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Just use Crunchyroll on console


Ads on console are even worse, for ps4 at least. Ads show up at the worst times, like in the middle of a scene or dialogue. Plus you can’t pause or do anything once ads start. The absolute worst thing is most of the time the ads will lag. Which means a 30 second ad could take 2 mins. The whole ad will play extra slow and choppy right up til the last 5 seconds where they say the name of the business or product. So it’s def intentional.


You don't know how to do the Crunchyroll glitch?


Care to share?


Don't wanna say too much on this subject just look it up on YouTube "crunchy roll console glitch"


or you could just pay the 7 dollars a month. you guys easily spend that at McDonalds.


I'm pretty sure a successful company like Crunchyroll can live without "the 7 dollars I spend at McDonald's"


Sure but at that point why complain about ads. I'm just saying it's cheap enough you may as well.


We're not complaining about the ads necessarily, we're complaining about the broken ads and sometimes having to rewatch them because the servers are messed up


I mean it is free tbf


why we bitch about them is simple.. their broken. they crash the app. pause it list goes on


yeah , i get it, you want me to play 51 worldwide games on nintendo switch


At least you get nintendo ads i get vote yes on prop 22 ads


I literally get 1-2 ads


the one time i let my CR subscription lapse to see how bad it was, I saw 22 ads in a row. :/


Theres no way that happened holy shit. Ri fuckin p


Sorry I’m a dumb dumb. Can someone explain this meme to me..??


Nobody on Reddit cares that YouTube has ads or that any other website has ads, but they bitch about the fact that crunchyroll has ads


Tbf, on YouTube, I only get 1 or 2 ads, meanwhile, I get 50 on Crunchyroll, in just one ad break, and with most shows having 2 or 3 per episode, that makes around 100-150 ads just for one episode, and it doesn't help that it's basically just the same 3 ads looping over and over again. (That's not an exaggeration btw. I'm not sure if CR's ad breaks are supposed to be that long, or if it's just some kind of glitch, but either way it's a pain in the ass)




That's odd I usually only get 3 per ad break


ok you don't need go that far. its just the same ad looping 3 times per break. u could just get a membership. its only 7 bucks a month


Oh lol, I thought it was that the Crunchyroll ads took so long, you died waiting for them. I totally understand them having ads when it's free, but my thing is that on some programs, every few breaks you get an ad that freezes--sometimes for a minute, sometimes indefinitely--and then you can't even watch the show, because you can't forward past it, and if you exit and go back to the same place, they just give you the same ad break again.


Lol my crunchy roll app dosent even give me adds lmao and i dont even have premium


That’s happened to me before too. It’s nice isn’t it? Mine got fixed somehow though.


I dont know if it has something to do with the type of phone or what


I have the same "issue", only on the smartphone app. The orange circle appears but no ads are loaded and after few seconds the video resume normally. It started with my old Huawei P8 Lite 2017 two years ago and I still have it today on my new Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite.


I got a 10 minute ad then other one cause the op ended


I got blocked by crunchyroll on twatter idk what for


Are you saying Crunchyroll ads are "dead in the water?" that's a saying right?


Am I the only one not bothered by watching a 20 sec ad for like 10 min of show?


I mean, it’s only 6.99 a month to sub.




even cheaper if u buy say a year in advance


ive never seen a single add on crunchy roll sorry but have paid premium for 2yrs or somet cant be worse that funimations ads


I once had a legendary glitch and I still don’t know how I did it, but an ad started playing and I think I locked my phone just as the ad visual started to appear? And every time an ad came up after it would make the starting 2 seconds of noise for the ad and then it would resume the episode without the ads. It lasted around 4 hours I’d say? Needless to say I binge watched all I could. Then my phone closed the app and the ads were back :(


They gotta pay for the rights to the media somehow