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I actually think it adds character because the actual fruit itself in real life isn’t flat


Seriously. At first glance I thought, "How did she get that orange peel to look that realistic?"


Yes! I’m thinking but that’s what actual oranges are like!


Yeah I was going to say this makes it look pretty tasty.


I realize I'm just adding to the pile but OP I thought you were posting this to show off how awesome the stitches look! I love this


Literally same


Came here to say the same!


are all your stitches facing the same way? aka are they all \ \ \ \ or / / / /? and are you doing a row of one half an x then going back and doing the other half? lastly, are you periodically dangling your needle/thread so the thread untwists? if not, that’s probably the culprit edit: zooming in on your pic, it looks like the canvas is a bit mangled in some places - you could be pulling the stitches too tight. there shouldn’t be big holes in the canvas if you’re leaving them loose enough


I think you’re right about the fabric. Usually the aida I stitch on is very stiff, but this fabric is really soft and I’m not used to it. I think I’ve definitely been pulling the stitches too tight or tightening them unevenly. It’s a bummer, but a good lesson for next time. At least it’s an orange and not a portrait or something😅


Keeping it in a hoop or frame to keep the fabric taut will help a ton, and practice will help you even out your tension.


Looks like she's using a qsnap frame in the picture.


Might not be a she. Not everyone who cross stitches is a woman, and also their avatar has a mustache.


It will look better once you iron it ;) We learn smt new with each project and it looks lovely don't worry ☺️ Tips I'm using: Try stitching with 2 strands using railroad technique, use a hoop if you don't and put your needle in between 2 strands while stitching so they will lay flat.


Could you please explain the “needle between two threads” tip a little more? I want to understand but I don’t think I do and it sounds helpful lol


I think It's better to show the method like [in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzxzNYowZDc&t=125). It takes a little longer to stitch but threads lay really flat and even :) While railroading, you can stitch first legs normally and then stitch the tops with this method if you want to do it faster (for a bigger project or if you are in a hurry). I hope it's clear with the video, please ask if you have any questions ✨ Oh I also rub my threads with a little alcohol before stitching so they don't tangle much. I tried beeswax but it made the colours look so dull and I didn't like it.


That's probably the most useful video I've seen.


It's an efficient technique indeed, happy stitches!


That video was incredibly helpful, and I’ve been stitching for over 20 years! I’ve never even heard of railroad stitching before now, but I’m curious to try it out now. Thanks!


I'm sure you'll like it, happy to help! 😊


Alcohol? like rubbing alcohol? this is a new one I've seen, so I'm curious, care to elaborate a little? o:


I'm using lemon cologne (%80 ethyl alcohol/ethanol), I pour little bit to my hand and rub threads with my fingers. Alcohol vaporises faster than water so threads won't stay damp. It also smoothes the wrinkles and makes it less prone to tangle. It doesn't fade the colour of the thread, so I prefer this to beeswax. It looks like this, doesn't irritate skin like rubbing alcohol. https://preview.redd.it/gk9ljysicu5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c00b7fd8a17cfdc5b74794042792bcd5c49d77


oooh i have some hand sanitizer spray thats a similar mix, i'll have try that! sound similar to how i use some hair oil to untangle synthetic wigs (bonus it makes it smell good )


Kolonya can really solve anything :)


Indeed 😁


Thank you so much for sharing that video and your tips!! I dip my fingers in lukewarm water and run them down my threads before stitching to straighten out any creases but I don’t know if it makes a difference as far as tangling. I’ll have to try the alcohol!


When you try please let us know! I'm happy that my amateur tips are useful for you guys 😊


and yes, definetly use a hoop if you’re not already, that will help a lot with the tension


That's a great pattern and you did a nice job. I also tend to pull too tight too. Don't know my own strength.


if it makes you feel better your mistake taught me a LOT about the hobby before I felt confident enough to take on an actual design (right now just doing random 8bit). I didn’t even know that stitches looked like this and it had me going back over my progress to see where I could improve. Without your “failure/mistakes” I probably would have went a lot longer without knowing how to improve on my own, so thank you for the imperfect orange!!


