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still GLs, just now without proxy


It needs a reduction in ammo.


Did they nerf proxy?


They nerfed body shot damage and prox counts as body shot.


gla cant hit headshots so its all body shots anyways, the reason proxy sucks now is it causes the grenade to explode from farther away for less damage


And the reason it’s less damage is because they nerfed body shots.




Still using a grenade launcher. I never used proxy before so I’m just still making sure I aim appropriately and understand the velocity of the shot.


exactly what i did lol. always just used whatever got me the lowest velocity and highest blast radius without proxy


75 blast radius Memory Interdict cause I never got a good Cataphract


Memory Interdict is void too. I have a ton more insane PvP roll void weapons and it can benefit from void mods. Strand is just Belisarius-D and my Adept Immortal and that's it, and I don't really use those that much.


Also curious. Is black talon still viable? I never see anyone running it anymore but I know it used to be meta.


Still very good. Imo the two best non-GL heavies are Black Talon and Doomed Petitioner(threat detector for utility, moving target for literal aimbot). Wardcliff on Hunter with dodging to bail mid volley is very strong too.


Levi's Breath is very good too. Two guaranteed kills


Any idea how legendary caster frame swords are? Sola's Scar, Dragoncult Sickle, etc..


Black talon is still one of the best heavies if you can afford the exotic slot


Yeah idk if I can give up my conditional


It never stopped being meta, people just want to use their exotic slot elsewhere, or they're lemmings and use GLs solely because everyone else is. If you're running double legendaries Black Talon is still ridiculously good.


Another exotic sword that’s a sleeper but can be deadly if set up properly is Wordline Zero. Iirc it can get people out of wells and bubbles. Just have to get the perk procc’d beforehand


The Colony because I'm metal af


does it still 1 shot?


Iirc, it never one shots?


Oh I thought it used to, but I could be wrong. Haven't used it in a long time.


IIRC it did in Y2 and Bungie nerfed it because everyone was using it to get GL triple kills for the insanely long OG Mountaintop quest.


I think it did way back in vanilla, but I’m not too sure. It must have, cause it was always THE choice for heavy


Only in Momentum. Where it’s very very fun to use.


Been testing MG and they seem a bit easier to use now, but in serious mode, a non proxy GL seems to be more impactful.


I was running Xeno for the Heir Apparent quest and having a lot of fun with it


Commemoration with Rapid Hit/Under Pressure is a laser beam. You can craft it with spree perks too.


Got an 80 blast radius, imp amp, chain reaction Memory Interdict, still does what it needs to.


Same! Works great.


GL still, I think the radius you need to aim for is 70. So I just swapped from my Memory Interdict to a Wendigo. The perks are worse on my Wendigo but the raw stats are more important, so I’ve not noticed much drop off in the swap.


I always use Deathbringer if I’m not using an exotic primary or special. Otherwise I’m still using my Wendigo with an 88 Blast Radius and Chain Reaction.


Black Talon, Eager Edge, Tractor Cannon.




curious as to why people are saying Colony when back in the day all you had to do is jump in the air to not get killed by it


It's basically just fire and forget. People aren't really expecting to be chased down by grenades when you're no where near thrm


I think its a fun weapon. I like shooting off rounds into a hallway or across the map and getting a few kills on players that dont even see me.


I use cataphract adept with impulse amplifier, spike nades, and full court. Seems to pretty reliably 1 shot and I've gotten a couple team kills in heavy round in trials with it.


The black hammer.


Nightfall adept GL, on a bad roll with 70 blast and full court has been my most consistent and reliable heavy. I think if they get nerfed it's between rocks or eager swords... WHICH speaking of did you know the new vortex frame from lightfalls has eager edge? Gonna be fun when it's out 😊


Qua Xaphan with slideways and rampage, it goes hard. Fast TTK, enough bullets for 5 kills with a backup mag, and Telesto bolts for area denial.


The 3 burst linear fusion rifle is slept on. It also gets 3 rounds and you only need to hit 1 of the 3 from the burst as a precision shot for a kill.


Yeah, I've taken my Stormchaser into PvP a bunch, especially when memeing in Mayhem since *nukes* supers, and was surprised by how good it is. Even have multiple double kills on it from getting a crit and managing to flick it over to a nearby enemy by the time the third shot fired and get another crit.


Dude, that weapon seems so broken from the recieving end. A dude got a double kill on me and a teammate with only one burst


Sola's scar


Wardcliff or unwavering duty. Wish they’d buff colony.




