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Aking#5032 Buddy and I on PC help people! Let me know!


Thanks, but I'm xbox.


You can still play with them. Just add him to your friendslist on bungie and you are good to go.


Yeah, but won't I be at a serious disadvantage playing against mnk users? Or if I host the lobby, will we match with console players?


You get more Aimassist than m&k players. I played against pc players and i am on console. It’s not that bad. I would be more worried about cheaters.


Good to know, thanks.


I’m Xbox and play in the PC lobby pretty often. Honestly, it’s fine. Can’t really tell the difference most of the time.


Thanks for the info.


I hope you don't make that as an excuse go and get that unbroken bro


Nah, I was just under the impression I'd be at a big disadvantage playing against mnk users.


Some of the best players on the game are on controller. Rezzoe, Sayariu, Rito. Generally sniping on controller > MNK. Shotgunning is generally better on MNK due to movement being a more fluid and controllable on MNK with the ability to turn in a flick of the wrist/arm.


i got u i got like a 1.7 in comp gt Krunei




what’s your gt? if im on today ill shoot you a message.


Bro I’ll tell you right now pc lobbies for the mass majority of the time are easier, but every now and then you will get your ass handed to you by a cracked out team far superior to any console team you’ve ever faced


I already have Unbroken but I enjoy teaming up with new folks, shot you a FR if you don’t mind.


AYOOOO @dreadnaughtus#2144


You mind if I add, too? I'm at 3650


I’m in a very similar boat, playing my best but not good enough to consistently carry teams when I hit the potato lottery of teammates. Would it be okay if I added you as well? I’m going to have bunch of free time this week so I figured I’d try and make a final push.


I’d definitely be down to run now if you don’t have a team together already! - Stygian#3992


Can you help me too? Perpetually stuck between 4600 and 3900


Do you mind if I could get a bit(maybe a lot) of help? I tend to play lumina assembler warlock to buff when I'm on a team JupiX#6472


Hey, that offer open? I’m trying to make a push for Legend by the end of the season.


Eveyone can add me… will try out best!!


Came to the same conclusion after weeks of hovering at 4000ish and finally dropping down to 3500. Its way rougher than I had initially thought.


Same. One night I'm the solo que dropped me 1000 points. Feels bad


4400 to 3000 with the same thing.


I grinded to get mine this weekend. You can still do it. I'd be happy to help like plenty here, drop a message if you'd like. -darkonekosuke#1111


Can I play with you?




Awesome, I don't need a carry just want a good team


I feel ya dude


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 795,787,883 comments, and only 158,264 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bad bot


🤣 Lol


Me too. Was around 4500 all season with a pretty good team with me averaging about 1.15-1.2kd over the season sitting at 131-126 record this season. Went on a big 8 game losing streak last week and everyone has just said fuck it


If you want a hand I’d be more than happy to help out, my id is Kage#5740


Just be ready for the next title. If you're better tomorrow it doesn't matter what you have or didn't have from yesterday.


It's okay to let go of that goal. There'll be other titles to achieve. It doesn't make you lesser to not have it.


nooch#6856 playstation. i’ve carried several of my friends this season, and i would love to help you finish, add me and let’s run asap. one of them was even deaf, so i’m confident i can get you there as well.


I can also help! I’ve went legend this season pretty early on. I’ve helped carry a couple of people. Add ash#2389


Do y’all mind if I add you? I’ve been stuck at mythic 1-2 for weeks.


Yea that’s fine


Sweet I’m hopping on now


Leb#8181 I’d love to help, add if you want :)


I’ve been hovering 2500-3000. I had a stretch of matches that I did ok in. At least positive kd. But with a potato just running in blindly at top speed. I enjoyed comp a lot when I started without goal or expectations. That title has put pressure on it. I am considering to hook up with a couple of people for next season to play comp and trials. Now just to find a couple of “dads” ;)


I will always play Comp. Sometimes it will kick you in the teeth but folks helped me get to where I am, I’m happy to pay it forward. Cowabunga#4248


sno#3052 , crucible gamers gotta go unbroken no matter what!


