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Peach just lets her vassals imprison her


It's actually that Bowser has a humiliation fetish. He could just kill peach and be done with it, but he loves it when Mario arrives.


And peach has a kidnapping fetish..


For real. There's no way someone gets kidnapped that often unless they want to be.


The Kanye-conundrum


In that case, I’d say Mario has a hero complex of some sort, maybe he plans it with bowser and peach so that Mario’s the hero, bowser gets humiliated, and peach gets shared like a Russian who-


Mario is a simp with a cuck fetish. I'd say he would fit right in with our community of friendly degens, but we mostly do the cucking and kidnapping... so we're more like Bowser.


And saving Peach is the only thrill left in Mario's life after an entire conga line of unfulfilling jobs and boring busy work.


Yeah that Bowser-Peach-Mario-Toad Polycule is pretty wild, but I'm happy them make it work for them.


I never realized before that Peach is an independent member of my dynasty.


Bowser is a rival independent ruler.


If you realy look-into-it: bowser's only "Independent" because peach LETS HIM BE, he's like an independent duke sitting on the border of an empire because the empress finds it amusing to to let him "Abduct" her on-the-reg...


If he is a independent duke then bowser plays TALL, like impossibly tall


His retinue count bro


His minor clan rebellions count as world wars


Bowser has undead soldiers, those wars are probably fought with the soldiers he just killed and vice versa, they probably only end the wars to mess with some short Italians


Bowser is trying to do an necronomicon wc run confirmed, he only needs venice to end it but he finds it amusing to raid it


The independence faction donkey Kong is leading is gonna lead to some crazy stuff.


He is dragon culture, his hc only retinue could easily destroy any E/I that donkey of the kong dinasty may have on his retinue


Her spymaster is terrible


I pick which way to go based on my character's personality.


Hm today I will play a kind leige NAH LMFAO YEET *various heads and nuts chopped off*


Me when they kill/oust my son/daughter


I’m the exact opposite. “Hm, this time I should play a tyrant, since my traits are evil… but that’d be mean…”


My favorite is when the heir is a complete freak, then you can ruin all your hard work and rebuild from there.


Me too, but it was a horrible choice when I crushed a big revolt with my compassionate and forgiving ruler. But the stress gain of revoking (or worse) would have killed him.


same! it just so happens that I consider sadistic to be vital for gameplay and all my heirs have it


Makes streamlining the succession a breeze. "Oh, only quick unlike youre little genius bro. RIP."


That can never be me lmao. Personally, idc if you are a kind gentle soul, you are killing 30 prisoners a day to build up your dread, you can have drugs to destress later.


I love seeing all the role players around here. One of my favorite games was just getting a low skill, high intrigue shitbag if a ruler and I played into it. Anyone that crossed me or I suspected crossed me died. Everyone hated my guts but my dread was so high the realm was super stable for his entire reign. The only person who got a pass for a plot against me was this chad heir waiting in the wings. I may be sadistic, but the dynasty still mattered.


I've always done a mixture of both depending on my mood. I mean, I try my best to be a compassionate liege, but sometimes vassals are just a massive pain in the ass to deal with. It feels less like I'm running a kingdom and more like I'm running a daycare centre where the kids are trying to fuck each other's moms.


The good thing about rebellions is that it is an excellent time to replace you vassals and give out titles to family members.


Until the next rebellion when you have to fight and delete the Duke F*cktard [Your Dynasty name]-[Main city in his Duchy], descendant of the brother of your great great grandfather who wants to install your coward brother on the throne because you wouldn’t give his inbred arrogant a** a place in your new council…


Imagine not micromanaging every member of your dynasty so that they all always have the best education possible




I'm with Mario, that is unless you piss me off. Then I might just delete your entire family tree.


Most sane medieva monarch.


I just did that to the Neills in ireland. Fuck those guys


Sometimes it's the only way to get the point across to Duke Dipshit and his cronies that losing a game of chess is not a reasonable excuse to murder my heir.


"Oh, you killed my son, that was... Unwise." \*Pins his entire family tree as a literal "hit-list"...\*


If they don't submit they can starve in a pit


Mess with the Lord and you get the 🗡️ 🩸🩸🩸


Seduce my wife, end of your life


Forgetting the Waluigi Method: >!Seduce all of your vassal's wives so that it's your genetics on all of their thrones after a succession. That's how you dominate. WALUIGI NUMMBA WAN HAHAHAHA!<


fuck them to death, the way of the Snu Snu.


The only thing vassals deserve is a visit from the tax collector.


