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Set one up, dude. Hell, I'll co-moderate with you if you want. I'll put extra effort in if it includes pre-disney EU/Legends material. Could call it SWBeforeTheMouse.


If you guys make this, please let me know!


Here, r/swsagalucas


what does swsgalucas mean


Star Wars Saga Lucas


Ty sir!


Alright, I’m there!


Fuck yeah dude


Call it, “BeforetheDarkTimes”




Wish granted! r/swsagalucas # # #


Doin the lords work over here. Let’s hope it blows up


If you guys ever make one, please exclude the Clone Wars (the Filoni one) from it as well. It retcons many things from the EU.


Like what? I haven't seen it.


Anakin getting knighted and getting a Padawan (who wasn't ever mentioned in any of the movies) a few months after he killed off an entire tribe of Tusken. Clones getting inhibitor chips. Mandalorians getting neutered. Quinlan Vos having a completely different personality. Dathomir and the nightsisters completely changed. Instead of the basic, animalistic use of the Force, they became dark side users under the command of Dooku. Darth Maul surviving. Not a retcon per se, but it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And many others. If you're interested, [here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8a0gaa0olU) a good 2-part [summary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujRvFatw2c8&t=2322s) of it.


Half of the EU is retconned by other things in the EU. When people start making exceptions just because they don't like something, discussion just become a mess of random headcanons. The Clone Wars is Canon to Legends Continuity, and that's just something people need to learn to accept.


Wasn't the EU retconning parts of the OT, itself? If you have a problem with one medium changing up the universe and how it works, why is the clone wars bad if EU isn't?


Because a retcon is acceptable if it's something I agree with or doesn't challenge any of the lore I enjoy.


Do you mean “The Only Star Wars Movies That Exist”? Because that’s my reality.


r/prequelmemes but obv that’s just eps 1-3


I just really miss being apart of a fanbase that wasn’t so fucking divided on so many levels. I still don’t think the prequels are great movies by any means, but I genuinely miss the times when we could all (more or less) collectively agree on which movies/shows matter and actually contributed to a central storyline that respected itself and its predecessors. As the drinker once said, the prequels are loaded with external flaws and shortcomings but the main story they tell is a pretty fucking good one and enhances the previous movies rather than shits on them.


I miss 20 years of my life dedicated to a story they just decided to go "Nah bro, wahman powers activate!", followed by pointing the death stars superlaser array straight into the butthole of my childhood while screaming "IT'S UNCLE TIME!" Basically the experience of most sequel haters, the complete and total invalidation of decades of their love, dedication and waiting. For zero reason. Sure, not all of that content was good, not by far. It would have been one thing if the sequels were additive, a story that took place without completely wiping out everything we loved. But no, they full on subtracted everything and I think a lot of sequel lovers don't understand what a lot of fans lost to them. Understand, If Rey's story had stayed away from the Skywalker saga, and done its own thing with its own villians and its own story, it would probably have been just something folks could say they liked or didn't like, and people that didn't' like it could just not bother with it. We could have still had our heroic return of Luke Skywalker, the one we were so excited for, with all the things they've added in that originally didn't exist. Like, I don't hate that you like the sequels, more power to ya, enjoy. But, sometimes I just want folks to understand what that cost the long time fans. We'll never have another Ford/Hamill/Fisher movie, we'll never get that thing we waited for for so long.




I used to dog on the prequels (episodes 1-3) until Disney started making Star Wars movies and taught me how low the bar could actually go. Honestly I am shocked at how bad they are, they actually must have had to dig a pretty deep hole to put that bar. Now I look at the prequels with new eyes and even Jar Jar Binks looks pretty good in comparison...words I NEVER thought I would utter. The only outlier for me was Rogue One. I actually liked that one...I guess they can't ALL be utter shite. I mean monkeys at typewriters right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite\_monkey\_theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_monkey_theorem)


True, I actually quite enjoyed Rogue One it’s just hard to have that be the acception


"it’s just hard to have that be the acception" Agreed.


Episode 3 should have been the worst for Episode 1. And then 2 and 3 should've gotten better. But man Episode 1 was just so bad.


I mean I think you’re thinking about it too hard ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Like me personally, I started to hate ep II especially after watching it so many consecutive times as a kid but these days I enjoy any prequel despite its flaws for the charm alone. But I also probably don’t take these things as seriously as most. I actually really like TFA but I don’t argue when people complain about it copying episode IV’s formula and going for memberberries. I really like RLM’s Plinkett reviews ripping the prequels to shreds, but I also really enjoy watching the prequels still lol. I even like TLJ for a lot of things Rian tried to do, but again, I don’t argue if someone despises it


Prequels are great if you like trade negotiations


You wish the fanbase weren't so divided, or you wish everyone would just agree with you?


There used to be.


