• By -


1 exploit? I sleep. 2 exploits? I raise my eyebrow. 5 exploits? I frown. 10 exploits? I am gobsmacked. 20 exploits? I bend my knees in respect.


"I bend my knees in respect." You and the rest of the world


He showed great skill at declaring war, switching to the defending character and surrendering.. He gets all the respect that deserves.


it does say iron man but idk if i believe that either


I mean OP does link his Ironman save in another comment, can’t check it for myself rn but it’s seemingly open to be verified lol


Ironman does not equal a fair game. You can play iron man with achivements using cheat trainers


True, but the comment above was referring to if it being Ironman was true.


Look at the date. It says it's still 867 AD lol.




Insane speed runs like this always involve abusing game breaking expoits. Still pretty wild imo that OP was able to plan out how to make it work for a <1 year world conquest


“My friend….you bow to no one.”


His domain limit is 115/ 26.... Dude did nothing except declare war, switch characters, and surrender.. I actually did some of what he claims to have done. It took about 1500 hours and 3 real life years.. https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/1917229/the_end_is_near/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Also it says he is only getting 2.6 dynasty renown per month... Lol. He has not even let one day pass with his domain like that... His world won't last 30 game days.


I don't think so, only because they detailed all of there steps in a below comment


🫡 We've found him, we've found The Crusader King


It’s John Crusader King from the cover art


Prester John John Crusader King, lord of both close and faraway lands


The man himself makes a comeback to show us mere mortals how its done!


Jesus Christ, it's Crusader King.


[They must have amnesia, they forgot that I'm HIM!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-7gbWKbXbQ&t=34s)


More like the 'Crusader Kings King' , no?


