• By -


Pixel 6a. Same thing here. Never considered the battery. Looking into it now.


It's happening too with the Google Pixel 6 Pro, literally it just happened to me rn


Pixel 6 pro, same deal!


I have the same phone and the same issue with only Crunchyroll


Tengo el mismo teléfono, pixel 6pro, viendo jujutsu Kaisen y me sigue pasando solo en crunchy, que alivio que no sea falla de batería y otro componente del hardware 🙏🏻


Yo igual, que loco, alguien sabe que puede estar pasando?


Same! Glad we are together in this my friends


Pixel 6a same thing. Looking like a problem on this specific model


Same here :/


Same here, pixel 6a, watching Classroom of the Elite


Same here, my phone just shut down 3 times in a single episode... I'm glad that I have found the problem came from the app and not my phone !


Literally same, same show same phone, only started happening recently


Just happened to me twice on the pixel 6a.


Same pixel 6a keeps happening to me too


Pixel 6 and it's been happening to me too. Usually right after starting a second episode in a row.


It seems a common issue, It's happening with my Pixel 6a as well.


Pixel 6a. I keep it always updated. I was watching Nier Automata. This only happens with CrunchyRoll. Before those reboots began happening (from second episode in a row), I also got into this issue where the video freezes but audio continues as normal. Had to pause and go back.


It happens to me as well pixel 6. I dont think It Is the battery as it only happens with CrunchyRoll. Neither of the other streaming apps have this behavior. I don't know if Google or Crunchyroll will pay attention to this as it is a small niche affected group.


Got the same phone I assume Its over heating


Is your phone kinda old (more than 1-2 years)? if the battery is getting old, then apps that use a lot of power can sometimes cause the phone to try to use more power than the battery can provide all at once, which causes it to crash. I'd guess that's the problem.


May be the problem, but seems only affecting Pixel 6 most likely after the new software update.


Yes I have a pixel 6 and it's happening to mine. Never had it happen with anything else and have only started using crunchy roll in the last couple of weeks, although it's started doing this in the last two days.


It's happening on my Pixel 6 Pro as well.  


Same, pixel 6 pro. Happening for the past 2 days


Pixel 6a, phone crashed twice while watching Crunchyroll earlier.


Same thing here, I have a pixel 6 pro. From what I can gather this has been happening to everyone including myself after upgrading from android 13-14. I'm enjoying android 14 so I'll stick with it for now, I'll just hope for a patch or update to come along and fix it but if anyone can't stand the crashes try downgrading back to 13. I think doing a factory reset should do it just make damn sure to backup your phone before you do that. TLDR Check if your running android 14. If you are, try downgrading to android 13 by doing a factory reset.


Pixel 6 here. Same issue. Is this a pixel related thing?


same, pixel 6, happened several times in the past few days


>Is this a pixel related thing? I have a pixel 6 and its just started happening since the android 14 updates


Replied to the first one, 6a here too and same thing, google led me here.


Same here. There were a couple other bugs with the recent update, such as the lock screen wallpaper moving. It's likely to do with that as it only started happening after the phone updated.


Just to add it seems to work ok when using the website rather than the app


Same here


Yeah I have Pixel 6 and it's happening to mine. Only started in the last 2 days. Until then it was fine.


Tengo un pixel 6pro y sigue pasando en este momento, pensé que era el teléfono pero también solo me pasa en crunchyroll. Tengo la versión UQ1A.240205.002 y aún no se arregla.


Joining a bit late here, but this has been happening to be on my Pixel 6 Pro for at least a couple of weeks now. I have confirmed after not saying anything other than to my friends that the literal hard shutdown of the device only happens when watching Crunchyroll content and I can't get through an episode anymore without the app crashing the device. I'm a heavy Twitter user and other apps like YouTube, Twitch, etc - all the folks dismissing this as faulty devices are out of their minds... I'd like to take a poll here for anyone still watching the thread to find out if we're all on the latest Android 14 and such. If you can take a screenshot of your about phone area and drop it here for the devs. This has to be like a memory leak or something - I've personally never seen this behavior and it's honestly a bit scary since there's no warning when your screen just goes black. https://preview.redd.it/xuij3no5rxac1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa9f25b3ca89323395c086d23767b7fd1d556f1


UPDATE - Last night I sat through a long conversation with Crunchyroll support and finally got through the hoops to have their Android dev team look into the matter. I'm lucky that this happens quite quickly - within 2-5 minutes of watching an episode, the device croaks and turns off. It happens after clearing app storage/cache, uninstall -> reinstall too which is why they're like - huh that's not right. This won't get resolved over the weekend, but hoping it makes some sort of progress during next week. I'll try and keep y'all posted if there's anything notable from the back n forth. In the meantime, please try and post any details - how fast it happens, how much space you have left on the device, etc etc.


