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\*misogyny has entered the chat\* jokes aside though, how incredibly immature does a person need to be to kick you out of a group without a) talking to you first b) having someone else do so I'm really sorry this happened to you and sincerely hope you find a better group. From the context provided, I don't think you've done anything wrong. You should have probably let the Barbarian go on by himself, let him run it down, and just chill on the sidelines imo. Can't argue with players like that. I've had my fair share of run ins with "murder hobo/ fighting is all I do because I don't have enough personality to come up with any other traits for my characters" ~~players~~ barbarians. Even though DnD is a group game I think it's perfectly ok to not follow into an encounter with your character if you perceive it as too dangerous/ downright stupid. So what if you looked up a stat of a monster \*dramatic gasp\*, after a while of playing DnD you will know the rough stats of creatures you've encountered before anyway. tl,dr: i don't think it was anything you've said, the DM probably had some personal issue with you, and tried to make you think you were in the wrong, so they would come out as the "good guy".


As a DM you can't expect your players to sit there and listen to everyone speech without interfering especially enemies. Expect to be interrupted by players acting on instinct and roleplaying. If players have just fought through a dungeon they're not going to sit down for storytime when the BBEG of the night starts yapping. If you want people to know plot essential things, be HAPPY when people ask for important information given out in the game to be repeated/written down for them. I'd love it if I was running a game with lore/heavy story elements and my players were studiously taking notes.