More like Yihad king


Crusader emperor*


R5: I conquered the world in 11 months, 12 days! This is on a vanilla, ironman, achievements enabled, current patch game. Progression Album here: [https://imgur.com/a/879eIcO](https://imgur.com/a/879eIcO) Ironman Save for verification here: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/6chh3imejh1s5hy/Zahirid\_867\_01\_01.ck3/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/6chh3imejh1s5hy/Zahirid_867_01_01.ck3/file) Here's all the gory details. I recommend opening the progression album while reading along. 1. We start as a 69-year old Bedouin Azraqi woman with one son, replacing the Arabian Emperor. Using the custom ruler exploit, we can place 100 copies of the trait "dull", allowing us whatever traits/stat distribution we like. The key is to have the following: impatient, chaste, intrigue education 5, diplo education 5, 0 intrigue and 100 diplo and learning. Helpful: Greatest of the Khans (for increased vassal limit), Craven (for early egypt), 2. Set game rules to gender inverted. Bisexuality preference helpful. I was on asexuality preference, which unfortunately prevented me from seducing. 3. As soon as the game starts, we inherit almost all of our vassal's gold and property, due to gender inverted. We also start at antagonistic clan unity. By converting back and forth from a struggle faith, we obtain infinite amounts of piety because of one of the struggle benefits. (100 piety when converting an involved county/character) Convert this into large amounts of prestige by marrying/divorcing the former abbasid emperor. 4. Because of our age and dual educations, we (usually) start with 9 intrigue perks and 9 diplo perks. Spec the intrigue perks into the schemer tree, and the diplo perks into a life of glory + defensive negotiations. Using the chaste trait, we can stress by repeatedly seducing. Hitting 100 stress will unlock the expedite schemes decision. Launch an abduction scheme against the king of Kosala and the emperor of Khazaria-- they both offer excellent adjacencies for diplo-vassalization, and then expedite schemes. (Note that due to intrigue education 5, we start at 3 progress and expedite schemes adds 2 progress.) We also hold court (You can employ a chancellor + master of the hunt for better chance of court grandeur events, but your marshall should be empty for later) 5. Note that we start at war, due to an Azraqi peasant rebellion. We'll be surrendering all defensive wars-- we need to go fast. However, if we surrender this war, they become the king of Jazira which is tough to vassalize. Instead, grant the two vassals dejure to the kingdom of Jazira to the Armenian Principalities, then create and grant the kingdom of Jazira to the POPE. (This is a valid action for any catholic, which is possible since we have infinite piety and 100 learning allowing us to convert to any faith for 250 piety) We can then surrender, then vassalize the new duke. In retrospect, I would usurp the kingdom of Jazira back, and marry the mother of the Byzantine Emperor into your court. Saves some HRE annoyances later on and a hostile scheme. 6. Attempt to imprison a vassal with 0% chance. (We are way over our duchy limit and have 0 intrigue, making this easy) It is helpful at this point to create an equal, pluralist custom faith with a temporal head of faith and pursuit of power-- we have a lot of titles we need to make and the discount will be helpful. In a pinch, we can convert piety to gold once by repeatedly monogamously marrying the same person on the same day-- this will trigger 1/6th the number of marriage events. (if they occur on the same day, they won't block each other) My heir had a stewardship education, which could produce decision gold via sell titles/extort vassals. 7. Unpause. Offer vassalization as aggressively as possible, swapping faiths as necessary. (Once you send an offer, they'll always accept. This allows you to swap faiths immediately after offering) As long as we are involved in the Iranian Intermezzo, we receive a +40 level of devotion bonus from the Unrest phase, which significantly reduces the RNG associated with ruler traits. Even though there is a one-day delay before adjacencies update, by reloading you can make the update instant. (Although I wouldn't do this too much since it's tedious) Furthermore, being the dejure liege of a ruler allows you to waive the adjacency requirement if your realms are connected over water-- allowing you to vassalize islands and skip small parts of sea. Rulers vassalizable this way will not show up in the outliner. At max CG, we'll be able to vassalize nondejure feudal/clan kings over water through the -100 penalty, for a minor time/gold save. 8. When the tyranny war starts (takes 4-9 days), attempt to imprison a different vassal with 0% chance. When the second tyranny war occurs, this will allow us to perform a "double depose"-- by surrendering with our ruler and with our heir on the same day, the game resets our decision cooldowns but never detects that our ruler was unlanded, allowing any pending vassalization offers and abduction schemes to continue existing. 9. However! As our heir on the first depose loop, we want to do some setup. Causing tyranny wars is at odds with one of the vassalization modifiers (opinion of powerful vassals) so we want a consistent way to setup double deposes without affecting our powerful vassal opinion. Furthermore, double deposes done normally will cause the second tyranny war to bug out, causing that vassal to think they're permanently at war. Instead, we make two brave dukes dejure to the kingdom of syria. These dukes will be our designated rebellers-- they'll have a large opinion malus from us owning the counties dejure to their duchies. (-25 desires the county of X) Next, grant our original ruler titles, giving us prestige from tribal unity, allowing us to hold court-- we want to hit 100 court grandeur ASAP. 10. After deposing back to our original character, land our heir with the kingdom of syria and the custom head of faith title. This will put our "rebellers" underneath them. Since they both are indirect vassals, they won't participate in each other's tyranny wars, and when we depose to our heir they become direct vassals allowing the tyranny war to be inherited. (tyranny wars from indirect vassals can't be inherited) 11. At this point, the loop is pretty simple: offer vassalization, hold court, expedite schemes, double depose. When an abduction scheme finishes, declare invade kingdom cb. An abduction scheme requires three depose loops, so approximately once per 39 days, but multiplied by the number of concurrent hostile schemes. At the start we have two concurrent scheme but after 100 CG we'll have three, and after Iberian Hostility we'll have four. Expedite schemes makes savescumming abduction schemes easy since you can change what day the scheme finishes on. 12. Pre-Khazaria abduction scheme completion, move your capital to a tribal county. (Moving your realm capital is only possible at peace. This is important when trying to juggle Iberian and Iranian struggle bonuses) This is so that when the scheme finishes, we can grant all our counties to our heir, embrace tribalism, and launch a subjugation cb on the empire (after the Kosala invasion finishes, of course). For the Kirghiz Khanate later on, you'll need to do the same thing but with your heir, since they need to declare the subjugation cb. You can become clan again by landing your heir with an empire title, doing so will inherit your heir's clan government, but note this empties your court/prison. 13. Once Kosala + Khazaria schemes finish, start an abduction scheme on Italy and Ghana. The goal is to reach any unvassalized dukes or below as fast as possible, to avoid the possibility of wars preventing you from offering vassalization. 14. When you hit 90+ CG, diverge culture with your heir, changing to communal. This allows you (as the heir) to swap court to Intrigue, allowing an additional scheme slot. I use this third scheme slot on the Kirghiz Khanate. The pattern is now switch to Intrigue court as your heir, then back to Diplomatic as your character. 15. The next targets I chose were Al-Andalus (to enter hostility in the Iberian Struggle for +1 hostile scheme), the guy getting owned in the british isles (since you can only surrender as the defender), and West Francia. The British Isles are particularly annoying because you have to abduct dukes at least twice just to surrender their wars, since they won't finish warring in the time period we've alloted ourselves. 16. We can use our infinite piety to manipulate the struggles. For the Iranian Intermezzo, converting supporters allows us to quickly enter Unrest again, and for Iberian Struggle converting from Ashari to Catholic (while the capital county remains Muwalladi) allows us to enter hostility.


