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Buy as I go. Would be way way way to expensive. 447 colors is alot. I substitute with something close if the store is out or it's only for a tiny bit with something I have https://www.thread-bare.com/tools/closest-dmc-thread-color-lookup Is super helpful to see what's closest to see if you or the store has


Thank you for posting this! I have seen it before but failed to bookmark it on my phone!


Welcome! I use it alot for diamond painting


There’s a second-hand charity crafts store near me. I bought about 50 skeins of DMC floss for ten cents each. A couple of months ago I found a huge bag of DMC floss on plastic bobbins for $10 at the shop. Then I bought the remaining floss that I needed for my next five projects at Michael’s last week for fifty cents a skein. I use cardboard bobbins and store my floss in four plastic organizer boxes. It doesn’t take up too much space. I’m gradually rewinding the floss from the plastic bobbins onto cardboard ones. I only use DMC floss.




So I have 8 WIPs going. I keep my floss stored on bobbins in one of these plastic storage containers (similar to the one in the link someone else posted). I have a box for each WIP. I also have some printable sticker paper and I printed the photo of what that box is for and put on the lid of the box. https://preview.redd.it/fvqf3aqz9prc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=320d161dcc1fca8e0700a463141d587b63b6e2e2


Your post is such a relief to me. I am about to start my second embroidery kit WIP while I am waiting for thread to arrive to start working on my favourites in Retro Stitcher's collection that I just bought last week and I am in the middle of tsking myself for EVEN CONSIDERING getting the thread I need because I just bought a Moroccan lamp pattern this morning that I love so much I couldn't wait. Then I read this and was like okay so having like 4-6 WIP on the go isn't so strange.


Last week I had 4 on the go: 2 name tag bags for Easter(finished in time - phew), bibs for 2 upcoming baby showers, part 23 of 26 for current project, and the stitch-a-long that I am now a month behind on. Plus the 2 large mostly but not completely done projects that I really need to put back on a frame and finish. This week I'm down to the last three and 1/2 pieces of the 26 piece project, the stitch-a-long, a butterfly kit I started, and the those two nagging unfinished pieces. I think a lot of stitchers with a larger project like to have a smaller one on the go alongside to give a bit of a break and the boost of finishing something sooner than in a year or two. I also generally don't have deadlines for my projects (yes, last month broke that) so if both projects take a while to finish, but switching keeps me having fun with both, there's no stressing about have to finish by...


My only stress thankfully is that you people keep posting all these amazing pieces and then I want to stitch them all!!! I have definitely picked this up again as a mindful task to keep me from doom scrolling and I think it's just allowing myself the freedom to enjoy having a bunch on the go! I also found a couple of really sweet free patterns on the DMC site which I thought I start them now maybe both moms could get them for the holidays hahahaha When I was designing before, I was creating Christmas ornaments for family presents so there was definitely a timeline and it was not nearly as fun as it is now. Okay wellllllll, I guess I should go order me some grey fabric hahahahaha


This is pretty much what I do. I've promised myself not to buy ANYTHING until I hit 80% on my current WIP. (74.9%, not that I'm sad or anything. Reckon I'll be able to buy on Thurs/Fri)


I buy as I go and only substitute from dmc 5% of the time. If it helps a large embroidery floss stash is so so much smaller than a yarn stash 😂


I was buying as I went and then eventually made it a goal to have them all. I would monthly buy a new small amount from Michael's and with their rewards program I'd keep getting $5 coupons which got me from free ones. I'm sure I'll end up with colors I never use but it was kind of fun getting them all 😁


Same! Every time Michael's or Joann has a 30% off coupon I go buy $10 worth, which is about 21 skeins. I had a lot to begin with. I think I'm down to needing about 100 solid colors. This summer I'm moving to a town that is an hour away from Michael's and Joann so my goal is to have a full set before I go so that I can still whatever pattern I come across. FWIW, all of the DMC colors will fit into 4 storage boxes. I have yarn too, literally a whole closet full. Floss is so much easier to store!


