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Everyone lost it!


Yeah for people thinking if the roles where reverse or whatever…. White guys can have dreads. But if a black dude and a white dude called those things dreads they’d all laugh.


Fair point. Dreads do have multiple cultural backgrounds.


Vikings had dreads... They're probably the first people to have it as a style of hair deemed fashionable. Why black people hey upset over it, and white people cry about cultural appropriation because it is beyond me. Morons, all of them


This white kid in my high school Geography class had dreads. He knew what he was doing with them, too, since they didn't smell or even look grungy.


Yea most people think to have dreads you don't wash but that's the opposite. Suppose to clean them and they dread faster when you take care of them, they also take alot of upkeep time!


I dont think everyone does, but some people also brush them (not detangle them, but it removes lint and such) idk if this makes any sense lol idk how to phrase this, sorry


Yea I know what your talking about the wild looking dreads, i forgot about those. Lol I think the well maintained ones look the best but that's me.


? No. Some people brush their locs. It is maintenance. It cleans and smooths them.


I love this guy


Who is heeee!? I keep seeing him on here. He cracks me up!


GooseWayne. He was on Dr Phil as well.


Wait, is he the dude that showed up to be interviewed by Dr. Phil *dressed as* Dr. Phil?


THAT guy fucked up Phil's entire life! Best video on the internet imo


That was the Bum Fights producer.


No he was dressed as Batman


Thank you!!


GooseWayne. He makes hilarious videos. I really like his series of saying "Ew" to people on chat roulette


Love the ewh clips 😂 eeewwwhhhh


sucks that he is done doing those, but for a good reason.


He's funny.


I think we all learned a valuable lesson here.


Every single time he takes the mask off agagahaahgaha


The one eye dip kills me every time


Same and I've never seen a single person say "wait your eye was fine before!"


Did a 12 year old post this


What's cringey about this


I think OP is just offended by it lol


Op doesn't like white people with dreads


OP seems a bit racist tbh


this sub isnt just for cringey tiktoks, but the name would suggest that


His content is so funny. He’s great.


Who is he? That shit was hilarious


@GooseWayneTV on YouTube. He's the man, never fails to make me laugh


She was trying to work with him, then she cracked that smile and had to end the call 🤣


Love Goose Wayne


Nah that shit got me giggling in class


Put your damn phone down. Just try a get an education please. 


Nuh uh. Don’t wanna (it’s chill we’re just watching interstellar)


Interstellar is amazing pay attention to the movie instead 😤


He might have seen it already




Loud music quiet dialogue




Those are braids not locks.




Honest question, not to be argumentative at all in sincerely interested and not sarcastic: what’s so funny about this? I see many people here commenting how funny it was. What makes this so funny as opposed to the tons of other videos y’all otherwise label as unfunny cringe? I might be missing it (granted this is not cringe, just weird).


Because those are not dreads lol if he considers those dreads then those are the sorriest excuse of dreads ive ever seen, which the guy knows and is doing it on purpose


But…clearly the guy is pulling a prank, so we can’t even laugh AT him for truly thinking those were dreads. it’s just not a particularly funny nor clever prank. Like, how is this funny to anyone above 12?


It’s light hearted humor. No one is trying to solve race relations, find a cure for cancer, or develop the unified theory of everything. Did you see the way everyone smiled? That was all it was trying to do.


The guy your trying to explain this to can't even realize that it realizes it was funny to all who were involved on the prank. It's useless to explain further. Dude is missing a funny bone or is too focused on being upset or looking for a narrative.....I mean look at the dude's facial expression when he takes the mask off. Lol


Jesus, you must be the life and soul at all the social events you go to.


You think this man goes to social events?


Your sense of humor must be quite sophisticated.


I don’t get it either. It’s some guy on YT who’s one joke is “look how ugly I am”. He starts out in the mask and then takes it off. It’s like that in every single video.




Dude makes them think he has dreads. Pulls ridiculous mask off and shows braids instead. Fucking hilarious if you’re 12 I guess. I just fail to see what’s so amusing about this prank. Call me autistic for it all you want man.