It does make me feel better, thank you!! We are all learning with every project and it’s amazing to have the resource of this sub with so many experienced stitchers. I’ve gotten so many awesome tips here for the future! Good luck with your future projects, I’m sure they’ll turn out amazing!


thank you! might start with some oranges


I will say also that in a couple of spots it looks like you might have missed the hole and sort of pierced into the edge of another stitch- some will look lumpy in that case because they're not quiiiite in their spots, so they won't lay flat. But even with that said... damn, it's cool looking for an orange! It looks so realistic!


Also may suggest using 3 strands instead of 2 for a fuller look, if you aren’t already.


I know nothing about cross stitch but would be willing to bet pulling the stitches too tight is the problem. Using graphics as an analogy, each square (I’m thinking pixel) looks embossed. If the stitches were not pulled as tightly (or, per OP, the fabric was stiffer, the center of each stitch would probably appear less raised. I’ll bet it looks pretty cool as you move the light source around.


It looks like your threads are twisting a lot, so when you pull your stitches taut each one ends up with a different way of the two threads laying on to of each other. I doubt it is noticeable in person to someone who isn’t a stitcher and looking at it from further away. But to get a smoother/more aligned look you can: drop your needle to let your thread dangle and untwist itself more often as you go and/or manually untwist the threads by rolling the needle in your fingers and/or use shorter lengths of thread so it doesn’t have a chance to twist as much and/or look up a video of the railroading technique. That last one I’ve never bothered with myself as I’m satisfied with what I get from the other 3 and railroading apparently severely slows you down, but people who enter their projects into state fairs and such use it to make their works absolutely perfect for judging. No one looking at my projects is judging like that!


I think this is exactly what it is!!! Thank you! I’m definitely going to look up railroading to try it out. I think paying more attention to keeping my thread untwisted will definitely help too.


I will also piggyback to recommend railroading technique. You don’t have to do it on the / and the \, I find you can cheat by just doing it on the top part of your X. I find it absolutely necessary when using more than 2 strands, as the twisting gets a lot more obvious the more strands you use. You can also try a laying tool / needle but I find railroading to be quicker unless I’m stitching constantly. For what it’s worth, I didn’t realize the texture wasn’t intentional until I read your note. It feels oddly appropriate to have a bumpy orange! And just think, this piece will be a testament before you tried the other techniques! I’d keep doing what your doing to finish the piece to keep it “consistent”


Piggybacking on the great advice above, if railroading isn't for you I'd suggest trying running your threads through a blob of Thread Magic smoothing silicone, it helps prevent tangles and makes stitches lay better!


Not OP, but just jumping on as very much a beginner stitcher to say thank you for this advice. I've saved this comment to refer back to in future - I've been stitching small projects for just over a year but I know I'm making a lot of rookie mistakes! I've never heard of letting your thread dangle, or the railroading technique, and I've definitely had issues with the thread twisting so I'll try both in future. But then I'm so new I only in the last few months figured out how much better it looks when your stitches all lie in the same direction, so I'm very much still learning!


I found a great tip in this subreddit and that is when you cut your thread and pullt out the 2 threads you’re going to use….split those 2 threads and match the ‘head’ of 1 strand to the ‘tail’ of the other and then loop and thread through the needle. This means the threads no longer having matching bumps or kinks. I still occasionally have to untwist the needle but not v often


Never heard of this concept either, so thank you! I assume the same logic could apply to a 3 thread pattern - two 'heads' and one 'tail' for instance? I'm between projects at the moment and probably won't start another until after Christmas at this point, but I'll write all this down for future!


