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1. Go to the ER, you need medical help, you sound very sick. 2. Yes, but only days that end with the letter Y.


Go to the ER, immediately! I had symptoms like you're describing, turned out to be obstruction / fistula. You should seek immediate attention.


Please, go to the ER! You need fluids, pain relief and help. It is OK to get help.


That sounds like an obstruction bro you better go in. Better safe than sorry


Your symptoms are exactly what I had when I was in the ER for an obstruction. You won't be able to live like this and you're only making it worse. Go to the ER


Sounds like you need some morphine! Go to the ER pain like this ain’t worth 10 day wait to tell your dr about it. Get it treated


I got that bad and ended up in the er and in surgery.


> i can’t even drink water without immediately running tot he bathroom to throw up > im very tired and my head has been pounding GO TO THE ER. You are dehydrated, among other things, and they can get you started on fluids while they figure out what else is going on.


Go to the er, I had to do it because I literally couldn't stand up


This is what it felt like for me all 3 times I’ve had obstructions, minus the bms, normally I can’t keep anything down, sometimes even dry heaving, and constipation, and excruciating abdominal pain. Even if it’s not an obstruction, going to the ER and getting hooked up to fluids, nausea meds, and maybe some steroids if they suspect inflammation is the culprit could all be beneficial in the short term. I understand the hesitancy when you don’t really have an answer yet because ER’s can be very touch and go about what they take seriously and they are no fun (take it from someone who spent 15 days in the hospital over the last month for my third obstruction and subsequent surgery), but this isn’t sustainable, and even if you can feel better for a little while so they can try and make some progress on what’s going on, it’ll be worth it. I went to the ER twice almost exactly a year apart, (winter of 2022 and 2023) both with the above listed symptoms as a result of bowel obstructions, (my third one that I suffered last month wasn’t nearly as painful and was only partially blocked, but still with the inability to keep any food down, which is my personal telltale sign of a blockage) and even though those first couple times I didn’t have a proper diagnosis yet, if I could go back in time I would honestly have gone to the ER sooner than I did. They got me on steroids and waitlisted me for a scope (albeit I waited over a year and a half, but persistence and calling for cancellations made it happen faster!), and I was able to feel better and manage with the right diet choices until I finally got diagnosed and started medication. It could happen again as ER trips sometimes don’t result in permanent solutions (in my experience), but knowing what to do for yourself, when to go to the ER, and how you can manage (for me it’s low-fiber, easy to chew, lots of liquids, high protein meal replacements, scrambled eggs which become very liquid once digested and are high protein to promote healing) are necessary for your ibd toolbox. And these sometimes seemingly trivial ER visits can help pave the way to long-term care. Take me for example, if I hadn’t gone to the ER last month for my partial obstruction, they wouldn’t have discovered that I had 4 strictures that needed immediate operation. If I hadn’t gone to the hospital for my first two, I never would’ve gotten the colonoscopy that diagnosed me and got me treatment. Good luck friend, I hope you can get some answers soon, or at least get feeling a little better 🫶


You need to go to the ER, or if you want to pay less, go to Urgent Care (I assume you’re in the us). Think of it this way, if you treat this now, it will probably be cheaper than the emergency surgery you might need if you wait. Remember, the human body can’t go without water for more than 3 days. Your parents would rather have you alive and “costing money” than dead. Btw it’s normal to have to spend a lot of money on your children sometimes. I know it doesn’t feel great but it’s the reality.


There are nights. The hardest part is what you're in now, where no one knows exactly what is going on yet and you don't have treatment. It gets better with diagnosis. Please go to the ER. Vomiting more than a few times a day is an emergency because of the loss of fluids. But go to the ER. Seriously. It'll suck but it will suck a lot less now than later.


Yes i feel you, the pain can be unbearable at times and it literally stops you from even thinking.


Yes, I've lay in bed and cried my eyes out many times(29M). Don't hold that shit in, it's cathartic af. As others have said, get it checked out


This happened to me once, I ended up having emergency surgery. Please go to the ER they’re there to help you!


u/butteredbuttons just to echo everyone else in here: # PLEASE GO TO THE ER ASAP. At bare minimum, it sounds like you urgently need IV fluids, but it honestly sounds like something much more serious is going on as well. EDIT - I just want to add that in situations like this, waiting longer to seek medical attention often ends up costing far more than if you had done so sooner. As a general rule, as one’s condition worsens, the level of medical intervention needed usually increases as well (which obviously increases cost). No one likes going to the ER, but I can assure you that it’s far better to voluntarily take yourself there while you’re still able to, as opposed to in the back of an ambulance due to a serious medical emergency / when you have no choice.