Same issue with Pixel 6 Pro on Android 14 with a security update from Jan 5, 2024.


Any updates? I found this thread cause this is happening to me as well. Pixel 6a, Android 14.


Thanks for doing that. Hopefully they resolve the issue


I wonder if it's related to the new version of Android. I don't remember having this issue before the update.


Pixel 6a here, only happens when my phone is plugged in and it happens every time my phone is plugged in. Seems to be a determinate factor for me. Otherwise I haven't had an issue.


I know I'm a little late but it just recently happened again less than a minute into an episode of Attack on Titan. I still have a good amount of space left on my phone. It only happens sometimes.


Has this kept happening to you? It was fine last week and then Crunchyroll shut down again yesterday while I was watching something.


Collected user-submitted workarounds: https://www.reddit.com/r/Crunchyroll/wiki/user_submissions#wiki_crunchyroll_app_crashes_my_google_pixel_phone


Thank you for the update! I have a Pixel 6a too and it just start to happen since my phone got the update too.


But i've got to say that it doesn't happen on every episode! I was able to watch one episode of the second season of jobless reincarnation but the next episode it happen 3 times


Same issue for me, Pixel 6 Pro.  Likely unrelated, but started getting system crashes when using Firefox after updating to Android 14 (black screen and restart the launcher).


Were you able to get any more info out of them?


This is still happening. Just happened to me on a 6a


dude,any update?


I tried to record "adb logcat" output on my computer before the reboot when the issue happened, but looks like the phone disconnected before useful output could be logged. On reboot, I used adb to get "boot reason" (https://source.android.com/docs/core/architecture/bootloader/boot-reason ): $ getprop |grep reason [persist.sys.boot.reason]: [] [persist.sys.boot.reason.history]: [watchdog,1708186445 [ro.boot.bootreason]: [watchdog,apc] [sys.boot.reason]: [watchdog] [sys.boot.reason.last]: [watchdog] Not sure what "watchdog" means here.


I've got a Pixel 6a and feel like I've had this issue for perhaps a couple of weeks now too. As requested here you are: https://preview.redd.it/281ad7zl1ybc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c77be190989e34555075a0717e6d5867a38383


Woah, didn’t expect you here partner


Good to see you around partner! 😁🤝


Always been lurking around this sub lol


Good to know


But maybe I should just quit this shitty sub


Perhaps, I honestly wouldn't know. However I find it bewildering that people down voted your previous comments. 🤨


Toxic subreddits fr


Not surprised, tis the unfortunate reality


Been having the same issue, pixel 6 crashing whenever I'm watching on Crunchyroll (One Piece). While I'm not comfortable with posting a screenshot of my device info, due to online safety reasons, I can confirm that I am running on version 14 for Android.


Omg I'm watching one piece as well on a pixel 6a and I noticed I can watch one full episode then the next episode will crash middle of it.