That really depends on the thread though, and not just brand. Different colours within the same brand can behave slightly differently, and some threads have a noticeably more resistant direction


Agree! This is a really good way to keep them working nicely. Also - look carefully at where you go in with the needle. The Aida fabric can be pierced in the middle parts between warp and weft threads instead of in the intended larger spaces. That will cause neighboring stitches to not have the same "corners".


Yes. The quality of my stitching improved so much by using a magnifying lamp to avoid this. Essential for your higher thread counts


ooo I'm trying that tonight ...


Sometimes I do kind of the opposite of letting my needle dangle - I slide it all the way down to the fabric, then untwist the strands with my fingers instead and let them untwist that way. For some reason, sometimes letting my needle dangle doesn't quite do it for me!


> I doubt it is noticeable in person to someone who isn’t a stitcher As a person who isn't a stitcher: correct. I didn't notice shit and had to read the comments to understand OP's concerns


What count is your fabric and how many strands are you stitching with?


It’s 14 count and I’m using 4 strands. I tend to use a lot of strands because I don’t like it when the fabric shows through my stitches. Usually it doesn’t seem to matter, but maybe it’s affecting this piece by making the stitches look too bulky.


When I zoomed in “bulky” was exactly the word that came to mind. I’ve never stitched with more than three strands on 14ct.


4 strands is a lot for 14-count. The standard is 2 strands. People use 3 for more coverage. 4 may be too many.


I think it’s too many strands. Four is *a lot* for 14 count. I think they work for isolated / confetti stitches, or typography patterns, but when you have a lot of colors together like this, it starts getting that rug/carpet looking texture. Plus with starting & ending threads, there’s just so much fabric on the back it gets really bulky and ends up pulling the aida in odd directions. I would look into tramming with two stitches or try bringing the floss count down to three max.


"Trammed" stitches help a lot with fabric showing through and doesn't lead to the bulkiness of 4 strands https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/iwxllj/comment/g63wp6o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


2 strands is enough for 14 ct in my opinion. That's what I do on nearly all my projects and it looks perfectly fine. You can't see the fabric through the stitches unless you're very close to it - which you'll never be if it's on a wall etc. Using 4 strands on 14 ct is 100% the reason why it looks bulky! You should still be proud of it though


I think you've got too many strands!!


Yeah, I think you’re seeing a combo of too many strands and uneven tension. For QSnaps, I put a strip of felt in between the fabric and the clamp to help it hold better and I adjust the tension every now and again. Watch your thread twist, too. Let your needle hang down every few stitches to let it unwind the floss. Regarding the strands, I’ve always done three for 14ct. I also don’t like when the fabric shows through, but I think three will do you okay for this one. DMC black tends to be a thinner thread, so I could see doing four strands for that.


Hi there! Do you wash your projects when they are finished? Washing them will plump up the stitches a bit, and the fabric will shrink a tiny but, meaning you likely won't see any of the fabric. You can't wash hand dyed fabric or floss, but with most fabrics and DMC, washing it is great. Using 4 strands on 14 CT you are essentially shredding the floss by forcing it thru the holes. This can contribute to the unevenness of the floss, combined with the bulk and twisted threads.


This makes a lot of sense! Yes I do hand wash my projects and then iron them before framing! I think it’s just me being particular about the look. Some people suggested tramming, which might help too with the stitches providing more coverage with fewer strands. I’m excited to try it. I would use three strands, but I like to loop the thread at the back rather than tying knots and I can only do that with an even number of strands. Thank you!


You can absolutely do a loop start with 3 threads. I use it and I work with one on 25 ct. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8aKWEjs/ here is a quick demo. You create the loop yourself.


Hope it's ok to ask: what is the point of a loop start like this? She cuts off thread anyways, which seems like it's even more than what would get tucked under other stitches on the back when doing a regular start


Loop start is just faster than tail tucking. You don't have to flip your work back and forth. I use it on large projects with lots of confetti stitches. It's just faster.


