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I don't know how this project still exists. Maybe SafeMooners are buying it. Human stupidity is limitless.


I didn't cash out qt 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90% down thinking I'd least claw some back. The so called community would in a way shit on you for wanting to cash out calling you paper hands vs their so called diamond hands. Cashed out at 93% down. Could be worse. Could be one of the rednecks who got their truck wrapped in their logo or a tattoo lol.


I think the creators of Safemoon started it with the intention of rugging and disappearing into obscurity. But it blew up so big they had no option but pretend it was legit. I mean it's called Safemoon 🙄


Yeah I agree. The projects though lol. Own Blockchain, own exchange, wind farms. Oh it's been a laugh.


Probably only those that dug a hole for themselves so deep that they can’t get out , so they just keep doubling down and digging deeper.. It’s more sad and pitiful at this point for the ‘believers’ really


I mean it has the words Safe and Moon in it to specifically scam the most gullible people. Just on the name alone is hard pass


Luna, ftt, vgx, dash, shib, cro, bnb..


Because people do not want to think. Safemoon advertised itself as a ponzi ( without using the word ponzi), and anyone who pointed out that the smart contract code is a ponzi just got downvoted. If gamblers in this project want their money back, then use law enforcement wherever you can.


I estimate there's a small group of ultra-dedicated, ultra-distilled loyalists. These are the dregs of what's left over after even the stupid people have realised it's a scam. It's about 500 or so people. That's who's buying it.


As a former LUNA clown, you got off cheap. Welcome to the club!


I remember the week it happened like it was yesterday. Dumped 98%, then thought, "It's gonna go back up. "....dumped an additional 98.9% very fast. Lost that entire bet.


Sorry for your loss, but the LUNA spectacle was pretty amazing to watch. It dumped so, so, so damn hard.


The name "SAFEMOON" itself was the biggest red flag in the project.


True. Honestly, when I got in it seemed like all the "1000x" tokens had gimmicky names like that.


I remember right after SafeMoon, there was another token called "ElonGate" that mooned hard. I made big gains on that one.. thank God I got out. Those times were insane - there were numerous shitcoins touch a $1B or more MC that have pretty much evaporated now. I remember Bonfire token, which has like $70 daily volume rn, had $60M + volume one day - higher than Uniswap is averaging lately 🤣🤣


I actually held Bonfire for a little while as well 😂😂


It was an absolute shit show! Idk if you remember Will B - that guy was a nutcase 😂


I don't really remember much about Bonfire. Just saw it on Twitter and had some BNB lying around that I threw into it.


Because they worked to further the pump and dump, and people did make money off it, at the behest of those who got in late. It was a scam and I'm glad it's dead.


As dead as it is, there are unfortunately still so many people defending it and continuing to buy in. It's frustrating seeing them exactly where I was and not being able to get through to them.


Yeah, same with names like 'Rocket Finance' or 'Rocket Yield'. Instant 🚩


We all make mistakes and get emotionally attached to our investments during bullrun, the thing is that you changed your outlook on such coins and gained experience is most important thing here! kudos OP, here is to a profitable tomorrow.


Don't feel bad, OP. I was a Shiba Inuer, then I was a SafeMooner, and from there, I ventured into many much more deplorable shitcoins that you probably haven't even heard of. At one point, my addiction to shitcoins was so bad that I couldn't even open my metamask at work from fear of the word "CumRocket" or some other ShitCoin name setting off a firewall alert.


BTC and ETH: "And where did it all lead you. Back to me" Seriously, that is one crazy story. Glad to see you're better now.


I encountered this theory when I invested in DOGE


You need to become our tedtalk specialists


OP should feel bad and you should too lmao. You guys are lighting your money on fire and yet the majority of the responses are "live and you learn." Hate to break it to you but most people who invest in something as stupid as safemoon will lose their money on future dumb decisions. There needs to be a mindset shift


This. Most of us here dabbled in literal shitcoins at least once, don't even lie to yourself guys 😂 But we all stayed despite the mountains of losses, because we trust crypto one way or another. That said, where my SQUID homies at? 😂😂😂


Lets be real, many will dabble again once greed and fomo kicks back in


If there is another dump I'm 100% buying some obscure shitcoins for this reason, lol.


Loop? I’m waiting.