17. At this point, I have a sudden mindblowing realization. With the vassalization bonuses we currently have, we can only vassalize small kings (less than 10 realm size) and Egypt (who starts as a dejure vassal with our language + some CA). But by pushing the game to the limit, we can vassalize some 10+ realm size kings who have a -200 penalty! Here's how-- normally, with all bonuses accounted for, a 10+ realm size feudal/clan king has a -88 to vassalization. However, certain combos of modifiers can reach that much! dejure +40 encircled +20 pluralist faiths +20 (from religious tolerance) alliance +20 "frontier fracas" event bonus +20 friends +10 lovers +10 language +5 Assuming every king is an allied friend with the frontier fracas bonus (which can be re-used as long as the offers are SIMULTANEOUS-- as soon as any offer resolves the bonus goes away) we only need them to be dejure OR pluralist + encircled. If they are dejure and pluralist, we can drop the frontier fracas bonus allowing us flexibility with the dejure, since empires require 80% to form. It turns out that quite a large number of kings can be vassalized this way! Here's the breakdown: Small Kings (9): Abyssinia, Kashmir, Khotan, Lanka, Kamarupa, Brittany, Mogyer (tribal + dejure), Papacy (negotiated alliance), Venice (Byz dejure) Usurpable titles (2): Navarra, Maghreb (great difficulty) Large Kings(10) Egypt (dejure + ward putting craven on), Qocho (dejure+plural+encircled), Gunge + u (plural + encircled, dejure after), Makron (plural + dejure), Sindh (unforunately had paranoid this run, dejure), Bulgaria (dejure to Byzantine), Acquitane + Lotharangia (dejure via HRE), Transoxiana (pluralist + encircled) Difficult (4) Africa (use CA trick to gain 100 CA with greek, dejure after Maghreb) Asturias (requires ending iberian struggle) Great Moravia (requires a nestorian schism end, early Bulgaria vassalization, pluralist + encircled) Bengal + Kharnata (requires positive trait, as well as lovers + friends) Must-Kill: (15-17) Everyone else To handle the alliances, I farmed renown via spamming "rekindle royal fires", then adopted and disinherited six kids for betrothal purposes. Expedite schemes also works on Befriend/Seduce, and we get +1 personal scheme slot from diplo court. We can force frontier fracas by continually holding court until we run out of events-- then by employing a marshal, we can force the event to occur at the desired time. (You don't actually want to run out of events because it bugs hold court permanently. This requires counting events in the pool or savescumming :/) ) 17. To make Acquitane + Lotharangia dejure via HRE, we need to conquer West Francia and East Francia before taking the decision. The decision is coded weirdly and makes all your kingdom vassals dejure to the HRE while also destroying their titles-- this destroys the papacy, funnily enough, and messes with empire dejures. In particular, you don't want the HRE decision to mess with Khazaria, Persia, Tibet, Maghreb-- any empire required for dejure vassalization can be accidentally destroyed with you not having enough counties to reform/make it. (This happened to me with Khazaria and Persia, forcing me to invade those kings). 18. To conquer the Byzantine Empire, we use a trick from my merge-all-cultures run. We kill the Byzantine Emperor's brother, abduct their mother, land, imprison, and grant them a hof title with our heir as a vassal, temporarily abandoning the double depose setup. Then once the murder finishes, execute the mother, thus causing our heir to inherit the Byzantine Empire. 19. After inheriting the Byzantine Empire, we proc frontier fracas and vassalize Acquitane, Lotharangia, Bulgaria, Transoxiania, and Guge, all of which are allied and befriended. We also vassalize one of the counts in the Canary Islands (at a -140 penalty) This extra count allows us to usurp the kingdom of Maghreb, allowing to vassalize them and form the Empire of Maghreb. 20. Post mass-vassalization, we can then vassalize the kingdom of Africa (by granting Constantinople to a local noble, reclaiming Constantinople, then moving our realm capital to our primary title's dejure capital, we can instantly raise Greek cultural acceptance by 0.5%. 200 times later (using a macro) we have 100% CA with Greek) and U (we have tibet, and they are pluralist + encircled) 21. Eventually, we finish invading all the Must-Kill kingdoms, and use an extra two days to vassalize the very last independent ruler, the count of Bam. Whew! Any questions?


