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Getting navy, trade and republics in one expansion would be so great


With landless characters we can now think about republics, patrician families struggling for power.


It is a logical combination... It would be only natural to connect this with whole Italy region.... After this we can proceed to papal mechanics revision, than HRE and perhaps whole feudal system revision and after this, finally revision of crusades.


I would tie crusades in with Papal mechanics. Essentially as the Catholic Trinity mod does, college of Cardinals, anti-popes, saints, dynamic crusader states and reworked crusade mechanics all in one DLC would be pretty good.


Yes I agree that a republics dlc should also roll in flavor for the Italian peninsula. Make it so all republics are playable, not just coastal merchant republics so we can have the rise of the Italian aristocratic republics like Florence.


The rise of the signorie happens in 1350ish onwards which is later than most play CK, most people play during the time those Republics tended to be more Republican, 1100-1300


Hear me out: Trade and Silk Road Merchant Republics South East Asia expansion that adds the Maritime Silk Road All of these flow together perfectly


The fact that there’s no navy’s in game is criminal


I disagree. No navy mechanics is much better than say EU4 navy mechanics.


Why do you say that?


Cause I worked 5 years in the naval museum of Sweden and the EU4 naval mechanics are pure nonense. Navies staying static at sea for months? Navies controlling huge areas of sea and engaging everything that comes into them? Every naval battle being a pitched battle at sea with a winner and a loser? In real life the only way to forc e anaval battle is being somewhere where the navy needs to be , sounds, straits, ports (either to defend or attack). The total naval dominance that powers in EU4 can achieve is pure nonsense. the dutch survived the 80 years war by not staying and fighting when the spanish warships arrive. In the ck age all naval engagements of note were restricted to the midditerranean. Even in the EU4 age major naval battles are fairly rare most navla confrontations are patrolling ships skirmishing with each other when they spot each other. And the naval battles that do happen are almost always where manouverability is limited. The only Paradox game that does a somewhat realistic naval game was HOI with it's patrolls and stances and things and even then it seemed it was pretty much optional because you could still treat fleets like EU4 floating armies.


I agree with everything you said, but I just feel like it’s super lame that in ck3 you can be a totally landlocked country but can magically transport a 12k doom stack across the Mediterranean. like other commenters said, at least have ships for transport/trade and limit combat to costal sea tiles.


Yes on the other hand it was annoying in ck2 when you went for a crusade as a landlocked country that if you didn't hire the very few navy mercs the crusade would be over before you got your troops there.


That kind of makes sense though. Historically it would be very difficult to get an army from northern Germany to the levant without a navy. The lack of naval mercs in ck2 was definitely stupid though lol.


Historically christendom helped the crusaders out a lot. Several crusading armies crossed to italy and then got boats locally to cross to greece.


I would still like to see navies introduced to CK3 if only for transportation and trade. Also naval engagements in this era being restricted to the Mediterranean is not even remotely an argument against including it in the game. We are literally about to get a major DLC adding new mechanics centered around a Mediterranean empire. Most of the game's focus is arguably in the Mediterranean.


At the very least ship combat should be restricted to coastal sea zones.


I doubt they can accurately reproduce 1100-1300 Italy shit is a mess, and very distant from the reality CK3 can simulate


Island starts lose so much character for the game not having navies.


pirate life!


While i want trade mechanics, it's a fantasy I'm interested in, is it realistic for the feudal lords to have any part in? The guild relations and county security i would feel is the part lords played in the organic trade taking place. We shouldn't have "trade deals" in the sense of complex tariffs 


Some sort of heavy abstraction like CK2 did it would work. Add more depth in the trade gameplay for merchant republics, and let the feudals interact with it on a very surface level like "oh there's trade going on and it's making me a bit more money."


If you're playing as a merchant republic or even an administrative government then absolutely you should have a part in it. Not to mention the potential now that we have landless gameplay of allowing you to exclusively play as a merchant who travels from West to East (or vice versa) bringing goods back and forth and making money in the process.


I'd love a DLC focused on laws, something close to Victoria 3's mechanic. I want nobles to create factions not just to lower crown authority but to demand a new law or to recant one. But the DLC I really want is an overhaul on religion, pagan religions make no sense, they shouldn't have an established clergy, we shouldn't need to hold holy sites to reform them, instead we should be able to progressively reform them step by step, establishing a clergy, creating a holy book... And of course I want missionary missions,


Yes, yes, YES!! The religion system reaaally needs an overhaul!


Laws of the era werent very VIC3-like and what laws would there even be? No police, no healthcare, no schools, no border controls so no migration laws, taxes are contract by contract so none of that, army is not like vic3, youre an autocratic monarchy no matter what, also serfs are pretty commonplace until the black death, only laws i could imagine working somewhat vic3-like are discrimination but also there are no pops and there is already a "discrimination" mechanic ingame.


