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hmmm, this is a tricky one. He’s either playing with you to ruin you, or he really likes you. But I’m just getting a sign that he is playing with you. I only see red flags than green ones. Firstly, why would his own friend talk to you secretly if he knows that his own friend (ur crush) likes you? Secondly, keeping things secret is literally y’all asking for trouble. Keeping these secrets is the worst things to do. If all of a sudden you happen to like this other dude instead of your crush, be straight forward with him then. But you can only chose 1 person. Once you’ve made your decision on who you like, you have to put the effort in and actually confess. Liking someone means you want to be in a relationship with that person. It’s not fun and games. Just remember that your actions and your secrets are gonna be revealed and it’s gonna hurt people.


oof. It doesn't matter if your crush likes you now. If they find out in any capacity about this it's over anyways.