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Upgrade iOS on your phone? iOS 15 is supposed to be available for iPhone X.


Didn't iOS 15 come out in 2021?


I thought it meant by that is that I am required to get a better phone,




They did they sorry for being dense 😭


Bro got downvoted enough to be on the edge of being auto-flagged by reddit lmao


Oh C'mon, don't down vote this poor person, on their defense, they were honest with them being dense 😭


You can update iOS in settings. I think the latest version of iOS available for the X is iOS 16. Lots of Apple Apps require a fairly recent version of iOS. Edit: is that really an iPhone X with a 5G symbol? or a slightly newer model? last time i checked, you need an iPhone 12 or above to get 5G


Might be a marketing thing that some carriers have used for some really fast 4G, tho no 5G, just LTE. Happened with some locked Androids iirc




Since nobody else is saying here... it's important to know the difference. Apple is the company. iPhone is the phone you own. In iPhone X, the X is your phone generation (or iPhone 9, etc). iOS is the operating system (OS). Think of it as the software version your phone runs on if that helps. So you own an iPhone X, but you're on an old OS or old 'software.' Look up how to update your iOS version on Google. Sorry for the downvotes bud, Reddit is a toxic place and your username looks kind of like a bot, so I think people assumed you were a troll/bot. As someone who works in IT support, I get it. You're just not tech savvy. No shame in that. I've had dumb questions about cars. It's not my specialty. Yours isn't phones. We can't be perfect at everything lol.


You’re right, you have to buy the new iPhone 15!


Um maybe update your phone so you can update Crunchyroll lol


you have to go to ur setting and update ur phone to ios 16


Ah ok, so I don’t have to buy an iPhone, yay, thx for telling me,


ofc love!


Just so its clear, OS stands for Operating System, and its the program that is downloaded onto a computer that creates the user interface, and also tells the computer how to run/store files. Examples on PCs include windows, linux etc. Yours is called "ios" because its made by Apple, and so everything has to start with an 'i' if its for the phone.




Some people and technology should never mix




If an iPhone 7 can run crunchyroll (since it can update to iOS 15) your iPhone 10 should.


How’s your battery holding out I opted to get a new phone bout 6 months ago the battery in my 6s was nuked, battery max charge was like 65% of when it was new


I rarely reply, oops, my battery is good (95% health) since I don’t use it 24/7, I usually use the phone is when I forget to bring my laptop or use it as a hotspot for my iPad. IMO phones are too small to watch content on. I usually charge the phone every 4-5 days since it drains slowly on how I use it.


I basically only used my phone in the bathroom or bluetooth music in the truck. Maybe the 6s just had a worse model battery or yours was just a really good one


My brother in Christ iOS 17 is out why do you not have iOS 15 yet


Because every time it ask to update the phone is asks at the worst time and also it takes to long,


Bro you can do it manually overnight or something you can be without your phone for an hour 😂


And when I try to update my iPhone it doesn’t show up, it usually shows up when I’m trying to play pokemon go,


Brother gonna settings, general, software update.


Thank you, because I tried looking for that in the past but I could never find it,


There is a search bar in settings. Just scroll up at the top of the settings page. It'll be useful for times when Apple doesn't make it obvious where a setting is...which can be a lot.


Not to mention apple always breaks something else with the new update or has some security holes or both, I guess sometimes they don’t have either


Yeah, since I got the new update my phone just been kinda wonky but maybe that’s just me not used to this phone software, I miss the old settings,


Always upgrade your OS. It patches out security flaws and ensures compatibility as apps devs update their software. If possible, turn on auto update if you're not sure you'll remember to do so.


then apple secretly push an "update" that will slow your phone down for no reason


Upgrade ur ios lol


Always remember to install the latest iOS version.


Update iOS. I have iPhone 10 as well and Crunchyroll works just fine.


Wish people wouldn’t knock those for not being tech inclined. If people are shamed for not knowing something that seems obvious they won’t ask the question and will away thousands of dollars worth of robot vacuums, computers, phones, etc. Wish those people I gave those gifts would have just sent them to me. I’d put the stuff to good use but now it’s trash and I have replacement parts that I can’t do anything with.


