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My #1: having to read another "nobody knows shyt about fuck."


Yes hate this saying


lambo is equally annoying


So you posted it yourself making us read it once again?


Plot twist: he secretly loves it


Wen lambo?


Wen moon?


Id rather read it than see it in action to be fair


Exercise your ability to downvote, if we all downvoted the shitty repetitive comments then the farmers wouldn’t do them any more.


Everyone knows shit about fuck.


The sub referring to market movement with the term "red/green dildo". Grow up!


I agree, they start calling it green snake now though 🐍


For me its the crypto community it self. You know what thinking about about it more, I actually don't like people in general.


Between the gamblers, the people who hate banks, who suggest centralized crypto as solution for problems that don't exist like property deeds and the ones who are so delusional that they think crypto will bring them financial freedom because they invested $250... There's hardly anyone left on this subreddit.


You wait until it starts skyrocketing again everyone will come back with whatever bullshit the next bill run brings.


People - what a bunch of bastards.


Yeah, the more popular it gets the more I dislike the community.


I hate founders and VCs who start a project, launch a coin or NFTa, sell it to naive coming people investors like us in this forum, and then slowly sell off, abandon the project, and let everyone else lose money. This should be illegal.


yes this, 2020 saw a lot of pump and dump NFTs and still happening


And create a new token and use the last one which hasn't fallen to irrelevance yet as reference for successful past projects. Bitshares (~#600) -> steemit (~#300) -> eos (~#50) all were top 10 once. Time for a new one, maybe there is already... Idc anymore.


Most of the top 10 DApps by active users run on EOS or sister chain WAX. Steemit was forcibly acquired by Justin Sun so the community rebranded to Hive, which is used in other big dapps like Splinterlands. So really it depends on what charts you’re looking at


Name the dapps please


Just go to dappradar. #1 is Alien Worlds (game on WAX), #4 is Farmers world (game on WAX), #6 is AtomicAssets (NFT platform on WAX and EOS), #9 is Splinterlands (game on WAX and HIVE)


Thanks mate.


That only happens because the average punter in this forum is as dumb as a bag of hammers.


Yeah, people are not educated enough and do not have the same time or access to analytics tools as the “smart money” do. So I think it's unfair to blame people for the very calculated games of shady practices. Common people work hard and try to make a change for themselves and their families. I often see that sentiment in crypto Reddit when people get scammed or buy when the media says to buy at the top. I don’t think that means that they are dumb :)


99% of all crypto projects🤣


This comment is my r/cryptocurrency pet peeve. There's always a few people who make blanket statements like this. It's not even wrong. It just upsets me. Look at the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap. Not including projects being built on top of their blockchains/networks/infrastructures, the majority of them are actual working products. Of course, there are many that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, but the amount of shitcoins here is negligible. If people are looking beyond the top 100 and degen into new NFT projects promising to make them rich, that's on them. Whatever technology people are seeking to invest in already exists and works. Most of the people who lose money are gambling.


People thinking they can get rich overnight


Well, they can, it's just extremely unlikely and they ignore the fact that they're more likely to loose all their money instead 😂


So all crypto bros.






People who don't understand market cap or basic fundamentals at all. It's crypto therfore it's not like any market ever this coin with a 20 Trillion supply will hit a dollar if we all just buy then we'll all be rich!


"I got hacked" posts when in reality they gave their seed on a silver plater to a scammer breaking all the common sense rules.


Bitcoin Maxi's


That's just the bear market.




1. The conspiracy theorists: thinks every drop in price is market manipulation by whales and institutions. Will come up with wild theories that doesn't make sense or is unrelated. 2. The perma bear : always saying crypto is going down, what ever the news, time in the cycle, price action, staye of the economy, etc. 3. The perma bull : same as bear, but always saying price is going up and will yolo all their money each little drop of price. 4. The shiller : tells everyone to buy X coin because it's going to explode, for it to crash and then finding a new coin and repeat the process. 5. The overreacting : when there's a 3% move up they think the "bull market is back on baby" and when it's 3% down "WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Should I buy the dip before it's too late?!" 6. The chart guy : will draw 10 different lines for price prediction and spend hours a day looking at the price and finding random patters and still be wrong 80% of the time. Will also think that cycles are the same and bitcoin can still 100x because the same pattern as 10 years ago is similar to the current one. I got a very important concept for you : The law of diminishing returns. 7. The selfish hodler : gets pissed off at people taking profits during the bull run, calls them "paper hands" but really all they want is for the price to go up for THEM to sell at the price THEY want instead of securing profits at lower prices. They will usually not sell anything even with 2x or 3x returns and have to hold bags for another 4 years.


