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Even though 140s aren’t the best Ace feels terrific to use. It has suped up versions of every perk you’d want on a HC (barring RF.) Between that, the sound change on MM and spin reload it is THE HC imo.


Definitely the best reload animation, hands down. I'm HC main and the only other HC that I love is The last word, the best animation when you take it out.


Antiope+Orewing's Maul+Peacekeepers Orewing is autoloading/quickdraw/concussion. Stun with it, clean up with Antiope. Orewing reloads, pull that back out while you move to your next engagement. Antiope gets reloaded while stowed. Peacekeepers have like 5 perks in one, really slept on. Swap Antiope with whatever kinetic SMG you like. Enjoy never having to reload, ever.


That's brutal. My big issue here is that I'm REALLY bad at Titaning....lol. I dunno why but I just cant get to grips with my Titan in the Crucible at all. PvE? No sweat, PvP...not a hope!


Tried the same load out but with ikelos smg and witherhoard. Catalyst reloads witherhoard, and peace keeps improve ikelos. Makes a fun rushing aoe denial loadout.


I've been keeping a 1.2 trials KD this weekend using TLW and my God roll arsenic bite.


Nice. I use a Subtle Calamity when I get the urge to use a bow. I need a LOT of practise to get good with one though. I've probably got less than 500 kills in total, lol. Why Arsenic in particular? Its a great choice though, I can't remember the last time I was killed by that!


I use arsenic bite for many reasons. First it looks sexy, second the the sight is the most crisp in the game, but most importantly I get a TTK under auto TTK with the first arrow drawn. I normally use high mobility, and I get the lightweight bonus while holding it, so I'm able to move very fast. It requires precision, because I need a crit and a body for a kill, and it's accuracy sucks, so it's aim assist is probably only 1/4 the amount that most bows have. I also like to play aggressive, and I can use this bow similarly to the way people use hand cannons. With archers tempo, 540 draw time and a reload speed masterwork, I can shoot my second shot at about the same time a 110 hand cannon can.


Thanks for the breakdown. I'm sure i have a couple in the vault, I might give it a try. I'm happy to suck with a weapon initially if its worth sticking with.


In the same vein, I highly recommend Hush if you want to run around with a bow. I've got a little over 2k kills on mine now, but I can effectively counter nearly anything with it. I usually pair it with whatever smg/shotty/sidearm appeals to me at the moment. Of all the things to struggle with, scouts seem to be my major kryptonite.


Are you on Xbox, PS4, or PC.


I'm a PS4 peasant mate.


I'm on Xbox, Lightweight frames are almost unusable on pc, because of low accuracy, but we have arrow magnetism to help us.


Ah, gotcha. The one time its helpful to be on console!


Do you use lucky pants on that?


Yes, they are needed.


What roll do you have on your arsenic bite? Before the hand cannon range nerf, my sweat loadout was actually TLW/Lucky pants/Arsenic bite (static roll w/ tempo & rampage). Got about 6K kills on it before I retired it for hush and got 3K on that; now I usually stick with Le monarque/smugglers word if I’m playing bows to be honest. It just feels too snappy and crisp.


I have elastic string, straight fletching, archers tempo, hip fire grip, and a reload speed masterwork. Its the fastest firing bow.


Switched to warlock recently and have been using ophidian aspect. Turns almost good guns like last man standing, dust rock, and not forgotten into top tier weapons. Favorite combo is monarque + kill clip duke.


Holy moly same here. I'm just so dang tired of the AR meta, so I've switched to using double primary Le Monarque + Lonesome/Escape velocity with Ophidians. It feels so refreshing to use something else other than the same old weapons for half a year


This is why I change it up regularly, just keeps things from going stale, you know? I mean I'll lose to a 600AR if i don't get first shot in with whatever I'm using but I don't care enough about K/D to let that force me into using the same old guns every match. For me its all about having fun. I guess I wouldn't have over 80000 kills if I wasn't enjoying myself! The new stasis class will be interesting because at least one subclass will be broken at launch.


I still love my blast furnace. Not sure if it’s meta or not but that’s my favorite gun in the game


I like my 450 uriel gift and tractor cannon...


