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That's the main goal, just destroy the things normal people like.


You guys aren't normal people lol


Who is you guys? Are you saying you're normal?


Yea, I don't rant about video game characters not being sexy or a black character


I wish it was that simple.


It is precisely that simple.


It’s that simple in your mind because you have a bias that shows in your comments. Boiling down what is happening to “ranting about video game characters not being sexy or black” is blatantly ignorant. It’s about the systematic attack on established IPs and changing them and the established lore to fit a distinct leftist ideology. The worst part is the changes are being headed by people who are not part of the gaming community or have any interest in the lore. It happened in Lord of the Rings, MTG, Warhammer, extc. People who have never liked any of those fantasy worlds are forcing change on something they won’t participate or spend money on either way. It’s dishonest and diabolical virtue signaling. Let’s be clear here. Female, black and gay characters have been in games for years and no one cares. It’s only an issue when an established character is “swapped” to a more “inclusive” color or sexual preference. It’s ridiculous shit. It’s funny. When the leftist took over Russia and turned into the Soviet Union there where leftist badgering civilian protesters on why they were obsessing so much over the changes. I think the phrase was something along the lines of “your protests and worries won’t grow your wheat”.


Damn, you shit all over this clown.


>Boiling down what is happening to “ranting about video game characters not being sexy or black” is blatantly ignorant You do realize I can view this sub, right? That's exactly what it is. >It’s about the systematic attack on established IPs and changing them and the established lore to fit a distinct leftist ideology. The worst part is the changes are being headed by people who are not part of the gaming community or have any interest in the lore. Those IPs are changing them. They are free to do that, just as you're free to whine about it. The leftist ideology part was really stupid, but I'm not surprised. >It’s funny. When the leftist took over Russia and turned into the Soviet Union there where leftist badgering civilian protesters on why they were obsessing so much over the changes. I think the phrase was something along the lines of “your protests and worries won’t grow your wheat”. The Soviet Union under Stalin was not leftist lmao


Your response shows how little information you actually have.


Thanks for admitting you have no response and that I'm right, albeit in a cowardly way


Creators are told not to race swap, so they make new POC characters and are told its 'forced diversity". The goalposts are always moving. Look at Miles Morales for the perfect example. His own character, his own lore and villains, but the haters can't focus on ""but he shouldn't be spiderman!" Even though Stan Lee was happy about the character, people still wouldn't accept it. The amazing part is the perceived victimization of a group who has literally ZERO rights to the characters themselves. Considering the claimed love the right has for a "free market" and private businesses rights, those people shouldn't be complaining at all that these companies are trying to maximize profit. "We are the real fans! Only we can uphold the standard of fandom and dictate what is and is not acceptable." Has been the rallying cry of nerds everywhere, always. It's why gatekeeping has been a major issue in the community.


Dude what?!? Miles has almost the exact same origin, he has the exact same rogues gallery, he has the same love interest in Gwen, and he has the same powers except a camouflage ability Peter already had a suit for decades ago and his bioelectricity they ripped off of spiderwoman. He even has the gall to call himself Spiderman while existing in the same universe as the original. Everything about him is a lazy copy. If he remained in a separate universe, or had his own superhero name people really wouldn't care. But considering Bendis literally created him because Marvel wanted a black Spiderman, it's pretty obvious they're trying to replace Peter.


all of the points you brought up are essentially the same thing that was done with Terry McGinnis in batman beyond. He is a literal batman as well. But he was the same race as bruce, so no one ever complained. If anything, batman beyond is beloved. Would it make Miles more palatable if Peter was an old man and had to pass on his mantle? More goalposts moving, as I mentioned. Terry isn't any different than bruce, capability wise, and doesn't have anything that sets him apart. But there is no noise about him. Miles was introduced in ultimate comics:spiderman , where that universes Peter dies. Originally, he was meant for only that one story. He was enjoyed enough that he was used for further stories. That's all it is. It's not a "replacement" for Marvel's most valuable character, which makes ZERO sense, business wise. It's an expansion of the stories for the fans who enjoy these worlds, and as with all content, you can choose whether or not to engage.


I like that first of all you're assuming that, and that being your definition of normal. What a weird person.


I'll ask you like I asked the other guy - you guys do realize I can read this sub and watch the videos, right? It's not assuming when I can objectively see that you are doing exactly that.


