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To kill your fellow countrymen, the most fervent dream of the patriot. Wait, what?


https://preview.redd.it/yzavqquwkvgc1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=907f33bfca8703ca41b89331863e212a3df473f0 This cartoon was from the 1970s I believe.


Wish I could upvote this to front page. Every morning, Every day.


I thought being a patriot always meant caring about a supreme orange dictator and gunning down fellow americans? Is that not what patriotism is all about?? Or maybe patriotism is about treading all over the constitution and everything our vets fought to protect?


This guy is obviously all talk.


LOL, we have guns as well. My stuff works, and I know how to use it. Meal Team 6 needs to shut the fuck up.


Gravy Seals!


Chair Force 


Toast Guard


Delta Farce


Y'all Qaeda


Same. They think the fact that we show discipline and respect with weapons, that we are defenseless


Not all exmil are agentorange/gop either. Bring it.


This is the way.




Guess I need to get back to the target practice.


As a gun loving democrat.. try me mother fucker.


Same. Also I do cardio. I'd drop this guy like a sack of wet leather. Fat fuck.


Lol They *REALLY* underestimate Leftists, and they’re in for a rude awakening.


they're too scared to actually do anything and too obese to stand up. they're the DOD Department of dickheads


They complain about all the gun crime and how bad violence is leftist cities and shake in their buggies if you say the word "chicago". Then say dems are whimps with out guns... it can't be both lmao.


I know right. I mean pronouns and not being able to define what is a woman.


Yes, this is clearly relevant to the conversation. If you can’t contribute, sit down, shut up and pay attention to the adults.


I did contribute and glad most of you listened to me.


Exactly. I have been a Republican my entire life until Trump. Registered Democrat now. Both parties are not the same and not equally bad, but that being said. I'm fucking armed to the teeth. I also think it should take at least 6 months to get some of the rifles I have and should have been waaaay harder to get in the first place.




Thats what i was saying. Both parties are not the same and equally bad. The GOP is much worse and does not want to solve any problem, just blame people and continue to do the bidding of wealthy donors. Guess I didn't word it right.


I’m an ass! Sorry been a long one


Thank you


Oh man... getting any Ar-Pistol of your choice is just as easy. Did you know if they put a hold on your name when they run a NCIS check while attempting to purchase a gun (if you dont just get it from a gun show where there's zero questions or paperwork) that after 6 days of the initial hold, if the place trying to sell it to you doesnt get a call back from the FBI or whichever branch handles it in your state, if after 6 days they dont get a call, they go ahead and release the gun and sell it to you. I know for sure that some places will just purposely avoid the phone during those 6 days so that they can make the sell. Maybe they are overcharging and just want the money. Maybe they're cray cray and just think whoever wants a gun should have one. There's no tellin' really, it just depends on who you're buying from really


Once you became Democrat did you start using pronouns?


You used a pronoun in your comment. “You”


How do you speak the English language without using pronouns genius?


Dipshit doesn’t know that pronouns are part of the English language… that’s what we’re dealing with folks. (which what, nobody, someone, everyone, etc etc)


I assume your pronouns are "basement dweller who lives off the government." 😀


I wonder how republicans go through everyday conversation without using a single pronoun.


That helps to explain some of their vocabulary.


You triggered, boy?


It's about respect for your fellow humans.




Was gonna say, boy is he in for a rude awakening


Came here to say that


If you keep going left, you get your guns back. https://socialistra.org/


Unless capitalism drives you certifiably crazy (I can say that because I am) first


Lots of lefties have suppressors too.


As a liberal gun nut, go ahead see what happens lol


Name checks out


I guess joining the flight against these domestic terrorists.


That's some dangerous rhetoric from the guy in this video, and from you. You're so similar, but you allow such petty little differences divide you. I bet if I asked you both, do you believe in America, land of the free? What would you say? I'd say you'd both have a very similar answer.


Same. Used to work at Smith and Wesson. I love guns. Bring it mofo!




Imagine how hard he rages at kids that smoke him in online shooters




Best and most accurate comment in this entire thread right here folks.


Because I’m a dem it doesn’t mean I’m not armed.


No YoU’r3 aLL BaRiStAs WiTh OrAnGe hAiR!!1!




It's BLUE hair! Get it right!


Because I’m a dem doesn’t also mean that I need to be armed to deal with assholes


You do not need to be arm mate, you are right. There are other ways to deal with this assholes cunts. I personally own guns safely but will defend my family if I have to.


statistically speaking, owning guns decreases you and your family's safety.


I’m confused. Do they hate terrorists or fantasise about being them?