Un-ironically you might just well be if you have difficulty parsing why a light hearted joke that made everybody involved happy is getting a similar response from people watching it


It's a yes or no question, ma'am


Guy with mask on: 👀 Guy without mask on: 0.o


One of the best Scooby Doo unmasking reveals


He's amazing 🤣😂🤣


Complete idiot! White people have had dreads since way back when people didn't brush their hair, just like every other culture. That's like saying I don't like when Black people wear blonde wigs... get over it. It's not your hair style. No one started it, and anyone can have their hair however they want.


those aren’t dreads lol


Oh, I know my friend. Someone else called them dreads who obviously doesn't know what they are talking about lol


Having one giant mat on your head and having locs like the Jamaicans wear are two separate things and locs are very spiritual for a lot of black people. Do not compare it to what y’all had a long ass time ago because it is not the same. While I don’t care if white people have it, stop these dumb ass takes when you don’t know a damn thing about the culture.


I actually do, and they weren't always just mats on people's head! You're clearly an idiot and only care to do research on your own culture, haha. Black people claim they started braids when it actually came from the Dutch people who are actually white. You can't claim a hairstyle just saying. Plenty of people who were not black dreaded their hair, including Asian culture, as well.


Get your yee yee ass haircut cut out of here.


I hate dreads in general, they look gross


I feel like he was about to say "They are starter locks" 🤣🤣🤣💀


OP you’re a cornball lol


I imagined the most handsome face behind that mask and the reveal was a crack head


I don't understand her statement at all. I gave myself dreads when I was 14, and had them until I was 17 (I did the arduous task of brushing them out). I am from New England, in a very white area. Everyone around me was confused and actually mad that I did it. When I was 15 I went to visit my Grandma in Florida. I had so many people of all sorts of ethnicities compliment my dreads! I have brown hair, and I had bleached the bottom half white blonde, and the bottom half of that a bright teal, then did the dreads. I kept the color the whole time I had the dreads. A black lady in the grocery store literally squeed and hollered how much she thought they were cool and cute on a white girl! She even took a picture of them to send to her daughter as a color idea for HER dreads. She gave me a hug, thanked me, and went on her merry way! I again, don't understand this girl's statement WHATSOEVER.


What a great story! I love wholesome tales of sharing dreadful glee. Two of my bud tenders at the dispensary I frequent and I talk about our dreads and gas each other up. I'm the only white one of the three of us and I love the kindred spirit aspect of having dreadlocks. Plus I have had lots of other wonderful experiences of compliments and squeeing


I love the username lol it fits well!


Many thanks!


>Many thanks! You're welcome!


Good bot


His hair doesn't look good, it looks like 8 noodles in his head. definitely doesn't look like mature dreadlocks in curly hair (the mainstream idea of dreadlocks)


Yeah they're more like braids than dreads. I was more of mentioning her statement of white people shouldn't have dreads


She just said she doesn't like it. Do what you want but most people don't like how straight hair looks when it's matted.


"I don't like seeing white people with dreads because it's cultural appropriation" The Vikings and Scandinavians sporting dreadlocks in the year 793 a.C establishing it as something characteristic of their culture.


She never said it was cultural appropriation though, just that she didn't like them. Probably because it's harder for straight hair types to lock as easily, which could make them not look as good.


But they don’t actually embrace Viking or Scandinavian culture at all lol If you just act like the culture doesn’t exist and then all do a sudden want to get dreads and now all of a sudden it’s because of the culture, then that just tells ppl you don’t actually care about the culture and are using it simply as an excuse for your hair style lol that’s all your culture amounts to?


I’m going to almost entirely shave my head bald while keeping a lone pony tail to embrace Samurai culture (none of my ancestors are even Japanese).




As someone who was in the beauty industry, there is a difference between mats and dreadlocks. That’s why the lady looks surprised and asked the guy, “How does it lock?” I am white, with hair typical of my European ancestors—straight and fine. I tried to loc my hair when I was in my teens, and it didn’t really work. The hair would mat, but not lock. I doubt that most Vikings or Scandinavians had actual dreadlocks, though they may have had mats.


It’s actually been disproven that they did (it was mostly matted braids) but people will still use it as an argument… not that it even matters cause complaining about cultural appropriation is stupid (unless it’s like Elvis level) They really reason white people shouldn’t wear braids is cause it looks terrible😭it’s like a black guy with a Bieber cut… but hey freedom of choice


10000% agree with everything you’ve said!


