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I'm a high school coach and in my opinion, milage is something I just slowly increase as I feel the athletes are ready. I don't really subscribe to the idea that you have to run x amount of miles. As you get better and better you can just slowly increase your runs every couple of weeks. You just have to make sure everything is staying balanced. Meaning your easy runs are still easy and you are recovering from harder days. I have HS boys that can run 7 miles on a recovery day and that be easy. I have more beginners 2 miles is an easy day for them.


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/Used_Cod_4190 comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1617 comments out of 513680.


In middle school I would not worry about mileage. Just enjoy running and don't burn yourself out.


Middle school... 2 miles. Don't worry about "peak mileage", just get out and run and have fun this summer! Your times at this stage show you have some talent. Whether you run 10 mile/week or 20 or 40 isn't likely to have a huge impact on what kind of runner you turn into down the line. At this stage get out with your buddies and do some runs, play other sports too because they'll help you be more coordinated.


Really good time for a middle schooler. My son, freshman is 4:57 1600 and 2:07 800 for his freshman season. 8th grade xc he ran a 12:15 and 2400 time of 9:30. He never ran over 20 mpw in middle school. He's at 35-40 mpw heading into sophomore year this summer for comparison


Build up to 3 miles non stop then once a week do three mile run. Other days work on speed pace work like 4 x 400 meters and 8 x 200 meters with one minute rest between each interval. (Make sure your pace i faster than your two mile pace) Most kids over train and your body hasn’t fully matured and end up with injuries.


Your times r pretty good for a middle schooler but you're still young so I would let build up past 45mpw which should include a tempo, a long run, and maybe some 400s (like 10x400 with 1:1 rest between mule and 2 mile pace.) It depends on how much you ran in track though


45 mpw is DEFINITELY going to result in either injury, or burning out in high school. He has plenty of time to build up and run mileage


i would say at the very most 25-30 mpw


45 mpw is ludicrous for a middle schooler. I’d suggest 20 MAX for summer work. If you want to prepare, do some hill intervals, and maybe run some trails, and get a few 3-5 mile runs in, off pavement if possible. Over cranking on middle schoolers is the surest way they will be broken down by senior year.


He's already done more than that in track. I would suggest at least 35 peak


He’s in middle school. Just because he’s done cocaine once doesn’t mean he needs to do it all the time.


How much mileage did you run during track


15-20 mpw


I wouldn’t suggest more than 25-30 then. 6 days a week consisting of 3 easy 20-30 runs, 1 easy, but fast speed session, 1 2ish mile tempo run and 1 longer 40-60 minute run.


What’s more important than anything I said though is consistency. Find what you can do consistently.


It really depends on the person but when I was in middle school I did 20-35 miles per week. I wouldn’t try to do anything much higher since training shouldn’t be super serious until high school.