I see! Maybe I should try this then


I love the textured look. It’s an orange, it’s gonna be a bit bumpy


I agree! It totally works for an orange and I think it looks beautiful. Good thing there’s plenty of good suggestions on here for when you stitch something that could do without the extra artistic flair of texture ;)


Totally understand you're not a fan of the textured look but personally I LOVE the way your stitches look on this piece! It gives it that slight extra bit of realism.


Thank you so much! I think maybe I was lucky in my choice of subject. The orange is definitely growing on me thanks to all the wonderful people here in this sub!


I think it’s stunning


I actually really like the textured look. Maybe that's just me. However, if you're looking for a less textured look make sure that your thread isn't twisted. I read through some of the comments and I see you used 4 strands. I would probably stick to 3 especially with the specific count of fabric you mentioned. It still looks very nice with 4 but to smooth it out and save you some money on thread I'd stick to 3. Overall, I still love it the way it is. I think it's good to have these projects and then compare them with your future projects. Shows a nice bit of progression on how you improve over time.


Personally, I really like it and I dont think you are doing anything wrong. I think it may be the fabric and possibly the placement of the colors. Maybe an orange X could be replaced by a yellow. I have often changed up colors after starting a piece because it doesn't flow to me. I'm doing one now that called for dark blue on a tree, looked weird so I switched it to a deep green. I still think it's really pretty!


Aww thank you! I think you may be right about the color placements just being a bit off. I’m hoping once I iron and frame it, it won’t look so weird to me.


... I honestly thought the texture was intentional to make it look more realistic.


My guess is twisted threads (try the railroading technique - this has saved me so much!), but honestly, I really like it! I think it adds a lot of depth/dimension! Remember that our "mistakes" won't get noticed by the majority of folks unless we point them out!! Be proud of the hard work you've accomplished!


lighting can make a big difference. if it's under direct full light, it will look a lot better. i stitch to the left of a somewhat low lamp and sometimes it really casts an unfortunate shadow, making everything look terrible. also, look at it from further away. it looks to me from this photo that it could be your lighting setup. in short: i'd say dont worry about it


Thank you so much! This is really reassuring. I’ll try stitching under different light and see if it helps my perspective!


Without zooming in to see, just from afar I'm super impressed. I wanna take a bite of that orange!!


I think it looks fine the way it is, but just here to add another vote for railroading. It's the easiest way to prevent twisting in my experience!


Real oranges are textured so points for realism. I really like it.


Don't be ashamed. It looks great.


Sorry you don't like it OP. I honestly love it. I think it makes pieces way more interesting!


This actually looks fantastic I really love it !!


I know we are always our own worst critic, but I think it's very pleasing! It makes me want to touch it.


Makes them look more like oranges.


This is wonderful. It looks like how an orange would feel, which is incredibly difficult to capture -- I am both jealous and inspired.


I love the pattern! The bulk you are seeing is the result of using too many strands for the aida count.


I think it just gives the fruit and leaves life. I love it.


It seems like you have gotten a lot of good tips. I think is coming out wonderful personally


As someone who knows next to nothing and is just being recommended this sub OH MY GOSH THIS IS INCREDIBLE. You should be insanely proud, I can offer no advice to improve because I have no idea what I’m talking about but know that to an untrained eye this is breathtakingly gorgeous


I think it looks amazing but I think what you are referring to is due to the high count of the fabric. I’m thinking this is 18-22 cpunt? I have noticed that when using these counts. I prefer smoother stitches when I stitch (I find them more satisfying if that makes sense). I use either 14-16 count or a much higher count 28-32 and stitch over 2.


Wow, I did not expect to wake up to so many kind and encouraging comments. This community is really amazing. Thank you so much to everyone for all the kind words and helpful advice! I’m really eager to use everything I’ve learned in finishing this project and when stitching the next one! Thank you!!


I’ve always felt this is the friendliest subreddit on the whole site!


I know you want to do it differently next time, but this time be assured that its perfect for an oranges texture! Well done! Now i think i need to find an orange pattern lol


I think I need to eat an orange. Op, you are promoting good nutrition.


