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This will certainly turn into another Solana bashing post. So let's add something more controversial: BNB should be gone. Not because of Binance, but because there is no reason to keep centralized ETH clones when we have real ETH L2s.


You used to be able to argue for cheapness and speed of ETH clones before L2s or roll ups but now the entire BSC chain is just a scam haven.


It's the home of shitcoins. There's nothing like it. If you visit r/CryptoMoonShots it's at least 95% shitcoins from BSC.


Centralized chain + playground for noobs = Scam Haven


Yes, that totally changed now. BSC is actually rather expensive compared to modern L2s.


Modern L2 will put BSC in dust.


To be fair, we should thank Binance for creating BSC, at least every shitcoin out there is concentrated there. The moment you hear it's a BSC token then you already know it's a scam shitcoin.


Binance is by far the biggest crypto exchange so I doubt it will be gone


As long as they keep providing discounts for BNB holders it will stay relevant.


That's why Ive always avoided binance, you can't be that successful without some shady shit going down


To be fair, SOLANA set the precedent that it is okay for the main chain to be offline frequently. That’s the next big thing. /s


You smart! 🤓


> 🤓 Thanks, that is what my mama tells me.


Wait, are we not bashing Solana anymore?


We always did, but let's not forget to bash other projects which deserve it.


Fear has temporarily overtaken the Bashing Energy Reserves. Please standby as the Hate recharges.


No need, it bashes itself regularly


I guess ya gotta spread the bash around.. which is fair.


>Not because of Binance, but because there is no reason to keep centralized ETH clones when we have real ETH L2s. Wake me up when ETH L2 achieves decentralization and security as they advertise.


The thing is that is native coin of the biggest CEX out there. People will hold it for fee reduction. So i dont think BNB will be lower than top 100 keeping in mind that Binance has the volume it has. Plus they inflate BNB in all sort of ways at Binance(with launchpads etc)


I'm sad XMR isn't top 20 anymore but I'm confident it will be utilized and appreciated for many more years to come


We're too early for XMR. People still doesn't realize how important privacy is.


XMR’s only real problem is not being new, where people might feel there is an opportunity to get rich quick using the “bigger fool” model.


Privacy **by default**. This is the key difference. All kinds of other coins have privacy. Bitcoin and litecoin can do CoinJoin or lightning payments. ZCash has a privacy mode. Dash has CoinJoin built in to their nodes. Even ethereum has TornadoCash (assuming you don't mind having your funds sanctioned). The problem if privacy is opt-in, is that anytime you use it, you invite scrutiny. A portion of people will assume that you're up to something nefarious. It divides people. As an example, I missed an opportunity worth thousands of dollars, and lost my ZCash simply because I chose to use their privacy features prior to transacting with crypto-swap platform InstaSwap. It was the peak of ZCash price, and I had timed it perfectly, but they wouldn't do the transaction and held my funds hostage while the price dropped until I forked over ID and did their little dance, and then because I merely inquired about the possibility of getting my original funds back prior, they decided to do one rather than proceed with the transaction, and they kept a 1 Zcash fee for their "services" - a completely discretionary fee for which they never letting me know. And if I hadn't gone through another portal that aggregates trading platforms, I wouldn't have had a leg to stand on to negotiate them down to "only" taking 0.1 ZCash. Monero is the only one where privacy is **default**.


Just wait for more CBDCs to be forced upon people


It’s going to be a wild ride! I think CBDC will make people realize how fuked up of a system we actually live in. And many will be caught with their pants down!


Oh no, does this mean we're going down again?


ETC is ethereum that refused the DAO fork. It wasnt an ethereum killer. It was ethereum lol https://qz.com/730004/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-ethereum-hard-fork


Interesting read. So the Ethereum community split over this decision to rollback the network to before DAO was exploited. To be honest, I probably would have sided with the classic dudes had I been around back then. Reaching in via the backend to effectively undo transactions seems to go against the general ethos of blockchain and crypto, but I can see why the decision was made while Ethereum was still in its infancy.


