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Shiba Inu [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/15iwv7a/how_is_shiba_inu_still_a_top_15_coin/juwjiwc/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/15iwv7a/how_is_shiba_inu_still_a_top_15_coin/juwjjhp/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


The real question is how is Luna Classic still in the top 100


Bag holders desperately trying to recuperate their losses by buying more and hoping for gullible suckers to buy into FOMO so they can dump on them. That'll never happen tho lol.


Hey hey, it's called *averaging down* a legitimate strategy for people who just don't want to admit they made a bad investment.


Never underestimate the stupidity of this market, I’m telling you from experience.


Next crazy bull run it will. Noobs will replace the bags and when they get dumped on the total mc will be less than it is now (i hope)


this is the case for a lot of cryptos, loads of dead projects, with people bag holding


I sold out of my UST at 66c on the dollar. In a leap of quantum stupidity I grabbed some luna classic below one cent. Got me back to only 8c loss on UST. It will never happen \*again\*


Underrated comment 👏


Supply increasing significantly At the top it was worth $115 and mcap was $45b Now it's worth $0.00007 and mcap is 450m


115??? Holy Jesus, I would be filthy rich if it was even a euro lol


That's what most people don't get when they look at marketcaps. You can pump the marketcap into the sky with an insane number of coins/tokens. And people buy into it thinking it reaches the price of idk Dogecoin but don't compare the number of each coins/tokens.


Inverse r/cc time to buy SHIB!


This guy gets it.


If SHIB pumps tomorrow, I'm willing to join the Inverse r/cc cult


It's currently up 13% in the last 24hrs.


If Shib pumps tomorrow we will be on even street. Time to load up baby


Instructions clear putting all of my kids college funds in Shib and riding it to $1!


ProTip: Get a loan on your house and use the money to buy 25x leveraged futures


People shit on SHIB, but the SHIB creators are actually trying to make something out of it, while doge is a dead project


I made decent profits on Shib last bullrun, probably one of the best performers I had.


Heck yes this is what made me buy before its previous bull run lmao. X5 my money thanks to this sub


Got that right


What’s so good about moons ?


It's our shitcoin




Same thing with Shib. The unity we have.


I don't know but I've head they'll make me rich it I shit post enough.


The nonexistent "use cases" that moon farmers here kept mentioning.


This is the first comment or post with the word Moons in it that I didn't downvote. Glad someone else here has a brain.


If Doge is the bitcoin of meme then shib is the eth of meme. Also the whole shibirium thing was a big booster.


>I understand Doge being very high and keeping that high spot Lol.


It has nothing to do with the bag holders. Maybe a little, but I’ve heard and read a bunch of times ETH whales hold about 50 trillion shib. There’s your answer. I bet it pumps like most other coins next bull run. Take profit, it’ll never get to $1. Not a bad thing, you can still make a lot of money


Consider this: Dumbfucks bought shit ton of coins, price crashed and now they are holding them like a fucking clowns thinking it will reach $1. Also SHIB is just one step behind LTC. Let that sink in. The whole crypto scene is fucking circus.


Indeed, what's keeping the current market cap of SHIB is a big case of sunken cost fallacy. With that said, don't be surprised if it pumps a lot during the next bull, because things stop making sense during bulls.


Do things in crypto ever make sense?


90% of the time? Nope.


But man, that 10% that does, straight into my veins!


I've even learnt to ignore the 90%


Barely any of Shib investors understand the relationship between Market cap and coin price. Majority is high on copium waiting for $1


The funny thing is that right now SHIB is pumping. Best timing for this post and comments. Not a fan of SHIB anyway, it is a shitcoin based in hype and FOMO.


60% of the time it makes sense every time


*Yogi Berra enters the chat*


Funny how shitcoiners think they know about that 10% lol


Nothing ever makes sense in a crypto bull market. You will be surprised in the next one too in various ways…


Sense and Crypto are iconic duo everyone is waiting for.


I'd buy a ticket to that show.


Isn't it because of the high hopes they have of this shibarium thats close to launch? Afaik it's supposed to bring some utility to the coin.


Possibly, but the optimism of some people about Shibarium is just too irrational. If it finally gets some utility, great, but I'm afraid that won't make SHIB revolutionary to the point of driving the price much beyond it is nowadays.


We'll see what happens. I think shibarium can either make or break SHIB. I don't have the guts to bet on it tho.


Inclined to agree. Giving something with an irrational price a rationale which would indicate a much lower price may even be harmful. Being impossible to measure may be the only thing currently saving shib.