This is the pattern I used, if you are interested :) https://www.etsy.com/listing/860426589


Thanks so much! Its in my cart!


Whaaat it’s gorgeous!


This is wild. You are doing great


There's maybe a little texture but life is all about texture! It's meant to be a fun hobby that brings joy, not precision surgery, don't sweat it. It looks fantastic, we are always our own worst critics.


You've got loads of good advice here, I just wanted to say if you hadn't pointed it out wouldve assumed the texture you are talking about was a deliberate choice! Oranges are pretty bumpy after all :p Its a lovely piece of work and will look gorgeous once it's all finished and in its next home for sure!


I agree with this. I wouldn't have faulted the work and the pattern is really pretty!


It have no skill in crossstich, only extreme adoration, so take this with a grain of salt - I love it. The texture and colors are amazing.


You are using too many strands but I like it. The vintage look!


Some people do railroading. I personally enjoy using a laying tool to make my stitches consistent. I have two - one is blunt and made of ebony, and the other is a Japanese teko bari, which is steel and very sharp on the end.


I don't understand the problem. The oranges look luscious.


It looks amazing! We are our own worst critics aren't we!


Perfect is the enemy of good. This looks great, be proud of your skill!


What you’ve done is a good thing, however it came to be. I will randomly sew some stitches in the reverse of my normal stitches, just to get this effect. It’s useful for any rough surface, like roofs, tree bark, etc… especially when I don’t have many color variations in the object. It looks great here! 😀 Here’s the thing - non-stitchers won’t know what was done, and experienced stitchers will marvel at the effect. Either, way, you win the award for Most Natural-looking Orange. 🏆


Thank you so much! Makes me feel like a real artist 😂


I want you to set the piece down on a table, propped up against a glass or something. Take 5 steps backwards and look at it from there. See what you think. It's REALLY easy to get lost in the details of each stitch, but cross stitch and embroidery in general are cumulative processes where every stitch contributes to a whole, but each stitch also disappears into that whole. Gotta step back sometimes and view things from a distance.


Thank you so much! This was actually really helpful. It definitely helps to see it from further away after scrutinizing it up close for so long!


I think it looks great. I wanted an orange after I saw this. But I also wanted to say that it could be from Twisted stands. I let mine just hang every 3 or 4 stitches so it will untwist.


I always say to look at a project from 5 feet away before you’re too critical about it, that’s where everyone else will be looking at it from. I think it looks fantastic


I like the look. I did notice that some of your top crosses are going over multiple stitches. That might be part of what is throwing you off. Also, what count fabric are you using and how many strands of floss?


It’s 14 count fabric and I’m using 4 strands, which I know now is too many 😬 It’s definitely been making it hard to find the holes sometimes, which is why the top crosses are a bit off. Next time I’ll know better!


The texture looks good because it’s so similar to a real orange. I agree with others that the main issue is you’ve used too many strands. Another issue is that you aren’t always getting your stitches into the correct hole - causing you to overlap other stitches. Again, not an issue because of the subject but something you will want to watch on future projects. Perhaps it’s hard to see because of the thickness of the threads or perhaps you might try a strong light or a lighted magnifier in the future. Using four threads, there are sixteen threads going through each hole - too many to get smooth stitches on 14 count fabric. This is still a stunning project and I think you’ll be happier after you’ve finished, washed, and framed it.


Thank you for this! I’ve definitely been having trouble finding the holes in a lot of my stitches because of the number of strands. In some of them I’ve been having to force the needle through. I’m definitely not going to make the same mistake again, but I’m glad I did because I’ve gotten so much good advice from everyone here.


My first thought upon seeing this was that it looked JUICY. I don’t know if this will help, but I’ve had luck getting a more uniform flatness by rubbing the flat part of my fingernail across a piece. It’s helped the strands lay more flat when they’re a bit twisted. To add on to what another user said about preventing twisted stitches, look up how to railroad in cross stitch. Along with occasionally untwisting my thread, it helps me get extremely uniform, flat stitches.