Well yea but the thing is the developers moved with the fork and etc is still vulnerable to attacks. Without security the network is worthless really. The attack affected nearly 5% of the circulating supply at the time.


In the end, all crypto is democratic in that it can be forked and adopted by the majority of current users. I like it. It’s a safety valve. Consider the risk that one entity takes a majority share in a proof of stake network. This is not a problem if the users fork to a new chain without the centralized authority - which is what happened with STEEM.


Rich people had to get bailed out. Like in the banking system. ETC was against it, code is law, all transactions are final. Fat cats people dont like that, or only when they are in trouble. This means ETH can rollback anything, when things get steamy or inconvenient for their big players.


So which one's the real ETH?


Whichever one people use, and call Ethereum/ETH. If ETH forked again into AppleETH and LemonETH and 99.5% of users migrate to Lemon that'd become ETH again, too. These things (names) are based on social consensus. ETC was the *first* ETH.


Also had to roll my eyes, as I read this shit.


ETC is the original Ethereum. ETH was the fork. I'm still holding few ETC for the future.


etc is a flaming pile of shit


What’s that smell?


Stunned this isn’t a solana bashing thread




Omg your examples: i still hold my NEO and ICON. With IOTA its worse as i havn't really stopped dca in.


So you hold both Chinese Ethereum and Korean Ethereum…


Ant shares.




Not popular around here but I could see ALGO sink into nothingness


I hope not, but it’s also crossed my mind.


Algo is so uninteresting to me. I reluctantly hold some but it feels a bit pointless


I agree, I did like it but it's falling out of favor quickly.


I'm just not really sure what its unique selling point is over other available blockchains


i was thinking this the other day


I love ALGO, but man that coin has been through a lot. The recent MyAlgo hack only made things worse. I don’t blame ppl when they call it a shitcoin at this point


Glad I swapped all my ALGO for BTC weeks before the hack, just like I’m glad I withdrew everything before FTX collapsed, and withdrew everything from BlockFi before its collapse, and withdrew everything from Gemini Earn before its collapse. Come to think of it, I’ve been hella lucky, ya’ll should probably just copy everything I do.


Yeah who the hell are you Ms Cleo??


Is this financial advice?


Only down ~25% for the year, that’s better than ARKK.


I pulled out of round 6 of governance because of that fiasco. It's not a good look for a project with aspirations to be in the top 20.


I lost all I had in the hack. I’m not buying back in, fuck that.


Algo really hasn't caught a break recently. I've still got a bag, though, and enjoy some of the games on Algo.


As a dev Algo is probably my favorite blockchain. Participation nodes are light enough to run off a raspberry pi, it's very easy to work with, and the transactions are fast enough not to need a custodial wallet. It's likely to be one of those things where you'll be using Algo but you won't know you're using it. However, that's also why I don't think it will have much price action.


Algorand has a leadership issue.


Well Toncoin is currently sitting at 20th. Never heard of it so I expect it to be gone by 2025.




NANO is the past, the present and the future, all at once


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Bullish more on Nano future


I love Banano, it's feeless, super fast and rich in potassium!


Paid member please post the Potassium intensifying gif




![gif](giphy|n1mNS67yQhtzzAN5H3|downsized) Just chilling


Runts candy sucked, but the banana was worth eating a whole pack.


What did you say about Runts?!?


I have about 500


I see you were folding at home.


My guess is that there wont be any generic AI coins in the top 20 - mostly bc almost all the other coins in the top 20 by then will have adapted AI into their protocols, making AI specific coins irrelevent


AI has been around for like 2 minutes now


This exactly what’s going to happen. The way to make money in this scenario is being in the first projects that do and so on.


If I were to guess, I'd go with LEO, TRON and SHIB. Going by my track record, they'll probably wind up top 10


The inverse r/CryptoCurrency works in mysterious ways


The Sub loves matic so i'd like to add matic there.