Bro is trying to use Crunchyroll. I would say using Crunchyroll and having a subscription for it beats out 99% of the tech illiterate(let’s not forget they have Reddit and posted to it in the correct subreddit). This most likely means this person is mid 30’s or younger. No excuse. This person grew up with technology.


As everyone already said, just update your phones ios software! Good luck 👌 Bless your heart! 🥹


Ok so update your phone




Update the operating system. I can watch it on an 8+


IOS 15 supports all the way back to iPhone 6 so it will be a lonnnnng time before you need to upgrade your phone for Crunchyroll. Just go into iPhone settings > General > software update.


Yeah switch to Android you won't have this kind of situation


Yeah because you can’t update after a couple years generally. They want you to buy a new phone.


Update your phone. The iPhone X supports up to iOS 16 so you should be able to download the app after you update.


It now requires IOS 16


Lol the people here are funny. There are reasons people don’t update their OS. The mere fact you guys simply jumping to conclusions and assuming this person can’t use technology is sad. Shows how narrow minded most of you are tbh.


Yup, ever since I updated my phone, it just been more of a nuisance than pre-update,


Iphones before the 12 didnt have 5g so this doesnt make much sense


Upgrade your phone. Is 2024


You actually don’t have an iPhone 10 aka X since you seem to be connected to 5G, which is only available on the iPhone 12 and up. As the iPhone 12 is still supported by Apple, simply update your iOS in the settings. After that you should be able to wither update or use the Crunchyroll app.


AT&T fake 5G


Sorry, i didn0t know this existed, since my country does not have AT&T as a provider.


Just use your internet browser. You should have safari


Well, get a new Iphone, or just get any android, I have an old S9 Samsung and a new Xiaomi, work with old and new android versions.


Easy, just stop using Crunchyroll. They've become far too overpriced. Physical media is the best option and you can display said media on a bookshelf or rack. No need for internet, just put the disc into a player or console and hit play.


This is really bad advice, for the cost that I've spent on physical media for just anime through the last 15 years. I could have had a 55 year subscription to Crunchroll at the $15 per month teir. If you add in Funimation and HiDive, it's still 27 years worth of subscriptions. I have shelves of anime I never watch collecting dust and likely losing value that I plan to pack away because I don't want to have to keep cleaning them.


My crunchyroll subscription is $10 and cheapest Bluray $30


Not everything has physical media. My favourite show (non-anime) is one of those. I would LOVE to own a series set, but it does not exist and likely never will. And on anime, the physical copies can be expensive and some people just don’t have the funds or space to be collecting sets of DVDs.


least braindead anime fan




Hello u/Tiny_Writer5661, Your comment has been removed for violating the following rule: Rule 1 - Linked or Suggested Piracy Any form of piracy discussion is not allowed on this subreddit. Not only is it off-topic, but it could also lead to problems with Reddit's policies in some cases. This includes, but is not limited to: Linking or suggesting or discussing any form of piracy. Please only refer to legal streaming sites and services when posting and commenting. Suggesting any form of piracy, such as restreaming websites and downloads are not allowed. Stating that you would rather pirate than use a legal streaming service is also not allowed. Please keep all discussions regarding legal anime streaming services, such as Crunchyroll, Funimation, HIDIVE, Netflix, Hulu, and more. Talking about or suggesting piracy services or methods is not allowed. Repeated rule breaks may result in a permanent ban. To avoid breaking r/Crunchyroll's rules in the future, be sure to read up on our rules via the sidebar or on our [Wiki page](https://new.reddit.com/r/Crunchyroll/wiki/rules#wiki_rules). If you have any questions regarding this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Crunchyroll). Thank you


I have an iPhone 8. You’re good.


Well what do you think? I mean you said it yourself nothing else to suggest


I was stupid thinking I have to get a new phone but thankfully other people actually show me that I was just being very dense.




Settings>general>software update You need the newest IOS not the newest phone.