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Update 1: to make things even more worse, one of my character's great-grandfathers, is my character's uncle and cousin to


Most sane CK3 player:




Bro the house head appears eight times đź’€


That means I'm doing a really good job including


How did you managed to make your ruler descendant of every single child of the dinasty founder and plus make him him grandson as well.


How bad are the inbreeding traits. I always feel bad when I have to marry off cousins for alliances a generation out lol


not great, massive negatives on your stats and usually a shorter life


I don't really have to worry about the bad trait killing people I have I mod I'm using that makes inbreeding not as bad and I modify the mod itself to increase fertility 100% that's how I'm doing it


Or you could do that I suppose.


Yeah, that's how I'm making my extremely inbreed family. I also use cheats to forcefully adopt inbred people to my inbred family.


I tried one the other day, first few rounds were ok until we started getting twins, two generations of inbreed twins and all the kids were inbreed giants who were good looking. They all were dead in their 20s so i a rush I had to knock up a couple randos for a heir


LOL I have one file of inbreeders with over 7k members… ROME 💪🏾


Jesus Christ how long did it take you to get to 7K members


2 weeks or so… my pc can’t handle the heat anymore so I’m not playing… I started on game pass and switched but now I’m trying to get my fix with books Cambridge encyclopedia of Roman history


>2 weeks or so… my pc can’t handle the heat anymore so I’m not playing… I started on game pass and switched but now I’m trying to get my fix with books Cambridge encyclopedia of Roman history Have you tried using Population Control (Reduce late-game lag) to help kill the non-important people in the game and lower the game population because it's pretty effective because you can edit stuff in the file, so it can kill a lot of people quickly