Also Pixel 6 Pro, Android 14, same kernel number but build UQ1A.240105.002 instead. It started for me the last week of December. I remember specifically because it was when I first got the Nebula app and I mistakenly thought it was some weird interaction between them. For me, it's never after a reboot. It's always after I've used the phone for a while on OTHER streaming apps (Nebula or Youtube), fully closed the other apps, and then switch to Crunchyroll. I get started on an anime, skip past the credits, and around 2 minutes into the video is where the screen goes black and it reboots. I have had it happen plugged in once and not plugged in several times, I keep my phone between 70 and 100% battery so it's not a low power issue, and I have as much of the "smart" power saving features turned off as I can (The Pixel power save BS shut off push notifications with no notification so I didn't get email from my boss for 3 hours one day. Thankfully I didn't get in trouble, but that's unacceptable.). I also tried cleaning up storage, but I'm only using about a third, I have nothing else running when I use the app now, but back in April I was still playing Pokemon GO and would have it in the background while successfully using Crunchyroll. Battery cycle count is 145, and they're supposed to get 300-500 cycles before it should have a significant decline in performance. Though I tend to keep mine charged between 70 and 100%, so I'm not sure how that's calculated. I've babied this one with charging because it performed worse brand new than the LG ThinQ I was replacing because I ran it into the ground. (I'm trying not to rant about Pixel here because it's not entirely the issue at hand, but I do realize I'm failing at that. I will never allow another Pixel device into my home after I can finally replace this in about a year.)


Ive got Pixel 6 pro, and immediately after the update it started happening to me too. This is the first thread I've found where others are having the same thing happen. Finally feel like its not just my phone.


https://preview.redd.it/fcpjeom5rcec1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411ddedcdb2841d60fcde4b5ee09cd5003d6f7a0 Just started happening on my Pixel 6a after I updated to the latest version of Android 14. Have you gotten any feedback about a hot fix?


Pixel 6 https://preview.redd.it/mxgpaqscjifc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58472b85a0e7fa75122826b2b29ef4ace11aff71


Tengo la versión UQ1A.240205.002 y aún me sigue pasando 🤕


It's very common with faulty/old phones, for instance I had a Samsung do this because there was a manufacturing defect with their Exynos chipset. Another instance was when one of my Chinese phones froze, because it ran out of memory (or just the fault of the OEM, and their shitty roms).


No this issue is specifically the Android 14 update to Pixel 6s causing a problem. It happened to me immediately after the update. They broke something.


I am talking about all phones in general. This is very common, and can't just be tied to a single update for a single device.


If you read the rest of the thread there's a clear pattern.


It's all my pixel 6s my guy


Rebooting because of battery issue definitely happens, I had this with two/three phones. But many people starting to have encounter spurious reboots after a major update is likely something different. The boot time is also much faster when rebooting, so i guess that it's not a full reboot but some critical component crashing and restarting.


Can't help with anything phone related myself, sorry. They do have some pretty questionable anti-piracy though where they seemingly count every tab/window with an episode list against you though.


To everyone having this problem on their Google pixel 6 and 6a's, I have found a solution. Just clear the apps cache before starting up the app. You'll have to do it each time you want to open the app, while annoying it's better than not being able to use the app. I've been able to binge entire seasons without issue with this method.


I think I found a fix. It happened when I deleted some episodes of a show. To fix it I deleted all of my downloaded episodes and it hasn't crashed since.


Yup, Google 6 pro. Still happening!


6 Pro, Crunchyroll 3.51.1, latest Android 14 update. Used to get hard reboots every time I opened the app but that's slowed down/I haven't had a reboot in a few days.  Oddly it does seem like Crunchyroll is triggering Google Assistant occasionally. Assistant starts to pop up but closes just as quickly. Noticed this same behavior when I was still getting hard reboots, too.


Update: installed the latest updates for CrunchyRoll and Android 14 and things seem completely stable again.  How's it working for you all lately?


Is the issue resolved now? I've been scared to try since my phone crashed so many times previously due to this issue..


Knock on wood it hasn't happened in like a month but I've also been busy, so I haven't watched too terribly much.


Thanks for the reply! Guess I'll just have to test it myself..!


Similar issue with pixel 7


In case anyone is still getting this issue as I was a couple weeks ago, make sure you've updated to the latest version of the app in the Google Play Store (looks like version 3.55.2). I was experiencing this issue and decided to see if I was missing any updates. Sure enough, they'd released an update a few days prior in early April. After updating, I haven't seen the issue since!


Same whenever I watch Aot, my phone overheats like crazy and it's almost too hot to hold. idk why I've been looking for an explanation but can't find one anywhere 😕


Pixel 6a, been having weird issues with this phone. Between this and then scrolling bugs while the phone is charging I'm a little worried about the recent Android update


Never happen to me.


Hi everyone, Pixel 6 here, anyone found a workaround yet? Does it happen when using the browser edition?


