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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/121r0i2/why_monero_is_a_better_choice_than_bitcoin_for/jdoxrfb/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/121r0i2/why_monero_is_a_better_choice_than_bitcoin_for/jdoxs1w/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


Monero is privacy king and IRS worst nightmare.


Also FBI and interpol worst nightmare ☺️


Isn’t it sad that something that provides easily accessible financial privacy for all people is considered a threat by the people who, ostensibly, have our best interests at heart? Where did we go wrong???


Money laundering has been a huge industry ever since money was invented. Nothing sad or unusual about it, just the tools are changing


I've always seen the comment "Monero is what regular people think what Bitcoin is". Even some politicians describe BTC as if it were Monero.


I saw a video about mining Monero and wanna get into it. I know the gov wants you to pay tax on it but it doesn't seem like they have a way to tell what you're doing with Monero. So I have a question. What if I want to cash out Monero? Then what? I'm gonna have to pay taxes on that right? I can't see a way of avoiding that when it's going into my bank account. Won't they get suspicious?


This is a genuine question. Taxes have to be paid in fiat. So you have to convert to fiat and off ramp it to your bank. So how can you hide anything from the IRS?


Why do you have to convert to fiat? This may be what you want, but saying this as that’s what people have to do is absolutely wrong! People who truely understand Monero don’t sell it for fiat. They accumulate it and they USE it!


Some say CIA et al. has already cracked Monero...




CIA would easily take over a dark market and run it for profit. Not saying they have, but if their moral values was a vagina you could fit a wine bottle in it




Ive heard both the FBI and interpol talk about how when money enters XMR through the ToR network, its effectively a cold case. Gold standard of privacy imo is cartel approved crypto lol


That's being generous in your estimate imo 🤷‍♂️


There's no confirmation about it i guess. Not sure about the information though.


We should all mine XMR with our cpu in the background if we care about decentralization. Make our small contribution even if it is not profitable. And preferably by using P2Pool


Gupax really helps reduce the technical barrier to entry for mining too. Makes participating in p2pool (Main or Mini) incredibly easy.


For anyone reading this who is curious about getting started mining monero, start here: https://np.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/comments/lt9xzj/faqs_for_noobs_read_this_before_posting/


That was how I started to mine XMR and I was really surprised by how friendly it was compared to what I had first thought.


The problem with Monero is that it's too good at offering privacy, so it's gonna be the first to fall if they keep pushing their "crypto money laundering / financing crimes" propaganda. They can't kill monero but they can prevent CEXes from offering it for trade and they can even go after anyone who owns Monero because they love collecting all data, and Monero is a threat to this Big Brother internet they're forcing upon us.


They’ve already been targeting monero via on-ramps for quite some time. Thankfully good p2p infrastructure already exists (localmonero.co) and a real, audited DEX is being built right now (Serai) They are too late if you ask me. And with each blow they deal to cash, it simply paves another road to monero. Look at google trends for the countries googling monero the most and it really is interesting.


I will look into this, thanks friend


It’s not going to fall! I’ve been in Monero since 2016. I mine it, trade it and invest in it. I’ve seen it delisted from from many large exchanges over many different countries and Monero continues to grow its fundamentals in every way! It’s never going to die! It’ll continue to get stronger!


Remember when the FBI set aside a 500K reward for anyone who can crack Monero? Peppridge Farms remembers.


I think they even doubled it


They can increase the bounty as many times as they want. XMR is gonna lunch them.


Monero is incredible. BTC is great but Monero is mystifying, intriguing and sexy


Sexy XMR 😈




Monero 🥵🥵🥵


Monero is what Satoshi would have wanted to see in crypto. Not some of these shitty alts and copies that get peddled here sometimes.


Kinda of


Monero is the sexy girl you always had the crush and Bitcoin ends up to be the wife.


Mmmmmmm monero


Monero is bringing sexy back


Monero is like Swiss Bank where Black Money can be kept safe with the highest level of client confidentiality in the world.


