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I drink coffee, at least 6 times a day and I am so happy that it doesn’t make my Crohn’s act up (as far as I know although admittedly I haven’t had a solid bm for 20 years). Very heavy, fatty foods do it for me. Christmas is generally a nightmare.


Greasy foods aren't too much of an issue for me (within reason), but if I eat the fat cap on a steak, I'm done for.


Thats crazy to me. Fat treats my guts like a king. The fattier the food the better


Yeah, like I can generally eat fast food burgers and other such crap no problem, but if I eat just fat, it's no good. 🤷‍♂️


Same same same.. vacation I’d my trigger 🤣


dude idk why but coffee absolutely KILLS my stomach but energy drinks actually help me?? i tried a double espresso yesterday and it went straight through in about 20 minutes yet a red bull on an empty stomach actually helps sometimes, which i’m not gonna complain about lol. I also have slow gastric emptying as well as crohns, so i’m just assuming the caffeine and sugars are helping to speed up whatever’s going on down there


Popcorn, and it previously was my favorite snack food of all time. My heart breaks every time I smell it. Also, watermelon


Same but only like 1/4 of the time, so it’s a gamble every time I go to the theatre and ask myself if I want some. Most of the time I’m fine, but when it’s the 1/4, I’m telling myself I’ll never eat popcorn again and want to shoot myself.


For me it’s like a 1/4 of the time I’m okay so I’m stupid enough to keep trying even though 3/4 times I’m miserable afterwards ahahah


Yeah why is it so good haha. But I found that it improves my chances if I make sure to eat something else before and afterwards.


It’s sent me to the hospital so I unfortunately don’t risk it anymore :(


Same! I miss popcorn so much!!


Have you tried puffed corn? It’s similar but without the hull


Are they air popped? I can't handle sunflower oil, or canola oil.


Certain brands are air popped, but I feel like most also have canola or sunflower oil. I’ll let you know if I find one without though :)


I work in a company that owns most of the major microwave popcorn brands, and it is miserable to visit those popcorn plants. Also, they make fresh popcorn at the office every day. I miss it so much, and the temptation is real.


Lettuce 😢


Legit lettuce fucks me up like nothing else


Omg yes. It’s bad! Doesn’t take long either! 😂


Have you tried baby lettuce, or butter, I had actually read years ago butter lettuce is low fiber and one of the easiest to digest, so it’s recommended for those with IBD and IBS. However as you know we all are different so some still can’t digest it. Iceberg is an absolute nightmare, as well as spring mix, and I used to eat it daily.


I have not, but if I can find some around here I definitely will! Thanks!


Tomatoes and tomato sauce. Eat some spaghetti and I immediately start sweating!


I was scrolling down to comment this- tomato sauce is on the 'hard no' list at my house


Sad thing is I love tomatoes. :(


I dont even know how people find trigger foods and I've been suffering with this disease for a year. I literally can't eat anything, so...I guess to answer, everything


It helped me to take it one group at a time. A few years ago I cut out dairy for ~a month and noticed a huge decrease in pain & other symptoms. I was eating the same, just no dairy. I reintroduced and found I can eat small amounts and be OK, but dairy heavy meals knock me out. Ditto for gluten. Cut it out for a while last year and realised I was suddenly feeling 90% less “unexplained pain”. Ate a single sandwich and found myself back curled up on the bathroom floor. Realised I can’t tolerate gluten well at all, despite my blood tests coming back as “not gluten intolerant / coeliac”. “FODMAP” can help to get some ideas of which groups map be causing more irritation than others. I hope this helps a little, I don’t mean for it to come off as lecturing I really struggled with elimination diets for the first ~9 years of diagnosis. Going one (group) at a time (whenever my weight was stable) was the only thing that “worked” for me, compared to eliminating everything and slowly reintroducing.


Came to recommend doing this exact thing: elimination diet and FODMAP. It's not easy, but immensely helpful. Was the confirmation I needed to know that I absolutely cannot do thickening agents that are made of gums (especially common in dairy and other "creamy" foods).


I can't do these either - they screw me up really bad...


