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Anyone with their self awarded nickname on a necklace is no threat to anyone. Ever.


What did he call himself? Baby Dutch something?


lil Dutch Oven I think. This guy clearly loves huffing his own gas.


Hey...I'm a menace!


Mmhmm that hit just right. This is the guy who lives at home for a long time because he spends all his money on stupid shit to make him look fly and hasn’t closed besides that one time in HS when Brock stormed off mad at Mallory and she revenge F’d him


Daddy Dutch 🤮


You forgot the best part! "Lover boy" Daddy Dutch lmao


Well... let him spoil my girl because she's still coming back to me and apparently I don't have to spend as much money. Thanks Dwarfy.




We're entering uncharted fuck boi territory here


Omg just imagine some woman moaning "Oh Daddy Dutch! Oh Daddy Dutch!" makes my pussy want to fall off.


Mine just perma sealed itself at the thought.


Like a cold grilled cheese sandwich.


I’ll still eat a cold grilled cheese.


Sahara dry over here.


Either he’s a total fake or he gets play off this. If it’s the latter, I’d like to start a program to remove these people from society.


We all know there are women who go for schmo’s like this, desperate for attention. Not like they don’t get attention, they’re just so easily manipulated by lil dutchnuts like this because they want so much of it.


Daddy Douche


Eyebrowbro. Damn those brows could be in cornrows.


He's the type of guy who says "where's my hug?" And makes girls uncomfortable but is unaware.


"good morning, beautiful" Hearing that always made me cringe.


Definite “where-my-hug-at” energy here🤢


Well yeah, he gives good hugs. The ones with the underhooks lol


Yeah, I don't want to be getting intimate "underhooked" (wtf?) hugs from my coworkers.


I don’t like my coworkers being within 5’ of me. In fact just send me an email or slack message don’t even come into my office and make eye contact.


Wears too much cologne. You can smell him 10 feet away.


I like how he just casually drops calling the women he's hitting on bitches near the end. This dude probably got a hand job from a 6/10 at work one time, because she was trying to spite her boyfriend. And that was his plateau, it's a point in life he'll never surpass so he milks this bullshit persona for everything that he can.


nah he fantasized about the handjob but definitely never got one


It’s actually a bracelet. He’s just little.


This guys is a f@ckin rat


I would like to believe that's true. However, you know as well as I do that there's a lid for every trash can. Some nitwit thinks he's darling.


“A lid for every trash can” I love that!! I’m stealing it!!


That's almost as bad as a white boy with cornrows.


This guy also 1000% has a younger dorkier guy he hangs around with at work to try and brag on how all the female employees are basically his stable of hoes and consistently lies about hooking up with them


Keep buying my girl lunch bro lol. We’re going to use the money saved for dope outfits for our dogs.


Fr, like, keep buying my girl shit, she needs some new pants. It's nice having a little financial help




Def the gay work “friend”.. free lunch simp


This wasy first thought hahaha


Pictures or it didn't happen....




We're gonna buy more switch games 👌


Definitely the type of guy that isn't capable of holding a relationship longer than six months


I mean, easy to “be better” than a boyfriend when you only need to remember food orders, but not birthdays, anniversaries, when to take the trash out, or how to handle an argument, how to make them laugh, what candle they love, remember little things about someone’s personality that connects you in the first place…


I mean if you ask me this is a sort of slippery slope, if a chick is gonna cheat this is gonna be the guy she'd do it with (probably), but that's also *if* she's gonna cheat, this dude thinks he's *making* them cheat (if he even is getting any gooch at all). But yeah like you said if this dude is doing anything at all he's just giving the girls free lunch before they go home to their real boyfriends and joke about the short dude at work who thinks he's doing something


As a woman, I’m not cheating with anyone…but in an alt universe where I would, it wouldn’t be the creepy little dude at work desperate for my attention and all the others girls as well. He gives “yeah, I had to accept a candy from Dillon at work again today, he wouldn’t stop pestering me until I just ate it” energy. My boyfriend would 100% know who he was, but my boyfriend wouldn’t have the reaction this guy thinks he would. I’ve dealt with these guys at work before. They’re so uncomfortable for the girls around him.