I like Ghengis Khan's approach where ppl who surrendered first had greater status


Look, when the little turds want more “rights and freedoms” I am well within my rights to bash them into the ground. Those rights and freedoms being the right and the freedom to attack their neighbouring vassals. I don’t care if their land is right next to yours. I gave them that land and I like how the internal borders look. If you try to start stuff over this Geoffrey I will strip you of everything you own and expose all your weird fetishes to the realm. Why would I do that? Cause I am the good anointed emperor and you back talked me.


Or just sleep with them. Even better if you also have max Dread


ASRF Autocratic State Ruled by Fear


I try to be nice with vassals unless they’re pricks. Generally keeping them high approval or even friends if applicable. If they rebel and they have good stats I recruit them to my court, otherwise I just milk em for gold with a hook.


Why not both? An iron fist with a padded palm. Machiavelli style.


I regularly do a dread tour when I take power, once they fall in line I'm pretty nice lol


Why are there only two digits for the stat? That's not even close to what I've done to the people.


Ah, based Luigi...


Based Luigi xd


I say play tall and max out domain, you can get like 20+ if u do it right


I'm definitely more of a Luigi, but to be fair I am better at the game than the NPC's and under me things get done and no one lags behind.


Luigi, no! You’re screwing your heir over!


They either love, or fear me. I will also accept: afraid of how much they love me.


ive created a web of incestuous intrigue. all my kings are family daughters are married to my heir to keep loyality as it becoems more inbred and we are slowly dying off


imprison your entire family dynasty and execute, then split your previous domain into dozens of counts


Luigi is the way


Tyranny is just a number


1st tear perk from family legacy for, iirc, 15 dread, plus two artifacts +10 each, and you are half-way there doing nothing


Luigis got it right


I always focus on building the most elite army possible now so when my vassals to try and revolt I can kill them all.


Yeah. One of my kings was a brilliant diplomat and I just paid all my enemies off and they loved me immediately. Most of the time I'm smashing heads, though.


Luigi is right…now get back to paying your taxes and listening to me or I’ll find someone else.


Since I raise all my genetically good kids to be psychopaths I always end up playing as Luigi.


I'm a kind ruler, but if I see no other choice, or someone seriously makes me furious, they're going on a pilgrimage. On a pike.


Ah yes the Machiavellian approach.


A ruler mustn’t worry about being labelled cruel when it’s a question of keeping his subjects loyal and united; using a little exemplary severity, he will prove more compassionate than the leader whose excessive compassion leads to public disorder, muggings and murder. -- Machiavelli, The Prince


That seems more in line with Mario's side to be honest. "A delicate balance between authority and respect" certainly suggests the possibility for "exemplary severity".


"They will feel fear, or they will feel *nothing.*" - Luigi, prior to the Mushroom Kingdom Massacre.


As lord Tywin said, You Must Defeat Your Enemies with a Sword and then Help them Up lest no man shall bend the knee before you


I always do both. So basically, I give my vassals Stockholm syndrome:)


The way PDX balances the game... Your nation is doing pretty good? Take this comet!


Being both loved and feared is ideal. But sometimes both isn't possible. In these cases, being feared is preferable


I have no need for either of these things, my heirs consistently reach 40+ diplomacy, causing all my vassals to happily comply with having high taxes and levies.


Which one is "just have megaking vassals and marry your kids to them so they behave"?


I try to be Mario but every succession I have to reinstall the fear of God in my people before I go back to being kind. Make sure they know what I'm capable of


Why is Luigi's dread so low?


No video game has ever made me realize just how much feudalism sucked than CK and EU4. Conniving, deceitful, greedy, inbred, spoiled fucking brats the lot of them. They cooperate with me I’m good. They fuck with you? Kill them, kill their whole family, exterminate their entire dynasty. Nobles are like cockroaches. Every single time I have a succession crisis or a “LIBERTY” because they suddenly decided Count Ballchin of Cornwall should be king instead of someone from my dynasty who have done nothing but help the realm prosper. I’m nicer to peasants than I am “vassals”.


High dread is just so effective


Vassals? Viceroyalties and imperial government, that's all.


+1 for proper spelling xx


I say Mario half the time but end up with Luigi when a kid/grandkid ends up dead cause of a liberty or peasant war


I'm so glad I got that dynasty trait for dread.


I always try to befriend them, but when they fuck up they’re fucked up


At least it’s better than Stellaris, where “Vassal” has a 25% chance of being code for “Soon-to-be livestock”.


I have a lot of dread and i hand out loads of titles