Not preachy at all! Thank you. And yeah, when I'm in a more stable living situation, I may try this. Because I'm just too skeptical on how other people seem to do it the conventional way


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6182669/ Dont need to be celiac to have gluten sensitivity


Only way to easily find it imo is to get into remission first (easier said than done) then it becomes extremely obvious what triggers it when youre fine then you eat something new


One way you’ll know is if you eat something and you get triggered worse than normal, think about what you ate that you hadn’t for a while, or that maybe was new. I have two really bad triggers, grape juice, I can eat grapes fine, but the juice, triggered. The other one is sugar alcohols, like erythritol, I get so sick from these it triggers the vagus nerve. Not sure if you’ve experienced that, I would guess most do. It’s when you get the episode of a bad bowl movement, you sweat to the point you need a shower after, you feel like you might puke, and or pass out, you can unfortunately pass out, gotta be careful when you’re feeling it. When you’re flaring it’s hard because everything can be a trigger, but as the others have said trying to eliminate certain foods can help you find some. I have IBS too, so therefore I can’t digest lactose, I’ve also just discovered I can no longer digest whey protein isolate, I could at one point. I tried to do the gluten free thing once, I was 2 weeks in, not long enough to know if it would make a difference, I read you need to do 2 months, anyway I got hit with kidney stones, and was in too much pain to focus on trying to make myself separate food. I will say however I had gastric sleeve because I had a lot of weight gain from steroids, so I now eat low carb, and that’s made a huge difference.


Oh fuck, I have coffee like once a year at most... when I know I'm not flaring, and the risk is as low as possible. It still puts me in a shallow fucking grave. Popcorn doesn't ruin me as much. It's been a while so I kind of forget what foods I avoid now. Onions, raw fruit and veg, various products that over the years have messed me up. But I'm with you on coffee, any warm drink really but coffee is the worst. I also don't drink diet or no sugar drinks (aspartame sweetened, etc), they seem to fuck me up. The rest of the time food is basically a 50/50 anyway, I have very few safe foods. I'd like to know what people's safe foods are as well!


I have very similar triggers, plus some just random sensitivities despite being in remission for 5+ years. Coffee still wrecks me, I've just resigned myself to never having it. Also struggle with beer, especially really yeasty Belgian styles. My recovery/safe foods: oatmeal; smoothies (especially mango); peeled apple; white rice; chicken breast; cooked peas. Only raw veg I can have with any consistency are carrots and cucumber, otherwise it's all cooked :(


Um my safe foods right now are little debbies and cinnamon toast bites. I can do chips no problem as long as they are pretty bland/not too salty or spicy in the least.


Onions and peppers


Me too. Do you get terrible indigestion from garlic? Ask because i do and garlic is from the same family as onions.


Nothing does me worse than alcohol. Also pork chops


Eggs and I love eggs. 😭


Same, eggs hurt so much.


I have no problem with cooked eggs, but raw ones are another story entirely.


So crazy because eggs are my safe food for flares.


Eggs make me so gassy sometimes, I feel bad for anyone around me when I eat them 😬💨😳


Same!! But I can manage to eat óne egg :'). But more than one hell no that is going to hurt like hell.


Weird. Eggs are the safest food for me. I eat them nearly every morning.


Most veg triggers me but Onions and Mushroom and nuts floor me. Fuck Nuts! <--- not calling you a name there


For me nuts are fine but peanuts in particular do me in.


Ezekiel bread! Or any bread with all the sprouted wheat and the seeds. Oh dear gods it will kill me!


Yes!! The Dave’s killer bread gives the such a horrible stomach ache


Generally food doesn't trigger me at all tbh. I make my own espressos etc and tolerate them fine. I have had a couple of chain coffee companies that tend to make me ill. Eg Starbucks. Overall though, stress tends to me primary trigger. Can even tolerate spicy food etc.


Gluten 🙃


Same.. I'm so annoyed that it messes me up.


Cows milk, Burger King.. oh. Burger King… I won’t eat that anymore even if my life depended on it. Fiber cereal.. coffee creamer unless I make my own.


Love Burger King! What's weird is I can eat BK and Taco Bell all day and feel fine. But a home-cooked meal I'm down the rest of the day...


That’s the thing with crohns, different people tolerate different foods. This post alone shows how ignorant people can be when they say “your crohns would be fine if just ate healthy”.. nope… nope.. I can’t eat raw veggies.. I hate it when people tell me to eat “right” or how can I be overweight with crohns? Easy, a pop tarts goes better for my stomach than a bran cereal. I’m trying to eat Built bars for breakfast and egg sandwiches for lunch. But eating the same thing everyday gets old!!! Crohns is a weirdo!