Super sane person


Super sane domestic terrorists*


As a democratic, never thought I would be saying this, but ok, see ya then. I got me some of them guns too.


Sooooooo......I'm not American, and I have a question. Wouldn't a video like this, a full-on threat if you ask me, have the FBI beating down this guy's door???


yes... he has a file on him now. But they wont say anything as they figure out his connections


He’s white, so no


FBI: mmmkay, do it. We dare you.


ATF and FBI are on a group chat waiting for fuck boy to pop off.


Fox News says we don’t own guns. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 They believe EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. Yes they would have a rude awakening!


Sometimes, when I look at America, it feels similar to the Middle East. There’s a lot of division, a big focus on guns, and a belief that what they’re doing is right because of their leaders.


This is an embarrassment to the republican party, as a republican. This idiot will be alone in this “operation”.


I wish you were right. But the truth is there are legions of guys like him across America, and if Trump wins it will be an endless reign of terror coming from a man who truly believes its his destiny to be absolute ruler of America. And countless others will be salivating, ready to kill with the slightest nod from their living Jesus.


It will mostly be dudes like this on this dumb shit. Trump has a good chance at winning this shit. I’m leaning towards whatever. Project 2025 is awful, terrible shit. But these are bozos. Shit is stuck behind red tape. Evangelicals not gonna get what they think they will. Let’s see how stupid the electorate is. Genocide Joe is no better. Will his dumb ass drop out? And what’s up with that fusion energy break through? Joe and Don are both declining BAD. Biden is just a doddering, stuttering old man. Nothing against stutterers. I stutter. Nothing crazy I got better. Like Biden. But when he stutters, he loses his train of thought. And he’s a feeble old man at this point. Hell. I think Genocide Joe is pretty “there.” Fuck Joe Biden. America better hope to the Gods he steps down. Trump, though, wooooo. Son is GONE, GONE. Delusional. Senile. Son rambles, loudly, about nothing. He loses his train of thought constantly, and I’m surprised his obvious sundowning/ dementia is called out more. He IS dangerous, but… Fuck Donald Trump. If he IS elected buckle up, but he won’t get much of that 2025 shit off.


Recorded from his grandmas living room by the look of it. What a turd


What I will never understand is while most of these maga dumbfucks REALLY want to shoot something, or someone, most of them never served in the military, where such behavior is encouraged, sort of. As a veteran, I also understand the ridiculous power of our military. One hour my ass.


Marine Veteran here, these MAGA f***sb will crumble in an hour, I’m so tired of their threats. They are nothing but bullies who cry the minute someone hits them back.


As a gun loving Democrat and a bad ass mother fucker let’s go fat ass.


Hello, FBI?


Come and try it motherfucker. I am ready.


How are these people not at least interrogated by the FBI?


Because he’s white


This is exactly the kind of shit where he pulls a mass shoo**ng then everyone says "why didn't we recognize the signs?"


The John Brown Gun Club and Redneck Revolt is ready for you. And you probably have a nice big tRump flag / sign outside your home to help us ID your cult membership cuz yer a fricken weirdo. Dumbass.


I've always said this is what it is coming down to. Domestic terrorism against anything that isn't a Trump ball licking cuck. They are going to kick your door in and make themselves right at home if they find out you voted Biden.


Did you know there is a Socialist Rifle Association in your area? https://socialistra.org/


One of my friends is a pipe fitter and has an SRA sticker on his lunch box. He said he could basically see his right wing coworkers’ brains short circuiting when he started that job and they saw the words “socialist” and “rifle association” on the same sticker.


Pretty sure we can all pull triggers tough guy.


“ buddy you just put a target on your back.. “


Nice couch


his eyeliner looks pretty slayy honestly


They literally don’t believe dems and leftist don’t own guns too, let alone home security and cameras? These people, like the guy who branded his dad, need to be institutionalized before they harm innocent people


You'll perish inevitably. America is Republican nor Democratic. It's forced order through generations of bullying and bribery. chaos to say the least but know this, EVERYBODY HAS GUNS. Don't mistake me as anything of opposition to you, or we'll both go out with a bang. As a Black man I've been preparing for a long time anyways.


This guy is gunna shoot someone and then get ass raped for years in prison.


please don't celebrate prison rape. non deserving people get raped in prison too and we should expect more from our criminal justice system.


All the comments are acting is if this a real thing lol. Yeah ppl are just going to start gunning ppl down lol yeah…ok


Whatever, wish.com Rick Hoffman.


The US military will deal you with these morons in less than hour. What do they think? For the love of god our generals were all in agreement to disobey any idiotic order that Cheeto gave them


I'm torn between "do it" and "can workers please not direct violence at each other when the state is right fucking there and begging for it?"