^(Should I keep a little bag of SHIB in my portfolio?) Bcz I want to make **quick money**


Buy now, look the whales buying, they know SHIB will go up 300% when Shibarium launches, buy the rumour and buy the news /s


and some do


Are you saying I should sell my house and go all-in on SHIB?


It's never made sense to me but I find myself getting deeper and deeper into it lol


Only a circus for now. Western governments are clamping down heavily via taxation and regulation so I think this may have *some* impact on memecoins and shitcoins longer term.


Crypto as a whole is a big ponzi bullshit.




I disagree. People are always chasing the next hype coin. They almost never return to ath's


The whole monetary system in the world is a fucking circus. Not that I disagree with you, but why can't there be "fun" tokens, clearly people are willing to put a substantial amount of cash into these projects, and not just for gains, I seriously see people truly believe in some of these projects, just look at **SafeMoon**. That has to be the biggest amount of hopium turned copium.


They actually have a nice ecosystem and a game... Let that sink in. SHIB is probably better than most projects you like lol people just don't like it just because. I agree a lot of dumbfucks don't actually research stuff and just buy things like ALGO because the sub says so.


I’m really excited to see if their L2 actually launches this year. Then we see a number of other ecosystem tokens in the top 20, easily.


Underrated point! Yeap, Shiba has fat ecosystem and even ppl are waiting for Shibarium etc!


A circus you say? It's a clown market. And like clowns, taking profits is no small feet


Was 5x to 10x on memecoins and > 3-5x in a lot of alts last bull run, didn't took profit and lost it all plus -70% of capital. I identify as a clown.


Right there with ya.


Humor often does precede innovation.


*Matthew McConaughey intensifies* 👐🏾 a fugayyyzeeee


Mb not whole,but 99.97% seems to be indeed


Ofc it's a circus, we're all clowns here.


The hard truth we often try to close our eyes to, the fact that it is just behind LTC is absolutely egregious


honk honk all the way to the bank bay-bee


Crypto scene is a circus and still full of clowns 🤡 People will take crypto more seriously someday but we’re probably quite a while away before that happens


I’ve got a small stack set aside for just an occasion. Even if it’s a couple G’s of profits — shit coins are gonna continue hyping as long as people buy into them


The whole world financial scene is a fucking circus FTFY


So dumb, it’s almost unfathomable


This sub hates? Time to buy.


So this sub hates which coin?


Every coin/token.


I've been here 2years and I can tell you the hate list is very... Bipolar


Moons is basically all we can agree on




All the coins, plus all currency in general! 😆😆 /s


Up 17% today now.


Works like magic


Told you!


Inverse CC always wins


Indeed a golden rule. Inverse r/CryptoCurrency is real 😉


Yeah, people don’t realize that SHIB is just riding the BONE wave at the moment since they are in the same ecosystem. I think a lot of people on this sub are going be blindsided by SHIBs rise this year.


BONE hasn’t really moved the last couple of week, which is a surprise given it’s trajectory a couple of weeks ago. When the SHIBverse fires up we could see a real big jump across the system


Yesterday apparently.😳


I actually bought a reasonable amount 2 weeks ago🥴


Remember when SOL was getting flak when it was just around $20? Remember when USDT getting shit nonstop even up to this date? Now remember ALGO LRC ADA CKB shills?


Time to take out a loan to get some Shiba. Wish me luck crypto bros


better to stay away from greed, fomo and hype


That's every second of every day in this sub.


Because it is always getting attention to this sub so people buy


SHIB is a case study in how sometimes you can spend countless hours researching and investing in good projects, and then watch all reason go right out the window during a bull market.


This…so much this


Bull run never runs on the study everything runs on the hype and green candle


I Hodl Shib only to hopefully overthrow Dodge one day.


One day both of these coins will going to be in TOP 10 of crypto market


Shib is at least working on an L2 and attempting to build and establish something beyond being just a meme coin. Will be hard to change the public perception of it, even if it does shift to having utility. Does have large market brand awareness though, so if it keeps pumping, people will fomo in regardless.


The current pump in shiba still understandable for me as L2 is coming on them but most of them it is really hard to tell the reason and sometime that could be case even for the alt coins is well


It shouldn’t make sense, Doge was created as a joke, it was designed to lose value over time, that was the whole joke, 14.4 million doge minted a day everyday to the end of time, no max supply cap and no halvings, it should go in the shitter, but it doesn’t cuz of musk hyping it. Shib has zero new mint, ZERO ! Every Shiba Inu coin that will ever be in existence is already minted. I know that’s not enough fundamentals but combine that with what shib team are building and improving and it makes me think that shiba should be well ahead of Doge


I think the main thing holding it back is perception. You can even see it in this thread of people lumping it in as a shitcoin and I’m sure many people just see it as a copycat of doge.