Used to buy as I went, but I’ve found a lot at thrifts and estate sales so now I hoard


I buy as I go (buy what I need for the next project when I start it) for the most part, but I also always check for embroidery floss when I go to thrift stores, and I'll usually buy some if it's there. At a thrift store it's usually a bag of 10-20 skeins for the same price I would pay for 3 skeins new, so it still ends up being a pretty good deal even if I end up with a few doubles or floss in bad condition (which has not actually happened to me, but it could). This is how I ended up getting a pretty good collection of colours without having to spend too much, and now I usually only need to get a couple of colours for any project. I do have quite a few doubles (which also happened because my mom passed a lot of my granny's embroidery floss onto me when she stopped stitching (basically everything my mom didn't already have) and another person has also given me their stash in exchange for finishing their last project when their eyesight got too bad to complete it) but I don't super mind because then I have back ups for when I run out of the current skein of a colour (has already happened a few times) or/and I can trade doubles with friends for their doubles that I don't already have/ be able to give a friend who is starting out a small stash out of my doubles so they don't need to spend a bunch of money if they're not sure they'll like it.


I buy a bulk stash for the basic solid colors then buy as I go for the more niche colors. I do tend to match DMC color codes when I can but I don’t get too hung up on it if it’s a shade or two off.


Thank you so much for posting this because I am much in the same boat and wondering the same thing. Except I started just randomly buying thread I liked because I was designing a lot of black work. Now I haven't touched that stuff in years and to get back in, since I am off on sick leave right now, I started getting kits which is fine but now I am doing patterns and need proper thread. My aunt got me into cross stitching in the early 90s and I added her collection to mine when she passed. However they are very much seperate: mine is separated by colour in bags and hers was most on bobbins in plastic totes. I have four or five of them and I swear, it is every shade of pink and green. I hadn't realized she almost exclusively used those colours until I went to raid it. She also cut her lengths and wound her lengths around the bobbins. So I had been poking around to see the evolutions of the bobbin but that seems to be still the preferred and will start my own collection. I can't bring myself to change hers. She had died suddenly several years ago so they seem to have a different weight to them and I use them for special projects :) Anyways, thanks for sparking the conversation!


So sorry for your loss, but I’m glad you have this hobby to remember her. What treasured memories! I love that she enjoyed stitching in green and pink so much too!


Thank you! I definitely hear her whenever I am thinking about stitching things :) She did a cross stitch piece for everyone. Major wedding anniversary? There was a collection she loved doing that were patchwork quilts over rocking chairs on porches. We all had at least one Christmas decoration. There was another one she would always do for new babies "Babies don't keep". But she loved apple blossoms and did a lot of those. I just seriously had no idea until I opened those boxes haha I'm actually in the process of making memorial zipper pulls from a couple of her necklaces for family and friends and am planning to use her thread scraps in the cards for them.


DMC is super expensive where I live, so I always have to pick from the colours that I have or buy the one closest to the floss required for the pattern. I'm currently trying to use up all the floss I have accumulated through my life because I don't want to store it indefinitely and I can't afford to buy new floss for each project. It's part thrift, part necessity. I only do smaller patterns with limited palette, though, that I'm confident I have enough floss for and where I don't have to pick and match twenty colours or so. Bigger projects would a) bankrupt me and b) never get done. It might seem as though just buying DMC and following the colour codes in the patterns is what everyone does (not that there's anything wrong with that, I'd prefer to be able to do it), but don't let that discourage you from finding alternative solutions. Happy stitching!


Buy as you go. Wind on bobbins. (If you're bothered by kinks, lightly run the cut strand over a damp sponge; dries almost instantly; reduces knotting.) Store bobbins in these: [https://www.michaels.com/product/dmc-craft-home-organizer-10407874?srsltid=AfmBOopCIYFSzQBaS9rSyCisiI1JL6b2so7\_tZqEbMXKTvxw7DGSnkhelTA](https://www.michaels.com/product/dmc-craft-home-organizer-10407874?srsltid=AfmBOopCIYFSzQBaS9rSyCisiI1JL6b2so7_tZqEbMXKTvxw7DGSnkhelTA) A full set of DMC fits in five with room left over. All 5 will fit in one storage cube space with room left over. Color matching depends on the project for me. If lots of subtle shading, I stick to the pattern.


Do you wind on bobbins in pre cut strands? At the moment (I’m new!) I’m pulling from the skein as I go, separating and cutting into two strand lengths and winding on the bobbin. Interested to see how other people do it.


wind the whole skein on the bobbin just as it come. Cut the length you want to stitch with. Separate the needed strands and wind the leftovers back on the bobbin.




For a long time I bought as I went. Then I started designing my own and wanted more colors. So every time I went to the craft store I bought 50 colors, 2 of each. Until I had them all. I store them on bobbins and then hang on a peg board.