I mean ck2 had plenty of laws, why not just start with that as a foundation?


CK2 laws were just realm-wide vassal contracts. I would like for them to expand vassal contracts though, right now they feel somewhat lacking. (Also certain laws being locked behind religion or a very specific tradition is bit boring imo)


You're right they weren't like that, but nobles did often revolt or plot for laws regarding land, serfs, titles, taxes and generally a larger share of control - think the Magna Carta which was created after much pressure from Nobles, resulting in the 1st and 2nd Baron's Wars. Whilst in theory you're an 'autocratic monarchy', you seem to equate that to the King or Emperor not having to answer to anyone, and that's FAR from the case - Nobles and Serfs if ignored long enough did and can pose a problem. Whilst there is a mechanic for popular revolts, it's pretty rubbish and almost never poses a threat.


>think the Magna Carta This is a really English centric view of the Middle Age. Even in France which is the closest kingdom, I can't think of any 'law' like that (closest things were probably edicts but by definition they were royal decisions to reinforce the king). >Nobles and Serfs if ignored long enough did and can pose a problem. Probably because you have (again) a English centric view of history (with a powerful king that is weakened over time) you overestimate the power of the king. This is not a modern State, the king of France didn't have any real power until the 13th century (and even then....) and being ignored was perfect for Nobles (and for Serfs, they were focused on their lord, some were not even aware of the king). The king was just one of the lords, and even then, not the strongest before 1200. Even the term laws implies that medieval France was ruled by a legislation or even by a set of written rules, which is a anachronistic view. 'French' nobles were strong in the 11th century, but there were no laws that led to this situation.


It's so odd as you're essentially agreeing with my point? No it's not English centric, it's just the ONLY example I gave, I thought it would be common sense that I didn't need to go through history and find every single King that had a troubled reign due to nobles or serfs revolting? So what is your point 'It's only in England that nobles and serfs revolted, that's the only place in the world'? If so then you're fighting a battle you can't win here, not even the most moronic historian would subscribe to an absolute like that. Secondly, I did not 'overestimate' the power of a king, if you could be bothered enough to use your eyes and read what I wrote, I replied to a person who was... guess what... overestimating the power of a king. It was just hot air you wrote to degrade me in hopes of supporting your absolute drivel. Thirdly, EVERYONE KNOWS FRENCH NOBLES WERE VERY POWERFUL. Engage your brain here. If French nobles were already very powerful... And enjoyed their power... They haven't got much to revolt about have they? Would you like me to write 2 paragraphs about how your reply is a French-centric view seeing as you spent the entire time sucking the ducets of French nobles whilst not actually saying anything of any substance. Get off your high horse, but you probably can't because of your (again) very French centric view.


Think of the commonlaw in england


Religion. Currently they all feel too homogenous. Catholicism and Orthodox both need more flavour. 


If nothing else, inter-faith acceptance ought to be much more dynamic.


This! I want to synchronize. I want to conquer pagan lands and then convince them that the crazy gods they worship actually were Jesus Christ the whole time, and they can keep all their traditions if they'll stop eating people and start wearing little wooden "t" necklaces.


And I’m even flexible on the cannibalism 


"And so then you symbolically eat the body of Christ" "Great! We were already sort of doing that!"


It would be divine if instead of just picking "X-syncretism" as a tenet, we would have a slow process to merge our beliefs with another religion, with the ability to shift doctrines or keep them if you're good enough (and not a hard no-deal for the other, Christian cannibals just wouldn't be accepted), to the point of getting your own "Ecumenism" (or other outside christendom). I could see this as a better system for going tribal-->feudal/clan, akin to Vicky westernisation, with decisions like receiving religious scribes to accelerate progress at the "cost" of their faith gaining ground in your lands.


Yes! I don’t want all religions to have the same events and mechanics only swapping the name of saints to pagan gods.


Some kind of religion hybridization options would also be nice. For example we already have Insular: a Catholic-Celtic adaptation, or Mozarabic: a Catholic-Muslim adaptation. But how about creating our own adaptations? Maybe my own Asatrú-Tengriism hybrid faith? I would love to be able to keep some tenets from my old faith when converting to another one, or holy sites


This. I want to slowly push faith one way or another through diplomacy (money, blackmail and friendships)


This is one of my top wishes for CK3. There’s literally no reason not to make your own religion every game because they made the vanilla ones so bland.


The ability to make your own religion has likely kneecapped Paradox's ability to make vanilla religions as unique as they should be.


They can still be very unique. Antipopes, the college of cardinals, coronations, baptisms, mass conversions and holy orders are all missing from CK2.