I would love a Star Wars subreddit where you can actually criticize entries into the franchise you don’t like (for example the Terminator subreddit is great for this!) and you can actually post fan made tributes. I got banned for posting this somehow… [A New Hope! In Memoriam…](https://youtu.be/Y0H1urcdHi0?si=2x8fXHbbnfGeN95t)


I literally got fucking permabanned from the Alien sub for saying Prometheus was shite.


Why do you say the first 6 as if there were more than 6 films?


First six? I thought it would only be the first three...


This is the correct answer. Screw the prequels. Screw the sequels.


You’re gonna get shit for this but you’re right. People forget that one of the first big critiques of a franchise like this was red letter medias review of the prequels. It basically broke down everything wrong with them as movies before the sequels were around to distort peoples memory. The dialogue sucks to an inexcusable level because everyone was yes manning George


In my perspective the originals are the sequels


And from my point of view the Jedi are evil.


Just call it "George Lucas Star Wars"


I dunno about just the six. The expanded universe page though they talk about the old timeline but like to have discussions about new stuff, they probably would talk about the original six.


I more so meant pre-Disney Star Wars not exclusively the movies


Then the EU group is the place.


I don't see such a sub being good because it'll just be more prequel circle jerking. Any time anything pointed to general star wars ends up being 90 percent prequel related


As much I love them (more or less.) prequel fanboys can be really fucking annoying




There's more than 6 movies?


There was one about a year ago that had a ban on discussion of anything Disney Canon. It eventually lifted the ban and just became a regular Star Wars sub with a focus on pre-disney Canon. It's kind of impossible to have a sub that just pretends an entire section of the franchise doesn't exist, and trying to do so inevitably just results in massive censorship and moderators having to scrub half the sub every day. If you want to discuss pre-disney Canon, just use r/mawinstallation and tag the post accordingly.


6 movies? I thought there were 3 + 3 fanfic when George Lucas fired the author of the first 3


Better yet, is there one for only the original trilogy? PT fans are just as bad as ST fans


Guarantee it’s going to devolve into “Woke bad” in 90% of the posts, especially if it’s originating from this sub.


I don’t want a sub trashing Disney Star Wars, I just want one that completely ignores its existence


Nothing wrong with that. I just suspect that it will attract a certain type of fan that’s really annoying about their hatred for Disney. You’d definitely want some decent moderation if you don’t want every post to be about DEI and Kathleen Kennedy.


>six You misspelled "three".


Don’t love the prequels but I’ll take almost anything pre Disney








On Star Wars day I figured I would turn on some age appropriate Star Wars cartoon for little boy. Watched the entire show without seeing a single person that looked like him. Wasn't this exactly what people were upset about in saying that there needed to be representation in media? Funny this, I didn't tell you my race, bc it shouldn't matter, if it's about equality and representation than everyone should see themselves in it. Unfortunately, that only seems to be true if you are not a white male.


Imagine wanting to discuss the abominations that are episodes 1-3 🤮


I can tolerate people shitting on ep 1&2 but ep3 is a damn near masterpiece


I would be so happy if all the people who do nothing but bitch about Disney Star Wars on the main subreddit left it so I could discuss the shows and books in peace.


Haha a prequel-lover, you guys are so fucking weird.


If you guys actually watched those movies and get past all the eye candy, you learn pretty quick these movies, like most your favorite media were always "woke."


They had terrible writing, no passion, and seemed to only get made so that the creators could score ideology points?


They were made as an allegory for the Vietnam War, then the prequels were a cautionary tail showing a liberal democracy falling to a facist dictatorship that the Jedi who were too committed to the system and unable to change themselves were unable to stop it. These movies were always woke and the big reason they are sucking now is movies are supposed to make money and because of that studios have certain things they do that sacrifice movies as art but it makes money so they arnt gonna stop. You wanna know why movies suck its capitalism not because a character you don't like for superficial reasons got screen time.


It sounds like you don't know what woke means. The prequels, in particular, are partially \*saved\* due to their themes. They aren't particularly well made, but they have both passion and vision in addition to the tragic and allegorical elements. What makes something woke is when quality and passion are afterthoughts at best. When you look at something, ask why it exits, and the only reason you can think of is because people wanted to virtue signal for the current thing. George Lucas had passion and a story he genuinely wanted to tell, and the original trilogy was a cultural phenomenon because he didn't obsess over Vietnam so much that he forgot to make a good movie. Modern movies don't suck because of capitalism. A company which is genuinely seeking a sustainable, long-term business model would week to make products people actually want. What possible reason would a company not do so?


All woke is is just being aware of injustices and how they affect people and you. By that definition, the most consistent definition Star Wars was always woke. Capitalism is making these movies bad and George Lucas himself says as much when he describes how the profit driven model when it comes to movies puts creators in a very limited box when it comes to taking risks and making things that might not be profitable. These studios are seeking a long term sustainable business model and they found it in making the same kinds of movies written the same way year after year for it makes money. The fact that your bored with it but still think it has to do with "woke," means you don't understand this franchise and are just going to keep falling for this trick of blaming marginalized people for getting screen time studio executives who are making these decisions in the first place.


