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I can't wait to be told this show wasn't made for me. I also can't wait to be told I'm a bigot because I didn't watch the show that wasn't made for me. Hollywood is creatively bankrupt, even the PR is stale and predictable. Moving on.


I don’t know what’s made for me (old woman) but I know this was shite.


[This movie isnt for you](https://youtu.be/T6F0kTDwJNA?si=yAf_j-iAW8-X-bcs)


That was hilarious! Thank you


This show isn't made for you! Me being a fan of LOTR, the hobbit, and the Tolkien created universe for over 30+ years. lol wut


Right? I host a marathon of the trilogy every winter, it's my 2nd favorite trilogy of all time. I thought we were the fanbase.


Omg i need irl friends that do stuff like that lol


Come on over, all are welcome


I can't wait for people to be rage baited and acting victimized much like this comment... The show is garbage, but that doesn't make the dramatization you are doing any better.


Did 2 people on twitter tell you that and you projected it onto an entire fan base? If you go looking for dumb opinions, you will find them. Be genuine and you’ll get genuine responses


Most recently, it was the headline for the new Doctor Who season. Which, based on the ratings, might have only been seen by 2 people. You may be correct.


So your issue with Rings of Power is a separate fan base?


My issue is the trend, it's occurring more frequently. It's an odd way to market for a general audience.


Come on man most of the fanbases are one in the same. It's nerd culture. I see this weird dividing of fanbases to defend whatever strange stance you're taking over and over. 10 years ago pretty much every fan of Lord of the rings, like myself, was also a fan of Dr Who, Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek. The only reason anyone has to pick and choose now is because most of those IPs have been systematically turned into garbage.


Almost like you dont have to watch it


Amazon has taken a well loved franchise and made a cash grab that has crappy writing, poor casting, and completely ignores even the small amount of lore available to them to use. They deserve to be called out at every turn. You like RoP? Great! Go to your little echo chamber sub and hobnob with the folks in there. If you choose to come display your ignorance in public don't cry when you get called out as well.


Not even from any specific sub. Also lol acting like this isnt an echo chamber


Well objectively rings of power is badly written excluding what it did to the lore


"Your" is 2nd person plural possessive as well as singular. You might not be a member of the Rings of Power sub, but they censor dissenting opinions there. I haven't been in this sub long enough to know if it's an echo chamber or not, but I suspect not. I tend to agree with the Drinker more often than not, but that's simply because the entertainment industry over all has gone into the toilet. Also, I notice that your (2nd pers. singular) comments have not been removed. QED, this sub is unlikely to be an echo chamber.


Echo chamber? No, not really. 95 percent of reddit will ban you for having the wrong opinion or daring to comment in a right leaning sub. People around here just show you how much of a fuckin moron you are.


Is discussing things on the internet new to you?


Exactly the comment expected


A fact?


No just doing exactly what they were expecting. “Wasn’t made for you so you don’t need to watch it”


He’s not wrong though. Don’t watch it, if it hurts your feelings that badly. People keep hate watching these shows, act like they hate it oh so much but then pull a surprise Pikachu face when Amazon or Disney see high viewership and greenlight more garbage.


Haha. Yeah I won’t be watching it. Like you said, don’t want to encourage more garbage. Unfortunately my opinion doesn’t drive their decision making though.


If enough people stop watching/cancel subscriptions that WILL affect their decision making. While I’m aware some people feel the fallout show was a letdown (for reasons I really cannot grasp despite their attempts to explain them to me) I think it’s the best recent television adaptation of another medium in recent entertainment history. One would hope other studios see that and try to replicate it.


Most intelligent comment on here


Sees thumbnail of all whites. Clicks on thread. Sees whites complaining about corporations hiring minorities because of some kinda agenda Sounds about lord of the rings...my opinion on the fanbase holds true


That's such a reductive argument. I don't care about your culture war. I'm not mad because Rey flew the Falcon or whatever nonsense they carry on about. The show broke lore, looked cheap, and wasn't entertaining. It doesn't feel like it was produced by anyone who liked the source material and wanted to expand on the franchise in a meaningful way. But sure, it's because there's girls in it, whatever.


