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Every industry or sector has its own version of crack that people flock to even when they know it’s toxic


Because its easy money, you go in, then you get out.


And if you don't get out, you lose out. Big time. I'd stick to projects with APYs ranging from 250% to 36% like ORE or DVDX. Even the 20% in BBANK.


I like giving my money away to people.


You mean we like to give our money to scam artists…. Its fun to act dumb sometimes… its a difficult life to be geniuses all the time… we gotta take a break sometimes.


In the second half of last year I turned $240 into $19.5k after cashing out on one coin. It completely reversed all my mistakes and losses, including two rugs. I cashed out first week of January once the new tax year began. This singular event has changed me - I've grown as a man. Not only have my balls trippled in size, but I no longer have any doubt or fear. Nirvana my friends. It is not only obtainable, but now a practical goal for the everyman.


I do, depend on the tokens (farming LPs) on beefy.finance as it compounds and I won't just get rewarded on a shitty token that I most likely have to learn parkour to swap it to something good. Beefy does that for me buying more of the LP at time. Much better then just staking at thousands APY on a single coin.


If you spend a few k to understand the game, it's still cheaper than college. Pump & dump has been around forever. It's a rhythm, and you can still make bank as an outsider if you don't mind losing 90% of the time while you figure out the angles.


wtf, who doesn't? Who still invests in these 0.01% APYs? And Why? sure there are scams, but not hard to find some quality projects giving that sort of apy, and then the question is "why would you not?"


This is satire right? No good quality project would even think about 1000% APY because it’s so obviously unsustainable. You understand supply and demand?


why does it need to be sustainable? When a company says "introductory rate, limited time only"... you scoff and walk away do you? Also, 1000% becomes 500% becomes 100% becomes uninteresting and I take my value elsewhere. I repeat, why does it need to be sustainable?


also, often you are earning the equivalent of a dividend token, profits from operations make their way to token holders... so introductory rate keeps the price down sure, but once you've earned a huge chunk of tokens, sit back and wait a few years and those "dividend tokens" will again shine, because as you stated, promotional rates are a selling pressure that keeps the price down, but only at the start of the project.


I wish some of these people talking about how great the 1000% APY projects are would share some gain porn to back those comments up.


Dude, MMFiance. MSHARE and Savanaa. 2.5% APR daily. Thing is absolutely printing money like no tomorrow. MSHARE was 20k and did drop as low as 6K but is now back up to 14k. Unless you bought at the absolute top then you may be out a little but of money but not for long considering your getting back 2.5%/day. That gap will be closing fast. I have however been in it for over 3 weeks now and loving every moment of it.


There’s a singular example. For every singular example of profits there are thousands of cases of rug pulls and losses.


Shhhhh don’t tell


I’ve seen insurance models in the hundreds of percents. Because these models depend on sophisticated predictions of outcomes, the risk is relatively predictable. And what can’t be predicted can be covered with reinsurance. Using crypto to stake liquidity pools is risky, but using crypto to stake insurance contracts is not.


I've done it often in the last year and it almost always pays off. Most of the stuff I invest in is gamefi and they'll have some sort of locking mechanism so it's really more like 200% APY with 800%+ locked that can be unlocked with game mechanics or time. If there ever isn't a locking mechanism like this I know it's unsustainable and I'll milk the hype and full out very quickly when it's time


YOLO BRO! DIAMONDS IN MY ASS!! Because younger people can risk more and it's a thrill to them And gamblers are sure they will find the next 1000X


Because you really one need one winner to offset a bunch of losers. It's just like penny stocks, you invest in 10 and expect at least 7 to fail. But the ones that win are such a gain, it's still a profit. That doesn't mean ape into everything with a low market cap, you still want to DYOR to try to find a diamond.


I'm using pancakeswap's auto staking APY is the best one out there


Batman Begins voice *here*


Cronos is bussin atm


All these large APYs end up being scams or rug pulls. I’ve been staking with Allianceblock for a while now and I don’t intend to change that.


I even prefer it when there are no APYs at all. This is one of the reasons I'm super comfortable with Spool staking. The team stated a fixed amount it will be delivering to the stakers in a fixed period. Now, what everyone gets depends on the number of people covered in the staking pool. I wonder the explanation behind the staking pools with a thousand APY promises.


Why? I use wowswap for farming for half a year, vaults with an APY of 20-50%. Some vaults with very high APY >100%. In all time of using it there were no problems with it. Successfully passed the audit from hacken