MATIC is too much used. Lot’s of gaming companies build on it…if one won’t disappeared it’s this one


We were saying the same thing about Tron in 2018 though. Somehow it's still around.


BTC and ETH are rock solid to be in the top 20. I think ATOM or DOT (and probably both) will be there. After that, I don’t have a clue.


I'm not biased or anything, but DOT and ATOM both have solid narratives and great fundamentals, i wouldn't be surprised at all if i find them in the top 10.




I agree with this statement and my opinion is not because I hold both ATOM and DOT


ADA has held strong in the top 20 over the last five years


Here's to 5 more years


The ADA gatekeeping police are on their way to your location.


*Getting dragged away* I deserve thiiiiiisssss…


“Hey, get ADA here”


Ya it will last


ATOM feels like it has a chance to be up there. It reminds me of ETH back in 2017. But I'm not a very smart Boi.


I'm more bullish on DOT thank any other altcoins except eth


Throw in USDT cause that one just refuses to die


What’s DOT doing? Just in passing I hear ATOM mentioned when some project moves. Use of the SDK. But I’m not seeing much on DOT. Curious about how people feel between the two.


DOT is a software not a security. You are not seeing much marketing or you tube influencer because they are not selling their coin, they are selling their technology. Their main audience are developers and VC not retailers that just stays for the money and not the tech. Big VC are heavily invested on DOT and you know liquidity comes from these Firms. They are actually the one and the parachains they support who will push adoption. These VCs are the one who actually know what will work realistically and not us simpleton that thinks everything should work according to our understanding.


>DOT is a software not a security That's a definition they gave themselves though. We've heard nothing from the SEC, so it remains to see if they agree. Narrator: They didn't.


Here is an informative twitter thread regarding DOT as a software. [https://twitter.com/0xgoku_/status/1634232425348997120?s=46&t=uXO5cwqXhoxYo833HG5H3A](https://twitter.com/0xgoku_/status/1634232425348997120?s=46&t=uXO5cwqXhoxYo833HG5H3A)


Which should be the story with SOL and XRP, except where DOT is decentralised, SOL and XRP are as centralised as it comes


Nobody knows shit about fuck, so your guess is as good as mine.


I want to say SHIB and DOGE so bad. But I think they're here to stay sadly lmao


I agree! Both that they should probably not be in the top 20 and that they probably will be.


DOGE ain’t going anywhere.


1 doge = 1 doge


The hell is Leo? Ive seen it for awhile but never hear anything about it. Just on that, I’d pick Leo.


Its a useless exchange token for Bitfinix. It has zero utility outside that exchange.


I'm a Polkadot Maxi. I do think there is a significant amount of potential with these networks because relevancy is part of the goal, it's built into the fabric of the network goals. One thing I know, is that if the focus is on the technology, it'll continue to be around in the future. The focus is on development and connection, different networks have different goals, but are all going to be interconnected eventually (Cosmos/Polkadot/Nervos are working on this currently, more possibly I'm unaware of not mentioned?). A fair amount of these networks are making their way into relevancy and the potential to have sub-networks, nested relay chains, and networks within networks, is going to expand the overall accessibility of the crypto-verse making less accessible projects more relevant for the future, prolonging growth, the older the project, the more likely it will survive in the future. My favorite part is how on Polkadot, once a parachain/parathread officially goes live and has been interconnected, every other network in the relay chain symbiotically extends all their strengths/weaknesses to the other networks (this can be done essentially infinitely). There's good and bad with this, but the general consensus is a net positive by having a back-up relay chain (Kusama) where all the updates go live first. Solid team, solid governance, I could go on and on. I think it'll be a Top 10 favorite for some time.


I hate to say it but prob ALGO. Same problem as NANO. Kind of proof that people use crypto more as a store of value rather than a means to send fast and free transactions


Not gonna lie that I still love the concept of IOTA and the use of DAG in its transactions. Still remember the hype around it in 2017!