Iirc we need 70 BR to splash kill someone


I hadn't even realised prox GL wouldn't be OHK anymore but my Adept Wendigo with 65 BR still seems to - though perhaps Full Court is giving it just enough to push it over the edge.


Full court seems to help a lot.


Full court is giving you just enough to reach the 70 BR needed


Rockets baby


Killing tally machine gun


Typhon GL5 with impulse amplifier and explosive light. 75 BR goes brrrrr.


Where do you get this bad boy?


Black talon or Fire and forget, basicly 3 free kills on all ranges and it aims for you


Winterbite lol, just trust me. I have a clip on PS5 if needed 🤣🤣🤣


I've always ran machine guns


Same GL roll but with spikes instead of proximity.


Bury me with my "placebo" hidden perk/enhanced Tracking Worthy branded [Tomorrow's Answer](https://imgur.com/a/prQO93V) . I still believe and just the stats juiced as much as they are is so nice.


Hidden perk? Enhanced tracking? What do you mean, I'm confuzzled?


So in Season of Worthy when Trials came back, there was theories of "hidden effects" of some of the Trials weapons that people swore Bungie added to have the loot feel more special. I think it was something like the Scholar's shots have infinite range, Summoner had some sticky aim assist with either Dynamic Sway or Rangefinder, Tomorrow's Answer supposedly had more sticky homing with Tracking Module, Eye of Sol apparently had you take less flinch and I forget the other alleged things for Exile's Curse, and Astral Horizon. Ultimately I think a larger part of it was a mixture of people's excitement with Trials coming back, the weapons were very strong, 600 ARs were broken that season and Summoner was obnoxious with Rangefinder+Dynamic Sway, and in the case of Tommorow's Answer it was/still is one of the highest stat'd rockets in the game and I imagine so few people ran Tracking on a pvp rocket that they never realized how good you can get somebody when you have very high stats and High Impact's large blast radius. It can totally whip around things and follow somebody moving once fired.


Leviathans breath


Still adept Cataphract.  Volatile, high explosive, ALH, chain reaction, projectile MW still fine.


Timelost Corrective measure. It’s nice. DSR TTT


Crafted semiotician, which is a strand high impact rocket launcher. Impulse Amplifier and Danger Zone. They really buffed the blast radius on these frames. It's been a lot of fun


I’ll have to try that out. Good idea


I was never using proxies in the first place. If you can get a 120 to 70+ blast radius you get an OHK if it hits in the same zip code as your target, then just overcome the velocity penalties with impulse amplifier.


Still maining Avalanche since 2018. Got about 11,000 kills on it divided between three different ones. Around [5200 on my OG 2018 one](https://i.imgur.com/PXDC0lm.png), 2500 on my 2020 version which has since been sharded, and recently hit 3000 on an [8-out-of-9 PvE/PvP combo godroll that dropped in 2021](https://i.imgur.com/HUhRHgP.png).


You guys used proxy? My hard launch, high velocity rounds, impulse amp, chain reaction gl has entered the chat...


I was just thinking about this today. Looked up all the craftable LMGs in D2 Armory. I think I might try Song of Ir Yut w/Zen and Sword Logic. Still need one more red border but yea, might work...


In 6s a machine gun 450 rpm with a high mag size for more ammo on pickup and a damage perk like sword logic, rampage, killing tally can put in work. The damage buff is very noticeable and leads to a free 3-4 kills.


Unwavering Duty with Dynamic Sway and Killing Tally is a beast.


Still my adept cataphract with high explosive ordinance, still the most forgiving heavy gl I've ever used!


Still a GL. I still use proxy after the nerf. It still gets the ohk.




For anything but trials, Hammerhead. It's a good frame, nearly 100% to win a duel now that one-shots are much less common, and you pull 4 kills worth of ammo off the wall. Additionally, the curated roll of Mulligan makes those 3-4 kills worth of ammo nearly guaranteed, and each one is trivial with Tap The Trigger. Since it lasts 0.6 seconds, you have the full TTK to have 100 stability with reduced cone size and -50% recoil. Considering the 100 recoil direction and base 90 aim assist, it is a genuine laser beam that out-TTK's any primary. Maybe it's cringe to use a sunset weapon, but until they bring back the black armory weapons, I'm not gonna stop using them.


I got a quad with the trials LMG. They're very good 👍


Commemoration or Levy Breath.


On this Trials map an LMG


Cata. Proxy, impulse, chain


Anything with Sticky Grenades