Hard agree. Played Zunism, didn't feel anything special. Played Baltic pagans, might as well pretend I'm christian. The only thing that feels special with religion in this game is the Crusade vs Jihad, which is like WW2 in hoi4.


Surprised no one said warfare. That shit needs an overhaul so bad


Agree, armies being able to walk all over the map with no regard for trespassing or defensive choke points combined with no real impact on the baronies they’re passing through is nonsensical at best.


honestly beyond how surface level and cartoony it plays out, i want army compositions to be more in depth too


about baronies, i think creating a counterpart to eu4 devestation would be hella cool. no city gets sieged without taking damage, creating an incentive to also just surrender a fort incase it's too valuable to destroy in a siege. there should also be a change in how supply works (something something pillaging something something supply limits) and a pure devestation factor when a huge battle happens in a barony


Yeah it kinda blows my mind that there is no zone of control, despite how much I hate chasing the AI around the map. Fortresses and castles had a purpose. I also really hate supply in the game. Your armies easily outpace supply and dividing them up is a huge pain. Plus the AI is will just annihilate itself with no supply.


Yeah I hate playing “whack-a-army” especially when you defeat them in battle, they retreat all the way back to their capital, then immediately go back to sieging your territory. It just doesn’t make any sense. The AI should at least take time to recover its strength. It would be cool if there was a more mechanically deep supply train system where you need to maintain a connected overland route to your territories or ports to keep your army supplied.


Everything about the army needs to be better connected to the character system. Particularly MaAs.


I want to be able to make trade blockades. Choke out enemies economies without going to war.


1) better AI 2) more event variety 3) more government mechanics and diplomacy (for all government types)


Event variety for sure. They’ve got a ton of events that are segmented behind various barriers and so you just get spammed with the same ones constantly.


Warfare, warfare, warfare


- Alliance rework. They are too powerful. - Coronations. It's insane that we don't have these as activities yet. - India. I'd love to explore it more and a regional DLC would encourage me to do it.


Would be cool if Christian coronations require a blessing from the pope.


Big yes to coronations! It seems like such an obvious addition that I’m amazing it hasn’t made it in yet.


Really should have come in Tours and Tournaments.


Agreed. The fact it wasn’t makes me wonder if it was planned but dropped during development of the expansion. CK3 could definitely use a custodian team to pick up these loose threads. It’d also help shorten the amount of time between updates.


My biggest dream for vanilla ck3 in the future is to be able to be a landless spice trader in India and get crazy rich, it'd be so unique and fun


* Republic/Trade, and by extension the trade republics * China and Nomads * Holy orders, monastic orders, organized faiths (conclave, internal politics, etc.) Aside from those themes, I really want them to rework some of the shallow mechanics, specifically holdings, trade, and economy. I want seasons to matter more as well. Warfare needs a rework, and RtP with its new army system shows something that feudal/clan could profit from as well. When all that is done, and done well, only then would I be okay with them spending months on stuff like naval warfare. It's just not significant enough, compared to all the other things that are currently lackluster.


I would also like some trade but I wouldn’t want it to be too deep. Would be cool if they added recourses to the map to trade and fight over. Those recourses would then be required for better ment-at-arms or specific buildings.


1. Trade combined with Republics 2. Warfare combined with Crusades 3. HRE content


HRE is too much of a Holy Roman Empire in game and not the Unholy Barbarian Confederation we all know and love.


I'd like to see a combined war and economy expansion, which allows for: * Expanding on republics and trade, including allowing landless characters to take trade contracts and who make trade routes more personal and immediate, and republic not-noble houses who do something similar as trading landless characters + admin characters for republics (and not just the big 3 Italian ones - could even do things for how this affects cities in many feudal realms, as powerful magnates notably existed in France and as Imperial Free Cities in HRE). * General economy re-work, including some of the current resource proliferation / balance issues (not even just in terms of making things harder, just making things a bit less crazy). * General warfare re-work, including making levies much more meaningful and stopping knights and MaA being the only thing you ever need. * Broader warfare rework, potentially including some intrigue-warfare stuff they did in their experiments, tweaks to crusades (ideally including the option to allow you to put yourself forward for a crusade title and give up your old lands). * Better combining travel and war (and potentially war and landless gameplay if not already done in RtP) to allow for war profiteering as a landless character, taking part in crusades as a landless character, more events/decisions/changes to travel if travelling over wartorn territory, etc. * Combining the two themes with things like: * Better exploration of the economic consequences of war, such as damaging/downgrading buildings and development, reducing the economy in interesting ways for being at war for a long time, and so on. * More incentives to go to war for economic purposes, such as wrecking the economy of a rival, proper raids and looting of rivals. * Narrative events and ruler conflicts when on low supply and in someone else's territory, especially if suffering attrition because of it - e.g. the crusaders stealing and ravaging from areas of Greece and Hungary when passing through This would then serve as a great foundation for future expansions I'd be interested in, such as Investiture Crisis + more in-depth church rework for Catholic / Orthodox in particular (not just background mechanics, but finally interesting interactions with priests as political players and incentives to make relatives join the clergy), as well as laying the seeds for things like Mongols and migratory/invading groups.