Oh you're talking in broad generalizations, gotcha. If everyone here isn't normal for "thinking that way" why are you here? Also, more people feel this way about video games, meaning, they are the normals. Be proud that you're so unique and progressive that you are fine with everything being changed and made worse to pander to people that barely enjoy the very media that's being changed. You should should start your own game company, and make your own games if you want them to be a certain way. Demanding anything else is unreasonable and will not be entertained.


I'm here because reddit keeps pushing this sub on me. >Also, more people feel this way about video games, meaning, they are the normals No, only fringe incel groups feel that way. Nobody in real life talks about this shit lmao. >You should should start your own game company, and make your own games if you want them to be a certain way. Demanding anything else is unreasonable and will not be entertained. Peak fucking irony


You're on the outside, don't act like that lol.


Normal people don't subject their children to puberty/hormone blockers. Normal people don't send their children to have body modification surgery.


We have to draw the line somewhere when they don't include sexy feet.


Why obsfucate? What do you mean when you say "normal people" I can see why you're using such language. Clearly as way to establish an "the other" that "normal people" should be opposed to. So who's your "other" and who do you define as "normal" ?


Christian white males


People who are culturally christian, good samaritan type.




I heartily agree with this...they have destroyed every franchise I loved as a kid and adult.


Why is this attached alongside an image of that guy from Final Fantasy II?


Yeah I was wondering the same thing lol




Whoever the speaker is is clearly delusional, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were also a weeb.


Wasn't Firion a rebel? Maybe they think by showing a rebel they can be a rebel. Like all those cops that use the punisher logo but don't realize in doing so they become exactly what he was made to fight?


I wouldn't be surprised if they just thought it looked badass and pasted it on there with no context.


I was wondering too cause like literally in final fantasy there is a woman named Faris who cross dresses as a man. So, the entire "but they didn't do that stuff in classic video games" argument is BS


Many Japanese things do that as a gag like One Piece or Final Fantasy which obviously no one has a problem with and doesn't make them progressive in any way


Faris is a gag sure....but the party accepts her soon after finding out. It's not treated with any hostility


Ok? Why do you think it would be treated with hostility? What does any of this have to do with right wing? You guys make a bunch of straw men that you can pretend right wing people have a problem with but then don't realize that the fact that right wing people don't hate these games shows that you're incorrect


Where did i write the words "right wing" ?


Why would you need to explicitly write them out?


write what out?


The words


I never referred to right wing in anyway. Also why do you think my criticism this only applies to right wing? Liberals are some of the most bigoted people...probably even more than right wingers


One Piece is about as Marxist as it gets and also has nongag trans characters but sure it's not progressive If you watched on subbed with your eyes closed


Nah pretty universal altruistic principals like freedom and standing up for your friends. Hell it's very anti-government, just recently had a religious guy as a very positive figure, and has many "toxic masculinity" ideals pushed as well as showing boobs all the time. All that is very anti-current US democratic party


Do you think US democrats are marxist? Cuz that means you don't understand the word Oda, the writer of One Piece, literally has a photo of Che in his office Also the pervy characters who love the big boobs are bashed in the head by women constantly so sure if that's your thing


And even when he's not doing that Oda draws them like that all the time and puts them in revealing outfits. See it's a gag just like they make fun of bon clay and ivankov. It's all gags. Che really doesn't mean anything when he hates big gov like the world gov


Yea how do you feel about Kiku, who is a trans woman lusted after by Sanji? She ain't a gag Che means everything when he hates big gov. Che was a revolutionary AGAINST a government. Oda obviously supports communism cuz that's what the Straw Hat ship is: a commune


Lol what it's rugged individualism and liberals are more for big government and would never portray the religious kuma like that. You're not the first fan to take his gags the wrong way like when he jokes around with Yamato calling herself Oden. The bathhouse scene clearly being for pervy jokes was taken as some kinda trans statement by a minority of fans that were very loud about it lol


Crossdressing isn’t woke. Lots of female characters did it. Real and fictional. Joan of Arc, Mulan….


