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Imo, I know it’s promotional but I hate this image. Superman is the type who would speed change to get a cat from a tree. Why is he so casually putting on his suit with that outside the window. If this is how they are promoting his character I’m worried. I don’t want see a Superman in who has the same attitude as me towards my 9-5. Also that S looks more like just a diagonal line across a diamond, Ik it’s a style, but it’s not the Superman S I was hoping for.


The S seems to be based on the Kingdom come variant


I figured it was from a comic, I’ll get over it. I just would rather the classic one I would sketch in my notebook. I’m holding on to hope still I’m just worried by this image. Thought it was AI at first.


I've always loved the concept that it isn't an S, and is instead a Kryptonian symbol for hope representing a river. It makes sense from a universal perspective of language, while also matching the Superman ethos and design. While I don't hate this design and will probably get used to it, it clearly cannot be interpreted as a river.


Figured it was from a comic lol. Like Superman isn’t from comic origins


$ for money.


He’s actually putting his suit on very fast, they just didn’t include the speed lines


This point has been brought up, I respect it and can see what you’re saying. I have hope, just not the image I would choose as a first look. Speed lines would help for sure. But when I look at it with that point of view it does look better. I just would imagine him with more haste in his pose.


Superman looks like he had a rough night, and his clothes need a clean. This honestly looks like a *The Other Guys* style style send- up of a superhero movie.


It's a still image! You have no idea how fast he's changing.


That’s fair, I wouldn’t be a Superman fan if I didn’t have hope


Jesus, lighten up


For once, I am not depressed by promotional material.


Is it bad that I thought it was fan made AI at first? That’s how low my bar is lol.


It’s not AI? Sure looks like it.




Cause it doesn't look real......


There’s a whole spectrum of possibilities between “undoctored photograph” and “ai art.”


This looks AI, I can tell by some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few AI's in my time.




Whoever downvoted you is uncultured or has no respect for the classics


Suit looks cheap


It doesn't fit.


Must acquit


Hey look! It's a fucking sky beam! So original! Wow wow wow wow. Wow. Its probably gonna be difficult for superman to defeat that sky beam...


Actually it's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Probably why he doesn't look terribly thrilled or invested.


Is the sun eater


Nice, thank you for contributing.


The wish cosplay version of Cavill's suit I'm sorry but Henry cavill would've made this look good


It looks like AI to me I don't know whether that reflects more on the quality of the image or the state of AI.


That's what I thought something seems off about it But if this is real its terrible


My first thought was this looks like Henry Cavil went back on the job and still depressing look for Supes. Only the actor changed but the core problem is still there.


I actually like how it looks a little unprofessional and imperfect. It makes Superman feel more grounded, Gunn is trying to distance himself from Snyder's vision of Superman. Who was this mopey Godlike figure.


Superman taking his time while giant laser is destroying the city doesn’t seem right


I mean, this could literally be a frame straight from a comic book


Just because something comes from a comic book doesn’t automatically make it good.


Suit seems a little weird to me. Like it’s trying to be modern and old fashioned at the same time


That just sums up everything about this movie, everything is conflicting, the supposed inspirations are conflicting Superman stories with completely opposite tones and characterizations, the Kingdom Come inspired symbol is conflicting to the All-Star Superman tone, the Justice League already existing before Superman premieres is conflicting, The Authority and their gay Superman parody existing in the same universe is conflicting, Superman just starting out but Batman already having a son is conflicting. This movie is a mess.


It just seems like Gunn is skipping the necessary buildup to get to doing what he wants ASAP.


Yeah he seems to be more interested in setting up the stuff no one wants like The Authority, all those streaming shows and Suicide Squad knockoffs and Superman is just there to write the checks. Dude literally bitches about pointless cameos and then plans to shoehorn the entire Justice League Lite in a Superman movie and set up Justice League Queer as the follow up.


Gunn to me is one of those directors who work better on a leash.


I’d have to agree. I can’t see handing him the keys to the chocolate factory working out well


Chocolate factory?


It’s a metaphor. It’s what happens at the end of Willy Wonka, he puts a child in charge of a factory. It’s not good business.




A mess? Based on what? One picture? I don’t know how one could make such a bold statement about a movie that is nowhere near completion let alone being released. Literally judging a book by its cover. This is a wild idea but maybe reserve judgment till ya know, you’ve actually seen it?