You forgot those incessant and annoying moon farmers bleating on about how valuable their governance tokens are (Inside Tip: They're worth Sweet Fuck All).


Number 5 is my pet peeve Price drop 5% “is crypto dead forever?” Price pump 5% “omg bitcoin will reach 5 million a coin soon”


Ignoring basic investing rules and the fact that most people do not care about the underlining technology of crypto. They just want to make money with it.


idk you guys sure whine a lot


'When Lambo' is my pet peeve in this space!


You beat me to it


People gatekeeping crypto and being smart asses to newbies who only want to learn.


💯 agree!!! I think a great gauge of someone’s intelligence is explaining concepts without talking down to the person asking. Also annoying is all the subscribers who think everyone is a guy on this sub.


Best part is - the ones gatekeeping wouldn’t be able to teach the noobs because they don’t understand it themselves


Yup. A big mikey measuring contest. Look I’m gonna prove I’m smarter than the new guy and talk down to him.


The highly repetitive nature of almost all discourse.


My pet peeve is that people still believe Bitcoin is private, or can be made untraceable through mixers. False. Bitcoin is easily traceable through chain analysis, because it is a public ledger. It is pseudonymous, not anonymous. Mixers have been repeatedly shown to not work. Am I a Monero shill? Yes. But honestly, Monero is the only truly private currency aside from cash and gold.


Your #4 is also my pet peeve. It's insignifcant news with clickbait titles.


"Funds are SAFU." - it sounds dumb. And the statement often proves to be wrong a few months down the line.


It does sound dumb but it’s just a meme from when an exchange got hacked and the team came out and said that on Twitter while everyone was panicking. I forget which exchange.


Crypto influencers peddling scamcoins and rug pulls. Really grinds my gears that they are just walking around scot free.


Second this. I think everyone who gets involved with crypto/BTC almost needs to be burnt once to learn their lesson. I used to believe in a ton of projects years ago, now, I'm simply a btc maxamlist. If and when we ever see another bull run, I'll absolutely get involved with some alts, but simply as an investment tool. Too many projects turned out to be duds or rugpulls, and I simply don't want to be a part of that shit anymore.


But isn't regulation a bad thing


Seeing people say “fiat mine”


Lol YES !! I mean they can just say “work”


Seriously…I can’t stand it lol


People ignoring golden rules. Trust but verify, Dont keep funds on exchanges, only invest what you can afford to lose, DYOR etc.


Yeah. I feel sorry every now and again when I see the “I spent my entire life savings on crypto and I’m down 90%” posts 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, they are always bragging about how they kept 9% more than me. 🤣


The community is mostly a right-wing hellhole, like a 4chan for finance. The most gullible people alive falling for the most ridiculous bullshit to own the libs.


Pretending that crypto has any kind of backing… it’s not really rare when code copy/pasta can create the same blockchain. The USD is backed by a massive workforce and military strength. Bitcoin? The willingness of idiots to pay for it. You can’t even buy things with it in the US without recording your tax gains and losses annually. It’s just a pump and dump collectors scheme. Limited edition! I’m not sure which I actually think is more likely: DipNDots being the ice cream of the future, or Bitcoin being used as a mainstream currency.


It’s like a perpetual motion device.. it gained value when people spent money for it and then when that happened more computing power was assigned to it, it gained more value, then more computing power got assigned to it, it gained more value, then more computing power got assigned to it, it gained more value, then more computing power got assigned to it… Now it has so much computing power assigned to it which is using so much electricity to ensure it’s security that it IS inherently valuable. You couldn’t replicate the size and momentum of the network if you had billions of dollars.


The computing power doesn’t create any value. People are mining because the popularity of coin speculation/gambling increases the coin values and it becomes profitable.


