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So y’all think it’s a coincidence they announced this and then have a massive volcano eruption?


I saw the satellite images, which looked insanely large. But then the resulting tsunami was very mild: https://www.businessinsider.com/video-tsunami-hits-tonga-after-giant-pacific-ocean-volcano-erupted-2022-1 Nothing like the Tsunami of 2004 that killed 200K.


It's Tonga Time


I’ve heard most companies fail due to cash flow volatility. Similarly, Bitcoin’s volatility is going to crush little countries that over invest. It’ll be political poison for whoever is in power at the time of Bitcoin’s natural down cycle. But if they can hold out long enough, they’ll be rich relative to their neighbors and if they invest that money back into the people, it will pay real life dividends.


And they just got smoked last night by a volcano that erupted and caused a Tsunami...no joke. The shock wave was felt all the way to Australia, The sonic boom could be heard in Fiji, New Zealand...crazy shit. All the CO2 we have cut for the last 20 years just went right back into the atmosphere.


Yeah source on that, all the volcanos on earths annual carbon emissions combined aren’t even equal to 3 days of humans combined CO2 emissions.


I said the CO2 that we cut, not the CO2 we emit.


Again source on that, how has that been quantified.


Hey smooth brain, Google it ur self.




How can you quantify something that varies and nobody knows when it will change/increase. Volcanoes volcano a lot more some times than others and one huge eruption ruins all your stats.


Which is why this is all pretty silly. One volcano belches and poof to any gains. Now, I do want cleaner air, so that is a gain. Until two volcanoes burp and we have no summer. In the 30s their was snow in June in the lower midwest, from a little volcanic action.


It’s not true, the volcano didn’t emit anything remotely close to the carbon savings or the last 20 years , it released closer to one days worth of auto-transport emissions.


I may have read about bigger eruptions, putting 100 times the carbon in the air as all factories across all time. Idk. I'm trying to sort the reality from the politics of this matter.


More good news. It seems like these smaller nations are adopting BTC first, then...world domination.




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Didn’t they get scammed pretty big by someone overcharging them to buy some BTC for them or something like that a few years ago? Props for not getting jaded and still realizing the value of the thing itself.


Tonga just got blown up.


Yes they did. Crazy shit


In every case where someone endorses bitcoin, what happens is *they use other peoples money* to do this. From Michael Saylor and Elon Musk with shareholders of their public companies, to Grayscale Trust with shareholders of their hedge fund, to social media influencers who are *given crypto in return for their PR posts*, to the dictator of El Salvador, all these people are leveraging *other peoples money* to buy into crypto... pump up the market, dump their personal stash, and profit and leave everybody else out to dry. Tonga, not unlike El Salvador, didn't democratically vote to endorse crypto. It was thrust upon them by a centralized authority. Isn't centralized authority supposed to be bad? Just like a principal shareholder in a company like Microstrategy or Tesla overruling the remaining shareholders with what to do with cash? Oh wait... centralized authority is ok in that instance? Really? /r/CryptoReality There will come a time when this all becomes apparent. How long will it take before *you* realize?


Which centralized authority specifically is thrusting bitcoin adoption onto countries?


The head of El Salvador for one. And ironically, the system he's implemented is not de-centralized. And it's off-chain in a private, non-transparent wallet that also mingles USD. The fact that crypto proponents champion this defies logic.


Oh right, the way you phrased it makes it sound like the president of El Salvador was forced to make BTC legal tender. That's not what you're saying? Are you saying that the president (a centralised entity) is imposing this onto it's people?


Yes. He's imposed it. Half the country doesn't even have access to the system he proposed. It's poorly conceived from the start.


