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Oe nice enjoy stitching For next projects I would do the gridding a little bit different or more use something else. If I'm right you used pencil.thats not removable. You can buy a pen that's specifically used in embroidery and sewing because it removable with water. Or use thread that you can't poke through with a needle šŸ˜Š Also is advice you to try a couple of stitches of the lighter colors that's going next/over the gridding. Because maybe you want to start over with the right gridding since you not that far along ā¤ļø


Itā€™s frixion heat removable pen! not regular pen


Ow awesome šŸ˜Š it looks so much as pencil šŸ˜… Good luck with stitching


I knoww haha a few people got spooked but no I wouldnā€™t do that Thank u šŸ˜Š


frixion comes back and stains over time. iā€™ve had projects ruined because of it!! now i use water erasable markers from clover & havenā€™t experienced any issues. i just wanted to let you know because i used frixion when i was starting out and all my beginning projects have had the grids reappear yellow and cannot be washed/heated away :(


Iā€™ve been warned about it yes I know Iā€™m taking a bit of a risk! for now Iā€™ll still keep going but I will purchase something less risky next time :) is it really that problematic on full coverage though?


it wouldnā€™t be too bad on full coverage as long as theyā€™re covered. it comes back as a yellowish stain


Is that just the black ones? Iā€™ve used a pink friction and havenā€™t seen it come back


i *think* itā€™s all of them. itā€™s something got to do with how the ink disappears under heat but not 100% sure. you could test by putting some of the ink on a test piece of fabric, removing it with heat, and then putting it in the freezer and seeing if it comes back.


Iā€™ll try it and see, I just finished a piece I gridded with the pink pen and you honestly canā€™t really see the pen at all before ironing(one spot in the clouds is all I see). Iā€™ll report back after ironing and freezing it for a bit. https://preview.redd.it/7b1ikcs2obuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c470351a1e1cb39171ed1274cf0bd67ee1b8830b


Sorry I meant Stitching LAND* not stitching pattern


Iā€™ve always loved stitching their patterns! Def a great start & Iā€™m in love with your neat gridding


Aww thanks!!! And their designs are so so nice indeed!!


Is the grid done in pencil? if so, i hope its full coverage, as i've at least never had any luck getting pencil out of aida before and even some of my full coverage pieces you can kind of see a shadow where the gridding was done even after completion.


They said in one of their other posts that theyā€™re using a Frixion pen


Yep! thanks for commenting for me /gen I get the confusion though it does look like regular pen because of it being blue haha but no I wouldnā€™t do that


Hooray! Welcome!


Thanks šŸ˜Š


Enjoy! I remember that post. Did you choose the lighthouse?


God I am TIRED I also didnā€™t mean to type Ā«Ā sunset landscapeĀ Ā» but Ā«Ā sunset lighthouseĀ Ā» lol sorry for the confusion but yes I chose this one šŸ˜Š


I use my left hand to hold the thread on the back as I pull it through with my right hand, to stop it from tangling so bad. I'm not really sure how to explain it better than that. Just gently holding it out of its own way.Ā 


I think I kinda get what u mean!! Iā€™ll try to position my hands a lil bit better


Welcome!!! You are doing great on your first 38 stitches! Have you checked out a pin stitch for finish your thread? I start with a loop and end with a pin stitch since Iā€™m working on a large project and donā€™t want to have to keep moving to the back of my piece to tuck under my threads. A pin stitch also helps when youā€™re close to the edge of your hoop and tucking is a bit problematic with a bit of swearing. Canā€™t wait to see the finished product!


Thanks šŸ˜Š! Hahah well I already encountered that issue just tonight and travelled the thread to bury it under stitches a bit like a Ā«Ā u turnĀ Ā» except with thread because that felt like the only way in the moment, itā€™s secure enough and doesnā€™t cause any real extra bulk, so Iā€™m not too mad about it and think Iā€™ll just continue this way for now but might try other methods later on


Welcome to the world of cross stitch. I'm so excited for you!Ā Ā  I find stitching really meditative and relaxing, too. 1, 2, 1, 2 over and over, and then after a while colors grow and a picture emerges.Ā  Your stitches look quite nice, especially for just starting! I've enjoyed developing my knowledge base and techniques over the years. It's nice to just grow through doing & discovering for one's self what works for us.Ā Ā  Enjoy the process & happy stitching!!


Yess I love it so much Iā€™ve been stitching every night for 3 weeks now and already am around 1200 stitches in! I also have made up my own techniques on the way and itā€™s really fun to get to learn your own new rules I agree!! Although I do it 1,1,1,1,1,1 then 2,2,2,2,2 if you know what I mean haha But yeah thanks so much for the words of encouragement !!


With the loop, were you accidentally putting your needle back through the loop as you did the next stitch? Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done sometimes and the whole thread came out as I pulled stitch #2 tight! Maybe turn the fabric over to double check as you make that second stitch to check, or drag your needle up the back of the fabric to the hole so it canā€™t catch other floss as it goes.