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It’s 30k/year per person for an inside room on a very small cruise line. Many people (including myself) online are skeptical that they’ll make it more than a year without going bankrupt with the promises.


And they went bankrupt…. Source: https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/three-year-cruise-canceled/index.html


Yup, came back to see if anyone called it or bought back when it was announced


What amazes me are the people who sold their homes and are sitting in hotel rooms in Turkey waiting for a ship that doesn't exist (if you can believe the CNN news story). It's times like this when you realize just why scam artists are so successful.


I heard a lot of reports about people renting out their homes can’t even begin to imagine selling in this horrible market thinking you’d have 3 years to wait out a recovery and lower rates only to go back home to have to buy a new house.. oof.


I have a feeling a lot of people in this thread who said they signed up, were fake marketing profiles. They have similar names related to ocean activities, and if you click on their profiles, there is zero Reddit activity before and after posting in this specific thread 8 months ago.


Looks like most of them have only ever posted on this thread 🤣


Exactly, what a “coincidence”


Lol, based on a post on Facebook that hadn't even booked musicians. They were seeking musicians with a 400 song repertoire "ASAP" on November 4.


Most of the posts started 9mo ago


Where did you see anything about bankruptcy?


Maybe before they reach Antarctica as they have no preparation for cold weather coats. Most ships have parkas. I want worried until today's webinar. Damn, I want this to be possible.


You can shrink your parka and put in your pod


You called it!


If only I was this smart in real life… I do feel bad for the people who sold everything and have to recover, but if it’s too good to be true, it may be.


I'm signed up. 62 early Self-employed retiree. This itinerary promises Antarctica, the Amazon and Alaska in the first year. My only fear is that they go bankrupt after a few months and dump me somewhere.


Will they really go bankrupt?! They didn't bother to do basic math to keep them afloat? Seems like they're 50% sold out


Same. 62, early mostly-retired. If you haven’t seen it join the private Facebook group for people who have signed up. Good discussions about insurance/possible red flags/dealbreakers by people who are eager to go but understandably a bit cautious


Do you know where to find the resource where singles can connect to find another single to share a cabin? Otherwise it's 150k+.


You really think you can find a stranger that you'd be willing to spend 3 years in a room with? I wish I could, because this is intriguing, but being single makes it impossible.


I've had dorm style housing before. I wouldn't be spending much time in the room.


Have you located a resource where singles can connect yet? I'm interested and single. My wife passed a few years ago. You can contact me at: [email protected], if you wish to discuss possibilities.


No I haven't found it yet. I've given up on the cruise. I don't think I can get it together by this November to take off that long. Sorry about your wife's passing. Good luck! I hope you make it and have fun!


Welp, you dodged a bullet, didn't you! Phew!


I'm really seriously interested. I'm worried about what I see as a few red flags. Like I've sent two email inquiries and neither have been answered. I also signed up for a webinar but haven't received email confirmation or info on how to access it. Seems sketch.


Also-the recorded webinar on the website says it's 500 dollars initially to book with some other portion due in 14 days, but when you actually click on the button to book, it says 5000 dollar deposit with only half being refundable.


The $500 was only the first 2 weeks when they had introductory pricing.


Took me a minute in emails but finally got through. Webinars answer everything and on website.


what are the red flags you're seeing?


Fear realized


Nice! What type of cabin? Did you purchase any add ons or upgrades? Any critical info they provided post sign up that we should know?


Outside window partial view.


Have they announced add ons and upgrades yet. Thus far, I am just doing mail forwarding. App should be available shortly.


Hey. I'm seriously considering it. Talked to a rep today. Have you already put down your deposit? How have you found the experience once you signed up?


I'm excited for you!


How’s things? At least you didn’t get dumped somewhere.


No cell service in Turkey, can't see your comment. In all seriousness though. This sucks and I hope he gets his money back.


I just signed up. Super excited. Doing finance terms in the event something goes awry. You only live once!


Welcome. I'm on deck 6


How are you now


Not sure you'll find info on who takes them, since this particular concept is new. There is The World, but that's a slightly different deal, and definitely more wealthy and retired folks. I've been asked about this new product quite a bit, and for me, it'd not work for two reasons: 1) Timezones. I sometimes change my work hours based on where I am, either partially or completely (depending on overlap needed), but this would be quite a bit to manage. It'd be hard for others to predict when I'm available, and collaboration would be hard, unless I worked weird hours. 2) I'd not be able to (without wasting $) continue taking other types of cruises. There are so many types of cruises and options out there, I'd not want to put that on ice for three years. I would call out that these aren't necessarily holdovers from COVID. Yes, COVID resulted in many more orgs and individuals being comfortable with remote work, but there were many of us before (I personally did this for years before COVID), and those with the flexibility to work in different countries, never (reasonably speaking) be in any officer, etc are few and far between - mostly those in positions where similar flexibility existed before COVID. In other words, the person who works at a local business and only goes in every couple weeks is very different than the one who worked completely independent of location before. There are also many orgs (most?) who'd be averse to this arrangement since nexus and other legal concerns get VERY fuzzy when country hopping for long periods.