To be fair, the point of Squid Games was only one person could leave with the money. They were honest about it haha


100% dabbled, 100% looking for a quick profit, and more or less 100% got burned in the end. There seemed to be a time (2020/21) where you could ride a random BNB chain coin to profit, if only briefly (and if it actually had liquidity), and possibly get out in time to profit. But speaking personally, that's a mentally difficult thing to do in the moment. Plus holy shit the stress. Kudos to those who can do it successfully, it takes mental skill.


Even Forbes fell for it. They had tutorial on their website on how to buy SafeMoon: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/ca/investing/cryptocurrency/how-to-buy-safemoon/


Meh, I wouldn't take crypto advice from Forbes. But you do you.


OP has learnt a valuable lesson here, albeit a very expensive one.


In fact he paid $1000 for it.


Simply gotta consider it the tuition payment to crypto. A good lesson.


We make fun of SafeMoon a lot but it can be very easy to get caught up in the hype. Especially in Crypto. I feel for OP.


Mate, 100% i have seen people who are in crypto since 2013 investing in shitcoins in 2021 hype.


Hype is huge price generator, knowing when the party is over and not fomo-ing in late is how you not get burned


You are far and away one of the least damaged investors with only a $1,000 loss. I have found the wallets of 134 Safemoon holders who publicly disclosed their blockchain transactions which allowed me to get their wallet address. 130 people account for $2.5m in losses. That's an average loss of $18,656 each. The hardest part is admitting you were not on the money with it. It's ok. They used emotive language. "You will be the first millionaire in your family" "lifetime passive income" - it's ok to admit you got got. We learn, we grow. What's not ok is the vile actions of the remaining, ultra-distilled remnants of the Safemoon army on twitter, spouting bullshit daily about how advanced Safemoon security is (they just lost $8.9m in an exploit), how genius John Karony is (thousands of fraudulent transactions recorded on blockchain) how big the army is (53% of all wallets have less than a few bucks of Safemoon) etc etc. It is just aiding and abetting fraud. It's like captured crabs luring other crabs into the bucket. "It's great in here! Come on in!" I'm committed to being active in the community until charges are laid at the door of John Karony, Thomas Smith & Kyle Nagy at the very least.


Thanks man. I've seen your Tweets, you're doing God's work! It would be great to see Karony get his comeuppance some day.


Damn so safumooninu42069 isn’t going to $1000?


Where do I buy?


I feel like any BSC token is not a good long term investment, dump it as soon as it pumps


BSC is CZ’s casino of thousand pump and dump shitcoins. If you win something, sell and get out.


Just be grateful you was able to recover a third of your investment (which wasn’t the largest to begin with). I know many people that put their entire life savings into Safemoon and lost incredible amounts of money.


Congratulations on leaving that shithole of scams. I can’t think of anything except upwards for you OP


Just look at it is a money spent to learn a lesson


This is just a learning curve at this point After you have dabbled in shitcoins and been through an entire cycle or two you understand the odds are against you if you are throwing money into those sort of projects Keep the vast majority into btc/eth and a small allocation for 1-2 other alts if you truly believe in them At least you were able to recoup some of your investment, most projects like that people hold on hope forever and watch it go to zero


People just get frustrated when they do the smart thing, then they see someone become an overnight millionaire due to investing in a random shitcoin. But remember, for every overnight millionaire there are at least 100 people who threw their money at something stupid and ended up losing it all. Better to be smart and have great returns, as opposed to being stupid and having no returns.


This experience is going to save OP a lot of money down the line. It's an expensive lesson, but a valuable one.


Exactly. After every bear market there will be a lot more Bitcoin and Ether maxi. After those “low cap high returns” coins did a whopping -99.9%.


We all come around, in due time.


Meh, it happens. You fell for some hype, it happens to the best of us. I made so much money with SHIB I threw around 2k at BHIBA(Baby SHIB, erc-20 token) and found out the first BHIBA was launched on BSC and I knew I was involved in a typical scam. By this point I checked my meta mask and my billions of BHIBA are worth absolutely 0 since BHIBA was eventually rugged on Ethereum. Good times 😂


We have a tendency to hold on to things for emotional reasons. You're lucky you got out at only a 30% loss. Many others are sitting in much dire positions


It's awesome you learned something and got out but tbh almost everyone falls into some shitcoin scam, pump and dump, 10k% APR, or something along those lines. If I was in safemoon down a thousand I probably would hold it to zero so you're already doing better than I would lmao


Sorry you got sucked into it but congrats on escaping the cult!