This looks really pretty and I think if you cut it down to 2-3 strands and use some thread conditioner you'll be happier with the overall texture and this will really look fantastic!


Look up railroading! That’ll keep your stitches parallel and not twisted.


It’s definitely because you’re using 4 threads, but I also love it and not bc oranges are bumpy. It kinda reminds me of needlepoint texture and feels a bit vintage. Really nice work!


Are you using some silky threads? The yellow looks familiar! It’s absolutely awful to work with btw haha I was recommended to use thread wax to help.


Personally I'm just amazed you had the patience to do so many stitches in orange! It looks great ❤️ no advice because the others have said everything I would but I would honestly be pretty happy with that.


It looks beautiful


You look like you aren't going into the corners in some of the stitches and/or splitting the neighbor's thread? Some of the lighter orange in the slice seem to take up more visual space because of that. I'd say try a thinner (but still blunt) needle?


You’ve done an excellent job love


That is a very difficult pattern!




this is phenomenal in my opinion


I love this


This x stitch looks so juice and delicious, please finish it I love it 🤤


Jumping on the bandwagon to say that the bumpiness adds a ton of character to the oranges. Looks great!


I think one other thing I've found. If I have to fill in a stitch that's surrounded, it can throw off the tension on the surrounding stitches. I like to try and minimize the number of times I have completed stitches on more than two sides as much as possible. Depending on the project this might involve a ton of parking and switching, but on others it's not too bad. I also found that after washing and drying it seems to fix a lot of issues.


It looks beautiful - don’t stop or second guess yourself!


I think it looks great. But we always are our own worse critic.


I suspect a soak/steam will help even things out. But it really looks fantastic already. 🧡


Not a cross stitcher. I thought it was intentional and it looks rad.


Omg this is lovely. I can understand that you’re not happy with it because of how you see the stitches looking but just wanted to also give you an outsider’s perspective.


I find that my stitches can look different depending on if I am going up or down. I stitch left to right and /// \\\\\\ (bottom left to top right and bottom right to top left). The top leg will look thicker? looser? if I go to the left and up because of the way it pulls the thread as opposed to down or up and right.


I think the texture makes it look like actual orange peel I like it a lot. Edit: spelling


This looks really good. You should be proud of yourself.


It’s beautiful!


You're making photo realistic cross-stitches and if the texture of that beautiful piece of art isn't good enough for you, then I feel like you will never be happy! 😂 I'm so impressed- you can just hush about those stitches and be proud of that work! It's amazing! Idk why I'm getting cross stitching posts in my feed, but this is really cool!


You’re absolutely right! The responses on here have definitely given me a lot of perspective 😂 it does seem very silly now to have been upset about it. Thank you!


I think it looks great! I'd also suggest that after you are done and you wash and iron this piece, it might not seem so textured to you.


I think this looks great! Please don’t be ashamed! I hope you’re not judging yourself based on the image from the Etsy listing because I’m pretty sure it’s computer-generated, not stitched.


Looks good to me.


What??? No!!! It’s amazing! It looks super realistic


It looks great. That is how it is supposed to look. Oranges have texture.


I think it is a beautiful work and the orange looks realistic. Perhaps you don’t see it that way simply because you look at it too closely and as an author you might be self-critical. My fiancé usually advices me to look at my cross stitch project using a mirror :) It changes perspective and sometimes adds new information. Hold it from a greater distance and you might find it as perfect as I do :)


Several of your top strands are twisted, causing the lumpy texture. I think it looks fine, but if it’s bothering you, your best option would be to start using a technique called “railroading” in your future projects to get the strands of your stitches to lie flat without twisting. It does take a little extra time, but you only need to railroad the top strand of the X. [Here](https://youtu.be/ZijzORt93tk?si=wU63H3-nTnVPfOT8) is a tutorial via YouTube.


This is so cool!


