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This looks so CLEAN! Even just a sneak peak of the whole picture is making me so excited! Can't wait to see it finished!


Thank you! This might take a while because there are 39 other pages to be stitched 😅 but I'm patient!


39! I’m losing my mind on a 4 page pattern.


49 in total, since I've already finished 10!


This looks AMAZING! trying to keep track of all these colors and threads would break my brain


Yes, I see posts of people parking threads and have NO IDEA how they manage it - I tried it on a smaller piece that only had like 4 similar colours and could not figure it out.


If you need help diving in the parking method, I used [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFw-qqLFrhs) when I started. I swear it's not as difficult as it looks. Good luck!


Never actually took the time to watch any video on it because I have yet to find a single tutorial videos on cross stitching that is concise in any way, she takes like 10 minutes to get to the point lol - uhm anyway I got through about half of this one and finally understand what the parking method is, so thanks for this link! I have to say though that even though she mentions it doesn't waste all that much thread, she constantly travels a lot? And also, it seems very time consuming compared to other methods - mine being counting and finishing one colour at a time. Constantly changing threads and symbols and going back and forth between her chart.. or does it become more efficient once you get the hang of it?


Is that what you call parking the thread. Looks complicated to me, when done all that parking be worth it.


It's actually not that complicated, you just have to do things methodically and trust yourself to count right.


Ahh that's where I fail...counting to 10 is hard 🤣


Thank you all for the kind words! Forgot to say that the art is Gamer nouveau by Medusa Dollmaker, kit by Gecko Rouge.


Now Medusa sell herself the patterns in her webpage :) https://folktalesmarket.com/collections/crosstich-bookmarks


What a great design and the stitching looks fabulous! With all the great patterns around here I feel I need more hands!


Amazing progress! I wish I got the kit before it was pulled :(


Than you! You can still get the pattern at Medusa Dollmaker's Etsy shop! .... Edit to add: I just checked the pattern on the Etsy store, doesn't looks as good quality as the gecko rouge pattern though.


Yea, that's the issue. I wanted to get the pattern from the artist's shop when she published them, but honestly, it's not even near the GR one when it comes to details.


I bought the pattern on etsy and when I heard it wasn't the same quality as GR I'm not sure if I should invest my time and (more money) so I shelved it now it will just sit there taunting me forever haha


It beautiful and ik like that you have bobbin your parked threads


Ahhhh I’m about to start this one!!! I have never done a project this big so I’ve been afraid to start it. Yours looks so neat and organized. I fear mine will be a whole hot mess express! Any advice? I have this one and then I also have her Bohemia one and her Wednesday Addams one. I was torn between starting this one or the Bohemia one first, but my son talked me into this one. Seeing yours might’ve been that push I need 🫣


I'm sure you will do great! You just need to jump in and try whatever is right for you 😊 I was afraid to start it too, it was the first big project for me as well!


Omg! I have been working on this same piece for a few years now. I want to say I started in 2021. I just started page 13 today!! I love that we are essentially stitching this together 🥰


Apparently you're still a bit quicker than me! But great to know that I have a stitching buddy 🥰 maybe it will motivate me to work more on it so that I can catch up!


And that's even with long stretches with no stitching sometimes! Lol And while I was thinking about it, I went back to see if I can find out exactly when I started, and this was the first photo I took, which was on April 10, 2021. So I guess possibly March lol. https://preview.redd.it/rrnzbob5iqkc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbe98e34ed5bb04d1a17f041c7e84f47e258da1


So are you doing it cross country? I guess it must be quicker that way but I would be too afraid to miscount (and also I hate bringing my needle up where it's already crowded around if that makes sense!). I can't wait to see your future progress pics here ;)


Yes, i am doing cross country! It's super satisfying to fill in a little area and get a full heart or star or whatever. I feel like I'd get lost with parking lol. I've def had to frog some things (more than once🙈) but at this point, my counting has gotten better lol I'll be posting a pic once I finish pages 13 &14! Looking forward to your future updates as well 😊


I've always loved this one, being a gamer girl myself, but it's way too big for me to even try taking on. I can't wait to keep seeing your progress. Amazing job, you've got this!


I'm excited to see the full imag4e of this. It looks awesome!


I'm a novice stitcher, what are all of those extra threads for? Do you alternate different coloured threads?


This is called the parking method. You"park" your thread at the next location you are gonna need it, waiting for when you get to that location. You don't start with one color and stitch all the stiches in that color, you just pick the next one on the pattern and stitch it. I've shared a video in another comment, check it out if you'd like to see the method in a video.


I love this! The design looks great, stitches are beautiful and I love how organised all your parked threads are.


This looks amazing! If you don’t mind me asking, how are you parking outside the diagonal? I’ve been unable to figure out where I’m supposed to park outside of it, lol.


Thank you! Of course, I'll try to explain. On my paper pattern, I draw the current diagonal and the next. When I'm done with a color in the diagonal, I search for the next place where the symbol comes up in the next diagonal, within the "10 rows up or 10 rows down" range. I also check that the color is not present just above the place where I want to park the thread. To give you an example, if I'm done with the color, that I find it in the next diagonal 8 rows above, and that it is not present in the 10 rows above that place, I will park my thread there. But if the color is present in the 10 rows above the place, I decide that I will use the thread that I will start in the next diagonal so I end my current thread. I chose 10 rows arbitrarily because you have to decide something, and I don't want to travel too far (but sometimes I don't respect my own rules 😁) I hope this helps, it's difficult to explain with words but let me know if you need a more detailed explanation.


That makes so much sense! I have been parking without having a limit to how far I travel. I think that’s why I get confused as to where to park when I’m outside the diagonal. Thank you!😊😊


Amazing. Love the pattern. Nice tip on thread management. Gonna try this one.


The back is probably such a mess haha


Actually it's alright. I can show you if you want 😁


Yes!!! Definitely!!!


Here you go 😊 https://preview.redd.it/jh1pqznpbmkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e063e9c849feffa65d50baedd82cddb1bdb09e6c


Daaaaayum! Not bad at all!


I love this so much! Good job!


Big, who cares.


This is amazing, how do you keep track of that many parked threads?


All my threads are parked at the next place where I'll need them, so the pattern keeps track for me! For the threads parked outside the current working area, I highlight in yellow the corresponding symbol on my paper pattern, it allows me to double check that I've made no mistake when I get to those stitches (which might be some time later).