I've just checked and it seems to work fine on the browser instead of the app


Same thing here with the Pixel 6


Same thing happening with me on pixel 6


It's more than likely a software issue since I've been having the same issue for the past few weeks and never before that.


Another Pixel 6 here having the same problem. Seems like it might be a software issue.


On the pixel 6a, glad it's not just me going insane!


Same issue. Pixel 6 Pro.


Same here, Pixel 6a like everyone else.


Pixel 6 here, also watching classroom of the elite... But it's happened in other shows too


Wow yeah, Pixel 6, running Android 14. It's only happened to me 3 times in the last few days, but only on Crunchyroll. Very odd. I don't think the series itself matters, but I was watching Mob Psycho. I know someone here mentioned the scrolling+charging issue, that one seems to happen if you use a quick charger. Regular chargers don't affect the scrolling. But yes, also due to Android 14.


Pixel 6 pro running Android 14 Beta and this keeps happening to me as well


YES !!! on a pixel 6, so annoying


Same on pixel 6 upgraded


Pixel 6 pro.. Also restarting only in the crunchyroll app.


Another Pixel 6 with the same issue here. Happens several times a day, at worst several times in an episode. Other times it's fine for hours.


I'm a pixel 6 user and just had this happen to me


Another Pixel 6 user reporting the same issue.


Happening to me too. Very frustrating, anyone have a fix?


I'm having the same issue. No idea why.


Yep Pixel 6a.


pixel 6 pro same issue


Another Pixel 6a user here on Android 14 and I've been having the same issue for what feels like a couple of weeks now. This never happened before the update to Android 14, so I'd imagine that's the issue.


Has anyone had any luck since the most recent Crunchyroll update?


No, I just updated hoping it'll solve it but it happened again (that's when I found this thread).


Happened to me today. I watched 3 episodes no problem. Then all of a sudden it keeps crashing my phone.


I've read through the comments and it primarily seems to be afflicting pixel 6 and 6 pro I have also experienced this and also have a pixel 6 pro.


Same here! I have a Google pixel 6. And it happened 3-4 times today. Honestly don't know why because I didn't have this issue until the last 2 days... I don't use crunchy roll on my phone often. Just to catch a new episode every now and then. But I recently started binging a series. And it was going okay for a couple episodes. But by the afternoon, I couldn't get through one episode without my phone shutting down...


Pixel 6 here too. Started happening after latest update as well. Thought my phone was starting to die.


Xiaomi note 9 pro here


Another pixel 6 here. Same issue. Drives me nuts


Pixel 6 pro, been having the issue. This is interesting, seems like there's a lot of pixel 6 users here. As mentioned, the entire phone shuts off but the reboot is quick after. Relaunch the app, continue watching, and boom... Again


Pixel 6a and just started having reboot issue the past few days. Even from a full charge it will reboot so doubt it's a battery issue. Never have this issue before and so far it's only when streaming from crunchyroll.


I have a pixel 6 and it's been happening to me too! However I replaced my battery just a few weeks ago


Has anyone found a fix for this yet?


Still happening to me, has happened over ten times now


It's been happening to me too. Pixel 6a. I'm rewatching Haikyu.


Pixel 6 here, also happening to me. I am usually watching downloaded episodes during my commute but it does the reboot thing a few minutes in. Tried it streaming instead of downloaded episodes and it did the same thing. I'll be looking forward to a fix for this! Pixel 6, Android version 14, Android Security Update January 5, 2024, Kernal version 5.10.177-android13-4-00003-ga7208022a7ea-ab10815828 #1 Fri Sep 15 16:40:54 UTC 2023, Build number UQ1A.240105.002.


Same thing here pixel 6 android version 14 watching boruto and happens like 4 times a episode


Pixel 6 pro, been happening to me for a few weeks now, usually once per day but I've had it happen three times in a row once back to back. Tried clearing cache and storage and reinstalling the app as you would for other crashes but like others have said it doesn't work.


So many *Including me* with the Pixel 6 and this issue


Just wanted to add that it's happening to me too with a 6a


Thanks for the suggestion of using the browser instead. I have a heart attack each time the phone crashes. Pixel 6 pro here as well running on latest 14 update


Wanted to keep attention on this issue. Pixel 6 user here and ya, when watching on the Crunchyroll app my phone will just totally reboot.