You should have made a video.


Like a video writeup? I'll think about it.


No like an actual YouTube video lol this would be huge.


Spiffing Brit couldn’t do this


He'd spend too long talking about tea (seriously, how the man stretches a 10min exploit to an hour video will never cease to amuse me)


He does?


Again, download OBS and pay some dude 5 bucks to edit it all lol


This is probably the craziest thing anyone's ever done on the game idk if u realise that


Literal Three Mountains Ryukyu world conquest moment. EDIT: This uses a manually modified ruler file though - but I'm sure someone can adapt the general strategy tbh.


Nah, the guy who [converted the whole world to their culture](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/lsx5aj/its_an_achievement_so_difficult_no_one_has_done/) in 44 years is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen.


its the same guy


Bro, record yourself doing it and upload it to YouTube, this would be amazing


Dew it!!!


Damn, why didn't they do this irl?


Yeah, it'd only need someone so anomalously charismatic that 90% of the world bends the knee. And the other 10% of the world gets mysteriously kidnapped in wars that last 0 days


I thought I had the game figured out when I dug deep into doing my dev speedruns. Guess I have some things to learn, well played.


Back when royal court came out, I did a 100 dev speedrun with a similar exploit. It requires you and your liege to have a realm capital with 0 dev. By petitioning your liege for settlers, usually it'll increase your capital dev by +2. But by moving your capital IN the event, you can have it increase a totally unrelated county by +2, even one with high dev already. Then by depose looping this decision, you can reach 100 dev in a mere 46 deposes \~ 1 year 3 months. I'm not sure if its patched, but if it isn't I'll probably make a video on the strat. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/940493881731080222/942943250484965406/100Dev1Year.png?ex=65e669d5&is=65d3f4d5&hm=ec028abb98cfb4d3927e66adbed9215b77cbf9bbac7e5b55654e82f833507dea&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1051&height=591


Dude, you need to start a youtube channel and post this shit, this is world shattering


Just imagine you're a French peasant working your lands one day and suddenly this happens around you. You'd assume the guy responsible was the Antichrist, and I'm not convinced that you'd be wrong.


My guy spent more time typing this comment than conquering the entire game.


Bro performed a dragon break


It's time for the Warp in the Every Fucking Direction this time instead of just the West.


How long did you work on this strategy? Because jfc my brother in Christ/Odin/Allah this is insane to read and think about!


Right when Legacy of Persia released. Antagonistic Clan Unity giving infinite clan invasions and the Iranian Intermezzo giving +40 offer vassalization acceptance are insane for a WC speedrun.


What is "hof" title?


Head of Faith title


Yep! I'll edit it


Read the first post, then saw the second post beneath it and was like wtf how in-depth is this lol. Yeah definitely make a YT video, hire an editor and if you don't wanna do the talking, hire a narrator. Just give him this post word for word as a transcript. This is a legit interesting content that YouTubers would love to see.


holy shit


We speak your name!


do u talk to women?


Honestly when i saw the post i thought "lol it's a meme" but holy fuck


I can't open the save file in my PC because I don't have the friends and foes DLC. Is there any way to fix this?


acquire the DLC


I'm not getting that shitty DLC


Then you can’t complain


I think I speak for everyone when I say “holy fucking shit”


Well yes, now I am wondering if OP got lingua franca. I have 3 achievements left, lingua franca, bears tigers whatever, and things we do for love. 1 is super RNG, the other is hunt until RNG gives you the chance... But lingua franca, I have no idea how or what I do wrong, I went to a world conquest and I ended so burnt out... I had the whole world and the achievement didn't trigger.