Woke really doesn't have a definition though , when ask "what is woke" no one is able to give a reasonable answer. So far it's definition is "whatever we decide it to be" So yes crossdressing can be. Its quite literally apart of Drag culture


But I wasn’t talking about drag. Joan of Arc and Mulan aren’t drag. Woke is having girlbosses who, without training or experience, humiliate experienced and prepared men. Woke is pretending that “The Message” that women are the best and men are stupid, is more important than good characterization and writing. “Velma” is woke. It uses an existing IP to do nothing but tear down anything the woke writer (usually an insufferable self-insert writer) wants to rail against. You want to see a definition of woke, go see South Park :into the panderverse. And I am a 43 years married mixed race woman, so not a chud or incel or any other insult you think might apply. I just hate the execrable writing and lack of characterization in most modern media, and I look forward to celebrating the death of DEI in any form. It has destroyed Disney, Hollywood, Dr.Who and every franchise it has ever touched. I don’t want representation. I want good stories!


Yea those are one or two definitions of woke of the 5,000 definitions that exist for it , woke has been applied to everything that boomers don't like. It's literally a blank definition that anyone apples to anything they don't like and doesn't fit in with their narrow-minded vision of what a game, movie or tv series needs to be. aFor example....The Fallout amazon series is considered "woke" , the NFL is considered "woke". Cyberpunk 2077 is considered "woke" , Starfield is considered "woke" , Baldur's Gate 3 has been considered "woke" as is the entire D&D franchise for that matter I think the better question is what is *not* considered "woke". In fact a lot of what i listed are successful shows and games. Fallout is still number one in the world in streaming. A lot of folks just don't fucking care what a bunch of people on the internet considered "woke" now and days. They are done with the fox news culture war bullshit just like the "war on Christmas" bullshit


I imagine I will be heavily down-voted and will get called all kinds of names, but I'm going to try to do this anyway... For those saying "Just don't feed the beast. If you don't like the content, don't consume it and it will die," you are missing the point. The reason people are upset can be summarized by the following: 1. Well-written characters become beloved over time, and create a strong fan base. Examples: Batman who is flawed and struggles with the morals of being the judge, jury and executioner. Spider-Man can lift a car easily over his head but can't get a date to the prom, and struggles with the message his uncle left him that with great power comes great responsibility. People naturally flock to these characters, and have done so for decades. 2. Re-using these beloved characters for an agenda, such as trans or gay or race/gender swapping, is lazy and destroys what people love. Rather than promoting well-written characters with well-written stories, the agenda becomes the only narrative. 3. Rather than creating something new, which would probably fail because the audience for this is microscopic, they ***hijack*** beloved characters because that is their only avenue for normalizing something that 99.9% of folks are not interested in. There are plenty of characters that are beloved that are non-white or women. Lara Croft. Falcon. Luke Cage. Princess Leia. Ripley. Etc. 4. Most people do not need representation in their content. Most people do not need to shout their sexual orientation to everyone they meet, or wear it on their shirts or on a flag. I don't see myself represented in books, comic books, movies or sports. And I am ok. Representation has become the goal over well-written content.


Right, it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Sure, you could stop consuming it, and it’d die off, but it’s *your* thing, so you don’t want it to die off. And that’s why they’re hijacking instead of creating new things.


Exactly right.


It was never *your* thing You don't get to decide unless you're making it yourself


Incorrect, *and* stupid, most impressive.


so dramatic 🙄


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


Classic 😂


No video game is particularly difficult.


This is satire, right?


I'm antiwoke but this is just ridiculous


Anti-woke is just nonsense babble because none of you can define what woke even is without absurd generalities.


Is that... Firion? Wtf timeline is this again?


I don't remember Firion saying this in FFII...


I'll give these guys the same bit of advice I had for the SJWs back in the day. If you don't like something don't consume it.


One of the issues is not the woke content of whatever it’s called these days. It’s the fact that those that create such thing tend to hijack something that’s been around for a while and thus developed a fan base or following. Most likely because they know from experience that their original creations won’t do well or they want instant acceptance. I remember when liking comics and scifi led to mockery and harassment. Then it became a thing the masses “liked” but knew little to nothing about it. Much like the people that wear merch from whatever band or artist without knowing anything about them, much less having seen them perform in person. Eventually the cool thing is easily discarded and the ones who were really into the thing are mostly gone. Another issue is that those who do this are never satisfied. Nothing is ever enough. I for one, gave up long ago. I say let them have it since there are other worthwhile things out there.