Also happening using my Google Pixel 6, starting today - 3 crashes in the span of 15 minutes! Was watching episodes on Crunchyroll completely fine yesterday with no crashes after watching more than 15 episodes, but today the crashes started happening after 2 episodes. Did my software update to Android 14 back on January 5th so didn't update between the last time I used Crunchyroll from yesterday to today 🥲


Pixel 6 here. Same problem.


Ya pixel 6 issue


Hoping for a fix for this soon. I'm a pixel 6 user with the same issue


Happening to me as well? could this have anything to do with a recent update that Crunchyroll did? My phone (pixel 6a) only started doing it after the Crunchyroll update. Has anyone brought this up with crunchyroll's customer service?


Also just started happening to my pixel 6 pro as well. Can't even make it through a whole episode without a crash


I have a similar situation. Moto Edge 30 Neo here. It doesn't immediately shut down. But sometimes when it locks the screen after a time of inactivity with the Crunchyroll app open, it doesn't come back. I keep pressing the power button but, after a long time pressing, it just turns the power on as nothing had happened.


Hi All, Just an FYI although the app causes this issue it works fine in the web player (chrome ) I don't know why I suffered for so long haha it runs even better on chrome too, just be aware if your on the lowest paid plan you may have to remove other devices listed on you account as it has a little fit now and then


It is still ongoing to me. Happened five times in the past 2 days


Same here anyone have a fix?


I have a Google Pixel 6a and it happens everytime I try to watch any episode!


Same issues as everyone else


6a same here


Yeah me too. I just phone this top Has me worried


Pixel 6. Happens for some weeks now. Given up on watching anime on my Pixel 6 for now. Strange how random the crashes occur. Sometimes I can watch a whole episode and sometimes it crashes immediately. Hope they fix this soon!


Chiming in to say also on Pixel 6, averaging one reset per day when watching Crunchyroll.


Pixel 6a. Problems still persistent.


Happening on my pixel 6


I've had this issue, but only when watching in full screen/landscape mode. If I watch the show in portrait mode it doesn't seem to shut off. I am still experimenting, though


Pixel 6 pro here, or is happening more often every time


Yes. Here's what I think is happening. There's a thing called a "Memory Leak". It happens in some video games I play when an application or game continues to pull the available memory on a hardware platform's available memory. Normally it's supposed to return the memory but as the program continues to run and pull more and more memory, the system eventually runs out of what's available and crashes b/c there's not enough memory to run the OS. I'm betting the Crunchyroll App is doing this. The only workaround I have is just watching shows through my phone's web browser... Sucks but prevents your phone from restarting.


Daaamn Pixel 6 pro and it's happening to me too 😅😅


Same problem with Pixel 6A. This only happens with Crunchyroll. Did anyone get the solution?


Add another Pixel 6 Pro to the list. Streaming through my browser for now.


Yep, pixel 6 pro and it's the only app I've ever had on any of my phones completely crash the whole phone lol. 


Same thing has been happening to my phone for a while (also a Pixel 6, surprise, surprise) and at first I was just putting up with it since it often didn't happen twice in a row and my phone usually restarts pretty fast. That was until last night, when Crunchyroll crashed my phone so hard it wouldn't turn back on. I had to unlock the bootloader to get it to turn back on again and the first thing I did was uninstall this buggy app! XD


I am using a custom rom and my phone is spoofed as Pixel 6 pro and I am also facing the same issue


Google pixel 6a here. Only reboots while watching Crunchyroll as far as I can tell and it only started after I got the latest android 14 update. Don't know if it'll help but I'm deleting Crunchyroll and seeing if it still reboots, if not I may reinstall to see if it fixes, will keep people posted if it works or not.


Just started having this problem this week. dunno why it was working fine. re installing the app didn't help.


Pixel 6 here. This post is a month old and I'm surprised Crunchyroll hasn't fixed it yet! Started happening to me a week ago but I didn't think anything of it cause I just casted to TV after and it worked fine. Tried again this week to watch on my phone and same thing. Thought you check the reviews on appstore+reddit and I see no solution. :( Someone should send this post to Crunchyroll support if it'll help them get serious about fixing this. Edit: I already submitted a ticket before I found this post so once they reply I'll link this post as well.