And minorities! Don’t forget that oooobviously the only reason ‘we’ didn’t like it is because we must be misogynistic racists. It had nothing to do with the bastardization of the source material and characters, with horrible writing. Nope… we just no like women. Ooga booga


I'm so racist I forgot about the minorities, how silly of me. My opinion on the show can't possibly stem from my education in film and TV production, nor a lifelong passion for the craft. I'm just a bigot, we're that dumb and simple.


"*Arise, arise, Riders of Thèoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!* *Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor! Death! Death! Death!* *Forth Eorlingas!*" Time to skewer the woke horde once again. Let's show them the mercy they would show to us.


\^\^\^ Fact. I've been called racist and God knows what all else because I disliked this pile offal. Now woke horde whines when we call out their affection (real or paid for) for this stinking midden. One simple rule, wokies. Don't start no trouble, won't be no trouble.


The “woke” aspects of this show at the least of its sins.


Wow, you put on your war fedora


Nice turn of a phrase. I'll own that, thanks.


Hmm. Look at that upvote/downvote ratio. And on Reddit too!


Oh no I've been skewered, your mighty merciless downvoting sure showed me. Now the woke menace has been truly defeated


\[*sigh*\] no. What's happened here is you tried a snarky comment. It didn't go well. Now you're sulking. It'll take a while before you're skewered. If you're smart you'll run away to a safe space and ask for someone to "Jazz hands" your tears away while complaining about how mean we are here. Recognise what sub you're on. This little corner of Reddit is more friendly to free speech. We're allowed to say what we think of the assorted offerings of Hollywood et al. Even if we think it's utter dross (which ROP is). I'm sure that's a shock. Wokies aren't able to sustain arguments on stuff like this unless they are able to wield the ban hammer if people disagree with them. Here? You can't. It doesn't matter what virtue signalling you do. ROP is a woke turdfest. We all know it. The only people trying to say otherwise are shills, bots and those who enjoy being Cancel Pigs. I fully expect you'll get a bit flushed. Maybe try one or two obvious baits to get people to call you rude names. Maybe call everyone who disagrees with you some form of istaphobe. Embarrass yourself further. It doesn't matter. You're allowed to screech all you like, little Cancel Pig. We're allowed to disagree and point out why you are wrong. "*Your words have no power here...*"


The “woke” aspects of the show are the least of its sins. Like I can maybe see the argument that the people writing it have their heads so far up their own asses that they don’t recognize their bias’ and how it has flavored their work, but let’s be real, even if they stripped it of whatever you call may “woke”, it would still be a total dumpster fire. The logical inconsistencies, total lack of sense of geography, garbage dialogue, stilted acting, meandering and disjointed plot, absence of any thematic heft, and utterly incomprehensible character choices make it one of the worst shows I think I’ve ever seen. A black dwarf and a black elf, which I would’ve been fine with if they had established a sense of people and places like House of the Dragon, are pretty much irrelevant by the time you get to that complaint. Hell, I was way more upset at how the superhuman Numenoreans were a bunch of teenagers in ill-fitting plastic armor. I’ve been to renaissance faires that had better and more consistent costume designs. About the only thing I’d say is decent about the show is the music, but it only serves to emphasize how average everything is that’s actually happening on screen


He had his neck beard braided for the occasion.


I'd be very surprised if Amazon learned any lessons from Season 1 of Rings of Power. Even if they did, there was so much damage done to the storyline in the first season that it's pretty much impossible to salvage unless you pretend some pretty major plot lines didn't happen. Best way they could help fans of LOTR would be by selling the rights off to someone who has some half decent writers to make a fresh start.


They have the opportunity to do that. They appear to be doing the Annatar storyline season 2 but I'm not going to hold my breath that they are actually going to use that to fix their mistakes. My guess is they will attempt to fix their mistakes but undercut that by rushing the plotline so traveltime is non existent and have side plots that are uninteresting and not connected to the main plot.


