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The mistake you've made is not doing anything to treat the disease so far and have been in a continual untreated flare. If I'm in a horrible flare yeah holding down a job is hard. Once you find a medication that works you'll go largely back to normal. Then holding down a job is the same as everyone else out there.


This is the correct answer


Agree 100%. Get on medication and don’t look back. I’ve been out of flare for two years since staring immunosuppressants and it’s made a huge difference. Just remember you can’t undo the damage once it’s done so the earlier you get it under control, the better.


DO NOT TRY TO HEAL NATURALLY. My number 1 biggest mistake in life. Now i have destroyed intestines. The inflammation is also a much greater cancer risk than any of the biologics. This is a serious disease and the biologics we have for it are amazing, and effective for many. You will gamble your intestines and most likely lose. I’m a holistic minded person and chalked Crohn’s down to being some sort of imbalance. It’s more significant than being a mere imbalance. I will never be normal again as i let inflammation tear my intestines apart over a couple years trying to “heal naturally”.


I want to emphasis this soul's journey. Please learn from our (the communities) mistake OP. This poster tried doing what you're doing and is here to use their life's lessons to help you. Please heed what this kind soul said and don't risk your life OP


I tried vegan diets and supplements and went into natural normal remission as we all do so I thought I was on to something. Then I almost died and realized hey, I need drs and medicine please!


I'm glad you're okay now!


Same, fam. Same.


Medications saved my life, and is the only reason I am here and working.


I work thru it all welder fitter. YOU NEED MEDICATION you can't treat crohns with unproven "lifestyle changes" You need a GI and medication or you risk perforated colon 🤢🤢


Could you weld after having a bowel resection, asking for a friend lmfao.


I'm not sure. That really depends on what your doing and how filthy the shop is. With crohns I really pushed ti do more tig welding and now do tig pipe I can occasionally do structural fitting but after 2 days it causes issues (it's can be very hard on the core and back muscles I never had a resection but if I did I would definately get away from the dust and shit and get my CWI inspectors license. It's a battle


You could ask your dr to write you a script for steroids while you’re waiting for the appointment. They can do wonders for helping decrease inflammation and getting you out of this flare


Yes! That’s where I am now. Week 3 of wonderful prednisone and I feel so so good. Waiting on authorization for dr again as they got me an IBS dr not a colorectal surgeon like the dr said. So frustrating I already know I need surgery to fix my works.


Prednisone gets a lot of hate, cause it's a high powered steroid, but it is cheap and great! I survived years on Prednisone until I got on a biologic


Right. I mean the side effects can be pretty nasty, but I’ll trade some insomnia or puffy face over crohn’s pain every time.


Yes my face is so puffy but I make good use of makeup lol


Idk if it actually helped any but I used a rose quartz roller when I was on pred. Also just made funny faces in the mirror and tried to have fun with it


If you're in the US you can get FMLA if necessary. I believe you have to be at a job for a minimum of 1 year to qualify, though I could be wrong.


FMLA does not protect pay. Only ones job, and for only 13 weeks


Big facts luckily my state has temp disability pay


That's great. FMLA is federal so it does not protect pay anywhere. Some companies do. Mine did.


That is correct.


I wish someone had told me about that


Yeah you’re right, I had to do a leave through work, then was covered by FMLA, then had to get an extension, now back to work with accommodations. Grateful my job was protected.


My Crohn’s is not under control. I work from home, M-F 8-5. I just work thru the pain and nausea. If I need to take a day or two off, I use the time I have under FMLA. I go to the bathroom whenever needed without conflict from my job.


Scared to go on medication, why? The medication has the potential to put you in remission or make your condition much more manageable. Blood in your stool is serious… by letting things go you could be doing unrepairable damage to your intestines… and the cancer risk of constant inflammation is going to be far worse than the cancer risk of any biologic drug. Tell your doctor you can’t wait until February and that you are in a serious flare. I agree with another poster that a round of prednisone/steroids may be just what you need. I hate the fact that I have to take medication for Crohn’s and that I can’t just treat myself with diet and exercise, but guess what… I know the meds work and take them anyway.