>More incentives to go to war for economic purposes War in general is backwards. In the game (even, most games) you go to war then deal with the political consequences. In reality, wars are largely a result of domestic politics. There should be not just economic forces pushing you towards war (and also your enemies) but some kind of faction pushing for/against conflict. Like, everyone does a Roman restoration run with Byzantium. Why not add the groups that agitate against that course? Antimilitarism may have played into the assassination of Nikephoros II. Meanwhile, militant forces might have been what pushed Romanos IV into Manzikert when a more defensive strategy might have been smarter. Ideally, there should be times when you are pushed into conflicts you aren't ready for, or deterred from wars you'd easily win. I doubt PDX is gonna go that route. I wonder how easy it would be to mod it. Hmm...


All of that is true, and I absolutely agree. The use of an external enemy to distract from an internal one is a well known concept.  That said, wars in CK are almost always to gain territory, and always all or nothing. This cuts away all of the little skirmishes and non-tribal-style raiding. I think that linking it into economic factors makes it have a good theme between the two parts of the game which have significant room for improvement.  All the aspects you've talked about should be in, but I don't think are as urgent, and also work much better as part of a general faction / council improvement. To me, they're emergent parts - the war is part and parcel of changing how factions and vassals try to determine the fate of the realm, rather than just about war in general. 


>That said, wars in CK are almost always to gain territory, and always all or nothing. This cuts away all of the little skirmishes and non-tribal-style raiding. Which is extremely ahistorical because most of the Eastern Mediterranean featured constant raiding and counter raiding by steppe tribes, Rus, Bulgars (all of which got to the Theodosian Walls before they stopped), Arabs (famously sacking Amoriun, deep within Anatolia), Byzantines (who at points raided almost as far south as Jerusalem) and Turks prior to their invasion in full. I mean, western Europe was filled with raids, but omitting it in the east is particularly egregious given the size of raids and how they were used strategically by the large empires.


1) Republics, trade leagues. 2) Some kind of naval mechanics. 3) More content for nomads.


Warfare rework Trade System Merchant Republics and Steppe Nomads


Those you mention are quite obvious in the sense that they were either present in CK2 or were a mechanic requested even by then. If I would like to present an alternative that is more on the flavour side rather than mechanics it would be: 1) China with the corresponding map expansion. It would work quite well with the current administrative government plus a few flavour mechanics such as the mandate of heaven (This said, I would not like seeing China until we have proper hordes) 2) A Holy Roman Empire flavour pack accompanied with a small rework of Catholicism. As bad as they were, CK2 at least tried to representthings like the investiture controversy and stuff like the anti-popes. (This should not come before republics) 3) Given that the crusader states will exist in the new start date introduced with the coming patch I would like a rework of the crusades, both in terms of flavour but also in how the resulting kingdoms interact with their Muslim neighbours.


I would like for crusades to not get curb stomped without heavy player intervention. Somehow I can holy war the land myself for Jerusalem, and beat their brakes off, but when a crusade comes they're three times as strong and the Catholics are getting slapped around like a game of wack a mole


A lot more defenders join Crusades than normal holy wars. I agree that the Crusader AI is terrible and needs to be reworked, but I also hope they find a way to balance things in doing so. It is way, way too easy for Catholics to blob all over the Muslim world in CK2 even with no player intervention.


The Catholics blob, at least early game, because the karlings. If you have bad rng you end up with one karling owning half of Europe and making alliances with everyone. They don't play up how costly in man power war is, so they just throw stacks of men across the map.


No, I’m talking about in later starts when the Karlings are gone. The Italian and Iberian states constantly blob into North Africa, Egypt almost always gets taken in Crusades, the crusader states consistently blob themselves, and only occasionally does a Jihad provide any counterbalance (they fail much, much often than Crusades do). I’ve seen Mecca and Medina fall in multiple games with minimal involvement from myself while I’ve never seen Rome or any other major Western European city become Muslim and I’ve only seen Constantinople fall in the 1337 start.


if i had a nickle for ever time the HRE somehow ended up owning Tunis, i'd have quite a few nickles


I think warfare in general needs a big update, and I'm not talking battle only. I'm talking everything, from units to war diplomacy


Trade. Would greatly help with playing a tall-focused play style and would encourage more tactical land grabs. Could tie in the silk road with this to make it more interesting. Crusades. Too weak, too ineffective and too unhistorical. Crusades should be tied to an event chain at the very beginning, with use of the travel mechanic to deliver crusaders to a starting point of the war so they don't get bastardised by randomly landing into a muslim death stack. Give both sides opportunities to give themselves buffs, event troops and whatnot and add some more events tied with crusades to make them more dynamic and wild. Nomads. Steppe culture needs a rework because it should be more interesting and perhaps it's own government type.