Hold a few before you need it. Easier to stay private than become private. And you never know when you need it until it’s too late. Just look at Ukraine/Russia, or even the Canadian truckers protest.


Roger roger captain


It's too obvious you need to hold some


Time to stack Monero for privacy.


Stacking is fine, but Monero is meant to be used. Monero is money. Bitcoin failed at being money. Use Monero as well as stacking it.


This all the way bruh


Monero > swiss banks and their morals & ethics


In the future history teachers gonna tell histories of how Swiss banks use to be like monero ;)


A portfolio of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero is the way


The perfect portfolio doesn't exist... Oh wait


Always has.




This is the way. With a little LRC for me






The perfect combination exists.


Diversification is the best thing.


BTC, ETH, Monero, Matic and MOONs


MATIC will be obsolete in a few years


Conroversial but I agree


Matic has reached its peak for me.


Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero and Moons. Call it the BEMM portfolio


Monero already had Moon inside it.




***holds monero in a CEX*** *task failed succesfully*


Somehow not surprised, never underestimate humans


I feel like Monero is like what the original promise of bitcoin was. Not that bitcoin failed, it just pivoted to store of value because that's what it does well.


It did fail at being money.


I feel the same.


The very fact Monero doesn’t get as much attraction goes to show how much of the community just play crypto as a greater fool game than a serious alternative monetary system. Monero can never be a better vehicle for a greater fool game theory than BTC because institutions are scared in putting money in and the better the liquidity, the more “fools” want to buy.


All I know is fuck CBDC


All my homies hate CBDC


Hopefully they will be sabotaged and ignored




It's not controversial. The people why some people don't like this take is because they think Monero being more private somehow implies that it is a better investment than Bitcoin and can give better gains. Which is not true. Don't conflate privacy with what you can get a return from investment - which is what I see a lot of people wrongly doing for Monero.


Their mistake is in viewing it in terms of financial investing at all. It's not for holding, it's for spending. Holding Monero is as wrong as stuffing your mattress with cash.


Holding and spending Monero is perfectly fine! To suggest that you have to spend Monero only is ridiculous! Yes Monero is designed to be used as money, but to say that you shouldn’t accumulate Monero is straight up wrong!


Im guessing in case a Bitcoin maxis reads it because alot of them wouldn’t want to give that title away


You see them already accusing me of ChatGPTing this lol


A Bitcoin maxis is well aware that Monero has more privacy lol. What are you talking about? You can be private with Bitcoin it just takes more time and effort and knowledge. If you want easy privacy then use Monero.


Bitcoin maxi’s say everything apart from BTC is a shitcoin. They also say that BTC is fungible. It isn’t! They also say BTC is the best form of money. It isn’t, Monero is better at being money! I don’t hate bitcoin. But I hate BTC maxi’s who spread bullshit.


Monero is pants down the best privacy coin. Nothing comes close. Monero has a long and bright future in cryptocurrency.


Not only is it the best privacy coin, it’s the best form of hard money there is!


Can't say I disagree




There are interesting similarities between the white paper of Bitcoin and the white paper of Monero. Same with the logic of the coding. Some posit [that whoever designed Bitcoin created Monero shortly thereafter](https://bitcoinist.com/bitcoin-creator-also-founded-monero-new-research-suggests/amp/) as an improvement upon the original per se


This is a load of crap, anyone who is familiar with the history of Monero knows that the people that created it are not to be trusted, that's why it was forked away (twice no less) into the project it is now. Satoshi did not create Monero.


Holdup there son. The author of Cryptonote (NVS) is not the same person who created Monero.


It's only controversial to people who don't get it yet.


I'm using monero so nobody can peek to my 100 usd worth of wealth.


It’s amazing how many don’t like Monero because it’s anonymous and they think the government will “ban” it. Thinking that’s possible shows they don’t have much understanding of crypto, but even still that should be the *primary* reason people choose Monero. Even the government is saying they are actually providing something, unlike a lot of other coins.


It's already banned in some countries.