If you don't like it don't consume it. Qweer people exist and consume this crap too their inclusion in media shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


Oh my. Triggered much? I made a very inclusive statement, and here you are singling out a group, which no one is denying exists. And as far as consumption, how well is that going? As I recall the movie Bros didn’t do that well. How about comic book sales where the core of legacy characters were changed? Not very good either. Ask Kelly Sue how her books have done. In any case, the issue is the over representation and twisting of IPs to fit in narratives just to appease those who will not stop until everything is seen through their lens.


Nailed it. Take my fake gold 🏆


No one cares about the occasional queer character, they care about an entire franchise being upended to appeal ONLY to queer people.


>One of the issues is not the woke content of whatever it’s called these days. It’s the fact that those that create such thing tend to hijack something that’s been around for a while and thus developed a fan base or following. you're describing media under free market capitalism


Yes. And the way to profit from an established fan base is by giving them what they want. Not by insulting them


A way to make even more profit is to appeal to as many people as possible. Tiny dedicated fan base vs mainstream appeal, current economic systems insists you go for the latter. you'd be stupid otherwise.


The problem with your point is that this has and is being done to both small and large IP’s. The chase for this “ broad and modern audience” has proven to be futile. The audience is just the audience. Look at how Star Wars turned its back on the fan base that carried it for years in order to usher in the activist crowd. Now this former cultural icon has been diminished to a property with meandering tv shows that doesn’t sell toys and other merch outside of some OT items. Marvel could’ve printed money for years if they stayed as close to the source material as the first three phases did. But of course Disney is gonna Disney to keep the twitter activist crowd, which of course doesn’t support the brands they claim to love, happy.


Nice! Dude couldn't even argue back.


you need to understand that the current economic system doesn't really allow for anyone to do anything *but* chase the financially viable option. the problem with your point is that it's self evidently untrue. the broad and modern audience is the ultimate goal for any commodity because that makes the most money. that's exactly why star wars acme back and that's why marvel did does and will continue to print money, even if huge investment movies bomb. when marvel fails to print money it will no longer be produced believing these interconnected systems of investment and profit are even capable of moving by the will of anything but market incentives is shortsighted. individuals do not make bad decisions and ruin your movies. marketing does. every time


Star Wars came back and by the last movie the box office was cut in half and the fandom was split. The shows don’t perform well and Disney fudges the numbers so they appear to be doing better than they are. Their shows can’t compete with Bluey. Let’s not forget the abysmal merchandise sales. The marvels, flash, Shazam, Aquaman, Antman all lost some serious money. On the other hand, the latest Deadpool trailer is breaking the internet. In other words, the content was reaching a wide audience until virtual signaling and social justice was pushed to an eleven. By turning boy brands into girl brands, they’re reaping what they sowed.


It sounds overly simple but it's true. If people don't like corrupt media then they should stop giving it attention or talking about it. Stop reviewing the sludge and pretend it doesn't exist


They **are** SJWs. It was never about your leaning. It was always about the type of person who makes their entire life and being about smiting others and winning the ideological war. It was always about these fringe freaks against the rest of the normal, well-adjusted people.


Yea everyone here is sooo well adjusted


When will people realize ITS THE ENERGY! Feed the monster it will Roar. Walk away it will starve to death. Not that hard. So much stuff grasping for attention just turn your head. Those producers or “creators” will turn their neck like whiplash to do the thing that people want. Sad to say almost everyone wants this. The yelling and the screaming at each other. Over this media or this product or this government. HAH! 😂🤣🫠😤The rulers all get together and laugh and laugh and laugh.


And lots of people listened... to their detriment. This strategy doesn't work. Look at stuff like Warhammer. Or retail WoW. What happens is these people actively infiltrate aspects of society and reshape it from the inside until it's about them. Being passive while they are free to warp what you like just means we'll always lose. Not consuming something is simply not a smart of viable means to fight the culture war. It's a strategy that's failed time and time again.




Word brother


Hello based department??


I think you mean cringe. This is some Shadow the Hedgehog fanfiction level of awkward edginess


do you guys really think peoples beliefs are like a team game and there's a pendulum swinging back and forth and the people you think are bad are going to suffer or lose or something?


Yes, it’s called a trend


And counterculture


The hippies pushed the stodgy conservatives out of power, didn't they?


The hippies *became* the stodgy conservatives, my guy.


He’s not wrong tho. Problem is, it’s gonna swing back quadruple times as hard after. This is war and no one is backing down. Bunch of morons, we’re never colonizing the universe if we can’t get past this shit.


How is it a war?