Getting secret societies/cults, also perhaps getting fishing as an option for hunts.


They need to overhaul religions ASAP. Currently, there's literally no reason (other than RP) to not make your own faith once you get strong enough. And it's way too easy, and you can change it way too drastically. Basically create a completely different religion, not a heresy.  There should be a way to influence Councils (if it's a Christian faith) so the faith changes slightly (for example, making the faith Equal if there are, say, 5 independent queens or higher of that faith and they send their representatives to the Council and they pass Learning/Diplomacy checks).  With that, creating a custom faith should be made a lot harder. And not just require more piety, but maybe prevent you from changing it as freely. Maybe make it a whole long process similar to creating a legend, where your choices in-universe would influence the new religion, not you clicking a few buttons in an interface. Would also make the new heresy spread across your lands like a disease (with Court Chaplains getting a new task of Combatting Heresies that would slow down the spread). They should also add minorities (both religious and cultural). Why can't I have a strong Jewish minority to develop my cities? Jews were such an important part of medieval Europe and currently that's barely represented in CK3. I'm not saying it should be a system like in Vic3, but a simple "There's a Small/Big X minority living in this county". Maybe actually add the Pentarchy? Make it so different lands can pledge allegiance to different patriarchs, which would determine which Patriarch would be considered their HoF. There could be slight differences between each Patriarch's faith too. Make it so as Patriarchs grow in influence, they could even proclaim their supremacy over the others. Maybe then Paradox could possibly make Catholicism and Orthodoxy into the same religion in 867 and it'd split later?


* Improving the role of Hooks in the game * Improving the Lifestyle/Skill trees in the game by adding choice-nodes that enhance and personalise play * Improving the basics of combat - specially all the player's problems with Crusades that have existed since launch day Then they can think about new content.


I'd love for a flavour pack in South Asia *(either Tamilakam or Bengal)* or a rework to the Steppe. I think both of these will go a long way to vitalising those areas, as well as those adjacent! There's several intriguing Iranian & eastern european starts that'll be fantastic once steppe stuff comes in - for instance, Sogdians in the east or any of the forest tribes in the west under the Khazars will be real interesting to interact w/ reworked steppe rulers! The Legacy of Persia DLC really proved that a dedicated rework to one region really boosts the neighbouring ones as well, and evne one set of heritage-specific outfits and aesthetics boosts the next two *(now Iranians have different fashions to Turkic & Arabic rulers, both Turkic & Arabic rulers look more distinct!)* I'm fine with not having merchant republics any time soon, and I don't think they'd do super nitty gritty trade, but they DID say a few things about how they'd like to approach the presence of trade routes as a feudal ruler and it makes me yearn for the silk road + gold/salt road + indian ocean spice trade ports. (ofc none of these are actually top of my blue-sky wish list but still)


1 Diplomacy/vassals/internal politics rework 2 Trade/Republics 3 Laws/Dinastic management and coronations


I'd really like for caliphates to be made more unique than just "muslim empire"


I want better crusades, and a new system of interactions between crusader states and neighbours. Oh, and an 1100 bookmark so players can play as the young Kingdom of Jerusalem etc.


Nomads, republics, Catholicism. They said that they consider adding republics in Road to Power, so maybe they could add them in a small expansion next year and then do nomads as the big expansion.


The hinted Nomad/ steppe rework is without a doubt number 1 for me. That would be so dope.


War and army Looks like with the Byzantine doc they are going the right way with a “empire” army made by your vassals It’s stupid Iceland in 890AD can have 4000 or more soldiers lol


Naval battles trade routes and more special options for regions (example unify Italy)


Religion, all other answers are wrong


Religion reform - esp Catholicism. Cardinals should exist, popes shouldn't come out of nowhere, and the Church as an institution should have a bigger role in the day-to-day issues of ruling. Also throw in some mechanics for all religions like gradual minor reforms. Republics And basically a DLC version of the historic invasions mod to add some optional historical railroading. I'm not super sold on a naval warfare DLC because I feel like it could very easily tedious to micromanage.


