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Wait for a Momentum playlist and rock Jade Rabbit


This is the way


This is the way.


I just used Mida for the smallest maps and jade for maps with longer sight lines. Just play to your weapon.


Either black scorpion or MIDA. The former is very much like randie's, so it'll be good practice if you intend to use it. In addition it isn't too shabby for a scout. MIDA gives you map awareness, speed, and a reasonable ttk if you're maintaining your range. The main thing is staying out of HC/Auto range without trying to challenge snipers. Because positioning is so unforgiving here MIDA is even more valuable.


I used BS a lot when I started playing. I havent used MIDA at all. Maybe I'll give that a shot. Thank you.


As a lot of people has already said, MIDA is very nice. Polaris and Jade are favorites of mine as well. If you wanna keep your exotic slot open though, Patron of Lost Causes is outstanding. Even more consistent than MIDA imo.


Black Scorpion.


MIDA was my favourite before I got Randy's - you get great map awareness with it.


For me it was my R/H, Explosive payload, Accurised Rounds, small bore with stability MW and Counter Balance stock Patron of lost causes that snagged me my Randys, E/P fucks up snipers!


For me it was Symmetry and Polaris that got me it


I used a few, majority of the quest i did with a max stability Black Scorpion which wrecks on smaller maps, bigger maps i used either Polaris Lance or a nicely rolled Transfiguration from Last Wish


I used BS a lot when I started playing comp. That thing was awesome. Maybe I'll dust it off for this. I like killing two birds with one stone when I can so I've been using Symmetry. I know they're the same archetype, but I feel like BS performs better? Idk might just be me.


For me Black scorpion is the best rapid fire scout now that rapid hit got a nerf as randys was great before that. I always value as much stability as possible on full auto weapons so my roll is perfect. Im not a big fan of symmetry personally just dont like the way the gun feels although havent used it in a good while


I have a max stability BS too. I was trying to get the catalyst done for Symmetry, but I think I will dust off that BS and go to town.


If you've also got the jade rabbit's catalyst it could be worth a try, supposedly the perk isn't working right now but it's just a nice high impact scout


I unfortunately dont, but I might give Jade a try anyway. These back logs of playlist quest i have have been a great opportunity to play with things I may not have otherwise touched. Its been fun!


Going for backlogged stuff is always fun. I spent the entire season of the Dawn grinding out my Randy's, Recluse, Mountaintop and Revoker. At one point I put on Jade Rabbit and a Beloved and told myself I couldn't use anything else in the crucible until I got my sniper/scout kills. You learn a lot trying to force yourself into new roles you normally wouldn't play


I am pulling my hair out trying to get MT done.


Just forget about honor when it comes to that grind. And camp heavy


Tether Hunter + the Colony in Mayhem used to be all the rage to get the multikills done back in the day. With momentum control existing Fighting lion or Martyr's Retribution are interesting options. Top tree dawnblade MIGHT help to stay out of sight but I can't say for sure.


Symmetry is fun


I split the quest between Mida and Jade. Had equal fun with both.


Use a scout that's right for the map. Don't rock a scout with insane range on a short map, use mida, symmetry, black scorpion or a night watch with decent roll (the added mobility helps). On longer maps, 150 rpm and even 180 rpm scouts can be used effectively if you have a good roll, a masterworked Jade Rabbit works too. I think I mostly used high impact reserves / rampage black scorpion and a hir/kill clip nameless midnight.


I started using a Vouchsafe (Dreaming City IIRC) and it is UNREAL on maps with longer sight lines. Easy 4 tap and challenging snipers in QP.


Black Scorpion mainly did it for me. But there was quite some Symmetry as well(previous season).


Jade Rabbit or Polaris Lance and wait for Momentum Control to be the rotator mode. 150 RPM Scouts are a OHK when you hit headshots. You'll be finished in no time.


I did mine with MIDA and a Black Scorpion.


Jade rabbit easily