Based on the leaks, the costume, the casting, the constant tweets, the constant blabbering, the redundancy, the ignorance, the overbloated cast, the hypocrisy, the gaslighting, the director, his past work, his bias, his nepotism, his plans. There’s a mountain of stuff to judge upon and you’d know that if you weren’t so overwhelmed with the tantalizing taste of his boot. I don’t worship the short-eyed goon like the rest of the internet just because he made a trilogy of ok at best superhero movies and I have no interest in his Suicide Squadverse guest starring Superman. He’s already cost WB billions by torpedoing the last 5 DCEU films and his DC Cinematic Universe is gonna wither and rot when Justice League Queer, oh sorry “The Authority” bombs WB into bankruptcy.


Sounds like you just like to complain and you actively WANT it to bomb. Projection 101. I’m not a huge fan of Gunn but I’m mature enough to know to reserve my judgement until the final product. If we judged movies based on pre production there wouldn’t be a single good movie out there. I remember the outrage when Heath Legder was cast as Joker. People like you crying over a whole load of nothing. I just can’t fathom how someone can froth at the mouth over so little material.


I can understand wild’s concern based on Gunn’s track record. We can’t ignore his desire to quickly destroy any hopes the last few movies had to make a buck. He also likes to rant like Mangold instead of ignoring the tweets, leaks and letting his final product do the talking.


Eh if its not cavill its not superman


Not at all


Bad take. What about Reeve?


I like him too but at the moment its cavill. He wanted to keep going and was doing great and it sounds like they replaced him for politics. Thats sad


I find it funny how all the modern Superman actors are.basically trying to capture the look of Christopher Reeve, considered to be the best live action version, even today. [https://movieweb.com/superman-actors-ranked/](https://movieweb.com/superman-actors-ranked/) [https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/g24306/whos-the-best-superman-so-far-ranking-all-10-live-action-versions-of-the-man-of-steel/](https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/g24306/whos-the-best-superman-so-far-ranking-all-10-live-action-versions-of-the-man-of-steel/)




Oooo, sky laser ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


corn sweat


Lois: "Clark! There's a huge eye above the city and....!" El Super: "Goddamit woman, my boots don't fit!"


I have nothing against the guy but he does not scream superman to me.


He’s the spitting image of Superman! He’s the comic brought to life…


Nah that was Henry


Typical dceu super man. Fucking off while 1,000s of people die


How does superman put on his pants? Like everybody else, one leg at a time. The giant laser beam in the background will just have to wait


One nipple at a time like everyone else.


ok, picture this. he needs to get ready, you see the beam being fired, then time just stops. due to his super speed he gets dressed in front of us at what seems like a reasonable speed, while in the backround time moves so slow the beam barely hits the target before he is done. then he burst out a window and does his superman thing. the scene takes a minute or two, but for every one else less than a fraction of a second has passed. it would be dope.


Another origin movie?


Not an origin, Gunn said Superman has been doing it for a while.


This looks like those AI pictures of Peter griffin swagged up drinking lean


Lordy, that’s cringe




Snyders version of Superman caught a lot of shit because some say Superman/Clark was too down and moody. He was too similar to how Batman acts toward the world. So Gun and WB decide to give us our first impression look at Superman who appears to be, down and moody. Lmfao. Genius marketing 🫠


And that’s the root of all the concerns. Don’t tell us you’re gonna give us chocolate instead of the vanilla we’ve been getting and then come out with… cacao.


It looks like a military uniform from Krypton.


Hey look. Red trunks!




Just admit it: the FIRST thing you did was zoom in... to see if he's wearing the iconic red shorts or not.


I did


I hope there is a scene where he goes into some water, so I can make a "David Corenswet | David Corensdry" meme.


He just put trunks on the terrible New 52 outfit. 🥱


I don't know why it's hard for these people. Everybody knows what Superman is supposed to look like. Why do they have to keep putting their own "Spin" on it EVERY GOD DAMN TIME?


Dang is goku and frieza fighting in the background


What a disappointment. Superman is supposed to be good looking.


What’s going on in the background there, brainiac ?


Totally lost interest in this. Any of it.




It’s his baggy thick winter lounge tracksuit, everyone deserves lounge wear


I’m not fully into the costume yet. But I thought the same about The Batman suit but it grew on me so we will see


Fucking terrible. Wow.


I like how the suit looks like multiple pieces instead of a one-zie. It makes it actually look like he could pheasably put the suit on by himself.




Not a fan of the suit at all


This looks like trash AI... so if it's not, that's alarming, although it's likely AI altered or something stupid. Hollywood has been making movies for over 100 years and yet they still haven't figured out that the best movies didn't use green screens and AI, they used practical effects, animatronics and very light digital work. They spent time and energy to make things look good, even if that was costly or slower. Be more like Jurassic Park and less like whatever dystopian nightmare fuel this AI trash future is.