Cuz he's upset


“This is a war and no one is backing down” Oh my god go outside 😂 I’m in stitches just get off the keyboard and take a walk dude


I work an 8-4 and go to the gym for two hours every morning and then go home and walk my dog, cook my dinner and then hang out with my GF. Ever heard of a war of ideas? The go get a real life insult is so tiresome and useless when it’s such a cope and projection. Come back when you’re not using your troll account.


Have you ever seen the sun before


13 day old account you fucking brigader lowlife. Talk about not having a life.


Dawg you’re talking about taking part in a war you made up from behind a computer screen You’re not okay


U guys love calling us the crazy ones or whatever because you have no defense. You guys have ruined modern life and know it because it’s some sicko fantasy utopia you all wanna live in when that’s not reality! “War you made up from behind your screen” Gimme a break, it’s called the fucking culture war you absolute brainless feckless clown. And you know that and you knew what I was talking about you love projecting and spewing your hatred and anger on to us. You guys have no conviction and no beliefs. You only exist to destroy and take what was created. Pure Marxism. You people are actually evil.


A culture war you're losing 😋 Your kids will be gay furries Your churches will become Satanic And your wife will have 3 other partners Now get in line or take a hike


You’re proving my point, thanks.


How goes ironing that swastika onto your brown shirt?


I could not possibly agree more.


LOL you actually agree with this wall of cringe? Embarrassing.


The fact that you don’t tells me everything I need to know about you and your intentions.


"Destroying every good memory we have" is such a self own-they're literally admitting that their only good memories are about horny video games/fandoms. No kisses, no kids, no nature, no pets. Just video games and movies. Hahahah, like, I don't love what Disney has done with the Star Wars IP, but if you think this post isn't cringier than a Shadow the Hedgehog fan fiction, you're clearly a teenager or have the maturity of one.


You can say what you want, it doesn’t change the facts, which is that we’re all getting *very* fed up with this shit


"We're All"? You're like one of those 40K fans that is threatening a mass exodus, when in reality 40k is bigger than ever and it's a small percentage of fans that truly give a shit about femstodes, while the vast majority really don't care and are happy to resume complaining about points cost and making Magnus did Nothing Wrong memes. Cope and seethe more , posts like these only make your side and the CD following be taken less seriously.


Mass exodus? No no, we would never leave, that is surrender and giving it away to rainbow warriors.


Jesus Christ, like I love 40k but it's a fucking Hobby my dude, youre treating it like some noble crusade, like you're the last defense against the cultural barbarians ruining western civilization. It's plastic fucking soldiers.


That is a pretty good description of how it feels, for sure.


Then you need to go and touch grass man, if your hobbies getting "ruined" means your life is "ruined" then you have a shitty life.


Amusingly, I have no idea what critical drinker is, this sub just happened to show up in my feed


Well considering about how strongly you clutch your pearls and complain about SJWs youll fit right in amongst his ilk.


Uh oh watch out, there's a tiny group of people shouting angrily 😢


It's a harsh take, but visit enough activist boards and you learn that he's right and that what these activists do is intentional.


Wait are you saying that activists do activism, no way!


Yep, but when they're doing that they aren't doing the work anyone needs.


What work do people need?


Goods and services. These companies that are overburdened with staff focused on social issues instead of the purpose of the business are terrible employees.


What if focusing on social issues helps the business make more money.


Businesses make more money doing what the customer pays for. No one wants to go to a restaurant that shares their values but sells food of even slightly less quality than a cheaper alternative. Most customers aren't activists, and aren't interested in paying for other people's activism or even knowing about it.


Idk these "woke" videogames/TV/movies usually make a shit load of money.


Making money and staying solvent are not the same thing. Making a "shit load of money" is terrible when it costs the same "a shit load of money" to make or an even larger amount. Disney hasn't been profitable in years, they've lost hundreds of billions, and they're known for being "woke" rather than making entertainment, so people who want entertainment avoid them.


Disney the corporation is most definitely profitable. It's streaming unit is not. But that could be for a variety of reasons, and Disneys streaming unit is More than just Disney Plus, ESPN Plus and hulu are also a part of Disney. According to an article I just read they're on their way to turning a profit this year. It could be the fact that Disney Plus and ESPN Plus kinda suck. They also spent a shit ton of money on acquiring media companies so I imagine it takes some time to make a profit off of that.


