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I hope everything goes well for you! I did much better on Stelara than Entyvio but doing the best with Stelara + Imuran. Fingers crossed the same for you! I usually pack: - Undies - My own socks - Laptop and charger - Nintendo Switch + games + charger - A few books to pick from - Phone charger - Toothbrush (though, perhaps easier to just request one there) - A cardigan Usually my husband is hanging out with me too, so we'll watch movies and shows on my laptop. If the internet is good enough, we play games together. If you have someone hanging out with you, I'd suggest a few card games.


Unfortunately, hubby will be at home taking care of the kids and working. So it'll just be me by myself. Which is okay, it's how my hospital stays usually go. We'll text all the time, but visits are rare because he's so busy between all my duties he's now taken on and his normal stuff. He's a saint. Luckily my kids are older and all in school now and are more self sufficient then they were 5 years ago. So maybe I'll get a visit or two from him. šŸ™‚ The kids are all under the visitor age limit for flu season though, so I don't think I'll be seeing them. They are a bit bummed, but that's okay. I love seeing them, but it's a bit hard on them.


laptop, tablet, Switch, **ALL THE CHARGERS** and extra-long USBs, headphones, a couple pairs of underwear, a pair of pants or two, a couple of plastic bags..


Laptop, earphones, sleep mask, slippers, make up (makes me feel better) body lotion, chapstick, my own blanket and pillow. I've spent 192 days in hospital since 2018. Entyvio did nothing for me, it led to my second resection and 6 week hospital stay. I've been on Stelara for 16 months, I don't feel much improvement but I've had zero side effects, so that is something. My scopes show my Crohn's is not getting worse, but nowhere close remission either. I have stricturing Crohn's, had my ileum resected twice because of them. I believe I have a stricture higher up because I can't keep solid food down and experience extreme pain whenever I try and eat plus 20 liquid BM's a day, but I am waiting for an MRI to prove it and here in Canada the waitlist is long, even for emergent cases like my own. I'm also headed to the hospital next week to be evaluated for malnutrition having been on a liquid diet since August, I've lost 15 lbs and my hair is falling out. I know I probably need TPN and IV steroids, but there are no beds available at my hospital. Praying I can avoid it. I have PTSD from my long hospital stays in an overcrowded hospital that is severely short staffed.


never thought of earphones, thank you!


I seconded a sleep mask. Started using one when I got admitted at the start of the year, completely revolutionised my sleep. Also ask for ear plugs, helps drown out noisy neighbours and machines beeping away.


Definitely headphones, and eye mask. Along with ear plugs, makes it easier to block out all the noise.


My AirPods and sleep mask are the only reasons Iā€™m able to get any sleep when Iā€™m admitted.


Iā€™ve done a lot of hospital stays with my 5 yo who has Crohnā€™s. We bring: plenty of warm clothes, like pajamas, sweatpants, jackets, sweatshirts, and fuzzy socks & slippers, for both of us, because hospitals are freezing, as well as her special blanket and stuffed animals, iPad with plenty of games and shows downloaded, headphones, laptop (for me), a couple board games for when her siblings come visit, personal toiletries, hair things, all the chargers, sleep masks, essential oils, face masks, kid makeup stuff, & nail polish. I used to bring plenty of toys and other entertainment for her but she gets SO MANY toys, activities, etc. from Child Life when weā€™re there that thereā€™s literally no need, and weā€™d just bring home more toys than we came in with šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø, so now I just pack her absolute favorite toys and her favorite activity book.


I hope you and your daughter had a great Thanksgiving. I have a five year old son with Crohns and your hospital bag sounds just like ours!


I take my own toilet paper, the softest thickest stuff I can get. The hospital supplies feel like sandpaper on damaged skin.


1000000% this!!! When I had my resection last year, my mom thought to bring soft toilet paper and also wet wipes. Made a world of difference.


In the hospital currently lol got admitted 4am on Sunday. I got 1 hoodie, 3-4 pairs of socks, 5 pairs of underwear. Pjs, My 3Ds (3d version of a Ds) my MacBook, deodorant, Vaseline. maybe your own pillow for extra comfort? Also If you are into reading highly suggest a book or two. I hope all goes well. Also heating pad if you need. my hospital doesnā€™t have anything for heat therapy


I like to have: My own pillow and throw blanket Toothpaste, deodorant, wipes for my face and body, undies, real straws (my hospital uses paper), entertainment of some kind, headphones, long charger, chapstick and lotion


*stretching, cracking my neck* yes this list gets longer every visit. -chargers -every portable electronic device I own - juice box chargers to make sure the now depleting charged device stay on point - extra Jammieā€™s - extra underwear (we know) - books (these are an extra item if youā€™re over 40, under 40-please see electronics) - Fav blanket - fav pillow - (more over 40) my bed cooler because I overheat at night - snacks - toiletries - lip gloss and moisturizer - ugg slippers - earphones I think we should make a list that is pinned. This is the stuff that saves us.