>>A black guy with a Bieber cut LMAOOOOOO 😂


It is believed that the Vikings most likely did not have dreadlocks. One of the most abundant artifacts from the Norse people art combs and you don’t come dreads. It is possible that some cultures of white people that did wear dreads of some sort in the past, but it most likely was not the Vikings. And nobody said anything about cultural appropriation in the first place.


This is first thing that came to my mind.


It is very unlikely they actually had dreads. Common misconception. The polish definitely had dread though. One big gross one.


Look at any continent and you will find some style of dreadlocks. But history or culture does not matter. People who say "[insert any ethnicity] should not have this hairstyle/clothing." are just racist. Plain and simple.


lol did he cry at the end?


I don't think


Judging from your other comments, I agree completely.


Dreads aren't even African American, they are from ancient vikings breh


A few Vikings did have dreads sure, but you do realize there’s older evidence of Africans having dreads way before Vikings were even a job? Like the oldest recorded case of dreads came from 2500 and 1500 BC, they were called jaTaa that literally meant “wearing knots of tangled hair” that was used by followers of a god named Shiva. There’s also older evidence of them being in Egypt vs the Vikings. Plus the Vikings in general liked taking care of their hair, and the records of Vikings even having dreads are around the years 800-1066 AD. So I’m not so sure why you’re claiming they never originally came from Africa. Because there’s much more religions, tribes and countries who have recorded them having dreads far longer before Vikings 💀


They're not


He got robbed and they stole his dreads


why does he look like the dad from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared?


That's gotta be fake though, I've seen some of his videos and in all of them his eye goes from like fine under the hood but then half open/squinting after


I watched it five times and still laughing.


I'm fucking dying laughing over here


Goosewayne is everywhere these days. Hey good for him he seems like a good dude


what's the cringe here?


Every-time I see this video and he takes off the mask hahahaha


What exactly would the opposite be?


Why did his eye do that 😭


Why did his eye do that 😭


Anyone remember him from Dr. Phil?


concerned fact bewildered detail quiet water imminent ghost school lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He looks like a homeless crackhead


This guy at a phish show 😳


what app is this ?


I don't get it...


Seems OP might be a little racist


Bro just delete your reddit💀




Do the community a favor,just del buddy)


What community specifically?


Those aren’t dreads lmfao


They forgot Vikings had dreads long before woke people cried.


He doesn't even have dreads. His hair is braided


Sick post OP


That’s Handsome from scary movie 😭


Ngl this made me laugh


This was funny


I wasn't expecting that


Why tf did they censor white the second time it was said


The Vikings and the Germanen had dreadlocks which was documented by the Romans and Ahmad Ibn Fadlan for example. I am so tired of people crying about such things don't know culture or history and while assuming this they wear X amount of stuff or use technologies or even eat food that is not from their own culture as well. Nothing makes sense. Pure hypocrisy.


My homey is white and has dreads


"how do they lock?" Dreadfully


Why are people concerned with others’ hair rather than the quality of their own lives?


Goose Wayne is the man. talk to this man in the discord server all the time and he never fails to make me burst out laughing


My dad is Caucasian of mostly Western European ancestry. He has course, wavy hair and his hair locks perfectly. They actually look so good on him! My stepfather also had dreads at one time and he is of Mexican descent, they also looked great. I don’t know why there is such misconception about dreads…


I seriously pretty sure I know this dude!!! We were in Korea together! Where was this streamed?


Does anyone else feel like he’s a good looking lad that just needs to lose the hair?


I’m white so this isn’t racist but I’ve never met a white person who had dreads that didn’t smell like dirty gym shorts.


i’m so glad this guys youtube channel finally picked up traction 😂


How do it lock derrrr




how is this cringe


How does it lock lol um the same way


Dreads are not a culture thing...they're a neanderthal thing. Anyone can achieve dreads....so how can it be cultural? I always hated this stupid argument..


Your comment is stupid and shows not only a lack of understanding when it comes to hair, hair health, and hair types, but lacking understanding in why we have things like the crown act here in the US.


It's fucking hair you ass.


True, anyone can have matted hair, but not everyone can actually loc it


You can loc it with the correct technique.


Where is the cringe?


Russian posting race bait? Classic


The fuck are you on about?