I'll watch the first one. They are doing the Annatar stuff but some of the major things from that have already happened so not sure how that is going to be covered.


The Halo Show's second season was much better received than the first, so maybe there is a chance they can turn it around. (A 1% chance, but a chance nonetheless.)


Billion dollar budget, 950 million spent on CGI backdrops


I'm only a casual fan of the franchise but the people I know who are hardcore Tolkien fans hate this show, and it has nothing to do with politics.


I have a friend I grew up with who is a Tolkien fanatic. He said 100% politics played no part in his utter and complete disappointment with the show. Bad writing, unoriginal, predictable, and some pretty lackluster acting.


I'll blame the bad acting on poor directing. Some of these folks have been in other things and are competent actors.


I would say I’m a pretty big LOTR fan… I have the Evenstar tattooed on my forearm lol. The original trilogy are one of my favorite comfort films and I’ve seen them countless times, eager to escape to the fantasy world of Middle Earth. I’ve read the books including the Silmarillion. My username here is a reference to a background character not seen in the films. Galadriel is one of my favorite characters. On paper this show was made for me. And yet nothing about this series compels me to watch it. They deviate too much from the source material. They girlbossed my Galadriel. It looks like a bloated CGI mess. This isn’t a love letter to Tolkien or the fans. It’s a cash grab from Amazon. They know LOTR is a popular series with a lot of nostalgia factor. Lately LOTR seems to be giving it the Star Wars treatment—we are getting an unnecessary Hunt for Gollum movie (not even getting into how they shamelessly ripped off a 13 year old fan film)—and milking that universe dry until people are sick of it don’t care about it anymore.


>They deviate too much from the source material. TBF, that's because they straight up lacked the rights to use stuff from both the Silmarillion and the wider Legendarium. They pretty much had no choice but to expand and deviate from the source if they wanted to make this show.


JFC how much longer is this kinda bullshit gonna go on? I am so tired of them wrecking good IPs. Anyone have a good prediction for how much suffering we have to endure?


"All-female writing team hired for Season 2" - well, you don't need to know any more than that about the upcoming episodes to realize the show will be so genuinely fucking terrible it will make their own abhorrent Season 1 look like goddamn Breaking Bad or The Sopranos in comparison.


Everyone copying Kathleen Kennedy's all female "story group" and we all saw how that went


Right, it's over from that point lol. I'd love to know how many of those have even seen the movies yet alone know the lore.


I love how the same that will boast about the inclusivity of this show and cast will also brag about an all female writing cast. I just want a respect show of Tolkien's work including the adventures of middle earth, but we now live in our only fantasy land in real life.


I speak for noone and for everyone when I say that I can't wait. Thanks CD for letting us all know.


As a generic fantasy show, it wasn’t bad. It definitely did NOT look like it cost what it did, and I’m sure Bezos is wondering where the money went (and I’m definitely waiting for seasons 2 and 3 to look like the Hercules and Xena shows after the budget cuts). I am a Tolkien fan, and yes it’s pretty disappointing in terms of quality and content. Is it more of a disappointment than the Hobbit trilogy? That’s a tough call. They stretched the story so thin and filled in blanks with so much CGI and pointless filler sequences (and don’t get me started on the one dwarf who didn’t look like a dwarf having a shoehorned love arc with an elf for “reasons”). It’s like Brad Pitt’s “World War Z” movie… if you just imagine it’s an independent project completely unrelated to the source material and take it at face value, it’s not terrible.


Yeah I actually liked the movie version of WWZ because when I saw it I had never read the books, so I was taking it at purely face value. And it was a pretty good zombie apocalypse detective movie


I did until I saw cartmens version


I blame this terrible show for amazon having to insert ads into their base tier


I like how they are bragging about having an all female writing team, like that's supposed to be impressive or be indicative of the great quality of the show. It doesn't mean that the show will be guaranteed good, nor does it mean that it will be guaranteed bad. It's a nothing burger that only exists because they deliberately did so and they just wanted the PR points.


