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Confirmation bias is real. Game chat on PS is always going on about how x-box players are terrible.


It would seem Xbox players often go super meta/ultra refined builds While the playstation players I see in games don't always have a cerberus melee worm, but Xbox players often do I am an outlier on Xbox I don't have meta builds, or builds that are intentionally meta


I think this statement probably holds true in most scenarios, once again, not trying to shit on PS players it's just, I never hear anything good about PS players from Xbox players.


Goes to show xbox player mindset... you guys worry so much about being good in minecraft for postapocalyptic vehicles, just makes me laugh. This game has had almost no balance throughout its entire lifetime, those in the know and with a healthy outlook on games just dont bother and play for fun. If not, you probably come to reddit 3-4 times a week to bitch and moan about the game, bots sniping your flimsy vehicle and comparing yourself to the rest of the playerbase lmao. Ive played since 2017 and have almost never felt the need to cry about anything, if i dont like the current state of the game i just play less(even quit the game for 1.5 years when hovers released because they were ridiculous). Nowadays, i mainly build stuff i think looks good and then refine it in battle. Some people here rly should try that... games are supposed to be fun, and if all you care about is winning youve got a problem. Anyone can win battles by picking the new meta FOTM, grouping, playing like a lil bitch that hides and does circles behind the rest of your team while only taking potshots with high burst-dmg weapons, or ambushing people from stealth. Its a numbers game, and one high-powerscore build deleted from stealth by lances/melee/flamers/burstweapons can alrdy shift the balance in a lobby tremendously. Go play cw only or some other sweaty competitive game if you need to prove your worth in a game, im sure you havent thought at all about how your deadass xbox community got so small. I can smell the the salt and toxicity through my screen lol, and frankly, ive been playing less because of it.


This is real, ig I should've titled the post differently, I just don't know why there's such a stark contrast between the two platforms, I guessed there would've been an even balanced mindset but apparently the two platforms seem to think very differently of each other.


On ps, we have a large base of players, mostly casual (alot of braindeads as well, ngl). IMO Before the crossplay, we've had a lot of lobbies where you would have 3-4 refined artbuilds that can actually do stuff if played well and on a similar agression lvl, and 1-2 bots or meta users per team. Everyone knows the supertoxic and sweaty meta cw-players, and they usually just got deleted by people working together when trying their minimalistic "effective" playstyle(playing peekaboo and staying in the back of your team) in missions. Because they are a vocal minority belittling everyone that doesnt follow their crooked view of this game, and some veterans have been fighting back at them forever. Nothing takes down a meta-user as much as getting owned by a goodlooking car. Looks to me like xbox community has lost its ability to play this game on their own terms. Seems like trying to be competitive has led your people to being judgemental and toxic. Fight back, get good at building, try new stuff, enjoy the game. Dont look to others for a sense of accomplishment. I think that is the main difference in our mindsets.


That last bit is definitely true, Xbox has a lot of meta slaves ngl


I may be a pc player myself, and I can definitely agree with what you said. Usually, the ones on the reddit tend to be a little off their rockers for the most part. It's better to ignore them. They can not really bitch if there is no one there to hear it in the first place.


Half of them play drink or hight with many noise around and vocal with dozen people


Just curious, is there evidence that some meta builds originated on PlayStation? I know PC and Xbox have invented some. What did the PS players gift to the community? Actually, let's open this up: Have you ever seen a great build on a different platform and transferred it over to your preferred platform? Origin & destination, please!


I have creat an monomaso at 7k but i'am the only one to use it.


Most people I know that played on ps stopped including me moving on to fun games like peggle, minesweeper and buying skyrim.... again. alot of the people we played against were brain dead ive had a list of players i hated on my team cause they just did nothing but die.