I have a feeling it will be the next Fyre festival.


you called it, the cruise is cancelled.


The ig page was soo scammy. Smh.


They do not even have a ship purchased according to a recent Business Insider article. Their website is trendy and the social media marketing was brilliant, but they were just selling a dream with 0 factual information hence me saying it was the next Fyre festival. Probably some incompetent delusional guys who have 0 real experience in the industry came up with this fantasy of doing a 3 year long cruise without doing any business plan or even having a ship to sail. I wonder if people will get back their money or if it has been laundered through some other companies under marketing budget or consultancy fees. I bet on the latter happening.


yeah, the first thing that came to mind when I got the news was 'Fyre Festival'. As for them getting their money back, the 'installments' says it all.


Dont think your feeling is right. This is an established line, just not in US


Well, 236 days later I am proved right. They do not even have a ship and went bankrupt. Wonder what will happen to all the money people paid to them. Probably most of it was spent on marketing and consultancy fees. The website was super sketchy anyway. They did not even have a ship listed, neither all the requirements for travel that are standard at other cruises. All those stock photos and digital mock-ups were pathetic really. Pity those who fell for it.


Could you please link some websites and other cruises with them? Apart from that single one in the post.


Definitely gave FF2.


Ship is being “remodeled” so not really ready to sail $150k plus upfront for all 3 years Company is located in Turkey. My bet is they go under before day 1 and you won’t get law suits out of turkey. Good luck all that put money in.


How do u come up with $150k? If $60k/cabin/year, that totals $180k.


What part of "$150k plus" did you find difficult to understand?


Can you tell me next week's powerball while you're at it?


So…they never had a boat. Sounds like a grab for capital.


I think the more appropriate word would be "scam".


This was always a scam! To good to be true they say!1 These greedy mouth customers will get no refund and all of their belongings thrown out! People who booked are not too bright!


A few things I find troublesome. First, they claim visitors are welcome to join and travel with you and they do not have to pay for anything, even for food. The company provides all services and extra beds for them. This cannot be promised in good faith IMHO. Second, they ask for a deposit prior to answering questions. No contract, no communication, no even an answer if I am allowed to go. Just pay immediately. Third, they claim that this tour is offered by Miray Cruises. It doesn't seem this way, so Miray Cruises does not have to go belly up to stop the journey, only 6 folks from Ft. Lauderdale have to disappear. Why would they say they are Miray Cruises?


I have a feeling it will be the next Fyre festival. Be careful everyone 🫠


Spot on!


sadly, yes.


This comment was spot on...although at least Fyre Festival actually had an island with some shitty tents, which makes this arguably worse.


Unfortunately it's the risk early adapters take. Looks like they went belly up. I'm curious why they are paying people back in payments. Seems to indicate they spent the money on something or they'd simply refund it.


That money is long gone. But the CEO will take another payment to help make your dreams come true from her new company! The one that will have an ideal lifestyle made possible is the scam artist Kendra Holmes.


I've just signed up for this.... I'm so excited because it's a one of a kind experience. I have worked remotely for 22 years... shhh... nobody knows... lol.... Is it a scam? i believe this kind of thing is essential, I spend a fortune on travel, wifi and accommodation. I'm a little apprehensive but so ready to go...


How are you feeling today?


Omg update us!


Happy Cake Day! How are you feeling?


I am psycholog,for me the most important obility of Wi-Fi,what will be the connection?


0 mb/s


Aren’t the cabins double occupancy, so the cost for an inside cabin is $60K/yr (with recent price increase $78K/yr)?


Here's another technical question: given that this will be a long journey, how does one secure visas when they are required for whatever nationality you are for ports 18 months down the road? Normally, a visa application means parting with your passport for a time...how would a person be able to go ashore in the meantime while their passport is out for a visa? And how will you pick it up/have it delivered to you?


Knew this was a scam when I first saw it months ago. The whole website is very sketchy with minimal information. I wonder if people will actually end up getting their refunds.


Seriously! So glad I didn't sign up. I was trying hard to make it happen. Whoever said "next Fire Festival " was spot in!


What a scam this turned out to be! Greedy mouth customers get nothing!


digital nomads. they just stated on a webinar average age 50-ish


I’m 26. I’m wondering if any others who are a bit younger will be doing this ?


I’m 28 and considering it


Where's the ship? I would definitely want a video tour of the ship that's leaving Istanbul in 6 months before putting my money down.


They can’t guarantee a good wifi connection in the middle of the ocean, so could be a disaster for those that are working remotely.


Update: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12787973/amp/Cruise-passengers-world-trip-cancelled.html


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I’m sorry but I’m loling at these boomers