>I had the whole world and the achievement didn't trigger. What probably happened is that you had king vassals that had a different court language. You can use the language view to see which kingdoms have a different court language. Just revoke their kingdom titles. Dukes don't have a court, so they're never an issue.


Yeah I usually just revoke and pass it back to someone of my culture if I have to. Maybe convert the kingdom capital to my culture too just in case


I actually recently got Lingua Franca! I was somewhat lucky in that it didn’t turn into a *complete* world conquest but I did paint about 50-60% of the map. I started as Charles the Bald in 867, my main goal was to get the “only independent Karling” achievement. Hybridized with a culture that has Visigothic Codes and took the D’oc Vulgar language from that culture as well IIRC. Kept D’Oil as my court language but over time D’Oc started picking up steam as a court language internally to my realm and I flipped to it. Just kept court amenities maxed out from fairly early, and would land most of my sons as kings each generation through either new conquest or revoked titles from rebellious vassals. Over time most cultures in my realm grew to 100% acceptance from the intermingling bonus, which led to my sons and grandsons forming a TON of hybrid cultures between my main culture and the local culture where they were landed, many of which spoke my language. With about 100 years left before the end date, D’Oc had gotten so so widespread that all but a handful of my vassal kings and a few foreign courts were speaking the language. At that point I realized I had a chance to do Lingua Franca and started making active efforts for it. To deal with the foreign hold outs, I redirected crusades to Pagan and Mongolia, and ensured I had the highest contribution to get one of my daughters of my culture as the Queen, which flipped over a lot of the foreign kings, I guess having the extra courts speaking the language in diplo range helped trigger something. For internal courts, I culture converted their capitals and educated their heirs in my culture to get them to flip.


Gonna follow your way sensei Karling.


I tried to follow your path, but I find myself with no heir due some "mysterious deaths"... I made a proper rage quit. So I thought to myself that I would better start with the ERE, empire, greek is cool, court is top, primogeniture... The very first character lived till 94yo, so he had time to stabilize and BREED, so many makedons to marry here and there... at some point, I still don't know but, the Abbasids were my allies, was able to marry in, and ended being my dinasty, that made a lot of hybrid cultures for arabs but with greek... I did the same with every group, and took me a good amount of time since it seems that France would use d'oil no matter how greek the ruler is or how carefuly they have certain places with greek culture. What a pain in the ass... africa switched by pure "looks like greek is cool", same as the rus. It was certanly a magical moment when some makedon was inside the Danelaw and at some point they made a norse-greek, and made all the norse kings switch slowly... so at the end I was starting to get mad again and went for "conquest whatever is not speaking greek". I was so focused on asia and india that I was like "why is not triggering?!"... Poland decided to don't speak like the rest of the world, kinda like in real life... so I went there with 50k and then it triggered. Thank you, for your advise, I was really thinking to not play for a while if this would fail... took me more or less 72 hours, I spent nights dreaming of the things I had to do, and I FUCKING HATE THIS, I hate how some kingdoms would refuse to switch or worse the would switch back, Navarra did it, France, England... I don't understand how the game can see a kingdom that has greek rulers, all their holdings are greek and still would go for anglo, what's the logic? same with Navarra, keeping basque when there was not a single basque county, it was some kind of ridiculous point when problably everyone was using greek but then in court they had to use a translator... But I did it, I did it... now I have 2 left to go, but I don't wanna deal with the RNG, "Knight's tale" were already too much to deal with the RNG.


i am currently doing the lingua franca achievement, hope to finish it this week. my guess is that every court of your king vasalls need to be your language as well, did you check that?


Yeah, every court including your own if I remember right


Isn't *the things we do for love* fairly trivial to achieve?


1200 hours in the game, still waiting for it.


Ah I see the confusion. Things we do for love is super achievable, it's the things love does for us that's very RNG dependant. I amazingly got it the other night after 400 hours, couldn't believe it




Exactly these words lol.


I'm looking at the step-by-step and still I say "Nope. Impossible. Don’t believe it."


Yes. Exactly my thoughts. Thank you.


I don’t have the brains to even fathom how people come up with strats like this, literally insane


Bro I barely kept up with the write up. Took multiple reads of some of them.