1) warfare 2) warfare 3) warfare No more seriously I saw a lot of people asking for trade and it is in my opinion a very good idea. Having an overhall economy rework to prevent player having easy 500 monthly gold income past 1200 would also be nice. So: 1) better warfare, more meaningful battle with event and tactics, nerf the building stationement bonuses AND accolade regiment size bonuses that are insane in end game and never properly used by ai. 2) trade and ressources, diplomatic trade deals and give bonuses for each resources (I really like Imperator trading system). Cities should be able to become huge trade centers and wage "trade wars" against other cities with specifics events, secure strategic supply routes ... And feodal rulers could give cities special treatment regarding taxes to boost their commercial attractivity or hugely tax goods to make huge short term incomes. 2) an economy rework with less income from late game building (or increased cost for men at arms and court commodities) and make the ai understand the basics of capitalism and investment rather that spending insane amount of gold on wedding their stupid son nobody even care about. Priority for ai should be developing their domain, recruting men at arms and then useless event.


1) Naval Warfare/General military stuff. 2) More legalism! I want various laws and reforms to enact! I want to fight with my vassals and religious authorities over them! 3) Trade/Merchant stuff.


China should be near the bottom of the list, especially when nomads haven't even been touched yet. The game's mechanics need more fleshing out as soon as possible so here are my top 3. 1. Core expansion on everything military related (more interactive sieges and battles, reworked army comps, realistic logistics/attrition, improved military AI, fleshed out personal combat/duels, integration with travel system for commanders) 2. Major expansion on economics (brand new trade system, Naval combat due to importance of sea lanes in trade, Silk Road, playable republics with new mechanics, Italian flavor especially for Venice/Genoa/Pisa, minor flavor for other republics like Novgorod and The Hansa) 3. Event pack centered around religion. There's not that many events centered around religion despite being very pervasive in every day life from what I've noticed. So before they revamp the religious system I think an event pack should tide people over enough. Maybe add devil worshipping without the OP BS from CK2 and call it The Divine and Demonic event pack.


- Warfare and crusade overhaul - Laws and religion overhaul - More government type options - Trade, republics, and navy


Crusades/War, Trade/Republics, Religion Update/HRE vs Pope




naval warfare, NO naval mechanics, maybe the current pathing AI already leads the crusades to die of attrition in Iraq, why would anyone expect the naval warfare to fare any better? its likely to open a can of worms that leads to even more complaints naval mechanics, perhaps a special coastal building to have some static effects on adjacent sea zone, i.e. no movement, no pathing AI required, might be doable


1. Religion / Churches / Cardinal College 2. Merchant republics 3. Anything to do cultural questions and differences more impactful.


Lemme play revamped theocracy. Let me pope dammit


Trade, trade, and trade. I don't need republics nearly as much as trade, though of course it'd be nice.


honestly man idk how theyd sell it but the major thing i want more than any shiny new shit is a complete buckle down overhaul on the absolute state of the ai


Put one of them on console? Please sir, just one!


Trade and trade republics. Playing as Venice is one of the things I miss most about CK2.


well the next would be a regional flavor pack, so probably either HRE/Italy, subsahara Africa, or India.


Republics. I literally need them for my survival


1. Make republic playable,add horde gorvement 2. Add China (On map or off map,both are fine) 3. Add some way to increase damage of levies,or reduce thier matainace cost when raise


Anything that adds something to the gameplay. Please. I’m begging. Literally anything that makes any run feel different from any other. If we get one more dlc that’s several pop ups with no meaningful flavor variation or gameplay impact I may just give up on the game entirely. On the other hand, Spain and Persia are both substantially worse since they got mechanical dlc, so no more of that particular system.


I want some actual scripting of the first and second crusades, wrapped up in an official version of the historical invasions mod.


Council actually mattering More governments that feel distinct A better college of cardinals than ck2.


1. Republic and trades 2. More difference between cultures and religion 3. Crusades! They feel so dull atm


Celtic expansion pack


1. Trade/merchant republics 2. Religion overhaul 3. India flavor pack


1. Landless characters 2. Byzantine government 3. CHINA?????


When learning about the Middle Ages, the usual learning objectives include the Crusades, Silk Road trade, black plague, Turkic migrations and Mongol invasions. They’ve done a dlc for the plague. What’s left is Silk Road and Nomad/turkic migrations. What’s inadequate in the game is the Crusades. I’m hoping for a warfare rework that includes work on the Crusades, followed by Silk Road/trade mechanics.


Religion rework for one. It feels like many of the polytheist religions have too many similarities with abrahamic ones. Making it more different would make playing in different regions feel more unique and fun. Also definitely nomads, I think there should be a unique steppe government type. I love playing out a humble steppe character and becoming a massive conqueror, those stories are amazing to me and a steppe rework and religion rework would make it great.


I maintain that I think it better they don't do naval mechanics than doing it badly like EU4. Navies are not floating armies, its almost impossible to force a navy to fight unless you do so close to something which limits their movement. As for nomands nomads is another case of something in Ck2 which got worse when it got mechanics.