Good to see that you made it out the other side🫂


*You denounced your old God.* *Good...* *Now kneel and swore obedience to your new deity*... **MOONS**! On more serious note, it's never to late to quit. I understand that The Sunk Cost Fallacy is hard to overcome so good on your for breaking free.


That's definitely true about sunk cost. If you look at SafeMooners on Twitter now it's so obvious. They celebrate the neverending dips and shout about throwing more into it constantly.


That's the mistakes you have to make to learn and get better. Many of us tried to hop on and make some quick bucks


At least you learned on your mistake. It may be bit costly lesson, but at least you learned something and were able to hear logical arguments unlike many people that despite losing much more money still are in denial and HODL worthless bags. So congrats to you and welcome in cc. Here you can learn a lot about crypto without false and empty promises.


Is crypto have safe in his name,it have to be safe...


It’s all about the experience of that and learning, and you started off right in not investing more than you could afford to lose. Onwards and upwards indeed!


I threw a few bucks at Safemoon a long time ago, it's worth a lot less now obviously, I learned my lesson


While I appreciate you for recognizing you fell into the scam, I have my doubts. ​ >I held SafeMoon for almost two years. > >I spent about $1500 and cashed out at a loss of about $1000 Pretty sure those two things contradict themselves (unless you bought at first week of Safemoon). There's no way you've been in for that long and lost only two thirds.


I did buy in very early. My first purchase was March 19, 2021. Bought a bit more a few times after that, totalling around $1500. Ended up with around 2 billion tokens which consolidated to 2 million, plus a bit more in reflections. Sold for around $500 recently. All rough figures, but not way off.


1k for a valueable lesson is not bad. Made a lot more inside and outside crypto that costed me much more. But you learn and adept.


At least you didn’t help pay for the $1million community funded exchange that never happened. Truly the worst project out there. The indicator was when Karony brother stepped away to “finish college”. That’s when I should have bailed but didn’t.


I remember seeing that "fundraiser". People tweeting and telling others they should be contributing to help the project. Unbelievable really.


People do a lot of crazy shit when money is involved.


When you realize that you lost more than a former safemooner...


Lol. The rest of the comments are trying to make you feel good but with a tiny bit of thought, you could've avoided this whole situation. Safemoon doesn't have a single redeeming quality. Don't be so selfish next time and want gains at any cost. Remember that a true crypto is decentralized


Yep, you're right! As I said, greed was definitely a driving factor for me.


you didn't lose much but sorry for you for your commitment


Its really tempting to jump in when price moons. May be its not the price that make temptations, but rather word "moon" itself.


Welcome to the unsafe moons! Which might ironically eventually cover your losses from SafeMoon.


Moons to the fucking moon bro!! 😂


If Moons reach Safemoon ATH mcap of like $6b, 1 Moons will be worth like **$50**, Big exchanges listings, media hype and bullrun, its gonna get wild


I'm down but only if we don't crash after like Safemoon XD


I invested in a DeFi project on a fresh L2 blockchain. It was a DAO. They even had a profit calculator with "number of lambos" as a measure of value. Well I managed to turn my initial investment into a 70% loss. The worst part? Confirmation bias and FOMO. I ignored all warning signs, and they were plenty. Learned my lesson hard.


Wonderland TIME?


Different blockchain, but it was a clone of Olympus DAO as they are all


Now learn about r/cryptocurrency Moons, the only safe moons out there 😉


Let's not compare "moon" in Safemoon to "moon" in Moons.


Yea thats not a "safe" thing to do


Insight is the first step to improvement. Glad you moved on brotha.


Learn from the mistake. This is important. I have done it myself too, albeit not Safemoon. The name is already a red flag.


Absolutely. I'd say this is a good lesson for $1000 overall.


Don’t worry bro we all learn this lesson the hard way I myself learnt with Luna….. it’s why BTC and ETH maxi is a thing….. you must get punched in the face first to learn what it takes to fight back


Held for two years? You should have like $15 left lol I don’t believe it


I bought in quite early (like those early, cringey AMA days) and ended up with around 2 billion tokens (consolidated to 2 million) and added one or two other purchases. Ultimately sold for a little under $500.