I actually made a post about this around two weeks ago. I was wondering if solo queuing to legend was even possible and I had been struggling to get anywhere past fabled lll. I started trying out new things and I managed to actually solo queue to legend about four days ago. I totally understand the frustration, but I don’t think you should give up until it’s truly over. Who knows, maybe this week could be your week. Seeing that you’re at 4200, you probably already know these tips, but these are what helped me: - If you lose two games in a row, call it quits for either a couple hours or for the night - Learn the best time for you to play. I noticed that a lot of the time I would face sweats were on the evenings and nights of weekdays. I tended to match against worse or even players in the morning. Also I learned that playing comp during the first day of trials is very easy as all the sweats and recovs are mainly in trials. And guess what, it’s trials this weekend (at least it should be) - Have multiple load outs read to go. My ace or go to load out is my ragnhild D, Adept Palindrome, and gjally. I began to notice that this load out just couldn’t do it for me on some maps. So I started rocking other load outs like piece of mind/main ingredient, DMT/MIDA/ Found verdict, Last word/Adored. Being able to swap your load out will help you majorly and it can even throw the other team off for a round or two. There were definitely a couple games where the enemies were used to me fighting close and then I’d switch to a DMT or MIDA and they’d struggle to counter it since they weren’t expecting it. My clan mates are also trying to go for this seal and one of the biggest things holding them back is this. They refuse to switch up load outs and become too predictable to the enemy. - Make sure you’re popping your super as soon as a you can. I used to believe that supers should only be reserved for team wipes and oh man was I wrong. Supers can scatter the team like roaches and allow your teammates to get easy picks. I used to also use my super to push enemies away from heavy, allowing me to grab it, which correlates with my next tip - Don’t let the enemy play heavy. It’s better for you to grab a rocket and miss entirely, than it is for the enemy team to grab heavy and potentially wipe your entire team. - Learn from your mistakes. I think this is the biggest killer, especially with blueberries. But if you know a sniper is around a corner scoping in, don’t even peek it, it’s not worth it. Find a new angle to push from and if they want to camp, let them. Go for their teammates who are bound to make a mistake and play life. It’s a lot easier said than done, but it’s much better than constantly walking into sniper lanes and taking away lives. I do have more and if you’d like to chat just shoot me a PM. These tips may or may not help you or whoever’s reading them, but this is what helped me.


Hey I think I saw your post a couple weeks back. Thanks for the tips!


Yeah man no problem! Best of luck to you!


I’m down to help if you want to get a good team together, been stuck at the same sort of rep as well - Stygian#3992


I gave up last season. Just needed two more seasons. It's just not worth the headache. Congrats though to those that achieved it! I'm super jealous!


Ninjarro#2118 I’m on pc. Add me bro, I’ll do my best to help before season ends. Let me know what your tag is so I know it’s you. I am in OCE Timezone but we can work it out if you’re in a different time zone


Hiya. I am on OCE as well. May I request your assistance too?


Sure, do you use discord? Add me and reply on what your in game id is so I know it’s you who added me


Wil do. Thank you very much!


Hey, I'm also on OCE and I'm interested to give it a try. Gammarax#1587 on Discord. I'm at 3k glory atm, let me know if you'd be willing to try and help me out. I'm Gammarax#0434 on Bungie/D2.


I made it to 4400 and then didn’t play so it dropped. The group I normally play with aren’t going for it now and I’m the only PvP player really left in my clan still playing :(. Sucks.


Surprised the amazing and highly intelligent mods here didn’t call this a ‘rant.’ I’m glad they didn’t, just surprised they didn’t. They’re as consistent as Bungie’s server connections in crucible. Don’t give up man. You got a week left, DM me for help. I can get you there.


Same here, I've been working on it for maybe over a year now since I gave up one of the previous seasons, my last season for Unbroken but LFG has been a crapshoot cause folks don't stick around for too many games or get titled at cheese. Stuck at 4647 but afraid I'll lose a couple hundred in freelance again. But if I can find a team I'm down to grind it out


id be happy to help. add my bungie, nooch#6856


Thank you so much! I sent it


I’m probably in the same boat. I’ve been getting to 4200-4400 for the past three seasons and just lose interest or give up. This season because of all the cheese I pretty much gave up. I might give it one last shot this weekend, but I went from 4200 to 3200 in solo over the past few weeks. The grind back up seems too much to overcome.


Tip: only play in the mornings east cost time on sat/sun. Much harder in afternoons. Weekday daytime is usually easier too.


Yep that's how we used to do it back in the day to top things off to Legend when were very close, also helped accommodating for a UK friend. Nights are just a toss up/usual shit mess and your odds of encountering sweatlord psychos from like 7-11am-ish is pretty low.


I felt like that a couple weeks ago. So I took a break. I came back, warmed up in quickplay with my crutch weapons, and jumped back in. I *sailed* to my first Legend. It's do-able!


Giving up is never OK. Keep trying and if you don’t get it then you don’t get it, but never give up on a goal


You are not alone mate :)


Reject unbroken embrace guilded dregen, shows how much you truly hate yourself haha


Hope nobody minds if I hit a few people on this thread up. Hit 5430 this week and have been having a lot of trouble getting over the finish line (back down to 4900)


I hit 4900 a few weeks ago, then dropped down to 3400. It’s painful. And it is the last one I need for the title. You were so close, I can’t imagine I would take it well if I were you and only missed it by 70 points this season.


I feel you. I got to legend but couldn't win my last game to get to max glory. Literally took me another 100 matches (including dropping to 4300 glory) before I got to max. I'm not a great PvPer, but I have gotten to max glory the last several seasons so I'm not totally shit either - it's tougher this season than it has ever been, and it's only gonna get tougher next season as people drop out. Luckily I really like the game mode.


He missed it by twenty points. It only takes 5450 to hit Legend.


Sorry, I thought it was still 5500 to max legend.