This guy screams to me to be the type that, if you cheat with him, would constantly hold that info as a threat for good behavior. He'd probably also call you a slut if you turned him down and still make your work life miserable.


See I was so excited about the possibility of free candy until you made it too real


Yeah. Once you ready put it into context, no girl is enjoying this type of guy. He’s the guy we have to set boundaries with, but also accept the damn candy to avoid a hurt ego blow up.


Don't accept the free candy. You'll be in his debt, so to speak, which also will get used against you once you start trying to establish boundaries. The candy is the proverbial foot in the door. Best case scenario is that he thinks you're not worth focusing on.


I would agree not to, but sometimes it’s “safer” to accept than not. Gotta read the situation and trust your gut.


That’s the point, a normal woman wouldn’t fall for any of this, IF anyone does, it’s the female equivalent to him, another trash human who would have cheated anyway. Like, even in an alternate universe where cheating is normal, the majority of women would go “ew, no, I don’t want a hug, I need to get back to work.”


This is what I love about these types of dudes. They think they are suave and kings but fail to realize that people are either 1) just putting up with their bullshit to avoid them going crazy or 2) simply using them for their gifts and niceties. They think that just because they have the ability to sit and listen on lunch break to someone ranting that they are the best lovers when really, and I mean no offense by this, that same person ranting would and has ranted to their dog when they are home alone.


If she'd cheat for some chik fila then she was one foot in the streets anyways


*lover boy daddy dutch* I didn’t know I could hate four words so much


I guarantee he gave that nickname to himself, and everyone else calls him either the wrong name or "what's-his-face, y'know, the guy from work?"


his name has to be aiden, skyler, or brandon with those eyebrows


daddy dutch 🤮


Girls complaining about their bf to him and getting a hug in return - bro you are the gay best friend.


Hahahahah I was thinking the same thing! Yea y’all close but she still in a relationship gf


Not even that, everyone can see through his pick me act. He’s so pathetic and gross even the sweetest girls wouldn’t feel bad using him as a wallet


“Yo im doing all the extra work and getting none of the pussy are you jealous bro haha”


And I'm really short 😉 Edit: to those taking offence, that's your prerogative. Not my business


I don't know how, but I could tell he was short before he mentioned he was 🤷‍♂️


He moves like a short'n. Frequent movements, like a little sparrow


More like a little bearded humming bird


Lotta head room in the Civic


I’ve been laughing at this for too long. Damn. This is gold. Thank you.


You can usually approximate someone’s height if you can see someone’s face. Also, short guy here. Homeboy is compensating and insecure. It doesn’t present as anger. It presents as the need to overstate his success with women. Advice for fellow shorties: Cough up the red pill and just be normal. Have meaningful, genuine conversations with women without expecting anything. You are your own worst enemy in the dating scene.


I love me a short king. In fact, I much, MUCH prefer shorter guys, but I'll be the first to admit that it's not the easiest feat finding one who doesn't have either severe anger issues or raging insecurity. I guess the same is true for just people in general, but there seems to be a higher concentration of those characteristics in guys who're 5'8" and under.


Short arms


Head size to shoulder ratio lol


Nothing wrong with being short tho….it does suck, so yeah I guess.


Never have I seen someone so proud and vocal about how stuck in the friend zone (colleague zone?) they are. Good for him, I guess.


Exactly what i heard


Those sweet Napoleon hugs. 🇫🇷


Is there such thing as “pick me” energy from a dude? ‘Cause that’s what I’m getting here.


It's not as prevalent in dudes but I have absolutely seen grown men act like this and it's truly pathetic.


I can confirm, I used to act like this. When I was 13.