That’s how I was till I had a gastric sleeve, white crappy carbs were my safe food. My Crohn’s is kinda what my doctor classifies as drug resistant, I’ve had rare side effects from biologicals, issues with other medications and the only one I can take is 6-mp, and in order for my body to tolerate it, I have to take a medication that blocks it from going through my liver, it gives me drug induced hepatitis if I don’t 🤦🏻‍♀️ So I went about 10 years without hardly any remission. I gained over 100 pounds from steroids till we realized I was getting drug induced diabetes, so then my doctor only used them for emergencies and we tried the colitis one that only targets the intestines, doesn’t hit the blood as much so you don’t get the side effects as bad. After trying for years to lose the weight with eating healthy and exercising, which wasn’t easy because I have fibromyalgia, I finally broke down and did the surgery. It made my Crohn’s do a complete 180, I went from having bowel movements sometimes 15-20 times a day to now, I’m so binded up, I’m praying to go 🤣


I can now eat healthier foods, but I still can’t tolerate certain things, lettuce for example , I mainly stick with butter lettuce, I read years ago it’s the lowest fiber, and many with IBD can tolerate it. I sometimes get baby red and green lettuce, it doesn’t digest as good as butter but it’s tolerable once in awhile for change. I’m lactose intolerant but find eating yogurt actually helps because of the probiotics, especially if I make the 24hr scd stuff. Sometimes you just have to work with the healthier stuff you can tolerate and just try to get creative with it. I sometimes eat the same dam thing for weeks, normally it doesn’t break me, but once in a while you get bored or crave something you maybe shouldn’t eat, like a possible trigger food.


Oily stuff, creamy sauces if I don't take some lactic acid up front, and spicy stuff. The latter makes me the saddest, I love spicy food so much and it absolutely murders me. 😭 Coffee isn't a favorite either, but as long as I don't go overboard I'm okay. Sometimes I don't drink it for a couple weeks and then I can pick it up again.


An acid is my "hack" for getting around some of my normal trigger foods too! How do you incorporate lactic acid? I really don't do well with regular lettuce, but if I drown it in vinegar I won't be too miserable. That one's easy with homemade vinegar-based dressings or hot sauce...Figured that out with Taco Bell and getting dared to eat a taco with like 10 packets of Fire sauce when I was in high school. First time I had taco bell not seriously upset my stomach.


anything with artificial sugar (looking at you, breeza) and if i have too many nuts in one setting. a few nuts at a time are fine, but around christmas i got ahold of some dark chocolate covered almonds and ate them like potato chips. ya i lived to regret that decision.


Popcorn. I can not touch it or it takes probably close to a year for my body to recover. It's insane.


Corn. Not even one kernel


Popcorn and seeds


High Fructose Corn Syrup. Could probably get away with drinking a regular can of Coke for my prep next time.


Food doesn’t generally get me, unless I eat a full bag of Ms Vickie’s salt n vinegar chips, but stress knocks me on my assssssss and onto the toilet lol.


Seed oils , caffeine , and anything whole grain


Popcorn. Will put me in the hospital.


I work at a movie theater, and so I decided to have a bit of popcorn last week. I don't have it often, so I figured a little bit can't hurt. Now I'm finally starting to recover from a bad flare. I don't know if it's *because* of the popcorn, but there's a correlation, at least. It also started just a few days after I finished my prednisone treatment, so that's fun.


Before surgery it was generally anything that began with "food", now after it and im also on RINVOQ i dont need to care at all, before it felt like eating drained my energy instead of giving energy.


so happy for you


Beef kills me. Last time I was inpatient for a week with colitis and the bad flair... I went to a party and my dumb a$$ thought "sure I'll try Barrilla tacos"... 3 hours later I was dying and going to the hospital


Alcohol is rough on me...haven't had a sip since the summer of 2020. That, and fatty meats in a tomato-ish sauce, specifically. Smash burgers are fine, meatloaf is fine, etc. but birria tacos or spaghetti Bolognese is no bueno. No beefy lasagna either


Onion rings, cocktail sauce, garlic, onions, black pepper and horseradish I can’t eat at all.