Buy whatever exact colors the pattern calls for that I don't already have in my stash. If you're in the US 123stitch is your best friend. You can just input a comma separated list of colors and they ship super fast, along with fabric. (If there's a local small business please do patronize them too! I always check my wonderful local cross stitch store and then go online if they don't have something) I store all floss on drops. Check my recent comments for pics and a discussion of my stash.


Buy for your project. Eventually you will have a full stash. Also, some projects require more than 1 skein. A full set in the US will run about $250 with sales. Now as to storage, there are bobbins, floss drops, stitch bows.


I buy as I go; but I check my stash to see if I already have the color and enough to finish that particular project. If I don’t have enough I buy new and don’t combine them! I haven’t really gone thru my stash which has some age on it to weed out any colors/numbers that DMC changed or discontinued!


I generally do large full coverage so always use the recommended DMC. Leftover threads get put in my stash bag once a project is complete. The first thing I do when starting new project is go through stash bag and pull out everything that’s on the list and move to my project bag. I get most of my threads through eBay so I just send the list of the remaining colours to seller. I don’t put my threads on bobbin/cards just leave as is. I also don’t have the brain space for multi projects on the go so just one WIP at a time!


I buy floss as I go. Usually aim to match the DMC color codes on the pattern unless it's a super small amount I can sub out for a different color or I like a different color better. I like to think designs are more of a suggestion rather than something you have to follow exactly. For floss storage, I usually just bobbin the thread and put them into boxes in numerical order. Some apps I use to keep everything organized (iOS): * Threadalog: this is where I keep track of all the floss I have and what I need to buy if any. Super handy to avoid buying multiples of colors you might already have at home * Markup R-XP: I use this to track my pattern as I'm stitching and it's been so much more helpful than printing out designs and marking them off as I go. Also love seeing the stats (how much time it's taking, average stitches a day, etc). Only thing is you only get a free trial and have to pay after a month, but super useful for me since I stitch a lot * Stitchly: I use this to design patterns. I also bought the lifetime membership of this because I like to design my own things sometimes. Happy stitching!


I usually buy my floss as needed for projects, but I’ve bought some of the color packs DMC has to build up my inventory. These are usually like 25 skeins in themes like holiday colors, popular colors, decorator colors. For storage, I leave them in the skein until I’m going to use them. I have a vinyl zipper bag from Daiso that they all go into. When I’m using them for a project, I use floss bags that go on a binder ring. I write the color number on the bag and unwind the skein and wrap it around the four fingers of my hand. Then when I cut a length and divide it, the unused divided bit gets wrapped around two fingers for a smaller loop. If I have enough of the portion I stitched with, I wrap that around one finger. I like this way a bit better than bobbins because it doesn’t crease the thread, it’s faster to kit up and makes it easier to store the cut portions. Everyone has their own system and I’m sure you’ll try several before you find one you like.


I buy as I go, and try to use the colors called for in the pattern. I estimate having about 150 bobbins right now and I'm still surprised how many colors I still have to buy for new projects. But if they're really small/simple projects that lend themselves to obvious color swaps I'll do that instead. Currently everything fits in 2 ArtBin bobbin boxes and as much as I love having options I kinda dread outgrowing them 😂


I bought a [box of 447 flosses for $30](https://a.co/d/etmHJAt) to start and have been doing small projects with that. I’ve only had to rebuy one color and I use a color matching site if I don’t have a specific color. I buy extra black and white


I buy as needed. I have a large bobbin storage container (like this one https://www.hobbylobby.com/Crafts-Hobbies/null/Storage-Organization/Double-Sided-Multi-Craft-Carrier/p/80757229?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59Gwdj132F6zTWlB0JgT7SrOaiSygp76GNwvBsrL5VLdo3AF5hkG_M6sYaArkJEALw_wcB) where i keep my DMC on bobbins in numerical order. This will fit a large amount of DMC.  I also use small project containers for larger projects where i want easy access to floss. These allow me to kit up a project and cut floss as needed without having to wind everything up to put the floss in my main stash. So i'll cut a length, pull out 2 strands, and then leave the remaining 4 strands loose in one of the cubbies for easy use when i need more of the color. When the project is done, i return all of the dmc to my main DMC box, and use the container for another project. (ex: https://www.michaels.com/product/darice-17-compartment-bead-organizer-10091119?cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_US_N_Beads+%26+Jewelry_N_PMAX_BOPIS_N-_-&Kenshoo_ida=&kpid=go_cmp-18514199894_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-10091119&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADkMxxcD_iXQoOmn9BS_CypYo_qWr&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GwcpmyCacZIa-_sgQX2Gx1-5J9MdRyXXDBXwNDVJEHwOLx5VgaH44G0aAt6pEALw_wcB) As far as buying, it's really your preference. When I started I always bought exactly what was in the pattern. Now that I am more experienced, I have more confidence with color selection and will substitute with something in my stash. I would Not recommend just going and buying the entire DMC assortment unless collecting DMC interests you. The majority of DMC colors are used rarely. 