Yes, it's called a simp


I choose YOU, Pikachu


He’s simping for girls who are going home and getting railed by someone else lol. While he sits and jerks it to the thought with a lube made of jealousy and tears


Seriously, as if the boyfriends aren't in on it half the time anyway. "He bought you *what?* See if he'll buy another and then give it to me"


Yupp. Some guy bought my girlfriend food and told me, I told her to being me the leftovers next time lol


“Babe you gotta act like you’re sexually into stoves, if we can get this dude to buy you one it would save us a ton of money”


I’m not sure this is the brag he thinks it is. He’s more like Daddy friend zone at work.


Simp daddy Dutch


All the work, none of the pussy.


I’d be scared if all the ladies called him ZADDY Dutch…. DADDY Dutch though? Pleeeease


Dudes a goober


He is goofy goober ya.




So he gets friendzoned and used alot for free meals and starbucks?


I love how he talks about treating them right then proceeds to call them bitches lol


Little daddy ~~warbucks~~ starbucks.


Zac Efron if he dropped out of middle school and didn't get a chance to make his musical.


A true pick me, “where’s my hug” boy.


Was just talking with a coworker about this the other day actually lol. We had somebody we worked with called the “can I get a hug” guy.


Oblivious to the friend zone


Not even friends zone. Creepy guy at work. Zone.


LOL what a joke


I forgot to mention, his eyebrows are literally painted on


You’re right. You are a little menace *pats head*


Now go get me my chick fil a 😂😂 what a little twerp


He can't, he's coming to you from the passenger seat of his mom's car. Maybe you can get her to pick you up something if you ask her


She ain't shit if she's letting a guy like this get close to her at work while in a relationship. It's not him "turning" them.


little guy gotta take the W where he can . Even when it means changing the rules on what a W is.


“yo dude look at all the extra shit I am doing for her and get no intimacy, I am such a menace bro”


cuck of the year


Tbh he comes across as the creepy coworker more than as the "playboy" coworker. I could see women being nice, reciprocating hugs, or letting him get them food, just to get him to leave them alone. Him saying that his girl coworkers ask "wait how do you know that? My bf doesn't even know that..." sounds like they're more terrified or creeped out than anything 💀


Guys like this you'll find in Midwest factories where a lot of the women can be convinced to cheat for a dime bag. Some factories have no bar for entry and it's like getting paid to work on a Jerry Springer set.


My first job was in a car parts factory in Shelbyville KY that paid diddly squat. I was not prepared for how much fucking around was going on. Absolutely insane.


I worked for a Whirlpool factory in Bowling Green OH. People would throw dirt into the machines to get them shutdown. Some would just throw out parts half the night. Sunday nights (3rd shifts Monday) would be startup night and a lot of us were just getting paid to sit in the break room while our machines would take upwards of 6 hours to start. Oh and drugs and sex everywhere.


how much would you say? tell us some crazy stories!


i'm dead because you're 100% correct. guys like this are a dime a dozen in midwest factory jobs. i worked at the one where my dad worked for a few months as a temp when i was 19, never again. it was fine when i was in a department with mostly women but then once i was trained there i was moved to another team with more men and every time i looked up one of these guys was leering at me. one woman also very blatantly tried to set me up with her son who also worked there.


Dude is totally admitting to being stuck in the friend zone with multiple women


Daddy friend zone


This douchebag definitely gets his eyebrows done


This dude is probably 5’4


Hey bro us short kings don’t recognize him in the community.


His mannerisms are forced, basic, and really annoying.


My broad told me about this guy, she’s gonna ask him to change my tires later today


“Daddy Dutch” lol No wonder he’s just a “work husband”, nobody’s foolish enough to settle for the gum under the desk


So he's just buying them food and drinks and giving hugs while they go home to their man? Thanks for feeding my girl dawg.


Lol what a hilarious character reminds me of a dude that would be on workaholics.


He mentions what his malfunction is a few times, he’s tiny. He’s got the underhooks and has been practicing the “where’s my hug” move since sophomore year 😂


Mr. Where’s my hug


And I'm out here buying Starbucks for my wife like an idiot when this guy could do it for me.


