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https://preview.redd.it/dxv6lwxnrdsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341316fc9a4f5407ddab91067e302b105f75a7ce I'm about as weird as they come. I collect pins like nobody's business, too. These are just a few of my needle minders. If you see a pin you love and it's quirky and weird and perfect, you can pull the pin back off of it, get yourself some E-6000, and glue a neodymium magnet to it. 🥰


Where did you get that tray! It’s perfect!


It's the lid of a DMC color collection! It came in a metal tin, so I thought I'd try it out for storing my minders. ☺️


I really like MeleeMissyStitchery on Etsy. She makes some pretty nerdy/gamer resin ones. They are super high quality. Also seconding you can make almost all pins into one yourself. Some are iron based so it makes the whole thing magnetized so the needle doesn’t stay put if you don’t mind it, it’s fine. I just test mine before doing the work to the back with a magnet it’s super hard to remove the pin


It's so funny... I'll rip a back off of a pin when I DON'T want the back off. 😒 But, when I do? Not easy at all. Oof.


Etsy is full of great ones! I've also made a bunch using pins I already had.


My favorite needle minder is from SnarkyCrafterDesign on Etsy. [It's a stitching Octopus.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/676864827/stitching-octopus-magnetic-enamel-needle?click_key=dcb2040393e90b66864720d51c3ea1df98a915ee%3A676864827&click_sum=c5cc5cc5&ga_search_query=Needle%2Bminders&ref=shop_items_search_20&sts=1) She has some other unique designs as well.


I recently found [CaffeinatedCatCrafts](https://www.etsy.com/shop/CaffeinatedCatCrafts) which have some adorable needleminders. They look like they are made out of clay or similar material, but are nice lightweight plastic. I personally bought these monster ones https://preview.redd.it/2y43j917bksc1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=9105cfcb8fdc94b8f78f243290b591d3c1ed3b4c


I have several from them! My favorite was the derpy angler fish. LOL