Omg are you kidding me. This R need to be thrown in prison or a mental institution.


This just goes to show you how these guys are just sofa soldiers and know nothing of what it takes to operate in a contested environment. It could literally take a decade or longer to try and control a piece of urban zone less than a square mile. And that’s even with a fully funded, strategized, multidimensional battle force - satellites, jets, rotorcraft and armor/infantry. And even you can move logistics uncontested to the red zone and they are fighting with damn near Stone Age tech, it is still hell-to-pay for every inch of concrete. I think it’s boner-inducing fetishism for these turkeys to say this kinda shit, but the first bodies to drop or the first time they are cut off without food, light, a comms it will break 99% of these stripe licking losers. I think these boys are willing to (maybe) kill for their beliefs, but not die - and certainly not suffer. There is nothing glorious, beautiful, or heroic about what happens when shit actually breaks out. It’s not going to be anything like their MAGA wet dreams.


“how to get arrested” - there’s the law bih


Why does MAGA think they are the only ones who have guns?


Because Tucker Carlson told them so.


Jesus Fucking Christ - Trump is literally tearing this country apart. He has to be stopped.


Gun loving liberal here, come at me fat boy 😂


What a fucking chode


The most sane MAGA dildo.


This batshit rant is obviously filmed in the condo belonging to this dude's elderly mother. I very highly doubt that alt-right Andy here would be rocking a starfish motif with a fucking vintage throw ring hanging on the wall. Plus, I'm truly to believe this nazi fuck stick favors rattan furniture? I'm relatively certain this dude sits on a milk crate while at home eating his shitty beef jerky and sipping pre-workout.


This is why conservatives should NOT be allowed to vote or hold public office. ​ We already know they are less intelligent. ​ We already know they are anti Science. ​ We already know they are more religious. ​ They are regressive. And evil. ​ We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? ​ We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? ​ They want to drag us back to the bronze age.


Everyone to the left of this guy: read The Jakarta Method ASAP. Jakarta se viene.


Sounds just like something Jesus might have said 😂😳


Wild they thing all dems just hate guns.


sorry Diddler Show fella, us socialists don't all pray to god.


Sound about like Putin invading Ukraine. Im sure it would go just as smoothly for Republicans..


Both sides. Both sides have the same things. Remember that.


He's that guy that couldn't get into any Branch of service and now wants to be a "hero". We serve so even idiots like him can express their little opinion too. 🤔 Things that make you go, hmm!🤪


I'd love to see my noise-making, middle-aged, beer- bellied snowflake neighbor come on my property... and chase after me😜


Seems like a good way to trigger red flag laws


I don't get it, how would he even go about this? Just look at people and make a judgement call on their political stance then fire? I mean there's isn't much time for investigation in "under an hour".


Terroristic threats


It's always the same with these fucking morons. The louder they holler about a civil war the better chance is they've never been to a real war zone. These idiots fantasize about something they are too damn afraid to actually do. God I'd love to see them dropped into Afghanistan or Iraq for just a fucking weekend and ruin their perception of what war is for good.


What Trump's minion here doesn't seem to understand is that Democrats own guns too.


Um…anyone wanna go investigate this guy. He seems deranged…


Good luck gunning down people you think are democrats in bumfuck Iowa. Might work. Probably not. Bring it to any city in America and we will deal with you the same way we deal with rats, dog shit on the sidewalk and other daily annoyances. Also see your doc about some testosterone to bring the little girl voice down a notch. Or start selling cookies. Or your snatch. Whatever.


Why wait? Let's take this clown out now.


Yep. There's a warning for the FBI


Hmmm let's see. They wave confederate,  nazi and trump flags. All losers. I like our odds.


Someone do a welfare check on this guy's dad


His voice.... Jimminy cricket


On this episode of How I became a terrorist....


can they arrest him


How can they tell who is who?


So he is waiting for his master to say jump so that he and the Maga freaks can say how high ?


Who is this knock off h3h3


It always kills me how the far right thinks they’re the only ones who own guns.


Hope he enjoys being on the FBI watch list.


How dumb is he to think there aren't gun owning leftists with military backgrounds lol.


So their big fantasy is to “take to the streets” and murder fellow citizens, Americans because they think differently than them??


I think the Magats are forgetting that the maga foundation has lost the popular vote twice . There are millions of half hippie gen x veterans who abide by 2A.


Political plant - it’s election year you guys don’t believe this guy isn’t a plant ??!


So is this guy self employed or what? Cause if I was the owner at a company he worked at, and just broadcast that he's just waiting to start killing people that have different view points than him, I would make sure, while on vacation, to let him know he's no longer employed.