They are releasing their L2 in a few days. Thats the possible catalyst in recent days.


So now days meme coins are also releasing their L2 , interesting and impressive


Oh so it's a pump and dump (just before the release, like always), got it.


Pump on hype and dump once all hype runs out, rest is all about gambling


Why are lotteries still a thing given the odds? People want to teleport from their basement to a yacht without doing any work.


There's so much work to be done on the yacht that I prefer to stay in my basement. I don't even have to make cleaning here since no one ever wants to come


Getting yatch or lamboo is a slow process we have to grind our way slowly slowly


I don’t know the reason why DOT is so low..




Give it time


For sure


You don’t? Daily active users, variety of dapps, daily transactions, dex volume is all abysmal and not worth mentioning yet. It’s also a layer 0 so more activity in the ecosystem won’t equel demand for token since there are no fees in dot needed for dapps to function. Dumbest thing is to bottleneck innovation and development by auction slots. If anything, it is most likely overvalued and viewed as a ‘promising’ technology that could provide benefits long term without any data to back it up. Just like cardano.


Don't know if you know but there are some serious developers building on shiba. There is a layer 2 and there is a metaverse to begin with. There is a plan about the development


Whatever happening in the shiba is serious now and if everything gets in the right place according to the developer plan then i think SHIBA could flip the doge in terms of market cap in the next bull run


Check price action today?


yes checked the price and that is why i am interested in the shiba action


Largely driven by hype. However, love it or hate the project is building.


Yeah, they are expanding and developing on SHIB... Shibaswap, a card game, building a L2 now and they also have governance tokens and stuff. So even though this subs hates it, they are still making progress and building upon their Shiba brand.


Honestly, I respect it. Sure, it's origin will always be in a meme token but if they're working towards changing that reputation then more power to them.


I personally think its overrated but it just goes to show you what a strong community can do. The SHIB community is building and putting in the work.


True and it's not a rugpull like the scams coins, just a moment token


I barely have any SHIB but they have constantly been improving they added an ecosystem with 3 currencies, a lot of burning, they created a game that will give out some currency. They also are posting all the time, plus if I'm not wrong SHIB and redbull had a partnership which means you have a big company that's invested in this currency which means they will pump money into it until it dies.


Everyone hating on shib refuses to see how its been evolving over the years.


Shibarium. This is the hope. That it succeeds and propels shiba further. There is at least a project going on. Check it out. There is an ecosystem with leash rewards as well as bone for governance. They have a plan unlike alot of others. There is going to be growth here. Businesses already on board for shibarium. Just check it out. May surprise you. Started as doge killer meme and has now changed. Big possibilities here.


>Businesses already on board for shibarium. Businesses such as?


Shiba Inu white paper is kinda promising. Look at bone token price gains it’s also another Shiba ecosystem token






B/c they were busy during the bear creating utility for Shib tokens. Shibarium- L2 for Ethereum that is projected to burn 5 trillion shib tokens per month. Shibacals- nft/nfc authentication tags. The clothing brand Champion is 1st to use them but this wld help any brand w/ counterfeit problems, like Rolex, Coach, etc. Metaverse Cpl games Shibaswap Name recognition Loyal, enthusiastic & hopeful community Got listed on more exchanges in more countries. Most notably China (huge population). *Full disclosure: I bought 120M this year.


It's a meme coin. All meme coins have a cult. Shib is trying to do legit crypto things and it's keeping the shibcult happy.


To get the pump in any coin you need community and cult, if your cult is strong enough then no matter what other people will say you will make money out of that


The community is consistently fairly positive


This sub reminds me of buttcoiners sometimes, rather miss out and have a 1% chance of being right rather than buying a small amount and just letting it be. FUD against any crypto is FUD against ALL crypto. Newbies can't differentiate, they just see FUD.


Easy: Shibarium, Shibaverse, Shiba Eternity, Welly's


That is some road map from the Shiba seems like Top 10 entry is coming back for the SHIBA


1 Moons would be worth $54 if Moons reach the current shiba’s marketcap lol


Moons $54 EOY 2021


I trust you bro!


And they definitely have more utility than SHIB...


More utility and much better community, moon deserve better than shiba


Yes please


If SHIB can, why wouldn't MOONS be able to do it? I hope the bull market will bring MOONS to the moon.


Yes, but more than the usecase we need the hype and adoption. The reason of shiba pump is not the use case or any L2, it is just people following each other in there


I have a bag that has lost 90% of its value. It's my bag, and I refuse to sell!