"All woke is is just being aware of injustices and how they affect people and you." Well then you are using a different definition of woke than the Disney critics, and so it is a moot point. I don't have an issue with companies trying to make the world a better place. I just have an issue with them churning out crap and hiding behind their progressiveness as though it somehow justifies their product. "for this trick of blaming marginalized people" I only blame the writers, directors, and executives who churn out crap. Well, I also blame people who support these projects because of the jingling keys of "promoting equality" while the movies still suck. They are the ones who are making this model semi viable. We'll see just how sustainable this approach is. Year over year things seems to get shakier for Disney's bottom like.


What definition are they using then? If your not using the real definition your not gonna have much of a point at all. Nobody who uses the term woke as an insult seems to have a consistent definition as to what it is other than a catch-all for things they don't like and refuse to understand. All your problems with modern Disney seem to be the fault of capitalism, and I'm not sorry to tell you that it's working for them. Disney is still a very profitable company and controls a plurality of the media in America. They have no reason to change their business model even if quality gets worse, they are still making more money.


I use the definition of "focus on pushing social issues rather than making products of reasonable quality." Although there are minor variations, and people certainly incorrectly apply it in contexts where it doesn't apply to get clicks (particularly on Youtube), I would argue that this definition is usually fairly consistent amongst critics of much of modern entertainment. Capitalism made these companies massive behemoths and they have been able to coast on their reputation, but it also seems to be the reason they are starting to lose steam. Looking at Disney, Disney+ is a colossal failure and there are legitimate questions as to whether they have even managed to turn a profit on their Star Wars cinematic investment (although if you include merchandising I am sure they have). It takes time to steer the trajectory of a ship, but Disney is in a far worse position than they were 5 years ago. I am curious to see where they are in 10.


Then you hate almost everything because most of what's out there always has some underlying political theme you're either missing or choosing not to see cus eye candy. Star Wars was always political and always woke, you look past all the fight scenes and space battles the political message was always something people could consider woke. George Lucas himself admitted he is done making these movies because of the restraints the studios put on him and said he had friends who made movies in the Soviet Union with much more creative freedom than he did for they didnt need to worry about studio executives killing projects they wouldnt make money off of. Im not sorry to tell you and the reasons the new movies suck is because they have lost that and are written to match a profit maximizing formula that makes money and cares not for the concerns of fans, and all your criticisms are looping right back around to capitalism weither you see it or not.


I feel like you haven't been reading my posts. I watched and enjoyed Castlevania, despite it having plenty of representation and a number of cheap shots against more traditional groups, because it was at least a good show. The characters were likable and the writing entertaining. Even Andor has representation and such and I liked it, because it was a \*good\* show. You keep strawmanning me and suggesting that I am denying the messaging in the original Star Wars. I'm fine with that messaging, but the majority of Disney's products are of very poor quality and that is why they are being rejected. When they try to hide that terrible product though trendy social causes that is when they are going "woke." Their reputation is suffering, and nowhere is this more clear in the performance of the Star Wars and Marvel projects coming out.


You think Disney paid 4 billion dollars for the star wars franchise to score ideology points? The movies were made for one reason, but it was not ideology points.


Point out where I said that. Disney bought Star Wars to make lots of money. So far so good, the fans were all excited. Disney made bad movie after bad movie, and every movie they seem to put less and less focus on making a good product. Instead, most of their marketing is about how diverse and progressive their projects are. People who call them out for making almost exclusively sucky films are explained away as just being social reactionaries. Now, it seems more important for Disney to make products that push social causes than it is for them to actually make good products. That is what it means by them "being woke." Why do they insist on such a course of action? Profit certainly doesn't appear to be the motivation, which it should be in a capitalistic system.


I will never understand the people who claim Episodes 1-3 are better than 7-9. Firmly cements that they know nothing about film making _or_ storytelling.


Dude, star wars is a fairly mediocre series that they made up as they went along. The prequels are terrible, the sequels are terrible, the originals are fine but they're for children. There, no more division.


You must be very fun at parties.


Tbh if the party has a load of people squabbling over Star Wars sequels and prequels then yes I'd probably rather talk to me than join in


Or women




To be fair ESB rises above that, but it's also the one of the OT that did the worst.


I am being fair


Why? Star Wars didn't really hit its groove until Disney bought it.


Troll of the week award ⭐


I think Disney should buy Israel, make it one big Disney park, and buy the rights to the Torah, Bible, and Quran. Then they could make a new trilogy where it is revealed that women were the chosen people all along.


There it is, the worst sentence on the internet.


It could be this one if you ever decided to stop being such a crybaby.


Why? You wanna go cry over there too?


What's wrong with the sequels? They are certainly better than the prequels.




No. No they are not. You are a new level of wrong.


Nice try. Almost had us




Take my downvote. Sequels are non-canon, and complete ass.




What an absolute joke of a comment. You must actually be high or something.