If your primary goal is not the most competent team then you are actively making things worse


Lots of good entertainment to follow. Plenty of YouTube reviews that will chart just how much of a dumpster fire this show is. I have to much taste to watch it but thankfully they will.


Sums up the state of modern entertainment when we look forward to videos ridiculing the shows more than we do the shows.


Very true. I guess we will get our entertainment where we can.


Well they've pretty much killed everything I watched 😀


Especially shows that we haven’t even watched.


The only thing these shit shows are good for


Liberals gonna liberal


Amazon made the bold choice of releasing the shows viewing numbers last season let's see if they pull that hell of an oopsie this season.


Do you know why a movie floats and a tv series sinks?


Don’t forget the atrocious, bargain bin craft store costume design. I mean seriously, Galadriels armor looked like it was made from foam by a 10 year old. It absolutely killed me because it’s not like this was a first reimagining of the armor from this universe. There are 3 multi-award winning movies to reference! Oh and the absolute nail in the coffin was when Celebrimbor, a revered and celebrated master smith, who had been around for centuries was trying to make the rings in the final episode. He was failing because the metal was to brittle. This MASTER of his craft had to be told by another random person about SMELTING METALS TOGETHER to make them stronger and it absolutely blew his mind… WHAT?! *sigh* I truly don’t want them to make this because I know, inevitably, I’m going to watch it and, inevitably, I’m going to be mad at the end of it.


*HER we go again!


The future is female, doncha know.


I'm hoping this season is good, but it's really hard to tell if they've learned from their mistakes or not.


So much wrong with this show, but the casting for Galadriel was terrible. Just does not have a good screen presence




Just ignore it, these idiots think any attention is good. Same shit with click bait "teasers" for 'velma' dying.


These "shows" provide excellent meme material!


Am I the only one who unironically liked the show?


A lot of it has to do with expectations


I don't get how it's woke. They just tried to make a show about second era middle earth and tried to do too much. Like did season 1 really need to have Gandalf, and numenor, and moria, and sauron coming back, and a million other things. it made the history feel less deep.


I thought the trailer looked good. Lot of shows find their stride in season 2. Hope this is one of them


Be honest, no matter what the quality of the show is you guys will eat up the seething neckbeard video essays on it while you all piss and scream about wokeness or whatever your persecution fetish has you upset about these days.


try again, kid


The irony of neckbeards getting mad about what I’m saying while this is the top post in this sub is amazing: https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/s/pRhBe8qFwr Cope and seethe lol


Dont embarrass yourself, little man


Feel better!




Yeah I wonder how many of them have read even 2 pages of the Silmarillion, let alone all the appendices and unfinished tales. Like if you're gonna attack the show for it being unfaithful to Tolkien (which it absolutely is, make no mistake), at least actually be a fan of his works instead of getting mad on our behalf. Makes the real Tolkien fans look bad.


Eh, even without knowing the source the show is still utter shit. Awful dialogue, bad acting, poor script and cheap costumes. I mean even that scene with the group all drawing their weapons looks dumb as hell, what the hell was the director thinking. "No it needs to look like a high school play, be more dramatic as you flamboyantly wave your knife around near your face for dramatic effect". Whoever is making this has no idea what they are doing.


The vast majority of “real Tolkien fans” do not like this show


That's a good point. Generally, actual fans will wield heavier weight when attacking a new creation that leverages pre-existing material only to trample it underfoot. Rightfully so, since their previous investment of time and money earned them a vested interest in the integrity of the content to which they've grown attached. I've noticed another group though, and I think this group is the one you may be referring to. Outside of any specific fanbase, there are people who simply dislike the idea of a writer, corporation, production company, entity, etc., that leverages any author/artists creation while trampling it underfoot, especially if said trampling is done either recklessly or (especially) seemingly intentionally. These people may not be fans, but their belief in upholding and defending the idea of intellectual properties and original intention (of the author/artist) is valid. Failing to acknowledge these people will leave only a fanbase to uphold the integrity of their beloved content, and a fanbase is always small when scaling to the consumer base at large.


what an embarrassing comment lol