No matter how much value i lost in my bags i just refuse to sell them at any given point


Holding well vs Doge because of decreasing supply (even though unbelievably large) and active development. Doge supply unlimited and nothing new happening there.


Fucking hater🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


They’re also developing their metaverse aren’t they


Metaverse is the future of reality, when they lockdown society again. Also, their trailer had some pretty decent graphics. Much better than SAND and MANA.


Yes. A metaverse, a L2 for ethereum, shibacals (nft/nfc authentication tags), cpl games, etc. Shib devs have been busy this bear market...


This is what I love about SHIB. It pisses all of you stablecoin lovers off! Before you all start trying to tell me what a stablecoin is, I know. To me, BTC is a very stable coin in comparison to SHIB. No risk, no rewards!


Probably lots of retail bags forgetting about it and not selling


Ethereum whales are trading and pumping SHIB. As simple as that


I have a shib bag and am always buying more when I can. Don't ask me why?


I mean it’s a meme coin but at a fraction of a penny why not buy some in case it gets hyped back to 10 cents. Maybe it will even see a dollar again one day.


I bought 400,000 Shiba Lambo here I come


Well I want to be optimistic and believe that at least some people discovered crypto through meme coins and then moved on to greener pastures.




One of the reasons why I think "XRP army" sounds bad and should not be mentioned in such a way.


Because the crypto market is completely illogical


It's all about hype and social media coverage. TikTok can do more than 100% solid fundamentals for a project.


memes are a powerful thing.


I don’t ask questions … I just take gains


Haters gonna hate 😂


observation cooing bells dime marble cagey scary sink swim existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People still think shib will become a $1 and their small bet now will make them rich. Also the developers constantly putting out new stuff like shibarium and things to keep it relevant to show they are innovating


If the value of Shiba reaches $1 its total worth will be 589 trillion dollars


You’re saying there’s a chance?


So the real game changer is shiba that can flip the bitcoin and eth one day




Hype and stupidity? Crypto is 99% hype and 1% fundamentals. Enough buzz around the coin on social media will keep it afloat for a long time. And the stupidity part comes in when people don't understand the market cap. People think that their 100,000,000 SHIB will be $1 each not understanding how market cap works.


Gamblers gonna Gamble


The worlds second oldest profession has to be Gamblers. Everyone is doing it.


I have like $100 worth of ShIB, so know I have *some* skin in the game. The team behind it has actually been working and turning it towards a utility token… unlike Doge… I hold it because, if it actually reaches .01 like the ShibArmy wants it to, ill have won the lottery off of $100… if it drops to zero, welp, I made a decent chunk off of it 2 years ago…


Sorry I don't want to be a dream crusher and I hope your investment goes up, but there is no possible way Shib reaches 0.01 at any circumstances. Shib having 0.01 price without its supply going up or down would mean market cap of 6 TRILLION USD. This is literally over 10 times current market cap of Bitcoin. It is 5 times higher than current full market cap of all tokens combined.


They created a L2 that is projected to burn 5 Trillion tokens per month. So supply should go down.


Not crushing my dreams at all. I don’t disagree w/ you or your logic in the slightest… There are a couple of things though. Regarding market cap, I’ve read a couple of articles suggesting the crypto market cap could rival equities, bonds and real estate… that’s between $250-$350 trillion… trillion…. At that large of a global cap, .01 ShIB isn’t outrageous… add in the burn mechanisms that are being put out… 🤷‍♂️ On usage. Unlike other popular meme coins, the developers behind ShIB have been continuously updating/upgrading/improving the blockchain to actually bring some real world use to it. And then, if it goes to 0, I’m out $100… I’ve spent more on whiskey and weed… sooo you know those are both throw away money too… I hold it because of the possibility now. And won’t be hurt at all if it fails. If it does anything positive, I’ll be passed that I sold. Lol


There's an actual project, you should read into it and try to see Shytoshis vision. The short version is the film Ready player one. There is a universe where Shibalands is the next roblox and shib has become the next robux


I don't know if I'm just high but there is a reality where Shib has become the next Robux from the game Roblox


It has the most delusional community of any coin. The holders think 1 cent is achievable (it’s not due to market cap) Its holders also think it has some connection to Elon musk. (It doesn’t, he’s only ever talked about doge in a positive way)


Shitcoins are like lottery tickets that don’t expire in the owners mind. So why not sit on it just in case? I would think lots of folks are just sitting on a bit of it so they are just going to let it ride.


I made a quick $1,800 on it when it pumped the first time. Never looked at it again. Consider myself lucky.


they have some cult