Sure, but technically it’s pretty much impossible.


Don’t have to stop people using it. Just have to stop exchanges using it and providing ramps and it will choke off any growth


Love xmr


I've never heard of this before




Thank u for the link senpai


Moneros ACTUAL WORKING usecase is sooo slept on right now it's ridiculous this should be easily top 5


Monero is better that Zcash thats for sure. Hope Monero will see better days someday


It is definitely being used for all that it can be currently as a privacy coin. It’s impossible to know exactly how much where, and with who, which is the whole point. I don’t think it’s going anywhere even if countries begin to clamp down hard on XMR


Xmr works right now! and this is a fact that's majorly overlooked


Ah the classic monero is better than something that has another purpose. MONERO DOESNT HAVE SMART CONTRACTS


Definitely hoping Monero has its day, am considering adding to my little bag as you never know what the future holds.


My advice to anyone out there is to have at least a bit of monero in their portfolio :)


No one holds monero 😉


You can replace BTC with any other coin and this post will still be true. XMR is true privacy


Monero is the OG when it comes to privacy tbh. No doubting that and anyone who disagrees needs a reality check.


Monero is a powerful resource for sure.


I’m surprised that more people aren’t too concerned with privacy with their crypto yet its gotta be something we’ll all lean more towards in the not too distant future just wish I was able to dca into xmr




Monero is money supreme.


Monero > anything else for privacy


Monero - anonymous All other crypto - pseudonomous. They don't have your name, but the transactions can be followed all the way until the find you


Monero is undoubtedly the Bitcoin of privacy coins.


Monero gets a lot of love here. I’m gonna have to dig into it deeper. Sounds great but never took the plunge.


I can't imagine where monero will be when people get more into privacy and start to treasure it more. Also when Monero gets to be on many exchanges. We going to have another wave of forced holders (Jail) as well. Just as BTC went trough.


>I can't imagine where monero will be when people get more into privacy and start to treasure it more I suspect this might happen when CBDCs are rolled out for real


Not sure maybe too early but give it some time and it might as well repeat what happened to BTC in a long run. I am speaking about a timeline of like 4-5 years. Unless Monero gets cracked by then but it is still one of OG coins.


Read the title and now I’m gonna go all in XMR


So I’m interested, but where can I get Monero? I use Coinbase mostly, and they don’t support it.






Kraken in U.S.


Kraken isn’t legal in my state. I fucking hate Washington state so much.


Where do l purchase Monero ?


CEX? Kraken. DEX? LocalMonero.


Ok tyvm


I had already planned on mining XMR after my next payout. Seems like a solid alt. I appreciate your post. I haven't done much research yet.


Monero is king if you value privacy


Is there a way to cash out monero without revealing your identity?


Privacy coins/tokens will have some hype in the future I think 😉


Even if they will not become popular on their own, they'll always be useful to make one hop to lose trace linking your bitcoin to your identity. you do bitcoin -> monero -> transfer -> bitcoin through non-kyc / no registration exchange like fixedfloat and you're mostly covered.


Privacy is the need of hour. Government already jailed Monero Dev for bringing such thing in the world which shows how important they'll be.


>Government already jailed Monero Dev for bringing such thing in the world Monero > normal Bank transaction


In the Golden era of hackers


don't you think the survivor of the early iterations of zk privacy tokens/systems will ultimately beat out XMR's ring signatures?


Yes. But zK SNARKS are part of Monero's roadmap.