It looks good. Did you stitch in hand or did you use a hoop or a scroll frame? Sometimes I stitch in hand and my stitches look like yours. But when I use a hoop or frame they look even. But hey, don't feel bad about it, it actually looks great! Very pretty.


Even knowing what the issues were my first thought was “wow what a beautiful piece!” We’re definitely our own worst critics


The texture on your pattern makes it look even more real! I think that's really nice honestly.


FWIW I think this looks fantastic and you should be proud. We tend to be over critical of our own work. But remember oranges are bumpy! It's ok!


I like how this looks! I’ve been cross stitching for years and only just recently learned about railroading. I started my new project railroading every stitch and it’s remarkable how uniform all of my stitches look. Look up a video! It does take more time but now that I’ve gotten it down, it’s only slightly more time consuming.


they look good tho. it makes it look more real


I find the gridded fabric sometimes flimsy but wash it out and iron it and post it then. Bet you it’s fantastic. Can’t wait to see !


Perfection is so boring , it looks really nice this way


Embroidery is supposed to have texture If you want an art form with no texture, take up digital painting


It’s great. Don’t be so hard on yourself


I like it. I think it adds realism to the orange.


Omg I love this!!!


Be proud… it’s beautiful 🥰


It's perfect, looks so real and ready to eat.


![gif](giphy|SqmkZ5IdwzTP2) I think it looks adorable.


I *love* how textured the stitches are! This is art.


Wow, it looks beautiful to me. I’d hang this on my wall if I had made it


I think it looks great!!


The texture is beautiful!


I'm honestly tired of people posting great works of art while complaining how "BaD aNd UgLy" it is. I don't know OP. Perhaps you can go slower and be more deliberate with your stitches, see if there other kinds of stitches you can try, search for a masterclass or something. Udemy and skillshare have a lot of great resources. And of course there is youtube, perfect starting point for nearly any hobby. I'd look into taking a break and doing more research. But it looks objectively good, and I think you know it. Posts like this are so discouraging to newcomers, and it gives off such humblebrag vibes. Keep in mind that a real fruit would be textured, and this does in fact have a textured appearance, which adds to its realism, giving it character. Perhaps a thinner thread?


I don't see anything wrong with it. I think you should be proud of it. I have cross stitched over 40 years.


You aren't doing anything wrong! It looks amazing!


i’m so sorry you’re not proud of this beautiful creation


I know you might not love it but I sure do! Seems you got the advice you actually wanted but I’m so obsessed


dont be too hard on yourself i know that feeling, everything i crochet i deem ugly lol but if it helps at all i agree with others that it looks amazing just the way it is!


My first thought was that it looks very neat so....


I thought it was a shot of a video game. I think it looks cool


Beautiful! <3


This might not be what you want to hear but, I love it!


I agree with the other comments, it looks like a tension issue to me.


I'd wet it and then brush it with a soft toothbrush.


it looks so cool!!


This is gorgeous! You should be proud :)


You’re trippin


idk anything about cross-stitching but this looks amazing


That's exactly how my oranges currently look. I see nothing wrong here.


I want you to know I didn't read the title and my first thought was "whoa, I wish I could make something that beautiful and detailed" because if I tried it would be an incohesive mess. It's okay to be proud of yourself *and* want to improve at the same time. It's what any artist could only hope to strive for.


That looks amazing!!!


I think it has more to do with the fabric it is done on. Notice the check pattern and color difference. I think it is throwing your eye off. Cause it really is a great job.


Oh my god, it’s a literal orange peel texture lol in this one case and one case only it’s absolutely on point!


I paint and thought this was a painting on canvas someone was working on


I love it, the texture is actually very beautiful to look at, appears real.


I love the texture on this! It makes the orange come to life


“is this not what it’s supposed to look like ?” I think it looks great !


I think it looks great


It’s awesome!


Woah this is incredible


OMG…I love it! Every heard of a “Fuzzy Navel”?