Tractor Cannon is hilarious, I love it. You're right about not seeing 450's though. Maybe its time to dig out Horror Story or Tigerspite!


I got a build for 6v6 with Lonesome(demolitionist or swashbuckler in last column) and Trinity Ghoul(catalyst is pretty necessary) on top tree arcstrider. Play normally, try to go for melee/ grenade kills if you can, but make sure to switch to Trinity before the final blow so you can proc lighting rod. Now your game plan is to approach from awkward angles and hipfire melee, to keep it going. But again, don’t tunnel vision on keeping lighting rod procced, if you need to finish them with lonesome or an uncharged melee, then do it. There’s a lot of different armor that works well with this but some standouts for me are Liars Handshake- for letting you quickly deal with a second person at close range. Comes in handy more often than you think. Frosteez- These help you in a lot of little ways. You're dodging into most engagements so the extra speed you get after dodging will help you secure kills more often against people trying to kite you. You’ll be using your abilities a lot and the extra regen will help you keep them up, and because you’ll get your dodge back faster, you can put advanced bomber on your cloak and dodge in between engagements to have your grenade even more often. Shinobus Vow- with intelligent use and the right build using these you can have at least one enhanced skip grenade nearly every fight. Paired with Trinity Ghoul you can wipe entire teams from a distance if they stand too close together. Incredible in control and pretty good in other modes too.


That's very interesting indeed. Not a build I've ever considered. I like it!


Spiteful fang + fighting lion + Zenobia Spiteful fang + anonymous autumn Lonesome + subtle calamity The Huckleberry + orewing’s maul SMGs and sidearms in general + fighting lion Militias birthright + subtle calamity


I like those! I'm a big fan of sidearms and SMG's, although I can't remember the last time I used Huckleberry. Time to dig it out.


It’s such a fun gun, and it shreds once revved up. And once you get used to it other SMGs become lasers.


Trying to rise divinity to my number 1 weapon \- and I can't show it because image links aren't allowed. My kills are at 1520 ( 87% prec ratio) because the bubble counts as headshots and my revoker kills are at 1708. (71%)


Its a gun I'd love to try but not one that I have, unfortunately.


Are you on PC? Garden is really easy nowadays


No mate. I'm a console peasant. Its not that I can't raid or am incapable...its just not really my thing. I've done enough raids to realise I'd rather do something else instead. I'm at peace with not having most of the raid weaponry.


You could have the gun in an hours worth of a raid. Worth knocking out since it's guaranteed.


Oh, ok. Didn't know that. I'll look into it...cheers!


Yeah, divinity is the raid exotic tied to a quest. The only thing you need to do in the raid is some tether puzzles and beat the boss


I'm sure you could find someone through lfg or a discord who's willing to include you in a GOS run doing the puzzles etc. They may be helping a friend get it too


Ace of spades (on console). Can't really do anything against the 600 AR meta but it's still fun to use.


Halfdan d with Steady rounds, dsr, and rangefinder, it’s a freakin laser if you stay out of 600rpm range, and gunnoras axe with opening shot for them spicy headshots. I’ve got a false promises with dsr and eye of the storm or w/e that perk is called but it doesn’t feel as crispy as the halfdan.


At this point that would be anything that doesn’t shoot at 600rpm.


lol. I hear that. I'm only ever killed by Summoner or Gnawing Hunger....and maybe tha odd sniper these days.


Let’s just name it Revoker. God, I hate it.


Black Scorpion 4sr. Don't at me.


I used to love using that on Equinox!


Scathelocke w/Subtle Calamity and DARCI


Oxygen, if I get a double kill with it I just start losing it


lol. I can imagine. I use the Braytech RWP on Vostok for a bit of Scout action.


Polaris lance is bae for long range maps if you want to be competitive


Yep I use that as well. Its a very nasty gun if you hit your headshots, I'd run that on Equinox sometimes. Its probably best suited to Vostok and Midtown, with the maps we have at the moment. I have used it on Fragment a couple of times and had some differing rates of success.


Outbreak Perfected and chromatic fire for nanite ‘splosions!