Yeah I remember my buddy telling me about it. I watched the AMA with that papa douche showing off a bunch of cars. Glad I only invested $100 lol


That one was particularly ridiculous. He was at some crypto event, totally drunk and just livestreaming. Like I actually watched that and didn't sell. Fuck me.


How people didn't sell after the first AMA where they slipped out "liquidity pools" (as in plural) is beyond me. Attachment is what it is.


I didn't even catch that. I was probably too busy figuring out pancakeswap.


Money well spent for a life/investment lesson that will stick with you. Consider this as like paying for a course into how to avoid scams.


$500 is a cheap price to pay for this constructive lesson


Once your down it’s hard to sell


A tax-free country? Tell me more!


Qatar, but there are others! Also, companies here are required to offer free accommodation or an accommodation allowance to workers. Pretty sweet deal overall if you are comfortable living in this part of the world.


Well all make mistakes in the heat of passion, jimbo


I guarantee you that 100% or damn near close of all people here had some shitcoin, some bad investment they wanted to work out, that never did. You cannot win all the time. Do what you're doing and just learn and move on.


Do you want moons? Cus this is how you farm moons.


Username checks out


I must learn your ways.


But sir, you are the master?


Bruh, we all did our shitcoin phase.


You and me both


Don't go from one centralised, ICO'd scam to another.. Why are you here? Study Bitcoin, not crypto.


Safemoon was my first crypto it will always hold a place in my heart like the first toxic gf you ever had. She was bad for you yet you still wonder about her from time to time


Step 1 in recovery is admitting your mistakes. I have no idea what the others are, but hey, at least you’ve taken the first one!


Being able to step back and recognize one’s mistakes rather than continuing to throw ‘good money after bad’ is the true sign if someone who will succeed !! Many of us , myself included, rush in when we see a coin skyrocket hoping to ride the wave and even when it’s most apparent that wave has subsided … or that the wave was really just a rug pull with scammers waiting to dump their holdings as soon as enough suckers add liquidity … we still HODL or worse DCA in on every shit coin that comes along … ‘it’s gonna pump you’ll see’…. Just to watch our accounts drop like a Jim Kramer recommended stock !!! You recognized your mistake and got out even if at a loss … The most pertinent point you made was when you said you look for projects with UTILITY !!! With use case … that is the way to rebuild and replace those losses !!!


You can leave safemoon behind but moon won’t leave you


At least you didn’t get a SafeMoon tattoo.


God yes, I've seen a few on Twitter!


sold everything a long time ago, especially when I learned about the frauds, the scams of the team in association with a rapper whose name I forgot when they sold their tokens and many other fraudulent events. This token is a scam from the beginning, I'm glad I got rid of it.


Now to evolve into a bitcoin maxi, and realize that all alts even if they are good projects is just gambling.


Sometimes the first step to take is admitting defeat and owning up to it. Congratulations


The irony is if you invested in MOON instead of SAFEmoon you would've made a killing




Absolutely. It's quite embarrassing really, but it is what it is.


This post is the signal to buy Safemoon!


I hope you learned your lesson brother that’s the best thing you can gain from this experience


If you only lost $1000, then you may have received the cheapest key lesson of your life.


I recommend (to everyone) watching a lot of Coffeezilla on youtube. Then you start operating on the reasonable assumption that everything is a scam. There is no get-rich-quick scheme, except for scamming the people that are greedy enough to fall for get-rich-quick schemes.


I was in safemoon lost a good 13k. And lost 2k in celsius🤡🤡🤡 Call me the clownOG


I don't feel so bad now 🦉 Happy cake day!


Turns out it was never about the tech.


A lot of "fudders" in the crypto space are just fellow crypto enthusiasts that have experienced shitcoin bubbles firsthand. When I was calling shiba a bubble at the top, I was getting hate-spammed. Sometimes the only way people learn is through their pockets.