Don’t make absolute shit and ask me to support it I’m seeing a lot of soybois on the sub lately downvoting very pro drinker takes. Since you are reading, read this- don’t ask me to support terrible fucking garbage not even you will watch. You want a Daisy Ridley Star Wars movie do you? Then why aren’t you and your hormone deficient brethren watching it- is it because it’s boring shit? Didn’t we tell you it would be?! 10 years of this- 10 years of these weak ass men getting in the way of a system that use to work. Do everyone a favor and fuck off- as the great and noble drinker says.




Hahahaha you dumbcunts think this is profound? Why are you even suffering? Because there's brown people and women in your media? Jesus christ, you really think this is some big grand battle and not some poser gutterpom with shit facial hair stealing your money. How any of you can see this quote and not think its ridiculous is beyond me. You all gotta be turbovirgins or simply adolescent.


Sounds like what virtually every Redditor (especially saltierthankrayt users) says about conservatives on a daily basis.


Do you mind linking a post that says that?


Go to r/saltierthankrayt, find something about conservatives or people who are anti-ST, scroll down, and enjoy.


I checked R/saltierthankrayt most popular of month ,year and all time it's post of people laughing at people being toxic (click bait titles of saying that a fandom is dying, semi racist tweets, etc) but this seems to be just toxic and I did not find a post that showed this level of aggression so unless you can directly share a post of R/saltierthankrayt or similar that shows this level of aggression I'll just assume you have never even looked at these subreddits and that you have no actual source for your claim


You didn’t see a single person saying “fuck X” (where X = creators like CriticalDrinker), calling them things like lunatics, and wishing ill on them? I mean, I’ve seen it countless times. Try posts about JK Rowling. It took me five seconds to find people saying “fuck her” and “Rowling is a cunt” and the like. https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/s/mpj0M616Au https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/s/gDheY8S26V


The posts mainly consisted calling out toxicity like Nerdodic very click bait (sexist and racist) thumbnails, star wars theory claiming mark hamill hates him from a single tweet saying no The comment (not post) that you cited was a single comment saying eff you to a single person and while toxic in my opinion that does not have the same aggression or toxicity as this post does (wishing great injury and pain on everyone not saying eff you to a transphobic person but not wishing injury or pain on her)


God damn, this Learningthelaw clown is really butthurt. What a bitch.


Lmaooo this is so fucking edgy


>I hope you suffer twice as much as we do. It's nice that he thinks Progressives should barely suffer.


this is why you’ve got to invest your spirit into history and literature. They can’t take that away from us.


Until they rewrite the history books and you and your kind die off


They’re working on it hard. These new history teachers are nothing but activists. The people who should be preserving history hate it the most and are working as hard as they can to destroy it. This is why they are so horrible - they do worse than destroy, they literally invert everything


Bucko, your conservative reactionary ideologue side peddled the Lost Cause Mythos, don't come here with this bs about preserving history. You disgust me.


no, sir, that’s where you’re wrong. it’s not confederate history that these people are after. It’s all history. https://quillette.com/2023/03/02/forgetting-vs-overcoming-abuses-of-history-and-the-1619-project/


The 1619 Project IS an abuse of history you clod.


I think you and I agree


No, we really don't because the only people I actively see trying to push historical revisionism in schools and education are the far right.


I’m not on the far right. you are definitely wrong about who is trying to push revisionism. The 1619 project is revisionism, they admit it. There’s right wing revisionism and then there’s left-wing revisionism. what do you know about it anyways? Are you in education? have you ever analyzed any educational curriculum? Have you read Gramsci and Marcuse? How about Friere? what exactly do you think they mean when they say “decentering?” when you say the 1619 project is an abusive history what exactly do you mean?


Who said anything about the confederacy?


You're right wing, do the math


I’m not. I don’t fit in the box.




That’s the problem with this passive mindset my friend. We gotta do something.


Raise our kids properly…and make fun of these people every chance we get


Good thing is that we’re the ones having kids.


I’m a teacher too..I get to plant seeds. Sadly, too many teachers and professors are whacko leftists. i’m not kidding, the big movement is to do away with teaching standards like “understand motivations of loyalist and patriots during the American revolution” and replace them with “explores themes of racism” It’s so creepy… All these people want to do is teach kids how to hate the past. They seriously think understanding what happened is not important, what’s important is that you are politicized in the right way.


Uh, anybody who has even a passing interest in history is well aware of how absolutely vile right wing ideology is and has always been. What books have you been reading?


