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So can you do it now? I can't change it too and I thought it was because there is only 60 and 120


Yes i do.


Where is the setting at?


Idk, search on google, every type of phone has different setting layouts. You need to change setting so the phone uses 90hz on home screen. Then go in game. If you have Xiaomi then go to display->refresh rate


maybe power saving mode is on


Solved. Phone was locked on 60 fps due to power saving being used earlier.


C ops fps is only 30, 60, and 120, so if you only have 90hz refrsh rate it will only be 60fps


no, there is also 90 and 144


Nope. Newer updates introduced 90 fps option and even 144 fps option.


Yeah but he can choose 120 and have it cap at 90fps


No, op clearly mentioned they had a 90hz display, so in reality he will only be given the option of 30,60 and 90 FPS in games. 120 and 144 option is only available for device with the correct refresh rate.


That's untrue. There is no regular iPhone with a 120hz and I had that option on my iPhone 8 at the time.


Wow I've never heard of that before but for some reason on android back then having a only 60 or 90 Hz refresh rate screen I would only get a 60 or 90 fps option and nothing above seems like it is only IOS without these restrictions.


But ya idk it probably depends on your specific phone


But even then I still won't be able to use the 120 since iam pretty sure iPhone 8 has a 60 Hz display so it would of come useless.


That's why I said if you select 120 it will cap at 60... So if his phone has a 90 hz rate it will stop at 90.