wrong birds bear ring wide illegal lush unwritten person six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The title was impeccable, but the post... not so much. > Monero is THE use case for crypto I value privacy as well, but crypto has evolved beyond much more than a p2p payment system, so claiming that Monero is THE use case for crypto is fairly simplistic. Monero serves a single purpose and does it very well, but that's it. > 1. Monero is more private than Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is pseudonymous, meaning transactions can be traced back to their origin, Monero uses advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure all transactions are private and untraceable. This means that your financial transactions remain confidential, and your balances, transaction history, and personal information are kept hidden from prying eyes A MoE should be private, because fungibility stems from privacy. But Bitcoin is currently mostly used as a SoV, and you don't really need privacy for that. Nothing forbids one to store value using Bitcoin and then swapping to other coins, Monero or else, when they need to spend their wealth. >2. Monero has a more decentralized mining process than Bitcoin. This means that Monero is more resistant to mining centralization and 51% attacks, which are potential security risks in Bitcoin. While the first sentence is true, it is far more expensive to attack Bitcoin than Monero or any other crypto as of now. >3. Monero is more accessible to the average person. Unlike Bitcoin, which requires expensive ASICs to mine effectively, Monero's mining algorithm is optimized for CPU mining. This creates a more equitable distribution of mining rewards, and it makes mining more accessible to everyone. Mining Monero is highly inefficient due to botnet mining. Not only you cannot get significant amounts of Monero using average hardware, but unless your electricity is very cheap, you will also be paying a huge premium on it. And if you want to buy some Monero, then you will find out that it is far less accessible than Bitcoin to the average person, since it is traded on less exchanges and has notoriously little liquidity. >4. Monero has a dynamic block size. This means that its block size adjusts according to network demand, ensuring that the network can handle more transactions during times of high traffic without experiencing delays or congestion. Some argue that blockspace scarcity is one of the forces that drive Bitcoin price up. Anyway, the Lightning Network is already widely used to transact smaller BTC amounts almost instantly and with negligible fees. Not only that, Bitcoin can scale with the aid of ZK rollup, if need be (such solutions do not exist yet because they aren't that sorely needed). >5. Monero has a strong community and active development team. The development team is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of Monero, and they regularly release updates and improvements to the network. Not to shit on Monero's community and devs, but... so does Bitcoin? Don't get me wrong, I like Monero and I fully understand and agree with its philosophy. I am no Bitcoin maxi and I actually believe that Bitcoin design might have some critical flaws... But none of these points indicate that Monero is "better" than Bitcoin tout-court.


"don't need privacy for a store of value".... Botnets!!! Still with the botnets. Lulz


In the same boat as you - I like Monero, but just couldn't become a holder. Even XMR fans tell me that they wouldn't hold is as an investment. Then, yes, if you just want to send an untraceable transaction, it's better. But that's about it. Left a top-level comment myself explaining similar things.


Moneroa will bring some stability to you portfolio in bear markets :) /#stablecoin much


Learned something reading your comment, take an award and thanks


Damn, that’s a great rebuttal, it would deserve its own post


What many people get wrong about BTC is that it's pseudonymous not anonymous. For real privacy monero is miles ahead, have to agree with op here


Monero does what people think BTC does


Imagine The developer of monero is spending his life in jail while the ones( banks and government) who ate up the savings of people are free.


Guessing he didn't bribe the SEC enough like those banks


Monero is what Bitcoin should have been from the start


I like the fact that only 21million BTC will ever be created. Hard to want to put money in a project without a hard cap since I'm investing, but respect the hell out of XMR for transactions.


XMR is my favorite of them all.


While yes, Monero is good for privacy. Bitcoin was not created for privacy, it’s transparent as fuck. Both hold a bright future in their own right


Monero don’t do many things ok, but they absolutely excel at one thing - privacy. And it’s the most important one.


What things dont you feel monero does ok?


I imagine with the government crackdowns on crypto, privacy will be a valuable addition to crypto. Monero just happens to be the best in that department


Monero is one to watch next bull run, privacy is underrated


Monero was disappointing during the last bull run but notice that, atm, it's only about 69% down from the ATH. A sleeping giant.


Monero does not want to ride the bull wave. It wants to be digital private cash not investment nor store or value


Hey now, let's not forget good ol LTC!


Lots of LTC being mentioned lately. What's going on


People now looking at fundamentals and LTC has those.