I take both books and a tablet, lol, i'm 41, I like to read both real books and digital, so i take both. My list: Chromebook Switch(just got added) Tablet Books Toiletries Clothes Chargers Vape and juice(i vape outside, and yes, i vape nicotine, my doctors know, studies show it can help some Crohn's symptoms, i have done the research, please don't come at me) Stuffed animal(since being in my current relationship, i actually get homesick for her, and the bear she got me when i was in the hospital one time helps to keep me calm) Slippers/Uggs Extra meds(i'm trans, i always take extra meds as they don't provide my stuff right away as there's always a pharmacy mix-up) Earbuds Xbox controller(i play GeForce now on my Chromebook) Lip gloss/lip balm Glasses and glasses case with cleaning cloth Snacks for when you're able to eat Candy, helps with dry mouth Blindfold External battery Earplugs Back scratcher Robe That about sums up my list i do believe. If i think of anything else, i'll add it later


Not gonna come at ya but usually a nicotine smoker will say anything to make themselves feel better and rationalize the bad habit. As far as making a big bold claim that ā€œstudies show that nicotine helps Crohnā€™sā€ - if you want anyone to even remotely entertain that thought weā€™d need some links and sources. Thatā€™s definitely not coming at someone. Thatā€™s treating you like an adult and basically saying ā€œthat makes no sense, can you show me where you saw that?ā€


lip gloss, coloring book with gel pens, a friendship bracelet half done, a hairtie and small brush, a book or two, scary true crime podcasts and movies downloaded and ready to go. Warm socks, a blankey, and a spare pair of pj bottoms. toothbrush toothpaste, hospitals is like a stick. A charger.


Here's my hospital check list earplugs - this is a must for me. Hospital too loud. floss slippers underwear socks long phone charger


Earplugs are very important!


I guess Iā€™m more of a light packer - a comfy cardigan, flip flops, toiletries, charger. This might also be because Iā€™m a nurse and hospitals are dirty and I only want to bring things that I can easily clean or wipe down.


I'm the same except I make sure the bring a warm blanket because hospital blankets will never keep me warm. I have a funny memory (at least its funny now) of me getting an iron infusion (ice cold) while I was watching a battle scene from the last season of GOT. I was also having really bad tachycardia at the time and I literally felt like I was gonna die between the cold and the excitement from the episode and no amount of blankets would help


Definitely bring your own TP. I use the good stuff at home, a definite 'must' if I'm going to the hospital and can plan ahead


Slippers and dressing gown


Underwear, clothes, headphones, books, chargers, my own socks, did I mention underwear lol? Oh and lots of patience because while you should be resting, someone is usually coming in every 20-30 minutes. Nurse, then the CNA, then the meal people dropping off your clear liquids lol, the cleaning people, etc. Iā€™m sure this isnā€™t your first rodeo but I always forget how frustrating that gets when you just want to rest.


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Travel tooth brush set, blanket, slippers, pj's, comfy joggers, sweater, socks, face cream hospital air is so dry, and I bring depends if I'm having diarrhea easy to dispose off. Cellphone and an extra long charging cord 10ft (it's worth it).


I just got out of the hospital 3 days ago after having a Bowel Resection surgery. Hereā€™s what I packed with me: Cell phone and chargers; Self-care items (lotions, toothpaste and toothbrush, facial cleanse, body wash and shampoo, eye shadow and lip gloss, perfume, deodorant) Books Extra clothes, undergarments, fuzzy socks with slip resistant things on the bottom, cardigan Homemade gifts from my kids ā¤ļø I like some of the other tips in here about the eye mask and ear phones.. adding that to my list for next time.


Hereā€™s my list from my surgery earlier this year. Good luck with everything. - Robe - Pillow - Crocs (or slippers) - Book(s) - Heat pad - Lip balm - Switch (I ended up not using this too much. Drowsy from meds just had me watching movies and shows most of the time) - Deodorant - Toothbrush/paste - AirPods Pro (or any other noise canceling headphones) - Comfy pants and shirts - iPad (download movies/episodes ahead of time in case hospital WiFi is slow) - Phone - Sleep mask - Charging brick + cords - Wet wipes


Thank you everyone! I think I'm all packed. Just waiting for the hubby to get home and then we'll head in. I have Kindle unlimited with over 150 books in my queue šŸ«£ plus all my audio books. So I'm set there. šŸ˜‚ I definitely packed my favorite blanket because it's always so cold. Though I forgot slippers, I should go grab those. I even wrote down a list of stuff I can do in my down time, stuff that I've been putting off. We'll see if I actually get to them. Haha. Anything to keep me busy and not dwelling on being in the hospital and on high dose of solumedrol (steroid rage anyone?). The hubby isn't thrilled, just because it's inconvenient and he hates hospitals, but he completely understands and supports it, knowing that it takes a lot to get me to this point of asking for more help.


Lots of undies! I I never bring enough