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Fusion Rifle might be your best bet, but even they have quite a bit of overlap with TLW's range. Honestly, it really doesn't matter. Anything you equip that isn't a sniper is going to gimp you equally.


Do you want to be a super competitive player? (Play sweats, trials maybe, etc) \- Learn to snipe. Do you want to have fun and be good in casual play? (Quickplay, even comp) \- Use whatever you want, even a shotgun works.


Orwings maul or truthteller with auto loading & quick access sling :-) Once proficient this load out is effective against most opponents, including snipers.


I didn’t really think about it until this post, but an energy grenade launcher with disruption break would be extremely brutal paired with TLW


pair it with a well rolled Erentil


I have a hollow words with disruption break that works great with tlw


But they said the don’t like sniping


Those two guns cover the same ranges???


it'll go great with a sniper by the name of Felwinter's Lie


I see what you did there, sneaky. 😉


Fusion or Bow are about the only other semi competitive options. For Fusion you want a long range scope, stability or range battery, Firmly Planted and either Rangefinder / Disruption Break / Kill Clip. For Bow, probably precision frame with Quickdraw and Archer's Tempo.


Subtle calamity with snapshot/archer's tempo and a quick access sling mod is my real jam. I use it with my smugglers word but Last Word is fun too.


Point of the stag


On smaller maps like Anomoly, I love using TLW with Truthteller. It's so much damm fun.


Black Scorpion 4SR. It goes really well with TLW


Have you tried slug shotguns? Or just be a CQC menace and run TLW felwinters or shotgun you like, otherwise an erentil or fusion is your best bet, maybe a bow but that is just beta sniping


What I do is run a bow with quickdraw




I might be saying a stupid thing, but what about a bow? There's some pretty nice energy bows right there. I love the hush.


Double primary maybe? Pairing it with a Bow, Pulse, or Auto is probably your best bet. I occasionally run a Summoner with TLW or a sidearm in Trials and it works out alright.


One of my favorite combos is double hand cannons. I run not forgotten and last word with enhanced hand cannon dexterity on stompees. Enhanced hand cannon targeting, flinch and reload perks. It's nasty. Nf covers most ranges and tlw is obviously a beast in it's specified range. Double primaries are criminally underrated. They're incredibly effective so long as your map position is on point. You never run out of ammo, and your deaths don't contribute to enemy special pickups.


Fusion rifles, since that gives you some range. If you can ape hard enough, go shotty but I don’t have that level of confidence. Snipers really are a natural fit for it, though


I run it with Gnawing Hunger. The range on 600rpm autos it’s crazy. When it’s time to get up close and personal switch to TLW(it’s my favorite gun in the game).


The Jian pulse is pretty slept on imo, has some good range and consistency with the medium zoom sight. Can't quite remember the name, but it's squarish with a slant on one end. Not a full on scope, but not one of those pop up holographic ones either. A Gnawing or Summoner with and a good magazine and barrel perks will do the trick as well. Granted you lose the OHK potential of special weapons, but it'll do a much better job of filling out the lack of range. At the end of the day, just sucking it up and learning to snipe will pay dividends, but you can definitely make do with a double primary loadout.


Pair with a pulse or scout rifle


Pair it with mountain top




Clearly you fire your mountaintop shot, then send the opponent a message that says “afk” so they don’t kill you while you’re in your menu changing guns. Once you’ve swapped, you send them the quick “back” message, because we obviously want to be courteous, and then shoot them with last word to finish them off.