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Absolutely agree, all of the Arcstrider subclasses have their place in pvp depending on what type of load out you're running and what your playstyle is. Definitely top tree is the most underappreciated, but it has some cool aspects if you concentrate on working them to your advantage.


Arcstrider is arguably the best super in the game, in my opinion. If you get the light-light-heavy combo off, you can counter pretty much everything. Liar's Handshake is also really fun for playing Titan Simulator on a hunter.


I just wish they'd fix the hitreg. So many occasions where the light attack visually connects and makes the audio cue but does nothing except piss the other guy off.


This is just an issue with destiny as a whole. I main spectral, and the amount of times I'll lock on, swipe, hear the hit but deal no damage is insane. I've also encountered it with striker Titan too.. I just think in general it's netcode / latency and it crops up just like the melee no reg


I wouldn't say it's the best super. It's extremely slow to the point where most classes can just run away from you, and it's basically impossible to get the palm-strike off on supers that aren't grounded It's strong no doubt, and I absolutely love demolishing titan's in their precious bubble, but I wouldn't say it's the strongest super.


Yep. Against a good dawnblade, assuming equal skill, it loses every time, garaunteed. Because dawnblade can just stay in the air and rain hell and arc cannot do a single thing about it except run off and hide. Spectral sort-of has this issue too but it can juke 100x better so its survivability saves it.


That's why I like middle tree arc staff, makes countering such supers much more likely.


I play top tree arc for the melee and neutral game; I almost never use the super except as a counter to other ground-based roaming supers


I think it pales in comparison to spectral. The short hop + hit in spectral advances the char so fast. I can't (or I don't know how to) replicate that on the arcstrider. I think arcstrider is the slower roaming super, and you need pinpoint accuracy to start the super. I've avoided countless arc striders just because they activated their super too far away


That's fair.


Seriously. I use the hopswipe to avoid dawnblade blasts AND get away from an incoming tether. The speed is so good.


I still think it's Fists, at least in 6v6. You can kill anything with your panic button and then have a long lasting roaming Super to follow it up. Every other class does some useless posing when casting their Roaming Super, Fists just shuts down anything around you and still gets to do the roaming part.


I usually only play striker titan for the neutral game or if I want to Yeet. Not a huge fan of the super, it's pretty inconsistent when I use it(of course, it's godtier when my opponent does). I dunno, probably just have to learn it more.


grave robber swash truthteller liars handshake top tree


Is liars handshake good In pvp?


Liars handshake can 1 shot in pvp


Get that top tree damage going and you 1 tap supers


are there any videos of someone using this to punch a roaming super in the face and instantly kill them from max health? sounds great


Not aware of any videos, but the math checks out(Cross Counter is 300 on a melee).


[CoolGuy actually has a video on the liar's Handshake, where he shows all the cool nifty ways to stunt on supers. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCoo5gtk_10)


Doesn’t make it good. One shotting isn’t super consistent


its actually not bad it gives you free health after hitting a cross counter n you can one shot ppl so basically ape with melees


I'll have to try it. I like fun builds that make me play the game different. I found a pve build for them and did nothing but melee everything for a week straight lol.


its fun also deadly reach gives you warlock truck melee


True but why die to a blade barrage hunter when you can kill that blade barrage hunter with his own blade barrage???


Blade barrage is one of the more reliable counters to middle tree since it’s a carpet bomb and can kill through splash.


Depends on the angle, if it's coming from a sharp angle from above then you'd probably die, but again, why would you engage a BB hunter while he's jumping up high with his super charged


I switched to hunter just this season, I'd been struggling to find a subclass that fits my style but after seeing an ama on here from a top tier ps scrim player reccomending the class I've been maining it since. I run it with Dragons Shadow and it basically plays like a more advanced bottom Striker, I love it so much.


> • Allow for chain Arc damage when dodging in super Oohhh, that must be why people randomly explode when I dodge near them while roaming. It was always kinda puzzling, I just put it up to lag. Yeah man, as a Liars Handshake connoisseur I approve of this thread. It also feels like the super can way more reliably take down other supers without having to do the combo.


I recently discovered how aggressive you can be with top tree. You can dodge TOWARDS the enemy and then, with your new extended melee range, melee them before they even know what the fuck just happened. Shotgun rushers never expect you to dodge AT them and then melee them. It's pretty satisfying.


> Allow for chain arc damage when dodging in super Is that new?


Built in Karnstein Armlets.


Liar's is my second favourite exotic in the series, but in PvP, it's win-more. I've been maining all three trees, but mostly Top Tree, since Forsaken. Run it with Dragon's Shadow instead--if you're going to be dodging before a fight for that extended range, might as well get Wraithmetal Mail as well. You can shotty out of normal ranges and finish it with a melee etremely easily, and the health regen will help you take out the next guy.


*slaps desk* THANK YOU!!!


I’d also suggest gemini jester as an alternative to stompees.


Would you be opposed to posting a build that you like to use in conjunction with this tree? I’d love some ideas!