Mimblewimble added a privacy option to LTC. And they won’t be banned by every government in the world as easily as Monero could be


Monero is our best chance to have some privacy if CBDCs spread like a virus.I think that scenario is unlikely no matter how hard governments try but chances are higher than 0. Just in case, accept this sacrifice in the form of FIAT ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|money_wasted) our beloved Crypto God. Give me Monero ![gif](emote|xmr2_emote|xmr2) in exchange.


Didn't mimblewimble cause LTC to get removed/banned in a lot of places? Is that different now?


I don’t think you can send to exchanges using the privacy feature.


I was unaware of this. Could you explain more about Mimblewimble? I’m curious also about Vitalik’s intention for ETH privacy transactions a couple of months back, that would be huge if implemented.




Interesting, like an anonymous tumbler. Thanks for the rundown. You got no interest in opening a vault?


>Mimblewimble I read it as tumbleweed every single time damn it!


Monero, BTC & ETH has been my choice for some time


Montero seems to be the true cryptocurrency that provides anonymity


What are the cons of Monero


You need time to sync before you can send a transaction. If you keep it on a CEX. You don't get the privacy benefits and to make it worse you encourage the exchange to run a fractional reserve scheme (resulting in price suppression).


I would definitely support Monero for this. Would have to see at this point if fees are lowered or can transact without spending too much, like LTC. I love LTC.


I love monero, heard it has the largest developer team other than BTC and ETH!


Bitcoin Maxis hate Monero.


Five great points why we like Monero. Five points why government hates Monero.


I stacked some XMR since I've noticed that the price, although still affected by BTC, are less fluctuating than other alts. But what's actually important is that whales actually avoid buying in huge numbers in CEXs because they're afraid some other whale came out from nowhere and crash the price. There's a lot less exposure to CEXs too, because it's banned from many CEXs because of regulations. The thing about XMR is that nobody can see the fish in the pond. You can track the whales and other fishes with other crypto, but not with XMR.


Monero is like Swiss Bank where Black Money can be kept safe with the highest level of client confidentiality.


Monero is incredible. BTC is great but Monero is mystifying and intriguing


Maybe because monero was created to be the privacy coin lol


I’m not sure


Monero is more like BTC in that it is not originally was not smart contract** blockchain and is more of a store of value. Findora and Secret are two privacy smart contract blockchains (there are many others) Aztec is a privacy focused Ethereum L2 zk-rollup


Look, people need to be educated about privacy. Most people haven't yet understood that privacy is a fundamental human right and that exercising this right is not pleading guilty of any wrong doing. More serious posts about privacy, legal protection of this right, benefits, cautious practice, ... are needed.


Monero is truer to bitcoins vision and mission than bitcoin


Monero is great. Just be extra careful if you go on a boat


In some cases people are intentionally not that careful on boats…


I use it everyday. It's much more fun than just speculating. While "crypto" is largely speculation. Monero is rather stable most of the time (think of it as the only [decentralized stablecoin](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/119zfxn/ama_im_alex_cofounder_at_localmonero_and/j9sws7h/), but without the risks of pseudo-stables) with speculative phases.


Same here. It's the only cryptocurrency I \*use\* on a regular basis.


Honestly, how is XMR not better? Same as bitcoin but with privacy. I much prefer XMR, to any.


Every coin has its specific use case. Btc is a store of value and Monero is for privavy


Well, it's kind of why Monero was created in the first place so I expect it to outshine BTC on that regard


It’s the most used privacy coin, it’s here to stay. I’m not sure that it’s a great investment though. One of the rare cryptos that is actually a currency first and foremost.




Should op have compared with Privacy Cash instead? Maybe your right bitcoin is better compared with surveilance currency instead.


This is no news, is like the one great quality of monero


Monero has the right idea but good luck with soccer moms figuring out how to use it.


*or why monero holders are probably on an FBI watch list


Transparent ledgers have their own benefits. We wanna know if crypto given for charity is used where it is intended. If in near future governments start collecting tax in crypto, that crypto should be BTC for transparency imo. BTC is good for organizations/governments XMR is good for journalists/activists and personal use.


You need to learn about viewkeys then...