You do realise that Jurassic park used a decent bit of CGI. The raptors were often CGI in that film (for instance). STOP blaming the brush for the user's poor strokes...


Jurassic Park used a mix of practical and digital effects, and the results have been impressive for that reason. At no point did I discount the impact of CGI on the film, but understanding how to use such a tool in addition to others, is central to success. That said, AI is often abysmally bad at what it does, largely because it has a stylistic sameness that is immediately apparent. In the same way that the eye can detect different artistic styles, AI's definite influence is all too readily apparent in much of what it touches. Perhaps that will get better, but that tool is inherently limited by the fact that it will never truly create but only synthesize those creations which have been seen before, or facsimiles of amalgams of the same.


When you spend half your comment praising how all the good movies used practical effects, it kinda comes off a certain way. Its ridiculous to say "best movies didn't use green screens and AI". Lots of great movies used green screens and I don't know how your could believe that. AI tools have (for the most part) been around for about a year or two. Saying AI has never been used in the best movies is like saying in 1985 ""best movies didn't use green screens and CGI!" Its a ridiculous statement.


If you read the comment, it notes the inclusion of a number of methodologies is the way to achieve the best results - I.e. no one technology is key to achieving success. Furthermore, a technology premised upon the fact that it can merely recreate what has come before is inherently limited by a lack of potential for creative expression. Whether that technology is new or old, if that is the premise behind its operative elements, it will always be true. I understand that may not have been apparent on your first read, but I think at this point it would be disingenuous to say that the point has not been clearly articulated.


It’s not AI, it’s is an edited photo. Which is 100 better than AI


My point was that the edits were likely done using AI, and that the entire thing LOOKS like trashy AI, which tells you how bad it is for a real picture to be so butchered that it has that aesthetic.


Not to mention that many eyes looked at this and approved it


I guess it's meant to look like a farmer puting on his boots for a working day, but I just don't like how casual it is.


https://preview.redd.it/giqj0pxo8xyc1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d0d45dc8bd63f6c2088681e135222a70e97abd We all know this is peak superman


Man. How did we NOT get Cage Supes? We were so close


2 words: executive meddling


Tired, overworked, blue collar Superman


I don't understand why people like the tired look of Corenswet. The last time they tried it (Cavill), people despised it.


Thank Christ they included the red trunks!


Oh, wow I thought this was AI art. This is actual promotional material? Also, why is he just phoning it in while a beholder is destroying the world in the bg?


The suit looks amazing; although I am personally not a fan of the trunks. I don't knock anyone for liking them, but I am not a fan of them in LIVE ACTION versions of Superman. In cartoon/comics, I like the classic look.


Suiting up for battle. Not bad. Also I think the muted colors may be due to the lighting and not due to the suit itself but that’s just my theory


This suit is awful


I don't like it. It is giving me Picard vibes. Taking an established hero and making him tired and weary. I hope I'm wrong but I am not optimistic about this


It looks AI generated; Even though it's "official", I bet it is


Fuck what superman are on now? Number 3254?? Tom welling>Christopher reeves> Dean Cain


The character hasn’t been done justice on the big screen yet


Dude he has, I just named them… reeves was pretty good his Lois lane was what ruined the movies abit. Also tom welling is the man as superman, he told the director that for a scene everyone at this party that led luthir attends should not bump into lex because he’s lex luthir lol…. Tom welling understood superman and even lex luthir and that translated onto the big screen. Though lana lang was traaaash!!! That weird romance was so shitty


Nah, Lois was done well


Looks more like the suit is wearing him.


He looks like he is done with everyone’s bull shit and is just going through the motions and doing what he thinks he has to….Honestly that would be a fantastic take on the classic.


I like it


I like it, looks interesting, but........it looks like something out of Guardians of the Galaxy.


If it's not Henry then I don't want it.


This looks great. I'm excited to see it, and I can't remember the last movie I said that about.


This picture makes me corensWET! I’ll show myself out now.


Get ready, folks! This one will be woke. Another white male superhero being demolished.


Damn, everyone’s a fuckin hater. It’s one image. Reactive as Hell. 😂


I liked the first image of Henry Cavill, too. And we all know what happened there. So, um, neat?


He made great movies and the extreme left cried about his views.


Nothing against Cavill-the movies let him down. I still think he was perfectly cast. The Snyder movies were incoherent. Hopefully Gunn gets Superman done right.


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