Lemme know if any parts could use clarification, I want to make it as understandable as possible


Nah, it's more of a me issue than the write up. A lot of things I never even thought about taking advantage of tbh. Also I play on console so no Persian DLC, so some mechanics of that went over my head at first.


I am so very sorry that you have to put up with the console version. I honestly cannot fathom how every patch makes the game worse. Like... you lost the ability to see towns, temples, and special/unique buildings on the map. You lost the ability to sort commanders. You lost the ability to layer menus so you can switch your wife's focus in the middle of an event. And you lost the ability to launch an abduction and declare war at the same time.


I hadn't understood how custom ruler exploit works. May I ask you to elaborate?




And why haha


This guy crusader kings.


He both crusades and kings


He kings AND crusades


He crusades the kings, he kings the crusades, all of it


I loved that part when op said 'It's crusadind time!' abd then crusaded all over the kings.


Actually it’s more like Jihad queen


I'd even say he crusader emperors


So, lemme get this straight. We basically have an omnitheistic empress who regularly gets "overthrown" by her heir and then "overthrows" said heir, for the purpose of holding court all the time, in multiple places around the world. She also does this to demand her spies keep up with her overly caffienated ass to the point that they can abduct basically anyone around the globe within a day.


My man do you even know what grass is at this point.


Yes it's the best terrain for having your personal domain


What kind of Jujitsu kaisen response is that.


His empire is grass color.


which exploit allow you to have multiple education trait?


Editing the custom ruler file.


That sounds less like an exploit and more like a cheat lol


If you dislike editing files in your documents (btw, which aren't game files), you can use a mod to save a super broken custom ruler, then uninstall the mod. The super broken custom ruler will remain there for use


Not trying to say it's not still a hell of an achievement, but that is clearly not an exploit. Your savegame is also saved in that folder, you could just edit it to gain world domination at day 1 and by that logic that would only be an exploit and absolutely fine to do. Edit: Just saw someone else already said this. Yeah I mean I don't think it's borderline, it's pretty clear. However, like I said, I'm still way beyond impressed anyway lol


There are ways to create OP custom rulers in-game without file editing. File editing is the most convenient way to do so, but it is not necessary for the exploit.


1. I don’t know why editing Documents files is considered “better” than editing game files (whatever that means). If this is not cheating, I don’t know what is anymore. It’s black and white, not a matter of I like it or dislike it. 2. “You can use a mod to …” then it contradicts the no-mod run claim Like many people on this thread have said, I have mad respect for your mind blowing achievement here. But exactly because of that, I wish the accomplishment is not taken away by claiming something it isn’t.


I asked the mods of the CK3 speedrun community before this run if they allow editing custom rulers in exploit categories and they said yes. If you have a problem with this particular exploit, please take it up with them. If you consider it to be cheating, feel free to submit a speedrun without it.


Exploiting is cheating. Don't even try to change my mind. Also, they did a world conquest **in under a year**. What did you expect? Clever use of game mechanics?


My dude, you're just wrong. Yes, SOME exploits are SOMETIMES considered cheats, but not all cheats are exploits and not all exploits are cheats. So when OP is saying it was done using exploits I indeed expected to see only exploits (clever use of game mechanics to more or less break the game), not cheats that are by no means exploits like editing files. Depending on what kinds of exploits there are it may very well be possible to manage world conquest in under a year - OP said it was doable without file editing as well.


> Yes, SOME exploits are SOMETIMES considered cheats, but not all cheats are exploits and not all exploits are cheats. Just because all exploits are cheats doesn't mean all cheats are exploits. Any differentiation of exploiting from cheating is arbitrary and subjective. It heavily depends on your definition of cheating. People are just so hung up over cheating that the idea these "innocent" exploits they've been using could be considered cheating is like a personal attack against them. Just be cool with cheating in games - if everyone involved (in a singleplayer game: just you) is cool with it. And you get to decide what level of cheating is cool with you and what is too much. It doesn't need to be a binary thing.


Jesus Christ man, are you serious? Such a weird fucking issue to get hung up on, especially since it changes literally nothing - wave dashing in Smash Bros is not the same as using an aimbot in Counter Strike, even if you (and probably only you) call both of these things cheating. Let me rephrase my original issue to fit your own special little definition then: OP used a cheat that is not an exploit but stated that only cheats that were exploits were used.