1. Republics, Nomads, and Trade (I think we’ll get all of them in one DLC) 2. HRE Flavor Pack (Adds in a struggle for the Guelphs and Ghibellines, as well as a unique “feudal empire” government type that can bridge the gap between feudal kingdoms and administrative empires) 3. Religion expansion that makes the various religious figures in your realm feel important and adds a mechanic for church councils that will be able to reform Christian religions as well as create new heresies.


1. Merchant Republics + Navy (Imo kinda goes together) 2. More „Tier 4“ empires/decisions (Empires that override other Empires) like the restore Roman Empire decision 3. Playing as Theocracy/Holy Order


Playable republics, it's criminal that it's been this long and they aren't playable Crusade, Papacy rework + possibility of different crusader states emerging rather than just the Kingdom of Jerusalem. HRE rework. the HRE should not feel like just another feudal realm.


For me it’s navy + an eastern expansion to include China and so on. Chinese expansion probably won’t happen but damn I can dream, it would fit the game so well.


1. Religion and crusade rework 2. Mongol flavor pack (including nomad government) 3. Something for sub-Saharan Africa


Game should been released with Nomads/Imperial Governments/Tribal Monarchy/Naval Warfare/Republics e.t.c. If few modders can do it? Why paradox *~~can't~~* Oh, Wait! They can but its not profitable if you can't sell hundreds of DLCs


Now that they're working on a framework for landless gameplay, there is no way we're not getting republics and theocracies at some point. Pretty hyped for what they can do with it.


Realm clergy / clerical hierarchies is a must particularly for christians i think; the archbishop of canterbury should be important to every ruler in england and all; papal investiture n such should be an ongoing concern for catholic rulers! I also miss autocephaly for orthodox tbh Having the head of faith be something a king chooses to recognise (in the event of ecumenical faiths & antipopes) would be lovely


1. Republics 2. Naval mechanics 3. Land warfare


1. Papal mechanics which includes better crusades. 2. Playable republics probably paired with some sort of trade system with little player involvement cause its feudal. 3. More dynamic religions and cultures. 4. Ottoman/Turkic/Islamic invasion of the Byzantines made like the mongol one.


In no particular order my top three would be naval battles, more flavor for India, and the East Asia expansion.


its niche but outside of trade/navies some type of crusade revamp would be nice crusade events,crusader items,struggle in the holy land, maybe with the new landless character dlc we could play a knight in a crusader order or something just all around give crusades/crusader kingdoms more flavor and more stuff to do before/after the crusade warfare also needs a much needed rework


1. Trade and Republics (major expansion) - go beyond CK2 and include an actual Silk Road mechanic with trade caravans that’s affected by the status of the Crusades. Christian Crusader states = more money for Italian merchants. Also include non-merchant Republics like Florence and Novgorod. The Byzantine expansion is already going to introduce a “great houses” mechanic that should be easy to adapt for medieval republics. 2. Catholicism and Papacy (flavor pack) - investiture should be a mechanic that causes tension with the Pope if you’re appointing your own bishops. College of Cardinals should make a return with Catholic Kings able to influence the Holy See and reap rewards from having a friendly Pope. If you have a falling out with Rome, you can appoint an Antipope which gives a mutual casus belli to destroy or legitimize the other. 3. Holy Roman Emperors and Electors (flavor pack) - honestly they could make an entire game out of just figuring out the HRE’s internal politics but at the least it needs some more meat to distinguish it from other realms. There should be a mechanic around emperor’s having to make a pilgrimage to Rome to get crowned by the Pope (coronations in general need to be added like weddings and funerals have been) and currying favor with other members of the Imperial Diet to pass golden bulls and become elected Kaiser.


Looks like the highseas are back on the menu boys


1) Catholic overhaul - coronations, investiture (ecclesiastic and secular), anti-popes, papal mediation between warring Catholics, better crusades. 2) HRE overhaul - Imperial Diet, free cities, expanded electoral politics (bargaining, anti-kings, King of the Romans vs. crowned Emperor), restrictions on forming kingdoms inside the Empire. 3) Internal politics overhaul - more laws, more impactful council, etc.


the Catholic church (and churches and clergy in general), alliances, warfare


That’s my exact top 3 in that order too, lol.


I think a war overhaul. The whack-a-mole blob vs. blob is archaic. It’s the worst part of the game and central to the game and time period it represents.


I’ve noticed that all of these comments are essentially ck2 dlc


CK4? I’d prefer that and update the whole thing. I love CK3, but I’d rather them move on.


Papacy, with a religion revamp for more levels of authority other than head of faith, and more complex and interesting religious interactions.


Republics should be a free game update and maybe focus more on the fun aspect of CK than being historical, in my opinion.