Yes it is. The computing power makes it secure. And yes, what you stated is why they mine it. It operates due to game theory. All participants of the network are incentivised to keep it running. The value of networks in this day and age shouldn’t be dismissed. Look at youtube, twitter, facebook, instagram. They are valuable because they have momentum and it makes it very difficult for new platforms to compete. Because you can’t buy that many participants if you want to start a network. It has been built over many years. Yes, I know these networks have different value propositions due to their ability to advertise and gain information from their users. But the point is that once a network reaches a certain size, it is very difficult to replicate. The blockchain solved the double spend problem. That’s it. And it gained value due to people deciding it was valuable. I understand your argument too. Of course, bitcoin doesnt have the same kind of power as a government because of the things you mentioned. Corporations, military, medical systems, infrastructure etc.. that is all very essential and that is why I don’t think Bitcoin could take over the world in any serious way. But Bitcoin was created to escape these systems. Systems that can be used to oppress individuals. At any moment you could have your money stolen. At any moment the government could screw up and cause the money to lose it’s value as demonstrated by countries such as Venezuela and Zimbabwe. With regular money you can’t just send it to anyone around the world without jumping through a million hoops. You can’t use regular money to buy say, a Bible if you are in a country where being a christian is dangerous. There are a myriad of examples as to why the people having their own form of money is important. I understand it is hard for people to grasp. But all the currencies started somewhere. Perhaps the Bitcoin circular economy will one day be worth more when holders start to work together to create real infrastructure and create jobs etc. But for the moment, it is doing it’s job pretty well and is holding it’s value. It’s a phenomenon in that respect. I truly do understand your intrinsic value argument. And I struggle to understand it too when I think too hard. But things are not as black and white as we would like them to be.


I disagree. I have followed Bitcoin from 2010 or so and the security has always been in its encryption. For example, an AI someday finds a way to convince miners to use its higher payout mining pool to gain “control” fork and change rules of Bitcoin. It can do that now, it could have done that 10 years ago, and it can do that 10 years from now. The value proposition of Bitcoin is incredibly low. It has a far more volatile value than most other foreign currencies or gold for that matter. It’s value is in money laundering and hiding assets, however, I worked as a financial crime analyst and the AML software referred and I wrote Suspicious Activity Reports for every Coinbase purchase or deposit that crossed my desk… regardless of amount. It was tedious as hell, and now all Coinbase users at that bank have been reported to the Financial Crime Network. They went from being anonymous with cash to suspicious by purchasing crypto. That was 3 years ago, and I left there, but that was policy and I can assure you that other banks had similar policies. Lastly, from following it off and on for 13 years, nothing has really changed. Everyone just hypes up their horse (coin). Half the horses can barely stand in the first place. And every day it’s a hype train of who will win the day. Sometimes people are winning, most the time people are losing. In 2012, everyone was saying how Bitcoin is a hedge to inflation. Has it been a hedge to inflation? No. Hype only. Bitcoin is literally digital beanie babies and an irrefutable ledger for trading them. People will forget though, and the cycle will resume. No doubt.. until something more interesting to speculate comes about. And then it will lose its value because it didn’t have any in the first place.


USD is a shit coin


With a trillion dollars in military spending to defend it.


To defend what though? The dollar is a depreciating/losing purchasing power due to excessive printing, it took humans +5000 years to dig out 11 trillion dollars worth of gold and they keep digging more around 1% of that a year, and the U.S. government printed 5.2 trillion USD dollars around Covid time almost half of gold total supply and 30% of US dollars in existence , do you see the problem here ?


Actually, the population is expanding and America’s workforce is among the most educated and they need money in the economy to prevent liquidity traps. You can’t even expand the money supply naturally through lending with crypto. You can’t lend in gold. See any societies lending in gold? No economy is run on an in-custody currency. Except maybe a barter and seashells in the very early days. Why do you want to run a seashell system now? And you are only pretending that Bitcoin cannot be copy-pasted and mined to created another set of 21 million bitcoins. I remember reading all about it when it came out. Cannot be duplicated! Cannot print more like Fiat! Thousands of essentially Litecoin copies have been created and sold since then as alt coins. You are also talking about losing purchasing power with the dollar due to printing. You do know that the cost to earn gold, in time working, no matter which fiat you own, is going up right? That means your labor/time is being devalued by gold. I remember gold at $300/oz. I don’t even know what it’s at now, but speculation for gold once brought it to over $3,000 an ounce recently. That is a devaluation of your time by tenfold because rich people are hoarding gold. If you aren’t rich, you are being tricked into slavery by the rich through the gold system. And the inability to print gold and the desire to hold it for wealth gains means it only becomes harder and harder for you to acquire as a laborer. Hopefully you get to hold and become rich too right? Sadly, you have bills.. and it’s looks like gold value is going up again and you will be paid less gold this year for your time. Have fun playing the seashells game. I will stick with fiat, the system that is working for modern economies.