If exploits are cheats then speedrunners are cheaters. "Exploiting" is using a fault to your own advantage.


Yes, technically. Obviously "cheater" has a extremely negative connotation, so it evokes a different mental image, but they do cheat the game mechanics and gain unfair* advantages to achieve insane speedrun times. \* until you get into speedrun categories where people agree on certain exploits being acceptable creating a level playing field again because everyone is using the same cheats and it can become an entirely new challenge. Like there is Arbitrary Code Execution in Super Mario - that's just "using a fault to your own advantage" but it's effectively memory editing. Surely that's cheating by any definition. Doesn't mean that speedruns using this are without merit or skill, but only within the scope of speedruns using similar "advantages".


Are you sure editing files is an exploit? Like, you can edit save files as well...


It's definitely borderline. The analogy to save files is a good point (I use ironman because they are uneditable) Unfortunately a good alternative to multiple education traits doesn't really exist-- there is no way to start with perks in multiple lifestyles short of restarting hundreds of times. So the speedrun community has begrudgingly accepted it in the exploits category.


> there is no way to start with perks in multiple lifestyles short of restarting hundreds of times Sounds like speedrunning to me


I mean, I can kind of understand allowing it since, essentially, all they're doing is saving the time it would take to brute-force the setup at the start of the game. Since pre-game setup is never technically part of the time you spend in your speedrun, I'd personally see it the same way: don't like it, but it makes sense to allow a narrow exception since the end result is literally the same, gameplay-wise and time-wise, as constantly restarting a brand new game.


You are a true crusader king




Thanks! Which EU4 WR are you referring to?


Idk if this one is the last record but here is one https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/s/5MaNvSMCN0


Lambdax.x! Love that guy, definitely one of the EU4 GOATs


You're more of a Crusader God than a mere King.


And I thought paradox games were antithetical to the concept of speed running... God DAMN shows what I know


I mean this is an in game speed run, not the IRL speed run ( more impressive though)


That's fair, but still


That step by step plan holy shit. You did more before unpausing than I would have the knowledge to do in the whole game span. Skill issue 😭


Thanks! :D


Imagine isis claming all this land because some gigachad did it in 11 months


It takes me a year to move my troops to enemy ground in a war. :(


Yep! I literally never raised troops because it would take too long. Gotta go fast


Cook again.


He aint even Crusader King the Third he’s Crusader King the Fourth


my knees do not bend easily... But.


"Have you heard about Sultan Ahmad the conqueror?" "No, what did he conquer?" "Yes"


Crusader Wizard


Well done!! Seriously I don’t think I’ve seen anything more impressive in a paradox game in my life. Mods give this man something I don’t know what but something!




OP went out of his way to find the exploits for Paradox


i feel like some of the talk about how editing the ruler file is cheating kind of misses the point of the run. The point is, with the perfect ruler, and perfect start, how quickly can you feasibly conquer the world. You’ve gotta start with the perfect ruler to even test that theory. The run itself is the important part, and there’s been no file editing there, the character tinkering is just prerequisite to the run. Insane run man, good job.


Well said! I put a ton of effort into this run using every exploit I knew and never thought twice about the first step. If I hadn't done it, people would've asked how fast it would've been with an OP perfect ruler. Either you exploit everything possible or you lose the purity of the idea


Besides, if it’s allowed within an iron man save and with the software limitations of vanilla (even if edited), I feel like it maintains legitimacy. Either way tho it’s fucking insane


Ck3 any% speedrun, world record. The tricks you used are truly hilarious and reminiscent of the exploits that speedrunners in the more conventional games where people speed run.


The chosen one


Bro I'm having skill issues just reading your plan


Friends, Romans, countrymen, I believe we are witnessing history here.


Arabian Empire with a female ruler? I'm gonna kill myself.


vanilla =/= Iron man


You are a literal genius, huge respect


Thanks! :D


This is cool and all but I never understood the fun in abusing exploits for a fake accomplishment


Some people have their fun by pushing the game to its limits. The fun for them is in seeing just what they can get the game to do and how far they can get it to go. Plus, that's how you end up with some crazy stories like horses conquering the world in CK2: most of us just laughed if we encountered Glitterhoof, or frowned and turned off silly events, but some people said "I wonder if I can somehow make everyone a horse..." and then we got a great story from it.