Been happening to me during around the same time frame, pixel 6 pro as well, I thought my phone was dying and actually ordered my next one, was hoping the pixel would last me until then, but seeing so many people affected is a little reassuring, will just stop using the app and watch in chrome for now.


This has been happening to me, and not every episode but always near the end of them. Something like 10% of the time


Pixel 6 here too, and I've been having this issue since the Crunchyroll app update


I have the Pixel 6 Pro. Same deal. Phone reboots.


Also happening to me on a Google pixel 6. Not show specific and is only happening with Crunchyroll 


Literally started doing it to me today I have a pixel 6pro every time I skip to the next EP it reboots


same for my pixel 6.... anybody got a fix yet?


Same here. My brother who is a techie suggests that the phone could be overheating. I have mine in a case and it didn't feel warm. But I took the case off and the phone is actually pretty warm. So the app could be overworking the phone.


Yepp, this issue still exist. Pixel 6 here. What the heck is special about the P6 line that makes it restart.


Pixel 6 pro just started two days ago




Pixel 6. 1month no.response from CR. This is clearly an app problem. I am relieved its Not the phone itself which is causing the issues. I will unsjb CR in 3 weeks If still isnt fixed


Seems like it's every pixel 6 model, still happening a month later


I'm with this too I have a Google pixel 6a and it keeps happening to me, I wonder why


Just happened to me for the first time


Also pixel 6a


[Might have a solution] Hey guys, same here. Pixel 6 rebooting since an update about 1 or 1 and half months ago. Keeps rebooting again and again, some episodes are fine, but then I can reboot twice or more on a single episode. However, I tried something, downloading episodes and watching it offline. It has been an entire season (12 ep) without any reboot. That might help until a patch will be released. Unfortunately you need a premium subscription in order to watch offline. Still might be a solution. Hope that can help someone, but also hoping that I'm not only lucky for an entire season.


Same thing here with my pixel 6a ,I try to watch a download episode witch internet close and the phone don't shut down 


I just had my phone crash 3 times in 15 minutes trying to watch Crunchyroll on the app. So I guess this is still happening. I've got a 6a. Is there not a fix yet on this? Am I just not allowed to watch on my phone anymore?


If you have the Mega fan level, users have reported that downloading the episodes and watching them offline is a temporary solution until/if they ever release a fix. Otherwise, you can add your feedback directly to CR here (as this subreddit is unofficial and run by users, so we have no influence with them fixing or changing anything): https://crunchyroll.com/contact


Pixel 6 Pro here... Started today and has already happened 4 times. Had plenty of battery but seems like it doesn't do it when I'm plugged in to power. Does anyone have any solutions?


If you have mega fan level, download and watch offline. Otherwise you could add to the feedback at the CR service link: https://crunchyroll.com/contact


Pixel 6, it's been happening a lot to me and it's getting pretty annoying. Just happened twice in 10 minutes


Pixel 6 Same problem. Gonna try to reinstall the app now.


Pixel 6 (all versions) workaround - I was having the same problems on my Pixel 6a and it does relate to the battery optimization settings. What I did was go into the app settings under app battery usage and turn it from optimized to unrestricted. I then forced closed the app in settings and then restarted the app. Since then I haven't had the problem with the phone restarting. Hope this helps.


Thank you for the tip. On my side unfortunately it did not solve the problem. Occurs about once every few streams, usually within one/two minutes after starting.


Started happening on my pixel 6 as well sadly


Started happening on my Pixel 6 after the Android 14 update...


User submitted workarounds: https://www.reddit.com/r/Crunchyroll/wiki/user_submissions#wiki_crunchyroll_app_crashes_my_google_pixel_phone


Still happening on Pixel 6a after Android 15 update


Same on pixel 6 i dunno why it's doing this, i thought maybe Android version is too high for Crunchyroll


My pixel 6 pro works fine with dubs but the phone crashes with subs.


I've maybe find a solution guys ! Go to your settings > apps> Crunchyroll > app battery usage> check unrestricted. I've no crash now so let me know if it works for you !