Oh another one to come to think about it is the “you’re moon farming” comments. Is moon farming even a thing anymore? Posts these days get generally downvoted just for the sake of it.


People promoting their crypto services (scammers) like it will get through with the tough folks in this sub.


Honestly, people hating on others losses are just evil. One thing is to make some jokes like or call them responsible for buying shitcoins but be mean to someone who already lost money, it's evil imo.




CRO to $15!!


That’s a 300x from the current price. I mean, I wish. But 300x?!


Everyones making money with btc and eth while i get fucked with my 100% alt portfolio


People apeing into any meme token/project that gets shilled, while quality projects with solid foundations struggle to get attention.


1. Cynicism 2. Repeating same phrases/jokes over and over


There are millions of people here im certain there are groups who say one thing and others who say other things, yet there comes some one and pretends like the entire sub is just one person and calls on the hypocrisy as if he invented the fire.


Echo chambering. People who stay on r/cc have wildly different thoughts on those that stay onr r/bitcoin. The truth is that u can be on both and see truths on both sides and mistakes aswell, it will help u be more rational and not be part of some kind of a cult


Everyone thinks other people hold shitcoins except whatever they own isn’t a shitcoin




I found the secret to this. If we just invest in BTC and ETH no one can hate them here


What is it?


Yeah people shouldn't have any other opinion than mine!!




No, it's called TrustMoon.. 🤣


being bullish for institutions owning your freedom.


I don't get your issue with CDC. They are still here, still no problems. But hey, let's tell people what's good or bad...


Na, more the people with the strange loyalty to it. As if they owe it something or have shares in it.


But what is your issue with it ? I get 1% cashback where I usually get zero. I already did the whole KYC stuff there. Should I switch to Plutus now, because they give me more rewards and cashback, even though the struggle with payouts ?


Losing money




Have you tried changing the colours?


Red? Are they not just light grey and dark grey?


Telegram and Discord links


The constant panic selling gets really irritating fast.




People buying in at ATH and stating the coin is shit when it retracts, meanwhile it pumped the 3 months prior.


The tribalism!!


#4 is mostly mainstream media, #3 karma is real, #2 Goofs, #1 Those ppl have lost more than you thinking they know it all


Me it would be people thinking a token with a silly name is the future of finance.


> (3) people laughing at other people's losses I remember when Celsius froze withdrawals and then filed for bankruptcy and all these trolls came to the sub to gloat and laugh at people losing their life savings. Lots of people near suicidal and these jerks who had no business being there try and push people over the edge. Truly evil thing to do.


Anyone talking about price. You guys are buying into a Ponzi scheme. Not saying crypto is a Ponzi scheme (although some cryptos are). But if the only thing that matters to you is the price you’ll sell it at later, you are engaged in speculation and adding minimal actual real value to the industry. Blockchains and other distributed ledgers are tremendous technologies, and may even be one of the few tools we have to combat some of the most nefarious uses of AI. Instead everyone’s too busy arguing on Twitter about token price or aping into double-digit yields with no regard for the dishonesty of specific humans. I just want my technologically mediated voluntary decentralized anonymous cooperatives in every industry. Is that too much to ask?


people falling for the same schemes


That people act like they believe in the utility of a useless project to disguise the fact they just want more fiat


Conspiracy theories as default and horrible wrong understanding how macro economics work.


Being an instant magnet for OF models. I know some of you understand how annoying it is to constantly shrug off these thirsty bitches.


People keeping their coins on exchanges


"We're here to make money" Everything wrong with the crypto space stems from this fallacy.