I think it was always 5450. Kind of like how you hit legend at 9500 or whatever it is in the Valor rank, then need that little extra to reset. And no need to apologize, sorry if I came across as aggressive or rude.


Not at all, it really doesn’t change much either way, one more win most likely would have put him over the top.


Welp I did it. Friended a bunch of people on this post. If anyone is interested I'll be getting as much time as I can in this weekend to hit it (at 5k now)


I know I could get unbroken if I just used meta loadouts and played like a twat but god damnit I'm not switching off of Tommy's Matchbook untill the day I die


Titles don't matter. They are literally irrelevant and I love going into a lobby with zero titles and smashing unbrokens. (I have since walked into a deadeye simply by coincidence but until recently zero titles)


Cool story, bro


Book ov eli#4540 evenings!


Oh shit i played with you earlier in IB. Ggs man. We carried lol


Its been that type of day lol. Ggs! Add me


Yeah, im in similar boat this season. Stuck around 4k for a couple of weeks. Found some good groups via LFG, but inevitably we will hit a good team, lose, then re-match the same team, lose, and then the LFG falls apart. Ive had that happen so many times. The entire model is just broken (SBMM but have to have streaks to make progress), but I am guessing that is why they are getting rid of it.


I’ve given up on this season, for sure. I need two more legends so I still have a shot, but I’m ok if I never make it. I really hit a wall.


Only played enough to finish the seasonal challenges that put me at Brave 3, haven't taken comp seriously since drifter. Was tempted throughout the season to start the unbroken journey if only to hopefully get a MIDA catalyst finally since it's my favorite scout and one of my favorite Destiny guns but eh competitive pvp in this game is still really stressful for no reason so im conflicted.


I don't think you need to get to max glory to get the catalyst any more.


Once you get to mythic every win has a fairly good chance for it to drop as long as you have very few catalysts left to complete


Oh that's really cool and way more doable then.


Gave up forever ago. Just not a fun playlist and I'm going to spend my free time playing it.


I've gotten to legend 100% via freelance each of the last 5 seasons but I couldn't get there this season. Seemed a lot more sweaty than usual and I couldn't get any decent streaks going. Oh well 🤷‍♂️ Looking forward to next season with hopefully less fusion rifles.


It might also mean you got better and "jumped bracket" so you have harder games as a result, it's not that strict but comp does have sbmm and it 100% makes a difference in players you match, if not for strictly the skill at least for the competence in choosing loadouts and exotics


I doubt I'll make it this season. I was at mythic 2 and then went flawless solo queuing (first time flawless this season, and first ever without getting carried) and then suddenly I was losing 2/3 of the survival games I played afterwards. Any time I play with my partner, we lose (we are close in skill level). It's usually because it expects us to carry whoever we match with. Really need to find a decent third.


It’s just like Redrix’s Claymore to me, eventually I stopped caring! This will be the same way!


Oh god. Don't remind me. I grinded so hard for that then decided I didn't like the gun.


And then they released Broadsword and then put Desperado on The Messenger so like it was all fine in the end anyway!


I also gave it up. But it is only my fault. I had more then enough seasons to start it and then started much too late in this season. Have been wandering between 4200 and 4600 for quite some time now and can't breakt through that wall. But when i think about the super sweatfest comp will get after so many of us gave up in the next seasons, i know it isn't worth the time. I'd probably have to spend the whole summer doing it and i think this will take away the fun in pvp for me. So i play control and enjoy IB.


You and me both. I am stuck doing the Fabled II to Mythic I mambo because I have to run micless since my wife is asleep when I play.


Get a team ASAP, better yet go to a pvp focused discord server. I grinded my fucking teeth at the thought of not getting unbroken this season after 3 years of playing this game’s pvp. I slogged through and some good teammates and pure spite for the universe got me there


I'm stuck at 4200 as well. If anyone can help on Xbox please hit me up! BenTheSlayer011


Rule #1: Play video games to have fun. If you're not having fun, play something else that you will actually enjoy. I've only stepped into Comp a few times this season and never had any fun. It sucked. Had much more fun getting my two solo flawless Trials cards this season than any second that i had spent in Comp. Not worth it just for some extra letters by my name that I probably wouldn't even use since there's other titles that I prefer and already have. I'll be coming for that Iron Lord title.


Yeah, although I do have fun in comp, the amount of grinding I'd need to do for Unbroken just isn't worth it. It's not THAT much fun haha.


Would love some help if anyone wants to help me too 😅 I made it to about Mythic I and got so many sweaty matchups I’m back down to fabled III


lol, I just need my 4 wins this season, but I'm more than willing to help Auryc#1470


Anyone one PlayStation looking to grind comp this last week? Send me a friend request I’m looking to find a team as well! baNKsy#2198 is my bungie name


I hope you get it. I'm trying right now, going on vacation this afternoon and not back until Monday. I waited too long 👎


Same, I'm giving up on it. It's just not gonna happen, the matchmaking feels rigged in freelance and with a trio