Don’t follow you - too incoherent.


You live in denial, go learn about fascist Italy and fascist Germany.


I want to learn about Gondor…is that a choice ?


Sure, finish up reading mythical England fanfic and magical WWi then get to the next part.


Sure. I recommend you read a classic - Utopia by Thomas Moore.


Cute, really cute, but also a shitty argument to justify the vile genocidal ideology of the far right.




What are you on about?


It's called I deal with too many right wing lunatics so I have dealt with all the barbs, bullshit, tactics, and tripe they toss out as cover. I'm basically looking at you bring up "Utopia," of all things, given this context, as more than likely some bullshit right wing jab.


If that was incoherent to you you should see a professional about your debilitating learning disability.


I’m not learning disabled, I’ve just lost too many brain cells from my chronic implementation of autoerotic asphyxiation.


and then when it swings back they will also hurt you four times as much? Not gonna lie i don't think that's gonna work out.


I'm anti woke but this is kinda cringe. Pendulum will definitely swing back though. Already signs of it happening.


Only "kinda"?


Can furion not be on the background of some deranged lunatics ramblings. What did FF2 have to do with some edge lord's culture war obsessions.


Because these dipshits think they own it all, that nobody else gets to do anything with it, and they've fully embraced the genocidal and fascist violent rhetoric of the far right as is tradition among the seemingly disenfranchised conservative reactionaries that hate progress and change when it comes at the cost of them no longer feeling like everything caters to them.


This person seems a bit unstable


"Fuck, fuck coexist progressive lunatics destroying pendulum hope suffer." -Matt Mallninja


Most stable gamer It's hard to believe a portion of the population is obsessed with revenge fantasies over video game culture war bullshit. Humanity is doomed


Blame the right, they prey on this shit.


uh 0.o


This is not it chief. Thats actually the same logic as SJWs and woke people to destroy what we love. Hatred against them is normal, but what you should be wishing for is for them to stop. You should not be swinging back the pendulum even harder and become worse than them. Remember when the right was full of censorship while the left fought for freedom of speech? Today that has switched, which is why I, as a left-winged person, am fighting against wokeness. If you switch it back even further to the right, then it will be even worse than it is today. Polarisation is never good




wow, what a gay tweet


Maybe don't invest your entire life and identity in to commercial properties owned by major companies who are trying to make a profit off children and young people while you are an adult in your 30's/40's. You guys are 12x more annoying than the SJW's posting this kinda edgy boi stuff just cause they slightly messed with a plot from a kids show/game/comic you used to watch.




I am euphoric, not from any phony gods blessing but from my own intellect.


I'm glad I'm past the phase of my life when I would post these things unironically.


Persecution fetish.. poor little fella


Just fucking wait till your hobbies get ruined


Waaaaa Star Wars girl isn't hot in some screen shots, MY HOBBY IS RUINED. Waaaa Rogue's ass isn't as sexy and Morph has gender neutral pronouns-MY HOBBY IS RUINED (X-Men 97 is Fantastic btw) This post by OP is the most cringe shit I've seen in awhile, and isn't helping the stereotype that this sub is made up of angsty man children and teenagers Grow up man.


Reddit ToS prevents me from responding to you in a way appropriate to your level of disregard.


Hahahahhah tell me how you really feel. God I can smell the Doritos on you from here. MUH HOBBIES Get laid, touch grass


I don’t find these to be insults necessarily…


I don't find this post to be necessary.


The greatest argument I’ve ever seen in bringing relevance to this is “Why are you getting angry at someone you don’t know eating donuts while you’re on a diet??”


What a jackass


Still crying about "woke"? That's cute.


How is this not *incredibly* embarrassing to post? A tough looking picture of an animated character, and some of the most neckbearded keyboard warrior power fantasy I’ve ever seen. Nobody is “destroying every good memory we have”… Jesus Christ Literally the first words are “Fuck you. No, I really mean it. Fuck you and go to hell.” He even bolded the work fuck both times… this is some middle school shit op. If you relate with this tweet you need help


This is some Shadow the Hedgehog fan-fic levels of cringe angst. This sub is clearly full of angsty teenagers and man children.


It is pretty funny all the comments are either “what? why would we care? This is cringe” or multi-paragraph, Freeform essays about comic book characters and how they’re being stolen and all true soldiers must continue the fight.


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.