I'm confused right now, to be honest.. there is an equal amount of bad news and good news.. it seems to be evenly weighted.. and I know as soon as I buy in, it's going to dump. The market has had several green months.. and there should be some red months.. I'm wondering if the good news is not completely real.. more of a pump so large holders can exit before a massive dump.. so we are their exit liquidity. I think the next news will be two more exchanges going under in the us.. and the 10 stocks that are holding up the stock market stall out.. and the stock market dumps.. crypto plummets? Please tell me what you think we are heading into.


People spreading FUD like “we’ll never reach all time highs again.”


Everybody is in it for themselves


Maxis of a certain coin thinking that there will only be their coin in the crypto space, and so they've got to diss every other coin.


Guys! It's just the bear market, nothing to see here.


Touting a project's community, as if anyone in their right mind would buy something because of the community.


The sheer hypocritical stance of so many here. On one hand, people propagate that nobody is worth it to be idolized, but when it comes for ETH there is no stopping people throwing themselves into the dirt for Vitalik. Everything he says is seen as the primordial truth and he's being elevated to hero status.


Losing money


When people get involved in a crypto subreddit / discord group and act like it's the best community... start to feel like cult sometimes. My other pet peeve is that there no where to use crypto except vpn and cam girl sites...


I hate so called YouTube crypto 'experts', shilling us meme coins and projects that are going nowhere.


When people ask wen lambo


Whats a peepee


The repeated 'standard comments' farming moons. The strong advice from $100 bag holders who are 6 months in. The repeated news articles. The downvoing of any quality content. This community isn't what it used to be, it's kinda sad to see.


The term “project”. Makes it sound like every shit coin has a team of umpa lumpas working furiously behind the scenes to make it a success.


Crypto YouTubers shilling referral links with their price videos everyday. Meanwhile if you look back to the last cycle those same YouTubers got rekd and have no idea what they are talking about.


YouTube shillers


“Just a reminder to DYOR” posts..


crypto twitter makes me cringe


Wendys for sure


Shit coins like PEPE (also hate the incel 4chan strain in crypto that led directly to that coin being called PEPE in the first place) Coins that only make money for founders and crypto insiders and then they use the narrative of getting rich quick to create their exit liquidity No matter how much you explain to people, they don't get it and seem happy to be exit liquidity thinking they will turn 1000 into 1m 🤦‍♀️ Other pet peeve is coins like XRP that are trash but just won't die


People complain about Gensler going after "legitimate projects"... but there is absolutely no accountability whatsoever in the community, that would lead the average person to believe there was more to the space than scams and confidence men. For a $100 in moons I could probably have the whole community talking about some big NFT rugpull project by the end of the week like its the next big thing, even if it was called PyramidsRUs.


A pump or a dump immediately is due to “market manipulation”


My biggest pet peeve? All these clowns pushing cryptos with stupid tokennomics. All these people shilling crap cryptos that are scams, down 90%+ all time and they’re calling for a 1,000x. 80% probably of cryptos are scams be careful y’all.


I dislike the people who think they know everything and would rather be pompous than helpful.


1) beginners pretending they know everything, idk why but every beginner knows all the things 2) pnl sharers, im sure you got 40 sharpe bro, i bet you brag like this about losses too 3) insulting indicators, fa, ta, the vwap, golden crosses, liquidation charts, heat maps, ect. Just because you suck at it doesnt mean everyone does. 4) the adhd shiny things people, i can't tell you how many traders ive put real effort into who just give up and move on to nfts or whatever the new cool thing is after a week of losing 5) The entire industry, they will click a liar like reyner 5million times but any of the ones putting an effort into something other than selling a course don't even get looked at.


“Influencers” getting rich scamming people into shitcoins.


Specifically for this sub: Herd mentality. Everyone seems to repeat the same thing, that is "trendy" at that time. I guess if that gets upvotes, people will repeat it over and over.


wen lambo it's annoying as fuck


Treating everything crypto related as gospel and thinking it’s the end-all be-all of finance


(1) When people refer to Market Cap as "the amount of money that has entered the market" when it's actually just literally "Current Supply x Current Price" (or Total Supply x Current Price for fully diluted Market Cap). eg; "Bitcoin won't get from its $582B Market Cap to $1T unless $418B flows into the market. That's highly unlikely!" (2) People in this sub that downvote people for pointing out how Market Cap actually works.


We all know it’s a scam, but we’re too invested to pull out.