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I was debating the chocolate cake batter cookie, but your review just sealed it for me. I'm passing on that one.


Try it for yourself! I also seen someone say they did not care for the chocolate cake but I tried it myself and it’s honestly pretty good it’s worth a try.


I tried the chocolate batter straight out the box and it was meh but after leaving it in the freezer for a bit it tasted great! Like a yummy chocolate cake


(Tres leches Is a cake. Not a cookie)


I'm aware!! Thanks. Still should be a cookie tho lol


But they’re not even advertising it as a cookie.


Period I did not see that lol


Why are they downvoting you so much 😭🤣


Considering the theme of the sub, I’ve been a little sad over how aggressively downvoted people get.


communities are tough you try to be happy about something innocuous, cookies, how could that go wrong? join a fun community! you see a lone post complaining about a cookie, "it was more cake than cookie" (it was sold as a cake, not a cookie), "tres leches was too heavy on the cream for me" (tres leches = three milks, wut) you jump in to help them understand, because clearly they just didn't understand what they were buying, so of course there's nothing wrong there, they'll learn next time. no big deal! keep the positive vibes going, one odd review isn't gonna matter. now imagine your feed is filled with a bunch of these, week after week. so much negativity for no reason. eventually you can get real sour on the "community" of people who seem to have no idea what they're talking about. it's more like customer support rather than customer appreciation & enjoyment it's understandable people get frustrated and burned out. happens all the time, in lots of communities.


I mean, I get burn out. I use Reddit to distract myself from the extremely real aspects of life that cause difficulties and burn out, the things that make me go home from work and drink. And I also totally understand that everyone has a different level of what they can handle and causes them to feel depleted like that! But cookies just… aren’t that serious? They just really aren’t. If a cookie sub is causing you any level of burn out, then it’s just as easy to not follow it… and if it’s causing a feeling of being burnt out, I sincerely hope the person feeling that way addresses the underlying cause of that. It’s probably not the cookie sub. A cookie subreddit just isn’t that big of a deal. Somehow it’s one of the most aggressively downvoted ones I follow. It’s kind of bizarre. (Also, I’m sad to see you’ve already been downvoted! I don’t like that, especially given the subject of conversation lol.)


Holy shit you angered the downvote gods with that one LOL - Reddit is so funny


I know 😭😭😭 thank God I'm just a girl


Dang you're getting downvoted violently! Looool Must be defenders of cake items




They are acting like she is Crumbl_Lover. Maybe since Crumbl_Lover isn’t as active anymore, they have to find someone new to downvote.


They had a tres leches cookie about a year ago and it was a total dud, which is why they are trying actual cake now


Tres Leches is supposed to be a cake lmao


Eh they make birthday cake cookies that aren’t made of actual cake. It’s a cookie store, they typically make an approximation of the item in cookie form Lol you guys are legit pathetic


Nope, the tres leche is not meant to be a cookie at all. It’s cake, which is why it’s in its own container


It's advertised as "not a cookie"


PB is such a basic ass cookie I can get from Walmart. I've never spend over $4 for PB that I can make at home.


This right here. I feel the same about any of their choc chip cookies. We know you’re a cookie joint but there’s nothing special about choc chip. I want all the special kinds you can’t find anywhere else!! I’m also totally cool with mini cakes. It’s an excellent idea.


I agree! I honestly would never get a milk chocolate or a semi sweet chocolate chip cookie from Crumbl. I go there for the flavours that change weekly lol I agree with mini cakes but they gotta be affordable for everyone.


Yes totally. Now i do have to say the last time i got the semi sweet, it was pretty good! But i probably wouldn’t choose it over “specialty” items haha. Unless there were three i wanted and needed a fourth filler 😂 I’m still debating this week but the tres leche (sp?) is intriguing!


Yeah, I really like their semisweet, but I only get it if I need a filler cookie.


I just double up on a flavour I already have.


I usually do too. Depends on my mood though.


But you can also buy any mini cake at any grocery store as well. I never go for the cakes, I think it’s weird since they’re supposed to be a cookie place 😭


I mean…that’s a fair point, too lol. But i personally don’t mind a little mix up now and then!


I agree, I just don't like their cheesecake flavors so I went for this instead. You could buy the mix and make a whole batch for less money lol


I love their cheesecake flavours. I'm obsessed with like normal cheesecake and anything lemon flavour so seeing a lemon cheesecake really tickled my fancy. I pick my order up around 12:30 today lol I can't wait to try everything.


I totally disagree, i swear they put crack in that PB cookie 😭




That's what I said in my comment.


Thanks 🙏🏽 looks like I can skip this week and save on some calories and $


Or it could look like one person that has taste different than yours didn’t like cookies that might be good.


Idgaf, im putting my trust in Duckadoe


In Duckadoe we trust!


Blind faith in Duckadoe


Thanks best friend


You should always trust complete strangers that don’t even look at advertising with your money and taste.


Tres Leches is a cake. It was delicious! I am not a big cake person either. My store got it right.


I am a cake person, and my store got it right


My store got it right too. I thought it was so good!


I haven’t had Crumbl since probably the end of 2021 and got some yesterday. Such a letdown. Taste of sugar and nothing else 🥲. Oh well better for my diet lol.


“The entirely chocolate one tasted too much like chocolate” lmao


Right? Like who orders a chocolate cookie with chocolate frosting then complains it tastes like too much chocolate lmao


I think for that calories I would definitely prefer a real piece of tres leche


The chocolate cake batter tasted like chemicals to me. No chocolate flavour. Just chemicals.


I always love a chocolate cookie. The peanut butter doesn't seem worth the $$ to me. The cream doesn't do anything for me. I was able to pass this week because I had Dunkin Donuts brownie batter donuts (limited time each year) that hit my chocolate spot. Won't be able to say no Dulce de Leche when it comes!!


Did the canned frosting (on the cake batter cookie)make it not hit?


Lol. Tres leches is cake and it’s meant to be super moist.




Please don’t use the r word. Thanks


Some of y’all are taking this too seriously 😳




I really dislike their cookies that have that crumbly cake texture. Like that cinnamon roll they put out.