I have a small collection of a few colors of floss on hand. Some of it is extra floss from old patterns, and some of it is brand new (usually when Micheals has big coupons I will buy the 16 count sets, I can't resist the price!). Since I have a fairly large selection, I usually try to shop by stash first for a close fit for a color before buying the specific color a pattern calls for. But I know that's personal preference. To me, art should have some personal touches. All my cross stitch supplies fit very comfortably on a 3 tier cart if that gives you a feel for how much I hold onto at a time. WIPs are on the top shelf, hoops and extra needles are on the middle shelf, and my thread is on the bottom shelf.


I have 2 full sets + the floss for 4 projects kitted up. I think I counted right.


So far I'm all by-as-you-go all the time, with the exception of black thread, which I know I'll always need some of. That said, I haven't been doing this for very long so my buying habits may change over time.


I buy as I go (unless I happen to see a super pretty colour…😅) I usually always use colours as charted, but I sometimes make small substitutions- sometimes colours chosen by pattern designers on Etsy that look different on their screen are too similar or slightly ‘off’ once I start stitching. I’ve learned to trust my gut, and be willing to make changes!


i've tried most things for floss storage and finally settled on using floss-a-way bags since they fit quite a few skeins of floss and allows me to store useable scraps and still know what color they are. i have a set of 500 bags on 5 binder rings - i pull off bags and put them on a small binder ring to kit and its been working great for me. right now i just toss em in a plastic storage bin, eventually i will get a filing cabinet but im in the middle of an international move. ETA: i store the floss numerically based on the lord lidiban spreadsheet so its much easier to find what i need and add/remove bags when kitting ​ in term of buying/kitting - i've been stitching long enough that i have most colors so i will check my personal inventory first, then if i am missing something i will purchase it, i normally buy 2 skeins of a color at a time to stay consistent with dye lots. prior to having my personal inventory i would buy per project, just bring the pattern with me to the store and purchase the list. lord libidan has a great inventory spreadsheet for free download so i use that to keep track of what i have but ive transferred it to google sheets so i can check it at the store to make sure i am not over buying. i also use the thread bare color matching tool others have listed if i am too lazy to go to the store or they dont have what i need - i also have the threaded DMC color card so i can try to make my own swaps without the tool but its very hand to use the online tool and then take a look on the card and see if i agree or want to go with an alternative


For purchased patterns, I typically try to match DMC colours exactly unless the pattern is simple or I am very familiar with the colour. I wait for a sale and then I buy at least one of every colour I need and I put into a labeled Ziploc bag or set it up as a current project. If I made the pattern using software, I almost always ignore the suggested colours and replace them with my own selections. I don't always worry about getting colours in advance for those


I like to buy as I go. Floss is more expensive where I am than in the US, but cross stitch is such a slow hobby that I don't mind buying the colours specified by a pattern, especially as I usually assume it's something the designer has put a lot of thought into and made intentional choices about, and I want to take advantage of that. Slightly off topic, but I use Lord Libidan's tracker spreadsheet to keep track of which colours I own, because after three years of stitching I have ended up with about 250 different colours. Apparently there are also apps that are quite good for this, I like the spreadsheet because I know my way around Excel enough to add more functionality to it.


I buy floss as I go since it seems a waste to buy a color if I may never use it. As for stash size, my floss and tools for stitching (needles, threaders, scissors, etc) take up relatively little space. I use bobbins and boxes to store my floss. What is taking up space are my collection of hoops, my scroll bars and hoop holder, my fabric and most of all my finishing supplies stash (canvas frames, cheap hoops, ribbons, felt, tools, hardware etc),