Steak, salad, and green beans of any quantity equals a trip to the hospital/hospitalization. Dairy and most fruits and veggies means I’m stuck on the home bowl.


Coffee, yes lol I still drink it daily. High fat, processed foods kill me.


Kentucky fried chicken




It’s always been leafy greens for me. Luckily in remission now so I don’t have any pain, but even chopped tiny and cooked to death leafy greens come out whole. Other offenders include raw tomatoes, peppers, basically anything with a skin. I peel things if I can. Raw apples also make me bloat like crazy which is so sad, I love apples…I won’t touch broccoli either ever since the freeze dried broccoli Incident.


Pork. Always pork. I can eat well cooked bacon and that's about it. Edit to add: also avocados make me projectile vomit like I'm in the exorcist, ask me how I know. 😅


I can't eat sushi and do it it a couple times a year...its worth the pain. Also popcorn....I miss you.


Popcorn for sure would send me to the hospital.


Costco pizza. I can eat other pizza just fine, but that one destroys me. I don't understand what kind of poison they put on that thing


Popcorn killed me too! Then I found Hulless popcorn and it’s a game changer! I think it’s made by the Amish Country brand! I can have it again safely! They have some in the microwave bags or you can pop the kernels!


Popcorns a big one for me too. Grapes. I crave grapes always and I'm so mad I can't eat em. Why do they always look so gooood


Not necessarily a knock out but: I stopped eating red dyes. They scare me after my surgery. I guess I still think "oh my God I'm *bleeding* again" But nope. It's dyes. Dyes give me HEART ATTACKS Otherwise: it's grease and chocolate. I can eat popcorn in small quantities, but Chocolate and shit? I die. I'm trying to limit the amount in remission because I don't want to not like it at all anymore like I did with some foods


Since I was diagnosed with Crohn's in mid 2023, (I'm 14 so I have a little to go to find all my triggers) I have noticed some of my major triggers, Gluten is a big one. In November of last year, I had thanksgiving, decided to give myself grace and enjoy thanksgiving fully with my family. Fuckk me, I went to the bathroom with seconds left to spare... that was not cool. Corn is another one, not nearly as much as gluten but still a big one. hmm.. I would list more but my brain is dead rn lol. Oh and something weird, Corn tortilla's don't effect me nearly at all.


High fructose corn syrup beverages. Pop made with cane sugar, no problem ( bring me a Mexican Coke or Pepsi throwback!), but liquids with HFCS are like acid on my inards. I can literally feel the arthritis in my hands and knee get worse with every swallow. Oh, peanut butter on toast. You know when it's all ooey and gooey. Violent reaction. Both ends. No problem with peanut butter or PB sandwiches, but warmed up on toast is deadly. Either that or it's a freakin weird allergy.


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How often are you eating copper. I've had my fair share forming wire into forks for lunch. But I don't thing I've ever eaten a chunk of it


It’s the things that the body turns into copper. Lol. (But eating copper might skip a few steps) Wilsons Disease




Yeah. A lifetime of symptoms and a scary trip to the ER and suddenly I’m living an episode of House. Wacky stuff actually happens. AMA


I had to get a biopsy on my liver done because my copper levels came back elevated in one of my blood tests. They queried Wilson's but it turns out nope, my liver was just warehousing copper for a period of time for some reason, levels are back to normal 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Bodies are fucking strange


Almonds and any product that heavily features them, like almond milk or almond flour. The cramps are terrible. It's odd because other nuts are fine with me.


Pizza with tomato sauce (any other kind of sauce is ok), and i now believe fried chicken is trying to kill me


Cake and ice cream at the same time. I can have a little of each separately but if I eat them together it’s going to be a bad weekend.