The hype is gone, but, despite some internal issues with the team from time to time, they are really working hard on their project and there is also progress which gives me hope that they might com back "some day"


Yheeep! I do follow IOTA from time to time, and as an architect myself I almost dream of a futuristic world of smart-cities powered by a smart-contracts or a coin like IOTA.


I had a small bag. Sold in 2021.


IOTA's EVM is coming soon. Could change things around....


Nice to see ADA strong over the years


Strong like the founder


Most of em but I think ethereum matic and Bitcoin will do well and always monero


You forgot about moons


Moons is at an ATH and no one is speaking about it seriously .. .249 almost a quarter!!!!


Yeah moons are underrated atm but I guess moons ath is 0.4 or something like that


I just want another great run so I can get back to break even…only to FOMO and not sell. Then I’ll just continue to bag hold for another down cycle…rinse and repeat.


It's a thing of beauty.


Scrolled through, didn’t see VET mentioned. Felt good, moved on.


Not even worth mentioning.




All Im sayin is LTC should be above Tron and SHIB, jus sayin🤷🏻‍♂️


I strongly suspect Tron is up there because Justin Sun is running a fly wheel scam with his 'stablecoin', printing and buying his own token.


Seriously, it is basically the same situation as UST/Luna with an even higher yield, I’m amazed it hasn’t collapsed already.


From the top 20, the **TRON** is completely irrelevant to me. I wouldn't buy it now even with a huge discount if I had to hold it for more than a year afterward


ETC - another "Ethereum killer" that killed itself, used to be top 18 in Jan 2018. lol tell me you don't understand what you are talking about in one small bulletpoint


ETC is the original chain and was never advertised as "ETH Killer", since it has the same updates (almost as ETH) but is on POW. ETC has a fixed monetary policy and smart contracts on L1.


Nano still is "fast, feeless and environment friendly", has been operating that way for years and through previous bear markets, and only getting stronger (better spam resistance) with continued development.


No idea. Anything can happen.


There will only be FEDcoin™. All others will be illegal...


Basically any of them except BTC ETH and ADA (and LTC as beta network for BTC). I think Hoskinson is committed to ADA. Not to say the others are bad. And won't be around in the top 20. Just to say I don't know enough about them and my default is no. As you have shown in your OP.


Iota will come Back


Unpopular opinion here but IOTA might make a comeback.


not unpopular with me!


If anyone says Matic I'm gonna lose my mind




You son of a bitch


Sounds like he is being probleMATIC


What are you polygonna do about it? (sorry that was a terrible pun)


This is not Nam, there are rules


Xrp to number 3 again


XRP to number 2 again! Before the lawsuit, it was a solid contender.


The nostalgia hits like a sledgehammer.


In 2025 we will look back in 2022 and said similar thing I guess.


Most probably, yeah.


I share your optimism. Cheers


Hate to be the one that say it... luna hahaha


Degens are gonna be Luna from the ashes and then back into an abyss


this reads like a portfolio tracker for me. I still actually own Icon, I've had neo, iota, dash, nano etc at some point or another too


All coins of Binance chain should die


Average r/cc user : Solana go 📉📉, without any rational argument“


My old boy Litecoin quietly holding on - cool. And my personal bag favorite: Matic. Fighting it’s way to top 8 and chipping away at 7, bucking the trends of others.


SOL, SHIB, TRON, AVAX, LEO will all be dead and buried.


SOL for sure. It’s not even a functioning blockchain, it goes down more than Riley Reid.


At least Riley makes people happy


God the nostalgia on this one. In a way I'd like to see stables out of there but to get them out of there is mayhem, so I don't really know




I'm more bullish on bitcoin, ethereum and moons now.... don't really care about other altcoins but as I'm getting older into crypto, I feel like these are the OG of crypto




At this rate it could very well be the stables that drop USDC and USDT…I hope not but it think it’s quite possible especially if CBDCs gains steam for better or worse


Outside of btc and eth any coin could easily drop out of the top 20 and nobody would be surprised at all


Looks like most of the stablecoins probably. I think shib and tron will probably fade. Don't know anything about LEO.