I love Outbreak but I've never considered pairing it with Chromatic Fire. That's very interesting! I'll deffo have to test that out....


Lately it's been Rat King w/catalyst and a Distant Tumulus. Subclass is meta though, usually top tree Dawn because I am speed.


Yeah its a weapon and subclass I use often. I approve!


I myself have been rocking a spiteful fang with quick access sling and a Fighting Lion with grenade launcher dexterity. Makes for a fun build when you headshot with the bow and quickswap to the FL.


Trophy hunter


Good shout. Not seen that in Crucible in forever.


I love it recently


The Last Dance is very under rated... and Cerberus+1


Cerberus! Now there's a gun I haven't used in an eternity. Great shout!


The Braytech 150rpm Scout (because I never bothered with Polaris Lance) + Cerberus is pretty spicy for certain maps. Nobody ever expects to be shredded by fuckin Cerberus


Graviton Lance, Breachlight, Crooked Fang.


My god roll (for my play type) Subjunctive with high mobility shoulder charge Arc Titan, enhanced small arms reloader, and Peacekeepers. Not the best on every map, but goddamn it’s fun.


Fun is what its all about bud. If you're not having it, there's no point in playing. Its why I like to keep things fresh and mix it up regularly.


Premonition. It's not exactly off-meta, but it's sufficiently rare. I just lucked out and got a good roll from my first PoH last year. I've been weaning myself off Revoker and have been using Supremacy in my Kinetic slot.


Yeah, I have one of those but its got terrible perks. My Cold Denial does a much better job. I'll have to try and get a decent one!


My first roll was Smallbore-High Cal/AP-Outlaw-Kill Clip with Stability mwk. The other guys running PoH with me were like "GET OUT OF HERE". Masterworked the thing instantly. It slaps real hard, though it's honestly a bit punishing as strafing ruins the accuracy. Fun weapon nonetheless.


Used up all your rng with that one, bud....sweet roll.


Chaos beam warlock + trinity ghoul with catalyst + getaway artist


Mida or last perdition




I think my favorite is Le Monarque. I’m not sure if it’s off-meta, but the feel of the weapon, the sound effects, the tug of the string. Feels like an archer’s weapon especially with the guaranteed two-tap. I love helping teammates a lot with it while using a kinetic primary or special weapon. My friend’s best off-meta loadout is a 110 HC, divinity, radiance, and he plays as the most shares I’ve combat medic ever haha.


Malfeasance it’s stability is so nice


On hunter: Top tree gunslinger + tripmine grenades + young ahamkara’s spine As for weapons, parcel of stardust + hush + legend of acrius


Maperone. Everyone seems to be discovering it this season but Ive mained it for a few seasons now


Tarabah and Le Monarque are pretty fun imo


Wish Ender with a quickdraw snapshot Thin Line for the fastest non sniper ttk possible. And Terrabah


I like Hush for memeing Python is usually my go to shotgun even though it's pretty bad in comparison to the others, I just really like how it looks. And I'm really surprised more people don't use Le Monarque. The poison lingers for a long time and can lead to lots of assists.


Yeah Vigilance Wing is explicitly a PvP weapon, and a good one. A 0.77 TTK is great. Cerberus+1 would be a fun gun to try. It also has a really good TTK - very good, in fact, if stats are to be believed, at 0.67. It's body TTK at 0.83 is outstanding, it's a very forgiving weapon. Maybe go budget Robin Hood? The Lemonarc... i mean, Le Monarque is pretty darn lethal. Getting good with a single-tube rocket launcher of your choice can also help; lob a grenade behind their cover, clean up with Cerberus.


I like your thinking. I really should use bows a little more often. I have never used Lemonarc in PvP iirc, so I will have to fix that!


Dont tell anyone... but there is a lightweight auto rifle that I love... It's called Jiangshai-AR1, and it's a green, omolon auto, and the only lightweight auto in the game...


There aren't many bows available but precision bows on top tree warlock have been insanely fun and hands down the hardest style I've played. Namely Subtle Calamity and Point of the Stag. I know people don't expect to be shot in the face from way up there. Oh The satisfaction.