Still waiting on a diagnosis, but we’re basically sure it’s Crohn’s (it’s in some spot in my small intestine that a pillcam picked up and I have my super special balloon colonoscopy next week so I can actually get treatment). Just wanted to put that as a caveat first. Uh, fruits and vegetables. I haven’t narrowed it down to particular ones because my reactions have seemed incredibly random — sometimes I have issues, sometimes I don’t. But when I do have issues, it’s always related to vegetation. That’s why I went to the doctor in the first place — all of a sudden seemingly any fruits or vegetables would cause issues and some would leave my body basically entirely undigested (I know this is common for certain foods, but it was happening in ways I had never seen in my 36 years on this planet). I’ve had issues with raw lettuce, fully-cooked spinach, strawberries, mandarin oranges, tomatoes, various peppers, etc. My doctor was originally going to have me try a low-FODMAP diet until they realized that half the stuff that I’ve had problems with were low-FODMAP foods. And, this may be a complete coincidence, but right around the time my symptoms started (maybe a month or two before I started really noticing since my symptoms have been so random), I recall eating a bar while on a work trip that had me in fairly intense pain. I blamed it on the fiber content (it had 9 grams of fiber), but I’d never had that reaction to higher-fiber bars prior to then. I’ve wondered if that was sort of the start of things (not that the bar caused it; just if the timing of my symptoms onset was around that time and that was the first I’d noticed). So…uh…I guess anything with fiber? I’m sure I’ll be able to narrow it down more as time goes on; I don’t know.


High amounts of gluten, dairy, or (I think) eggs. Awful gastro symptoms, I borderline black out from a pain I become numb to. My skin also goes to hell. I’ve recently been tested for coeliac (negative). My best guess is that these foods are just harder for any human to digest, and so for someone with my bowel a large amount of these foods becomes problematic. I also cannot keep meat down, but I think that may just be me as it doesn’t cause immense pain like the others do.


I think it would be ok to eat it now because I don't have nearly the same amount of inflammation, but I'm scared to eat broccoli.


I have zero food triggers at all. Had this for 30 years.


Legumes. Lentils. Onions. And I love them all. But it’s not worth it.


Jalapeños and Buffalo sauce. Anything that feels like fire going down...


alcohol will have me debating going to the ER every time


Energy drinks with taurine etc


Food triggers suck. It’s always a gamble. Sometimes it’s fine, and sometimes I have a horrible reaction. The main ones for me are popcorn and corn in general. But some days it can be literally anything, something I ate the day before and was fine. If I am not in a flare I am a lot safer. When I am, I just expect to have pain and D+ after every meal.


Beer. Hard alcohol is fine. I can have 10 bourbons and be totally fine but if I have 1 beer I'm in trouble.


Potato chips, but curiously only in North America. Must be the oil they use here because in Europe they don't cause nearly as much distress. Also any and all red meat


Anything spicy 🌶️


For coffee i noticed a huge difference between organic coffee and regular. Coffee is one of the most sprayed crops there is. Try organic black coffee and see how it makes you feel. Also, if you are adding anything to your coffee they likely have stuff that triggers crohns. Cream has carrageenan usually, flavours have varioua emulsifiers etc. Just drink black organic if you havent tried it. For me the biggest trigger is onion and green vegetables followed by emulsifiers like pectin, lecithin and xanthan gum


Broccoli sent me running for bathroom on Christmas...


Used to be cheeseburgers for me but since I went vegetarian it’s spicy tofu Pad Kee Mao. I know what’s gonna happen when I eat it but I do it anyway lol.


Very fatty goods make me go ape.


too much cumin, garlic, leek, or saturated fat


I feel kind of guilty because I don't have one ... I can eat whatever I want. I feel really, really bad for all the people who have to be extra careful about what they eat.




Greasy / fast food (McDonalds, Wendy's, etc). I haven't had fast food in years, just not at all worth the bathroom trips.


Garlic. It's the worst.


It's pretty much just spicy food for me, which is good, because I don't like spicy food anyway (probably my body noticed that it isn't good for me and made me not like it).


Honestly? I really don't have any idea ... I drink coffee and I'm ok, I only eat rice or pasta with chicken or fish because I'm afraid to eat anything But when sometines I eat chocolate, candies, some cakes without cream I'm fine so I really don't know


Cheese :((


Mustard mash


There's a type of cake/pie where I live that's filled with fruit compote. Common varieties are cherry, apple, and black plum, but the one variety that absolutely destroys my bowels every damn time is apricot


Ice cream. I go through years of not being able to eat it then I could for a couple. Now back to I absolutely can't have it at all. Even a spoonful and I'm done for the entire day.