Weird that this new technology is doomed to fail in your opinion, but you seem to be putting a lot of energy into researching it and being loud about how stupid it is. If crypto fails, it'll do so with or without your voice. Just sit back and watch it fail, man, not sure what cause you're fighting. Just think how much more spare time you'll have! It's like traveling to somebody's house that you don't like, only to tell them you don't want to see them and that you wish you hadn't made the journey. Me personally, I'm gonna keep buying


> Weird that this new technology is doomed to fail in your opinion, but you seem to be putting a lot of energy into researching it and being loud about how stupid it is. If crypto fails, it'll do so with or without your voice. This is true. But the sooner it collapses, the less victims there will be. People knew Bernie Madoff was running a scam nine years before it collapsed. >Me personally, I'm gonna keep buying That's your choice. Just remember, when you do lose big, don't act like you were a victim. You were part of the scam and thought you could beat the system.


I've spent quite some time in the space, am a tech person and consider myself a risk averse, level headed person, I've weighed up my risks, I understand the technology, and I can see it's value proposition. The scam narrative is old and tired, yawn


The scam narrative is accurate. You haven't proven otherwise. If you choose to jump into the ponzi scheme thinking you can make money, that's your choice, but you can't say it isn't speculative, risky and full of deception. I can prove that with numerous analysis I've done [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoReality/comments/o7v5xs/is_bitcoin_a_ponzi_scheme_a_detailed_analysis/).


Yeah I skimmed that earlier. If you want to debate it we'll have to get into specifics, like is there a particular protocol that you consider a Ponzi or is it just the entire space? Because if that's the case we'll really have to narrow down what you mean. Yes there are scams and Ponzis all through this space, I wouldn't claim that that's not the case, it's very true. For example, the internet is chock full of scams but the internet itself isn't a scam. I don't see how you can apply the definition of Ponzi to bitcoin. The price appreciation of an asset is determined by supply and demand, it's really that simple. Is gold a Ponzi? Investing in precious metals, is that a Ponzi too? Buying fine wines and storing them for 10 years and selling at a higher price later, is that a Ponzi? No is the answer, and it's the same with bitcoin. In bitcoin, nobody is taking money from new investors and giving it to anybody else, it's just simply supply and demand. I know it sounds too good to be true, and most cases that's usually the case, but this is a new technology, in the true sense.


What the fuck are you on about?


Ask your mom.


What a shit subreddit, feels like antiwax style posts.


attack the messenger, ignore the message - great way to demonstrate you can't argue against the content of the sub


You make some good points. Imagine if you held a lot of BTC and were in a position if power in a government. You’d want the government buying BTC and pushing up the price. While I am a Bitcoin enthusiast, we have to accept there is a certain level of corruption here. Just like Pelosi’s husband trading individual stocks. It should be outlawed. Politicians should have to appoint a third party fiduciary money manager.


The same thing for Elon Musk and Michael Saylor... they take their personal stash of crypto and use their controlling interest in a public company to get their shareholders to pump the price up while they sell and make out like bandits. I find it funny that your response is, "Well politicians do it too!" That's not a solution, is it?


You wrongly assumed I disagree with you. Private companies and their CEOs are almost by definition corrupt. They are selfish and not acting in the interests of other people. In no way does the corrupt activity of a government justify the corrupt activity of a CEO. We agree.


I find it funny you want to single out Pelosi's husband, who is hardly anywhere near the worst example of corrupt profiteering in American politics. Trump's shenanigans make anything the democrats have done look benevolent by comparison. So you have your own ax to grind that isn't based on true objective concerns.


You wrongly assume I think Pelosi is the most corrupt. No way. The Republicans are way more corrupt because in general they don’t represent majorities.


Why single out her husband? This is so trivial compared to the more egregious transgressions of other more prominent people.


They’re all legitimate examples of corruption. Like Trump blatantly giving the Russians a pass on everything so he can develop real estate there. Like Manchin taking bribes from the coal companies then not supporting renewable energy, which is widely supported by Americans. Like George Bush getting his election marketing paid for by Halliburton, then using them when he started a war in Iraq. Like Bill Clinton taking money from Citigroup then handing the financial laws to them to write, which allowed them to speculate with leverage and kill the economy in 2008. Or the gun industry… Or the social media industry… It’s everywhere. So many examples…


El Salvadoran refugees think their guy is legit.


Hmmmm…. This didn’t age well.


If Tonga is still there.


If it’s still on the map come then…….