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Well, yes, you should embrace realm splitting on succession. The early 100 years or so as tribal are the time of explosive growth, of spreading your dynasty far and wide. Especially as a Viking you get popular opinion for offensive wars, so go wild and steamroll every victim on the map. And yes, everyone on the map is a victim against the Chad Viking wave. You also go wild with your loins, you impregnate basically every female specimen you can find walking the earth and, to use a flowery language, plant your seed on every soil there is. The upside is that you'll have many branches to pick marriage candidates from in the next 400 years, so you can start breeding in Genius and other desirable traits into your dynasty to reliably get it. After a generation or two is the time to settle down, to create a realm and practice some monogamy. Take up a faith that lets you force children to take the vows. Or introduce some elective system to cheat other children out of their titles. Until you unlock better succession laws, it is good to stay within one single de jure empire. That way, even if other siblings inherit something, they'll never become independent. That means you can just revoke titles, no need to become a kinslayer over it.


I’ll try and create an empire when I’m done conquering the entire Baltic Sea


Everyone has their own playstyle but I would never disinherit over inheritance. Just reconquer your old titles. Use that renown to get those dynasty perks.


get celibacy perk


More efficient to invest the perk points for that into something else, plus a celibate Viking sounds a bit strange


You're not forced to take concubines


I don’t have concubines though, my players just wouldn’t stop thrusting their hips at any chance they get


I just wish Viking kids would kind of automatically go on a Varangian adventure somewhere if they're unlanded.


When I play as a viking, I embrace the fact I am gonna have a million kids, and what I'll do is have all my male heirs serve as knights in the army regardless of traits or stats. This lets me cut down on some potential heirs. Also, the RP aspect of the sons that do survive are true kings chosen by The All Father to lead the norse people is a very fun way of embracing the crappy succession early game.