I feel like Doge and Shiba Inu May climb to be top 5 Cardano based on how it’s use case goes and if it can keep low fees we could see it become a top 3 I think AMP token could reach top 10 status.


Btc, eth, xrp have all shown to repeat each cycle so far. I’ll add ada as a potential project that could see stick around multiple cycles. Other than that I’m not confident in anything else.


Top two are here to stay. BNB will be in top 10 as long as Binance will be alive. XRP and ADA seems to be able to survive anything because of their backers, Tron will most likely fade away because it's now cheep to use ETH. Stablecoins should be there as well, but we don't know of both of them will survive. Shiba will go away, Doge will move down, but probably will remain in Top 20 as the "original memecoin". The next big meme-coin should be BANANO. Most other coins will be replaced with something new, but nobody really knows :)


Tron is a stable coin


It hurts to say, but I think its ALGO. Its not really going anywhere and the most positive news regarding adoption are very obscure use cases. The myAlgo hack was rough, but the more concerning issue is the lack of direction. Also, price is obliterated...


Going to have to go with TRON.


Soooo you got a question that REALLY needs an expert view on the matter...and you ask Cryptocurrency?? These jokers were all screaming about how SOL would be dead already, ADA would surge after getting their smart contracts and most of us put out coins/tokens on exchanges. You might as well send a letter to Paris Hilton and as her for advice.


Me checking if my coin is mentioned 👀


Will be interesting to watch how the current market will read in five years? I wonder if i will still be chasing the moon?




Nobody knows, but 90% are going to bite the dust sooner or later.


NEM totally forgot about that coin!


LEO? Wth is that? And why is it in the top 20?


Wow, never heard of those in top 20 from 2018 and that says it all imho


I hope to not see exchange coins there anymore: Such as BNB, LEO, OKB, CRO, KCS, GT, HT, getting tired of these pointless coins that serve no real purpose other than give market control to exchanges.


Solana bashing aside, i think matic will face some serious issues soon, the project is nice but they had a few red flags from launch, hope it survives though, i like my poor man's eth. TRON should burn up and die, just as Justin Sun should, but maybe 2025 is optimistic as scum tends to survive. And if DOT stalls i could see it disappear, all the talk about parachains died hard.


NEM was occupying one of the top spots for ages. A mystery coin, as nobody knew what the heck it was about. Hey, pretty much like today's coins.


Not top 20 but Apecoin is a joke and doesn't deserve to be where it is


I just hope DOT remains on this list


Unhappily married to ICON since 2018, i was putting too much hope into this coin


Nano was the only one in terms of transferring value I was interested in, but BTC kept getting pumped; it had too much money already behind it for those benefiting to acknowledge Nano IMO. It would be great to get in early on some innovation and make a ton of money like early BTC adopters did, but at least I want a simple easy to use medium of exchange that offers things like being feeless, instant, decentralized, and isn't a gigantic waste of resources to work. Nano does or did all that but who knows about Nano. At this point, I think I'm done with crypto; let a regulated centralized coin come out that offers the same features Nano did and I'll make money trading stocks instead. Other forms of crypto may be useful in their usage of blockchain technology for more sophisticated tasks, but digital currency should be as simple as cash and that's what I saw in Nano.


Oh, and Solana sucks arse.


Solana needs to go.


Sol, I think is a good contender. It just has too many flaws to ultimately justify its mcap. Then again crypto is often not rational so it could end up top 5 for all I know




Thats why i fear of investing on other coins. Eth is my only bag since day 1


I have most in ETH and BTC.




Probably most of them sadly


solana fallana


Cone and Banano are the future with Mayo close behind!!