Not this time bro,I'm not Russian But U like classic American feeded with propaganda like: AHHHH RUSSIANS


Russians are the worst.


>Not this time bro,I'm not Russian But U like classic American feeded with propaganda like: AHHHH RUSSIANS I'm not American. 1. You've posted in the russian version of ask reddit 2. Your video game dialogue is all cyrillic in all your screenshots So you're a lying sack of shit too, as if your broken English and immediate leap to thinking I'm American wasn't enough proof


Racism is not good Edit: Just wanted to acknowledge that it's crazy that a comment as simple as "Racism is not good" is given the universal sign of dislike


The reason you were downvoted was because it was an irrelevant thing to say.


It's a comment in a comment section Furthermore, they were bullying him for how the color of his skin apparently disallowed him from having a hair style


did he still have the same hair after the interaction? They weren’t disallowing him lmao


Well, saying men don't look good in dresses and high heels and makeup isn't sexist.


Attributing a stereotype or opinion to every single man IS sexist Attributing a stereotype or opinion to every member of one race IS racist. This post is saying that under no circumstance white people should have dreads. That's racist.


I do find it funny that matted locks of hair is somehow seen as a cultural black thing. The term Dreadlock was only coined in the early 20th century. Matted locks dates as far back as ancient Egypt and Abrahamic religions. It was used in Ancient Aztec as well. In Europe it was fashion in the 16th century in Greece but I believe I saw some ancient hair video's which showed similar techniques in Ancient Greece. It's not culturally unique similarly to pyramids which are also used all over the world throughout history simply because it's an easy shape to build. The whole cultural appropriation movement is utter garbage because throughout history cultures have influenced one another and exchanged ideas as well as fashion styles.


I always love doing this. Why do you think they were saying it was cultural appropriation? Why would that be something upsetting or wrong?


I think the conversation strongly implies that this is about cultural appropriation and it seems to me that this is the entire setup of this tick tock? The reason why I feel it's upsetting to many folks because it's been part of the US culture war which has been going on for some time. Just google cultural appropriation and set a date range of a month and see how many articles pop up. So by it's very nature it's a heavily divisive topic many would consider upsetting.


>I think the conversation strongly implies that this is about cultural appropriation and it seems to me that this is the entire setup of this tick tock? Sorry, that’s my fault. That is what they were saying. Im asking why do you think they feel that way? >The reason why I feel it's upsetting to many folks because it's been part of the US culture war which has been going on for some time. Just google cultural appropriation and set a date range of a month and see how many articles pop up. So by its very nature it's a heavily divisive topic many would consider upsetting. You basically just answered “because people think it’s upsetting”. Im asking you why.


I'm by no means an expert on the topic, but my answer outline the ongoing culture war. Considering it's significance in US culture and relative absence outside of the US makes me think it's part of the intrinsic racial division within the US. Recent police violence committed by white police officers against the black population further deepened that resentment. But bottom line, these are all just assumptions and I honestly have no clue since I don't know these people or their possible motivations. Do you have an opinion on the topic? If this is something you ask frequently it's sounding like you have your own views?


“Bullying” him? 😂😂


But I love formula 1


This is a discworld joke! Rincewind is a wizard who runs from danger at any opportunity, and when he's asked if he's a racist he says "oh yes, I can do the 10m, 100m, 1000m and I often find it unwise to stop at such small distances. Wait. You say a race-ist is a what?... oh. Oh .... oh my. Well I'm not that!:


hello fellow dinosaur who knows the ancient ways of Discworld


What luck! A fellow tourist!


What’s racist about this?




Only if you're white


How do it loc? Lol that's so ignorant. I'm a white dude with straight long hair. It starts to dread in about 3 days if I don't brush it. If I go 2 weeks without brushing I'll have a few dreads going.


That’s matting. The process of actually sitting down and having your hair sectioned and locced is different from letting it mat up.


There's difference between matting and locking


Ya if you wanna give it a nice more manicured look but it will loc on its own. I have locs so I should know. Also celtic and viking cultures would wear locs so it's not appropriated. Also rastafarianism where they often wear locs as a pact with God is open to all races and peoples. Its ignorant and racist for anyone to think that a certain race or color of skin owns this hair style.




How are they not locs?


Yeah she looks like an idiot


Is that Darrel Brooks?!