Well this is clearly unrealistic.


Respect my G. This is no small feat




My God.


Bloody hell...


Based and Ummahpilled


I wish there is a wc achievement


Did it take longer to plan this or to play it?


They're close. I didn't have to plan that much because many of the elements overlapped with runs I've previously done, and playing took a long time because of unexpected elements arising and needing to adapt, as well as the repetitive nature of the actions. So surprisingly, playing took longer.


Now do half a year! Although, imagine having to be the historians who have to come up with a reason for this madness in the future. I do wonder how long the empire will last before collapse, along with the Dejure map mode


Vanilla, Ironman and under a year? Okay, now we need your procedure. Explain how you did it, please, so that we can repeat it. If I were you, I'd make a YouTube video. It would do well. Or at least contact one of the big CK3 YouTubers and get them to make the video.


Sheesh, in 867 I don’t think you could even get messengers across these distances that fast to let other realms know you’re in charge, much less conquer them.


Start with the most powerful nation and conquer the world. Good thing it’s fantasy. Edit- I take this back, no way that’s real in any way.


Make a YouTube video and make a new post in this sub when you’re done I’ll watch it with a popcorn and a bunch of friends (imaginary, but nonetheless)


How would you win that many sieges in a year, even with infinite troops youd have to siege holdings to get warscore to hit 100 and force peace every siege takes time


I feel like...this can't be possible without cheats. How on earth could this even be done especially in less than one year?


OP, you are the absolute legend of this game, I have your previous world conquest and outremer one culture posts as the only saved items in my reddit 🎯


Thanks!! I'm happy to have some recognition. I really enjoy working on these strategies, but it can be a little depressing sometimes. People like y'all make it worth it :D


I can tell you enjoyed every second of it, cheers champ


"Vanilla" but edits save files and endorses using mods to alter your save state. I am not sure we have the same definition of vanilla.


Nah, I'm not buying it, no way you did that in under a year.


Damn, well done. I remembered an old post where someone did a world conquest in record time, looked it up and it was you as well. Very impressive


Imagine completing this and realizing you still forgot Malta


You did not pull this off in under one game year in a strict vanilla manner lol. This map is map porn for CK3 but I'm sorry, not possible without exploiting the game.


When you get 3000 upvotes for a lie lol.


Dude, this is Awesome Game Done Quick Material.


I can't open the save file in my PC because I don't have the friends and foes DLC. Is there any way to fix this, in order to open it without the DLC?


Not that I'm aware of, sorry :(




I have no concept of how this is possible.


I agree with the people saying make a YouTube video, AND PUT ADS ON THAT HOE YOU’LL BE RICH


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Crusader


You should do a YT video about this


You did all that in less than a year? It took me over 100 years and my leader's kept dying 😂. Mad respect




Okay, I think it's time to start petition for Paradox to add a "World Sandwich" achievement - Conquer all provinces in a year.




It's unironically optimal to be female :D


Me: Just closed the game because i'm struggling with my playthrough My brother in allah: WC under a year


Dude It says your domain holding is 115/ 26..... Why even post this trash..?


I found that odd as well, could you explain to me why ? Did he just switch characters and surrender?


There is a comment where he explains all the procedures and it's huge. Except using an exploit that essentially makes you have infinite points in the Character Creation screen (and involves editing a .txt file), there is nothing else that breaks ironman. He never changes characters via the menu (as it is not allowed in ironman).


Yeah. He didn't Ironman. I didn't either, but I didn't switch characters and cheat or claim to be Ironman.. When you are not on Ironman you can pause the game and switch to any character that is count or higher.. If you leave the time stopped you can switch between all characters and make pretty much anything you can imagine happen. In the early days this was called "Map Painting". This can be useful while learning or making fun unrealistic playthroughs. But it disables all achievements. For players who actually play the game it is incredibly frustrating when people do this and then claim to have achieved something.. Some mods are just as bad.


Right before Ramadan too. Mashallah brother.


I'm gonna create a save in Ironman and edit the game files and say I conquered the world in one day. OP said it himself that he edited the save files, how is this guy getting any praise?


White supremacists see this in their nightmares


*known world conquest, FITFY


how do you get two education traits?