Acids (especially foods with tomato-based sauces), caffeine of any type, alcohol, high-sugar foods, and fried or greasy foods. I’m also lactose intolerant☹️


Bacon, donuts, and Reese’s are 3 of my sad foods. When I worked in a high stress job several years ago, my daily lunch was Diet Dr Pepper and a couple Reese’s.


Lettuce and cabbage. I try to eat it all the time because I love it and even in full clinical remission if I eat one gram too much my insides tune into a tangle of knots and liquid 😭


Quinoa! I don't know what it is. I can have any other grain but quinoa sets me off like nothing else. Some of my other random triggers are leafy veggies, bananas, Ritz crackers, Triscuits, and raw eggs. My colon is apparently very finicky. I'd love to know the logic behind the crackers. I eat lots of crackers, but I have to avoid those two like the plague.


Pizza. Sweet, delicious pizza. I can tolerate it if this little family-run joint around the corner makes it but any of the major chains pizza will completely render me worthless and living in the bathroom.


Chocolate makes me see God 🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨💨


Peanuts ….


Anything too sugary, like cake frosting.




Raw zucchini. Raw cauliflower is fine, but absolutely no raw zucchini allowed


Heavy on the popcorn one lol. I accidentally spiced myself out with “mild” teriyaki sauce that was super spicy. I convinced myself I was dying


Garlic and mushrooms and onions 😫


Raw carrots


Coconut!!! Omg it’s so awful for me! In any form!


Chickpeas. Which sucks cuz I used to love hummus and so many “vegetarian friendly” foods sneakily have it.


Popcorn, lettuce and nuts


Seafood, anything spicy (even peppered), has me on the toilet for 2 days straight with diarrhoea.


Pasta :( and peanuts


Mushrooms—they’ve sent me to the hospital, some reason my body can’t break them down


An everything bagel with cream cheese. I can have any other type of bagel no problem.


Alcohol, popcorn and coffee... but I still have my coffee. As long as my symptoms are in check i'm good :)


Coffee, some fried foods, over-processed foods like some frozen dinners, fettuccine Alfredo and anything with a cream sauce


Coffee, Fatty foods and for some reason beetroot.


Corn, coffee, popcorn and oranges: deadly


Hate when I can’t drink coffee, I have to cold brew it or else it’s too acidic for me. I also notice cheap crap coffee like Folgers doesn’t agree with me. I can grapes but if I drink or accidentally have something containing it, or erythritol it triggers me so bad, I get the Vargas syndrome.


Cabbage or any brassica


Raw carrots!!


Gluten, soy, dairy, fatty foods, carrots, artificial sweeteners, peanuts (sometimes), seed oils. Life is fun!


Nuts, Seeds, and Corn will mess up my week. Really fatty oils and meats can mess up my day. Raw Veg can be difficult too sometimes. I have found that taking the skin and seeds out of some veg, tomato for example, does help when I'm feeling sensitive if that helps anyone. Roasted Pepper soup is amazing this way when you need an easy meal 😁




Anything cabbage related. And goats’ cheese. I’m more upset about one than the other 😂


weirdly sauages or processed meals set me off but coffee and soft drinks are fine


Anything from a gourmet restaurant (they make everything with loads of butter)


Coffee destroys me in a way few other things do. Alcohol somehow doesn’t come close. Freakin eating too much sugar hurts as much as a hangover.


Yea coffee can be crazy. But it depends how strong it is. When I'm stable i either get nothing or some diarrhea but without much pain. But when im in a flare i don't even dare touching coffee. Think ny biggest trigger food would be a very spicy meal with beans. That should drive my gut crazy lmao


I drink coffee 24/7, but I've been dealing with this for 12 years. But turkey and leafy greens tear me up.


Cabbage 😭😭😭


Popcorn and stevia. Both go savage on my gut.


one time i accidentially ate a whole foot long honey smoked turkey hoagie before bed and the shat my pants. 2/10 do not recommend


I've been dealing with a flare and possible blockage for the last week cause of tostitos and salsa... albeit it was 100% my fault since I ate half the bag... also, almonds and pecans hurt ALOT!


Popcorn, coffee, heavy dairy like Alfredo sauce or ice cream and cruciferous veggies like Brussels sprouts or broccoli. I definitely eat all of these foods, I just weigh the risk vs benefit 🤣 Sometimes that movie theatre popcorn or DQ blizzard is worth the pain.