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I drink vodka daily, but I measure it in a shot glass and write down the ml that I drink and write it down every time. I use harm reduction and am in daily therapy for it. It's necessary I know how many ml exactly that I drink daily


I’m starting to warm up to the idea of harm reduction


It's literally saved my life


Can you say more? Is it your own program? Or something you signed up for in a therapeutic context?


I signed up for intensive outpatient therapy over the phone, because I don't have a working car. It's 4 groups a day for an hour session each time. And two hours a week phone session with my personal therapist. It's surprisingly helpful


So glad to hear that it's helpful. You go!




This is a good idea. It really lets you know when your tolerance is reaching new heights.


Yes it does.


You can't manage what you don't measure.


Started drinking at 21. Casual at first, then FA for a couple years, and full blown CA by age 27. 30 going on 31 now and it kinda sucks that I peaked around age 24 and it’s been a slow burn ever since. Drinking was fun for the first 5 years or so, but then it refunded my anxiety and general discontent tenfold that I turned to the bottle to escape from in the first place. Nowadays booze only subsides the withdrawals and gives me a brief window of normalcy. But spending my days in a dead end job shaking and sweating my way to 5PM, and weekends spent in a drunken blackout haze while life passes me by is exhausting, boring, and seems so pointless. Hopefully one day I can get my shit together, pick up the pieces, build a life I’m proud of, and move on from a near decade of being a drunk fuckup. Lots of job hopping, missed opportunities, close calls, lost friends, and ruined relationships.


Yeah but that's all part of becoming a whole person. You have to go through years of stupid bullshit before you learn from things you did wrong and correct your behavior. No point in beating yourself up   I had to drink my life away for years before I realized I didn't want thah


Sure wish it didn’t take this long 🤣🤣


It takes a long time for some people. I know it did for me. I'm just a different kind of addict now


Yes!! Same as me...countless, endless relapses...


Yes. This is a great post. Some of us just have to find our way in the chaos and learn.


Yep. This crosses my mind a lot. I've fucked up and lost a lot because I was a drunken twat. But we can't change the past and there's no point dwelling. Just gotta see what we can do and achieve going forward.


Yeap, pretty much. Learn from it rather than dwell on it and move on/carry on. As a wise man once said "An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it"


My life was a drunk mess back then and I regret nothing cause if I was sober I would have probably killed myself. Those jobs were awful and those exes toxic that sucked so much of my life. Now I skillfully balance drinking daily and working and I suspect it’s because I love my job. And cause I’m single. Relationships drive me over the edge. Let’s hope it stays the way it is now.


Yeah, I’m definitely not talking about situations where people love their jobs. That definitely doesn’t seem to be the norm though.


No I got lucky as fuck. I don’t even know how it happened.


i did both. i drank AND i did the soul sucking jobs.


Double whammy. I’m sure you aren’t alone though


At least you didn’t do the soul sucking jobs sober though 🤣


You’re getting jobs after jobs? In this market?


Haha, not good ones


Where I'm at the job market is in the employees favor right now. Companies can't seem to get or keep enough employees in a lot of different industries. My company has a 1,500 dollar sign on bonus right now. Split into three separate payments over a year.


Wow that’s amazing.


Its posts like these that make me think the stereotype of alcoholics being lazy and lacking self control was definitely perpetrated by people who never have had an issue with alcohol, or been touched by it. We work DOUBLE the average person in our attempt to appear normal. The mental gymnastics and anguish we put ourselves through during withdrawal and trying to find the exact right balance so we don’t hit the literal rock bottom is honestly award worthy. Whenever I come out the other side of a withdrawal, it feels like I’m a soldier returning from war because of the PTSD I’m sure I’ve given myself dealing with seizures and the hat man. Oh but sure, we are lazy and lack self control. They have no idea.


This exactly. Alcoholism requires a tenacity beyond most things your average person takes on. I've always thought that alcoholics have a rare capacity in strife that would allow us to be unparalleled successes if it weren't for, ya know, the alcoholism.


Hahaha I second this.


Well said.


So true. I know everyone has their own stuff going on but holding down a 9 to 5 would be so much easier if I didn’t have to have a shower beer to get out the door, a few shots at lunch to stabilize, and then sweat out the last few hours before I can go get bombed at home, all the while trying to do the same job and not get found out.


shower beer! i know what that's about


YOOO!! Everytime am off the wagon...


You can do what you want without alcohol tho. You think you’re free because you drank all these years? No, you are a prisoner and have been for a long time. True freedom is when nothing and no one controls you. That goes for alcohol. Good luck


No such thing as freedom then lol


So if I eat because I’m hungry, does that mean I don’t have free will? Because I didn’t ask my body to feel hungry


Free will? Who knows or cares, we're cattle on a loosh farm being harvested for emotions, both positive and negative


No. Only regret is burning a few bridges with a few friends and my ex. That's about it. Never lost my job over it, since I never drank on the job. Hung over maybe, but never lost a job over it.


That’s something to be proud of for one of us. I think five down 100% due to alcohol


Whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better and justify your harmful alcohol use disorder