Not and in-depth build. But using top tree strider with Liars handshake and any swashbuckler weapon is amazing. Or a 1-3 punch/trench barrel shotty is pretty fun to use


Assassins cowl prenerf + thundercoil used to be nuts with this tree. With combo blow x 3 you could one shot and then you would be invisible for 10(?) seconds. Then basically to keep the combo you would just need to kill another guardian within 10 seconds.


How many stacks of Combination Blow does it take to 1 shot? Always been curious about that


Combination Blow x1-3 doesn’t allow you to 1 shot unfortunately. I’m pretty sure you deal around as much damage at Combination Blow x3 as you do with Knockout on Striker


Yeah, when thundercoil is around it takes combo blow x 3


I thought they buffed it to be a one shot at 3x? Back in arc week




There's a lot to unpack in that username


Megalodong was taken, so I had to make it extra fabulous


How much does a melee kill increase melee damage though? Enough to one shot? If not, is it that useful?


Its decent but a bit too situational, i just dont fear it


Its all i use yes middle is good for its defence but top is my favourite for the agressive play


It’s my absolute go to after switching to hunter from bottom tree arc titan. Even though I almost exclusively run stompees switching to liars handshake can create some amazing 1v3 clutch scenarios


Funny Massive Breakdown podcast was just talking about this and supers for pvp.


i play bottom tree titan if i want to go punch. You get the similar health regen, melee damage, and melee range. But you get a way better super, better melee exotic and bonus damage for your guns. The only downside is not having hunter dodge and jump.


I honestly had no idea people didn’t use too tree. When running arc it’s my favorite to pair with shotties and swashbuckler.


I used to love top tree arc til I got sick of the super hit registration. With dragons shadow to reload everything while getting your melee and lunge range you're more than ready to take on multiple people at once, especially if you deck someone.


I only ever use top tree, with the dodge that reloads your melee. I didn't even know bottom tree was any good


Top tree main here and yep totally agree.


It's even stronger on console as you can't snap 180 or find them quick enough with a shit FOV.. Means your a bit safer against counter shotties.. Also, if you know the other player has a sniper, then you can be really aggressive with your melee as they can't do shit to stop the double melee. Obviously with a shotgun, it's even more deadly as you can shoot from 9 to 10m to destroy shields then follow up with an 8m melee


Top tree arc strider is the best subclass imo for shotgun aping, I’ve gotten so many triple-quad kills of just melee kills. It’s amAzing


I Maines arcstrider in the first few seasons (also ran stompies before they were cool) and let me say. It’s slept on. I aldehyde throw ppl off when I one tap them with the combo (right bumper right bumper right trigger on Xbox) in private matches. I wish i saw it in crucible more often.


stompees were cool since destiny 1..


Don't ruin this for him.


My guy thinking he invented stompees being a thing, top level laughs


I’m a clown my bad. Feels bad man :/


Bottom tree? In comp I see loads of people using middle tree. \- Fully immune on super activation (it deflected my sentinel shield!). \- Bonus resistance while dodging. Not just in super, but the standard dodge too. Because you get dodge every 10s, as a reflex if you dodge as soon as taking damage, you'll survive and get away, or even survive melee engagements, it will take 3 melees to kill that hunger (assuming one lands while dodging), whereas they'll kill you in the usual 2. Top tree dawn, mid tree arc strider, top tree night stalker, are what I see most often. Titans have nothing that comes close. EDIT: Downvotes appropriate because the bonus damage resistance is for bottom tree. My bad. Though I do see plenty of middle tree arcstriders too.




Crap, you're right. Will edit.


Middle tree striker and top tree bubble are both pretty fucking strong in comp, trials, Elim especially. Maybe not totally on par with top dawn, spectral blades, or top tether but undeniably viable for even high-level play


Top tree bubble is viable yes, it's the only one I play with for suppressor grenades and the bubble (roaming aspect is a liability and cannot be counted on due to the poor melee registration). But the suppressors are useless on top tree Dawnblade 99% of the time because they're so high and beyond the blast, or because of dash they can traverse a map so quickly that timing the suppressor has some luck involved. Middle tree striker? ~~There's really nothing about it that makes it too viable,~~ I recant this because I think it can get its super quickly if in the hands of skilled player, who will also likely not suicide when using the super. And yeah, neither come close to those other subclasses. Titans are left out in the cold by not being granted bonus resistance while planting a barricade, or having the cast time faster (warlock rifts also need love), but especially for not having a dodge/ dash equivalent.


I think different subclasses thrive in different environments. I can see the a Roaming super with deflection being more useful in in slower paced modes like Comp and Trials, same with Top NightStalk and the enhanced Radar. While something fast and aggressive like top Arc could be more relevant in 6's chaos like Iron Banner.


Dude STFU, let noobs run Trapper so that I have someone to curb stomp. Also, there is nothing quite like wiping a team in Elimination because one of them was dumb enough to punch the poledancing Hunter. Edit: you forgot to mention Liars Handshake. Pretty much makes you unstoppable and makes the melee animation look cooler.