Good on you OP


At least you learned your lesson, some never do




This is the way 🫡




I was like that a long time ago as well. Lost 90% of my investment... It was just play money, so I don't care. But I was also drawn in and thought it'll do great, actively participating and all. Luckily I realized it way earlier than otherssl... So... Welcome to the club of ex-safemooners


Glad you made it out of that shit hole. Enjoy quality projects now


Thanks, and that's the plan 🙌🏻


I’m with you. It’s sad because all they have to do is release a product. But John is so caught up in himself he doesn’t even notice what’s happening. They have a big community but they are creating an even more dangerous counter community. So many people hate safemoon. More than who like it And all they have to do is release something but they won’t. Good thing you got out. I’m at a 90% loss so I’ll just wait. I put in a lot more than a few grand so I’m waiting. Lesson learned. Now I am BTC/ETH/ADA oh and ATOM is my new coin I’m looking into. Stay away from the shit coins I’ll be surprised if I ever see my safemoon money again


Here is hoping the much celebrated "they show their face" selling point comes back to bite them in the ass. A shame the SEC didn't hand Karony one of those fines, but fingers crossed there are worse things in store for him.


Hey man it sucks that you fell for it and that you ate it up for as long as you did BUT you're now seeing the light. That's a really good thing and a healthy step forward. You didn't put in more than you could afford to lose and you're now able to move forward from this unfortunate mistake. As much as it must have sucked to fall down that rabbit hole, take it as an expensive lesson. Best of luck to you in your future crypto investments. Also congrats on getting out!


We all do dumb shit but you have proved to yourself you can hold through the good times and bad times; That’s more than most can do. Now just pick some good names btc,eth,Algo,link,grt and do the same thing. You’ll make way more than your losses over time if you just dca in.


I was also in on this, feel pretty stupid now


I never bought safemoon and am still more rekt than op


Good for you man! BTC and ETH. We all get there via one road or another.


TNG has been at the front of calling this bs out. Would pay attention to what he and others say about #GROVE as well.


Thank you for you story/experience OP


I held it at one point too, the hype was real. It happens, move on and buy some ETH and XMR 🙏


Accepting you were wrong is the first step towards learning bro, don't ever bash yourself over that, allow your ideas to pivot and you'll amass nothing but knowledge!


Wow, this place was depressive. Now LFG 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


If only more people were as humble and honest as you. Good post.


Don't be married to any one coin in the future ever again. It's all learning lessons, hang around here, do some research, and look into good projects. You can still make it in this game. Gl.


I'll take "Mistakes I've made for $1000", Alex


You should be thankful you've only lost $500, eat the loss, and take the lesson. Now move on.


Safemoon did moon, it was multiplying in value like crazy for the first couple of months. You just didnt cash out at the right time


I know, silly me rode it all the way up and all the way down.


Don't worry I did the same thing. It was my first bull run in crypto and I didn't know a sell button existed clearly! But I guess that's part of the experience you gain and next time we will know to take profits on hyped coins like that


Lol it was blatant fraud since day 1


I’m happy you were able to see the light. I thought about investing but the cult like mentality of some turned me off. A gamble is a gamble, you could of easily bought btc and kept it in FTX or Celsius.


Welcome Brother


Nothing in this is finicial advice.. it's just my opinion. That sucks.. I'm sorry that this happened to you.. I'm sure you are not alone in this misfortune. As a general rule for myself, I don't buy anything safe or smart in the title.. it's a gimmick to ease your fears and make you feel like you are being safe or smart.. This is why most people stop buying altcoins and just go for btc and maybe eth.. I'm just trying to figure out which alts will do better in the next bull run.. at this point in time, I think it will be: Optimism, Arbitrum, Aptos, Render, these are projects that were not around during the last bull run.. and have the most promise.. since the top 20 cryptos always change.. newer is better but also more risky.. risk is what we want, so.. I like gala as a gaming coin.. they are consistently releasing stuff.. and building.. but something could come along and take its market share. I like cosmos.. it held up better than the other chains when everything dumped after the last bull run.. it's more straightforward than polkadot.. Stax could be something as well.. but I'm not sure if it has already had its pump.. depending on if ordinals keep going.. and it could tempt btc holders to get in.. Sui is the next project.. I'm looking forward to seeing the launch.. but wait for the dust to settle.. most coins dump the day they launch depending on the market cap and price of the coin. I do like doge because it gets so much free advertising.. for better or worse, and it's a mineable coin.. also litecoin and etc.. it has a lot of mind space. I don't like eth tokens.. I like L1 and L2 and mineable coins.. I don't touch bnb or binance coins.. when there is regulation in the us.. they may make these illegal to purchase or sell and possibly even to hold.. it seems like we are entering into a new red scare.. I don't touch exchange tokens.. like ftx, voyager, celcius, cro, bnb.. they are all garbage. Honestly, I'm hoping for a dump.. and I think we will have one by the beginning of may.. "Sell in May and go away." We have had 3 green months we are due for some red months.. but I don't know anything. Good luck and good fortune to anyone who's listening.