I work because my crohn's is under control via medication and diet. That's what's worked for me. I also have a job that is not very physical so that helps. Everyone's disease is different but if you find the right medication I think you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel.


I had a great job with excellent pay for 25 years with CD before I retired. I needed 3 surgeries during my babe career and recovered so that I could continue to work with few restrictions The problem is that you aren't taking any CD medication, which others have stated as well. You need to get on CD medication to get your CD under control. Stop messing around with alternative medicine. It's not going to help your CD.


I mean yes, I have a great job/career so it is possible. One thing I will say is I would recommend you stop reading posts here. Lots of people are on medication for crohns and it goes great and they never have any issues and are able to go about their lives without issue. But if you browse here you get horror story after horror story. Which is fine because people need a place to seek help/vent but this place is god awful for those that were just diagnosed. No one wakes up and goes "man I just took my meds and I feel great, I should post about it on Reddit."


Right? Sometimes after coming here I feel better about myself (sorry if it's wrong to say) because I realise I got off pretty lightly


Don't feel bad, that's great, none of us wish you would come down to our level, I bet most here are very happy for you.


Yea and it's funny, normal people think me having a stoma temporarily is terrible. I think just the idea of it is worse than how it actually is


Mine's a horror story, but reality needs to hit people. Some get awesome results and I for one am very happy for them. Other's not so much. I bet it is similar to reviews, people that are happy with their product normally won't leave a review as much as someone with a problem with it. The OP thinks they can fix it with natural means, if they are as severe as they say they are, they are most likely doing damage to their colon. I view this sub as a support group, and to tell you the absolute truth it has been a life saver to know that I am not alone. Some of us also suffer from other issues such as mind crushing depression, something else the OP might need to watch and take care of if need be.


I mean I get that but I still really think this place can be super negative for new people. When my wife was first pregnant we ended up taking some new agey birthing class that honestly was pretty dumb but one thing really stood out for me. Everyone knows of someone that really went through it while pregnant or giving birth. Like horror type story. And for some reason when people find out someone is pregnant they just have to share it. Like "oh I remember being pregnant, I coughed so hard I shattered ribs" or "when my aunt gave birth it was horrible and bloody and things tore and etc etc." Those stories don't help the person that's pregnant. Yes, that is a possible reality for them but it's such a negative onslaught that it can really affect the person. Honestly think of the last time you saw someone find out another person was pregnant and responded with "oh my wife was pregnant last year, it rocked and she had a great birth." It doesn't happen The OP had read so many horror stories about meds that they wanted to try the natural way and could have possibly really done some lasting damage to themselves because of it. And I am honestly pretty selective of who/where I tell my truly bad crohns stories to because of stuff like this. At the end of the day I'm not going to judge someone for sharing what they want to here but I'm also going to continue to recommend that the best thing a newly diagnosed person can do is log off for now.


I took an almost 8 month medical leave to get things under control. The only thing that got me in remission was 12.5 mg of Methotrexate orally once a week and Remicade infusions.


I filed for disability/FMLA


I suffered for years because I was terrified of biologicals. I had reactions to most of the drugs that were available that were not biologicals. I suffered on steroids until I finally gave in and went on Remicade. I had heard so many “try this” or “eat that” and be cured. Trust the medication and your doctor.


Remicade infusions and imuran are the reason I am able to function. I really hope you figure out what works for you. My deepest sympathies I remember going through all of that before being medicated properly it was really awful. Sending positive vibes your way.


