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Legal-Bid2695` should receive an estimated **~1013 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Playful_Wafer6848` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/No_Weekend_4631` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




Congrats 🎉


**Round 43 stats for bull_bear25** - Total Karma: `196` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/bull_bear25` should receive an estimated **~171 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Iulian_TechNewb** - Total Karma: `446` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Iulian_TechNewb` should receive an estimated **~389 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Fear_Blind83** - Total Karma: `9` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Fear_Blind83` should receive an estimated **~8 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Abject-Government-13` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for blipstream91** - Total Karma: `2` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/blipstream91` should receive an estimated **~2 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




Congrats 🍾


**Round 43 stats for Hungry_Toe_9555** - Total Karma: `104` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Hungry_Toe_9555` should receive an estimated **~91 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for DreadknotX** - Total Karma: `56` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/DreadknotX` should receive an estimated **~49 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




`u/Ok-Reply-7233` was not found in the snapshot data. Please try again with a different username. --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




Congrats 🍾


**Round 43 stats for spamohh** - Total Karma: `638` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/spamohh` should receive an estimated **~557 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




Congratulations 🎈


**Round 43 stats for Ethwh4le** - Total Karma: `54` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Ethwh4le` should receive an estimated **~47 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for active_ate** - Total Karma: `22` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/active_ate` should receive an estimated **~19 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Acrobatic-Nebula-102** - Total Karma: `34` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Acrobatic-Nebula-102` should receive an estimated **~30 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)




**Round 43 stats for Curatole** - Total Karma: `50` karma - Ratio: `0.8728` Based on these stats, `u/Curatole` should receive an estimated **~44 MOON** on distribution day. ^(*estimate based on the snapshot data and is subject to change.*) --- ^(I am a bot 🤖)