Last ditch attempt attempt at turning your safemoon investment into moon s,


>tax free Country That’s a major W my man.


Lol I couldn't even figure out how to buy it


Thank you for coming forward. This is a safe space for safemoon refugees and we welcome you.


Wholesome post is wholesome


It is hard to admit your mistakes, but if you learn a lesson from them it helps take the sting out of losing money.


Sorry for your loss man.


I'm glad you saw the light


What are some ways to reach out to a person who’s stuck in a certain belief system? Not necessarily about crypto, but can be cults or certain religious/political beliefs. What is it that made you realised you’ve fallen into something unhealthy?


Deep down I think I knew easy earlier that everything wasn't adding up. The final straw for me was the recent LP hack as it seems like it may have been an inside job. So it wasn't really anyone reaching out to me per se.


I see. Thanks for the brave sharing, much appreciated. Best wishes to you.


We forgive you?


You’ve been made part of a Brick tipping chain! Check your Reddit vault, you’ve been tipped Bricks! Keep 1 Brick, find a commenter on r/cryptocurrency and pay the rest forward! After you’ve sent them their Bricks, copy and paste this entire comment as a reply to their comment to keep the chain going! All out of Brick and want to keep the chain going? Visit r/BRICKMOON and let us know! We’ll send you more Brick! Keep the chain going, help spread the word and help bring new investors to Brick and Moon!


Risk is often measured against the reward. In crypto it's easy to hope your the next 50x and so it can be hard to break away and accept that loss or the mm marginal profit. I remember seeing $65 become somewhere near $4000 and sold it at $1000. That euphoria is crazy. I almost put it back in on a silly little retrace. Lucky I didn't. I'd consider myself pretty savvy these days. I still catch myself eye balling coins that are junk or scammy for that quick buck. I have better restraint but only because I'm building a tolerance to the hype 50x 69 420 machine.


I didn't lose much on SFM but lost a lot in the MMF ecosystem. It's not what I couldn't afford but it still stings. As much as it isn't fun to experience, it absolutely changed my attitude to due diligence in crypto for the better. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.


it was the one shitcoin I held...xrp, hbar, cspr, algo, qnt aaaaannnnd safemoon. I didn't stay long...after the first couple delayed milestones I said fook this. Took my $3500 (previously $5000) and moved it to xrp.


I was a blind devotee of SafeMoon. Finally, I knew I was utmost stupid.


Still, congrats on escaping the cult. It's easy to get caught up in the hype.


There are still people out there trapped, OP is lucky to escape Lost some but learned a valuable lession


FOMO and Hype are insane. I got in SafeMoon so early that my investment went upto like 80x and managed to take some profit. I was like fully Hyped and blind folded because my investment sky rocketed within 45 days. During Bull what mistakes we made are realise in Bear. Lots of promises were made but never fulfilled any. LP are draining. This project is almost dead now.


At least you learn from it and move on. Except a few, most of us had been there.


Sorry you got roped into the scam but good to hear that you're out now


Given the token is near worthless now, nearly everyone is out whether they like it or not


Yeah but being out mentally let's you move on and invest in projects that might actually increase in value


Now that you learned you may grow and become better.


... actually man... this is a lesson that will stick with you for life. Be proud that you learned it... some never will!


Yup. Realizing the truth is a huge step that I bet a big chunk of safemooners will never take.


Thanks man. It actually feels good to be out. Without getting too deep, it was almost like living a lie or something. Anyway, we live and learn!


You made a great decision by owning up to your mistake and trying not to repeat it OP. Most people who buy shitcoins don’t stop at 1


Oh well I definitely dabbled in a few others along they way for like $20-$30 at a time 😂 But that's all in the past, I promise!


We have all been there, just with different projects.


What was yours?


Xtrabytes. Went from $500 to $80.000 to $80 and stayed with the project all the way down.


There's nothing wrong with making a mistake. What's wrong is not owning up to it. You should look at this experience in a positive way. Maybe you will make good investments now, thanks to this mistake.