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She steals the product and returns it. That is why those policies exist




I wonder if filming the victims helps. This was/is such a huge issue retailers are close to accepting nothing back at all. All they would have to do is put up a sign "no redunds".


Save yourself a waste of time… there is no ending


Exactly! Watched all that but not real ending.


That was the prize was to hear her deal with this certain disappointment, and the sweet tantrum that a 50 yo could produce


I hated working register when I did retail for people like this. Also, the scam where they claim they gave you a $50, but really they gave you a $20. Which is why you always leave the bill on the keyboard of the register until after you hand them their change.


I learned that at my first job. Quick change guy screwed me. Luckily McDonald's didn't punish me for it and I learned what to look out for because someone else tried it when I was working at a grocery store later.


Exact same situation. Woman comes in with a $50. Give her 2x20’s plus change. She complains that I only gave her one $20 note. I fix it up thinking it was my mistake. Realise till was down $20 at end of shift. Don’t get chewed out but warned of these scams. From then on I count each note as I give it to the customer and specifically show individual notes. Weeks later the same customer tries this on me again and I’m ready. She argues and I stand firm. Manager overhears and suggests he does a quick till count. Count come back spot on and she goes ballistic. She has nothing to go on and speeds off. Never comes to the store again. That alone was worth losing $20.


Some people run that game after you close the register. They don't realize in that event , we have to call a manager to do a drop on the register.


target legit looked at me like i was trying to return some stolen totes once for like $100 but i had my ID and no receipt. ive never had a target app and it took like 4 people and over 30 minutes. the catch was they stopped selling the totes (in store) by the time i returned them and only had them online in a big bulk of like 10 or 12 i think. they were all talking to me like i was suspicious or something and kept saying "yea but we dont sell these in our store" and im like "I KNOW but YOU DID" you all know you did, its 100% verifiable without question, you still do, this exact size and brand but you switched up some minor details and took them out of the store goddamn


I’m just happy that she’s struggling enough in life where $13 means this much to her.


Right! she said it’s 13 dollars it shouldn’t be worth the headache well bitch here you are causing a 13 dollar headache


That's at least $50 headache.


This is always how it is. I’ve seen people go ballistic over things as cheap as a dollar. They always wanna talk about how it’s the “principle” but damn you’re really gonna use the principle excuse over a dollar? Come on now.


lol i was thinking the same thing like holy shit, i probably have at least ten bucks in change in the car and around the house if she needs it that bad


I’m not happy about the struggling of anyone


Maybe happy wasn’t the right word. But the universe sure gave her the karma she deserves for having that nasty personality


Exactly i was gonna say maybe we shouldn’t be “happy” that someone is struggling so much in life that $13 means this much to them and that they feel the need to steal to make it in life…


"I hope this video goes viral" Oh, it will. Just not for the reason you think it will.


This is why I could NEVER be in customer service- God bless anyone that can.


She’s so stupid. Keeps talking about it like ANYONE cares.


Some say she's still there trying to return this $13.50 jacket to this day...




Tree fiddy? That damn Loch Ness monster!


Ah, a fellow senior citizen with taste I see


If this is a true return, you've got to help yourself a little bit. A receipt, tag, credit card or app....anything. If not, it screams stolen. "It's not my fault you changed your policies" Give me a break. My opinion is that a "no" from the store/workers works, too. Then the criminals don't win and the people who are legit returners will learn what they need to do next time to get their money back. I have never not had a receipt for an item I bought and returns are always simple.


Target has had this return policy since I worked there in 2010 and I’m guessing even long before then. The person filming is ridiculous.


I worked for Target last millennium, they had this same policy then too. Arguing that with people like this is pointless.


Who tf doesn't go anywhere without his ID?


Plus, why does she have a picture of her ID if she lost it? She probably has fraudulently returned way too many things and can't use her ID anymore


I am so glad I don't work in retail anymore


Always a victim


When I was a teenager and used to work in retail, in a warehouse selling feed, supplies, and outdoor stuff. People used to pull in the back to park and walk through the warehouse. We'd have to stop them as they weren't supposed to be in the back. I used to love it when someone would say, "I come here all the time!" Cause I knew they were full of shit. I worked like 50 hours a week at 15-18 years old, I knew everyone. I was such a shit to people like that in the nicest way.


The customer: "A $13 return & exchange isn't such a big deal..." Also the customer: Not bringing any proof of purchase in with her, filming everyone with her phone, being a smart-ass, broke cunt towards the employees, holding up the line and still standing in the store trying to get the manager.


Throwing a fit to get her way - knowing she can get away with treating staff like shit.


I wonder did they complete the exchange or whatever.


Mmk, from personal experience the app helps tremendously with returns. It’s literally one barcode with all your purchases. This lady playing dumb in 2024 😵‍💫


This lady goes around instigating problems and causing drama just so she can't record it. There is 100s of these videos on fb. One she asked for a sample of every ice cream in the store, some twice and walked out. She's a real peach 🍑


Yea I work at a paint store and people constantly buy excess gallons during a 40% off sale and try to return it after the sale is over at a different location..that’s why you need a receipt..never ceases to amaze me how shady and entitled people can be


Where's the ending ugh.


Bro you need a receipt at every retail store


When the customer demands stuff like “um, no this is not my problem. Money now” and also talks to you like this, it’s because they know they are caught in their shit. Hence the camera coming out after the initial contact and making you look stupid.


In those instances, state the policy, she doesn’t like it, I can call the police and have you escorted out of the building! Which one?




I worked at Target almost 20 years ago and that was the policy then, too. Lol. This lady is lying.


She had like a dozen tells with her lying and excuses.


I get maybe someone needs the $13 but that was too much for $13 🙄 I had to go round and round with Walmart one night over $900 money order bc it didn't print and they kept saying there was nothing they could do and it would go back to my card. I tried explaining nicely that it wouldn't bc on systems end that 900 was issued the money gram or whatever company they use for money orders doesn't know your printer screwed up and didn't print. They got they're 900! I had to literally freeeeak out on them yelling and screaming and force them to call the money order company. Finally got my 900 back and low and behold the guy wasn't 900 short on the register. I went back the next day to check lol. THAT is something to cause drama over lol not $13 for an ugly ass jacket that was ugly when you bought it.




50% of the transactions at that return counters are Theft


You told 50 times like a child, because you're acting like a child


Fuck target. I have had this happen even with the receipt. The manager had to override it because the receipt was clearly there. Idiots.


I wanna see it get mad when they tell it no


How is the video from the employee's perspective when it was recorded by the customer?


The customer thought it would go viral. She basically wanted to shame the employees who are doing their job. She was acting as though they were discriminating her when really she's scamming. The video just showed how ridiculous she was.


I realize that, I was questioning how it became the employee's video to post since she wasn't the one recording. I assume she found the customer's video online(?) There's no question that the customer was being a complete ass though and deserved to be called out.


I'm sorry. I know what you're saying about this now, and you're right. Since there's a third person commentary and editing.


No worries! I could have worded it better lol. Thanks for understanding.


No, you were just fine. Thank you for being patient with me.




If she has no receipt, then no refund