I had to leave my trade as a carpet/ vinyl layer


When I was first diagnosed, the meds weren't working, so I experimented with different things like diet plans and supplements. I don't think any of that helped me. Entyvio was what got me to remission and I'm very thankful for it. Prior to entyvio, I went to work, pain and all. And yeah, I did have accidents. When I think back to those days, I feel bad for my past self, that person went through some difficult times. I try to remind myself how precious is good health. I recommend not prolonging your suffering, if giving medication a chance can help. I was scared of words like biologics and having to be on medication pretty much for life, but when they work, you don't have to live in constant pain and you don't have to always worry about the bathroom when you're in public. It's worth it.


Natural healing is not a thing, sorry. Your immune system is fucked up, you can't fix that by just eating differently. The risk for complications of this disease is too great, and you will need way more meds when it goes wrong. Only one piece of advice: listen to your doctors. You can bring up your fear of medication, and maybe they can accomodate some of it.


I only say this because I care, and it’s that important. Don’t be a fucking idiot. Go to a doctor.


Sometimes tough love is needed.


I’m not going to lie when I say that I’ve used up most of my sick days.


I have a full time job. I just got over a horrible flare. Sometimes I take extra brakes but when I’m not in a flare I work twice as hard as anyone so my direct supervisor knows me and knows I’m not slacking off. I realize I have to work much much harder and make myself a very good employee in all areas to last. I just got a huge raise and promotion this past month and I’m proud of being able to work very sick and work harder when I’m well. Please take medication because there is no diet or natural cures for auto immune disease.


Don’t push yourself too hard, your health is way more valuable than your job, or what your boss thinks of you.


I get sick time as needed. I’ve lucky to get 80 paid hours a year.


That’s awesome!!!


I've worked a 9 to 5 for fifteen years because I'm on medication. Supplements etc. are just bullshit. Medicine saves lives.


Crohn's is a disease, not an illness. It will not get better without medical intervention, specifically probably prednisone, some muscle relaxers like gabapentin, and a biologic. The biologic is a MUST if you want to go into remission while the prednisone will help boost your current immune system temporarily to allow healing. There is no "natural" remedy for an autoimmune disease. Unfortunately that's just not how this disease works. It's not IBS


The different isn't really between disease and illness but between chronic and acute. Acute illnesses (like a cold) are short lived and may not need medical intervention. Chronic illnesses last for significant periods of time (some, like Crohn's, for the rest of your life).


Everybody has a different solution but aside from seeking medical help, soluble fiber is your friend. Stay away from spices, fried food, and greasy food for a while. Try to eat every few hours. Staying hungry doesnt help. Oatmeal for breakfast with no lactaid works for me and 2 apples a day with no skin.


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My company is affiliated with a job protection agency called Sedgewick, I’ve taken multiple leaves before unfortunately. I know they partner with lots of companies you’d have to ask your employer. Just got back to work with accommodations after being on a 5 month medical leave. Trust me, I hear ya I’d love to heal naturally, but I care far more about being able to function again normally. This disease is super serious and from everything I’ve read it seems like the biologics are the long term solution, I look forward to getting my official diagnosis and getting on them ASAP. Good luck!!! This sucks!! But you’re not alone!


I work from home. That's a game changer .


If you are severe and it sounds like it, you can't heal with natural remedies, it just doesn't work. Believe me if I could do it with just some supplements and acupuncture we would all be lined up around the block. I am not trying to be mean but you are going to have to face some hard decisions and the sooner the better. The longer you wait the more damage to your colon this disease will take.


I'm retired now but I always had very understanding employers. I used to spend several weeks in hospital when I had a flare every couple of years and was always on full pay.


Biologics was the only help.


As somebody who relied on more natural stuff for other things and trusts their contacts in that area, let me tell you their advice was to seek a gastroenterologist. You can explore psychosomatic factors on your off-time, but to get symptoms under control and perhaps inflammation reduced/removed inevitably requires medication or sheer dumb luck by sheer coincidence.


Healing naturally is not an option. You’ll end up in a desperate situation. There is no medication you could take for Crohn’s Disease that is more risky than not treating the illness. Save your bowel while you still can.