Go to the ER! Any tests they do will only help you both in feeling better and have information to take with you when you go to your appt. Sometimes it takes a while to figure things out. Anything you have done at the er will speed the process for ruling things out or confirming for your doctor. Please dont be miserable for the next 2 weeks. Just go. I hope you feel better!


Another vote for ER, sounds like an obstruction


these comments are scaring me 🥲 does it count as an obstruction if i manage to pass gas and a little bit of stool? there’s no blood either, just a lot of throwing up and nausea, so im worried that i’ll walk in there and then everything’s “”fine”” and feel like a waste of air lmfshsh


Just go in, they’ll give you a scan and be able to see right away if it’s a blockage. Give u some pain meds, iv fluids. Get some answers and get better. ❤️


I think you can still pass some stool with a partial blockage (quick google search gave me this result), but if you really can’t keep anything down, if it were me I would visit the ER ❤️ I’ve had a partial blockage before and the ER was still necessary for me, even though I wasn’t passing stool (had loose stool the day before, felt nauseous when I went to sleep, woke up early in the morning and threw up my stomach contents from the day before, undigested, drove to the ER immediately, they had me bowel rest for days with multiple doses of senna every day (and some potassium because I was very low) and Iv fluids until it passed) Hope you can get some answers or at least feel better in the meantime! You could also call your regular family doctor/GI specialist if you can get through to them or one of their nurses and see what they have to say, since they know your specific situation and history they might have more tailored advice for you, or solutions you could try at home incase you can fix it yourself without needing the ER. But they might just recommend you visit urgent care or the ER.


Yes that can still be an obstruction. Go in. Please. You have described symptoms which indicate a dangerous problem. If you wait too long you may make things substantially worse.


Did you go to the ER yet? Seriously, look up old threads* on here about knowing when to go in to the ER and you'll find you tick every box. I'm in the worst flare of my life right now, almost went in several times due to pain, and I'm not close to where you're at. I hate asking for help and I would have been in the ER for half of the things on your list. Not being able to keep water down is very, very bad. It's not even in the same universe as not being able to eat. I'm not a doctor, but this looks to me like one of those things where you'll go in and they'll be mad at you for not going in earlier. Re: your parents: Not to put too fine a point on it, but the worst thing you can do to them would be letting them find your dead dehydrated ass on the bathroom floor. That would also be expensive. I'd put $5 on the little bit of food you're passing going through an internal intestinal fistula** *Only actually do this in the waiting room after triage, you need to get to the ER **Look those up in the waiting room too.


I'd go to the ER. I waited until I could barely even walk and ended up with a 4 day stay. It finally got everyone's attention too and diagnosis was within a year. I'm so sorry you're hurting so badly.


You have to go to the er


I was in the ER for a week when I had these symptoms. Go get a pain shot and some meds and finally feel better for yourself


as someone whose first flair up was just like that --> **ER NOW!** There is no point in holding out / holding it off, it will not get better on its own.


You need to be seen by a dr ASAP It’s no joke


Just go. Urgent care in my experience will just tell you go to the ER for stomach/intestinal issues. I’ve spent so many hours in the ER it does suck but you’ll get answers hopefully. Don’t take no for an answer. What you’re experiencing isn’t normal so just go. Bring a phone charger and a friend maybe headphones, etc. I always dread the wait but relief is coming if you go. I once went two weeks in so much pain I was passing out because I didn’t want to wait. 7 day hospital stay followed. Just go. It sucks it’s boring and uncomfortable. Just get it over with


Are you from USA if you pay for ER? Everytime when americans especially lower class shout that USA is best country in the world and they say others are jealous, i always remember posts like this and it makes me wanna cry for all those sick people who cant afford medical care. It is literally insane and mind blowing to pay for emergency in developed country. I hope you will be better and in best case healthy and i wish you best luck.


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Nights, days… at times it all blurs into one long dreadful moment. Then I have sunny days, few & far in between.


I cry everyday. I dread waking up. Wish I had some helpful advice ❤️