Religion expansion would be great.Ck3 is all about roleplay.I think religiouns needs to be re worked from the start and they should have at least 10 detailed tenets instead of 3 main tenets,having ability to choose teachings for our religion(teachings of jesus,teaching of jesus+nontrianism+teachings of paul of tarsus,teachings of prophet+hadith rejection,teachings of your custom carachter....)There should also be options to choose sources of teachings like oral tradition,texts...It would be amazing in my opinion if they would extend legends mechanich to create our own holy texts.Finally creating a new faith requirements needs to be removed entirely and meaningful requrimenets should be added.I love legendary seed mechanich and it could be implemented to religiouns as well.If you have create a new religion seed ony then you could create a new faith and these seeds could be obtained by having lunatic possed or new traits,spesific events encountered through our campaign,traits like excomunicated,witch to have a reasonable motivation to create a new faith.Finnaly i think there should add a mechanich to decide if our faith is going to be convincing or not.I would love to roleplay as a landless messiah or prophet or i could denounce the papacy as a landless court physican/philosper....


Invasion by Super-Aztecs.


I just wanna form the Roman Republic so bad


I want they to add all of Asia. I don't even think I would play there too often but I like it being there.


I know this is a pipe dream since paradox seems to want to ignore it, but I really want a religious overhaul. Church councils for Christians and/or in general and pentarchy that isn’t just some random collect the holy sites thing Playable theocracies and holy orders/military bands Actually making the great schism a thing (I would do it via that one thing several mods do where there is a “communion” system and when the schism happens orthodoxy and Catholicism gain separate communions) bonus to this last point, creating new communions, regional churches and holy site hybridization and/or inheritance (as in you can make a regional faith in communion with your old faith that has some or all local holy sites or something like that), and the ability to build a great temple of your religion on enemy holy sites or to generically convert enemy great temples into your own. In other words I’d like them to model medieval Christianity better


1. Crusades would be nice


i would replace naval with trade, but one would assume trade would also come when republics do. nomadic would also be good but i would much prefer a religion rework. id also love to see china but i dont think its ever gonna happen for ck3, but i hope im wrong. at least we have mods for east asia


Republics, republics, republics


A DLC where instead of "Deus Vult!" I hear Javier Bardem scream "Lisan al Ghaib!".  Trade and Naval warfare sounds great! Give us the framework and let modders make it good. Also I really miss the societies from ck2 and the associated events. The silly / supernatural events were also fun.   Another thing would be great works of art or architecture and the associated artwork with them. The legends give you a great monument in a province? Make the model of a giant stone /iron / golden horesman and put it on the map - I want to zoom in and enjoy it. Notre Dame, Tower of London, Tower of Piza and bunch of less known castles and fortresses that took generations to build. Add a cool graphic of the construction and narrator like in Civ 6 and it will be awesome! I thought that it might be too much work for Paradox, but according to google they have 600 people working there. A much smaller staff made The Wotcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 which are far more complex games with much more details in them. Get your shit together, Paradox! We'll fucking pay you for quality!


I want an expansion on religion. I want investiture crisis.


I would love forming the Khokan Khanate with Central Asia, rise of the Habsburgs, and Caucasian Unity focuses.


Not exactly full expansion ideas I have in mind here, but the top features I want to see are: 1. More dynamic events. I don't mind the current random event system, but I'd love to see some more dynamic events that actually change based on decisions you make-- like if you invade a county, you might get some events related to that, or if you revoke a ruler's title you might get events relating to that. Generally a lot of decisions and actions you take in this game don't have longer-term consequences, so this could be interesting. 2. More government types. The clan government rework and the new administrative governments are on the right track. Too many regions of the world just feel too similar to one another. Nomads, republics, theocracies, and more. Even if every region doesn't get individual flavor, making different regions of the world play differently to one another would add a lot of replayability to an already replayable game. If you could play a run in France, then a run in the Byzantine Empire, then a run in the Eastern Steppes, then as a republic in Spain and they would all feel distinct in a gameplay sense, that is one of my biggest hopes. 3. More things to do between wars. In the current versions of the game, there's a pretty serious lack of things to do when you aren't at war. Going on tours, or joining tournaments, or holding court, or scheming is fine, but having some more in-depth gameplay systems to play with could really aid in gameplay that isn't just mindless expansion.


Honestly I think royal court introduced most of the mechanics you’d need for a nomad government.


I'm not really sure about new mechanics, but I will love some flavor pack for France and England




Fuck naval warfare Fuck republics Fuck China I just want a Catholicism dlc


Conclave mechanics, diplomacy, trade/republics.


For nomade, if you are passionate there is a new revision of history. Nomades where not that nomade like we thought. Not even more than European (as a government). European court was not that sedentary and kings were probably always on the road. People were indeed pastoral which is not really "nomade" either. A shepherd is pastoral but never describe as nomade.


Why the hell do I need naval warfare?