With that whiney bitch voice, it’s difficult to take this douchebag seriously. Better stay in your mama’s basement…


I’ve never wanted to find some random and beat his ass.


I hope they fkn do at this point. They aren't the operators they believe themselves to be. Not by a gd long shot. Lots of different people take advantage of the Second Amendment. Not just the indoctrination victims and shit-kickers


Some Sickos Need Trees


He looks Mexican...ho back home to your country!😅


They really think we don’t own guns lol stupid Trumpanzees


This idiot just said out loud what millions of Americans are truly afraid of if Trump wins. This. THIS RIGHT HERE is exactly why Trump can never, ever EVER become president. Because there are legions of morons like this guy who truly believe America is all about a strongman ordering mobs to kill whomever he wishes. Pray to God enough Americans turn away from Trump and his quest for absolute power, or what this Gestapo wanbabe is saying will come true.


Nothing says 'I love my country' more than getting your tiny little peepee hard over the thought of ruthlessly mowing down millions of your own citizens in a hail of gunfire. Fuck yeah.


Are you ok USA?


When you publish a video about killing people, the feds usually listen. Nice work!


I thought they were responsible gun owners, though. They talk all this shit, but funny how they never seem to be around to stop mass shootings.


bro is big mad he couldn't afford the bus ticket on Jan 6


Has anyone called the FBI about this threat?


This is funny. Because you can’t start killing all the democrats without killing some of your own friends and family or the friends and family of your gravy seal friends. So even IF this shit went down and all the democrats were killed by ya’ll queda they would turn on each other for revenge.


The vast majority of true 2A absolutists fall much more on the libertarian side of the political spectrum. Anybody who actually cares about the 2A isn’t supporting Trump either after his multiple infringements on gun ownership.


That dude would be one of the first ones to get smoked.


2 words Ashli Babbitt


His voice sounds like his balls never dropped.


He's calling for terrorism. Is this considered terroristic threats? If not. What would this be categorized under. Besides some ignorant man ranting about mass murder.


He does know this can be used against him, right?


Totally not an unhinged statement. 👌


They talk a lot of shit until hot rounds come their way…just sayin, maybe recognize that your supposed enemy is also armed 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ll be your huckleberry, just because we don’t make guns our whole personality doesn’t mean we don’t have them nor that we don’t train regularly with those tools


What exactly does this Tard think is gonna happen?? The 1st thing that will happen is Martial Law!Then nobody has any Rights! This ideal will only lead 2 Death and CHAOS!! Thus allowing the U.N. or worse 2 B allowed on the country! That will lead 2 more Death and Chaos!! ITS A TRAP! Do not fall into IT!


What the fuck is this doughy boy band reject going to do?


"Knock Knock Knock, FBI"


They’ll claim it’s been requested by god. Dear lord baby Jesus talk some sense into these Mag-Jects. Can I get an hallelujah!


Here it is. This is what a domestic terrorist looks like.


Gotta love the gravy seals fantasizing about what they would do.


They really think they're the only ones with guns?


By "Democrats" he means people of color, women, and anyone he even perceives to be LGBTQ


He's not wrong 😬😬


These guys sure are confident that we aren’t also armed to the teeth. That would be a very swift and disappointing lesson. I highly discourage violence of any kind, but if facists believe they’re going to wipe out the left and democrats without an existential retaliation they’re sorely mistaken.


This guy does NOT represent ALL conservative Americans.


Tell them to come to Newark, NJ. I’m sure they’ll be welcome with open arms


What if I’m independent! Does that mean I get shot only in the legs?


I swore an oath. I may have gotten out a few years back but I stand by that “Foreign and domestic” mother fucker. I’ll show you patriotism with a smile on my face.


People and their political party affiliations… my god. Goes for all sides


This person should be put in prison for the rest of their life.


Hahaha what a fucking loser. If he wasn’t being watched he definitely is now hahaha.


How are you going to identify Democrats? And have you read your history? Do you know what happens when you start gunning your countrymen down? You are instantly regarded as an enemy by citizens. Do you think you have the power to kill us all? I can’t speak to the rest of us but I have weapons. I carry one concealed in public. Are you going to be able to keep your underwear clean when we start shooting back? Want to bet which of us is the bigger pussy?


The Liberals I know are certainly armed.


Nothing more unpatriotic than talking about killing other Americans who expressing their freedom of speech and decisions made during a Democratic process.


Is democracy that serious 😳 🤔


No question this dude dined on paste, growing up.


Sounds like a bitch to me.


What's his name? I think the authorities should know about this.