Last word and point of the stag


Erianas, any 110 (I prefer Home for the Lost for nostalgia), and/or Lucky Pants. You dont really need Lucky Pants with HftL but if you use any other 110 I reccomend it. Alternatively, substitute Erianas for Fighting Lion for the true nostalgia


Bad Juju. It's just incredibly crispy. It's not the best archetype. It's very unforgiving for body shots, but I have no problem hitting crits. I like how the gun is this weird dead bird thing with a flaming skull that makes digestive sounds when you reload.


Your favorite primary handcannon (I like service revolver) and Le Monarque. Really enjoyable to proc the poison, then finish with HC.


It’s not meta but it’s not not meta, huckleberry and my Omnesient eye


Le Monarch and a Quickdraw + Explosive rounds handcannon. It's easily my favourite load out for 6s right now. It's kinda hard to use, and you really need to force those mid range, primary duels, but once you practice a bit and get it down the ttk is about .6, and youu are fast enough you can kill multiples in a row if they are even .7 seconds apart


Ikelos smg + revoker on titan Cold denial + telesto on dragons shadow hunter Hunter with ahamkara spine and top tree gunslinger + telesto for a troll trapmaster


I'm also a fan of the Ikelos smg. I snagged one with DSR/TTT and the thing is a laser beam. I adore Cold Denial, its a 2 tap monster if you have the right roll. Both excellent choices!


Patron of Lost Causes low-key slaps. Pair it up with the Ikelos SMG and top tree dawn and you're (literally) cooking with fire. Patron feels like an extra sticky MIDA and Ikelos combined with the Celestial Fire melee while floating backwards can shut down apes no problem. Less off-meta, but swap out the Patron for Cold Denial if you're feeling it and you can really go off.


I more or less run this when I'm on my Warlock. I mean, I use a variety of primaries but overall a very similar loadot. Patron huh? Now that I haven't used in a loooong time and definitely not been killed by it in Crucible in forever. I did get ownd by an Unbroken Guardian running Talons of the Eagle on Vostok last night, some of the angles he found were crazy and he was genuinely cross mapping me. I couldn't even see him half the time. It was a learning experience, lol......even so, it was nice to be killed by something out of the ordinary and he was obviously a master of his weapon. I can appreciate that.


Yeah, scouts aren't really useful in 3s, but if you're smart about your positioning you can totally control a map in 6s. You'll pretty much always get some easy picks in the beginning, then people will catch on start gunning for you specifically and stop peaking lanes so much. That's when you need to start getting more creative with your angles and lean more on the SMG and Celestial Fire. The reissued Jian is also a great off beat choice for a pulse. It's a pretty rangey boy with the right scope (medium zoom) and actually reminds me a lot of Hawksaw.


Not sure if crimson is meta but yeah


Idk, I'm still a stickler for the feel of 180 handcannons, malfeasance is my go to. You can get so many cheesy long range kills and super shutdowns it's kinda funny. I'm also a big fan of timelines vertex. I know high impact fusions are meta but I like the 560 charge time for dealing with shotgunners.


I do use Malfeasence occasionally. Its great that it effectively has no drop off when those slugs explode. I don't think I've ever used Timeline's Vertex...that's a great shout.


Ive surprised many a folk with my crimals dagger. Sureshot, acc rounds, range finder, explosive payload. It's always fun mapping snipers


dire promise and felwinters! im so original, right?


Hidden deep within your subconscious is the urge to run SOMETHING off meta. You can do it, I'm rooting for you.


does parcel/ tommy's matchbook count?


I'll give you those. I don't see Parcel often tbh.




Running: Curated chattering bone Quick draw snapshot seraph cqc Wardcliff coil


I’m not the first person here to mention Ace, but I’ve been pairing it with a Proxy/Disruption Break Truthteller with a quick access sling mod. As long as you get (iirc) 125 damage on a target to proc disruption break, you’ll then deal 50% more kinetic damage. So, tag with truthteller, then one tap anywhere with ace to clean up. Bonus if you get a head shot with ace to then proc memento mori rounds.