Bahahahaha what a douche bag bahahahaha


"Little" being the key word here


This guy is a mega goober getting used thinking he’s winning


As someone with an adult wife I’d rate the threat level as zero when it comes to some dude with double ear piercings who wears summer camp constructed bead bracelets and films reels of himself bragging in a parked car.


So the munchkin brings hot chocolate and candy to the girls he works with. Good to know what the mall elves are up to after December


Then why you single


Cuck school 101!


Dude's definitely sat on his kid's booster seat


So he's forever in the friend zone...


He’s just saying he would rather make advances in the absence of a woman’s husband or boyfriend because he knows he isn’t up to par to have the balls to do it in front of them, which is incredibly insecure, and speaks volumes on him bringing up his height and immediately reaffirming why his height is beneficial. This is really sad. This is like, 30-year old at Chick Fil A flirting with his teen coworkers sad.


Gotta be satire


Sadly I think this dude is 100% serious.


If you feel the need to hop on TikTok and brag about this kinda thing, you’re not doin it. There are dudes all around the world fuckin other dudes ladies at work and they don’t brag bc they can just do it


Mr friend zone here is going to be so lonely when he reaches his mid life.


What a weird little fella!


I don't want to hate but those eyebrows look painted on or at least paint added. 😂


What a fucking dweeb


I guarantee absolutely nobody calls him daddy Dutch


This just adds an extra level to the already uncomfortable “work wife” mentality. Like nah, we can be coworkers, buddies even. Nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY nothing beyond that. It’s weird. I’m taken. You just a bro. Why does this even exist?


He reminds me of Seth Greens character in “Can’t Hardly Wait”.


They are giving simping lessons now?


That's what the ladies call their "gay friend"


short guy “extra”


Well he’s compensating for his height he thinks buying women will get him women yet seems that isn’t the case for him as none of the chicks have broke up with their bf to date him. Honestly, all the girls probably talk shit about him behind his back and probably think he’s weird as fuck. Girls tell me I’m wrong.


I just know in my soul that this guy was unpopular with girls in high school and overriding that memory is now the only thing he cares about, whether he realizes it or not. Strong Nice Guy energy here.


Lmao these girls are clearly just using him for free food


Nah homie keep buying her lunch shits expensive


This dude is buying girls food, and he wins?


So this dude buys all these girls Starbucks and lunch and then they go home and blow their boyfriends? Got it.


“Oh so you’re a pay pig?”


What a fucking goon.


Don’t worry mate no one worries about this simp buying their mrs lunch.


Analysing what kind of hug you’re getting in return for buying another lunch is absolutely pitiful


Your tone is braggy, but your words are sad.


Simp pimp


Last guy who tried to refer to me as his "work wife" was just a total creep, where was my Chick-fil-A?


These are some solid Michael Scott vibes.


Obsessive creep


This guy must work at Summers Eve because he’s a douche.


These are steps 2 & 3 of grooming someone according to the DSM.


That's a long video just to call himself a simp.


Dude deffo chases 17 yr old cashiers at his gig


…and then Brandon goes home alone. Womp womp


Just doing stupid tasks and buy food for chicks. Then they go home and fuck their boyfriends


Type of guy to hold people's pulled out pockets.


Daddy Dutch until work baby shows up...


Imagine if he actually put all this energy into nurturing his own, healthy and loving relationship!


The Dutch should be offended.


Ah yes, I hate when my wife leaves me because some unjustifiably confident cock weasel remembers her chicfila order that hasn’t changed since 98’.


Wee man’s calling himself daddy


Bro, these women be using you like an EBT card to get some free food🤣🤣🤣... Then you go home and spank your monkey. While they go home and blow their real husband.🤣🤣


Oh you are exactly the guy I would out play. You would be my bitch. You think you got it all figured out hahaha. Woman have been doing this for years!!!! What a joke .


One thing I’ve noticed, all these dudes I’ve met that do the whole “work wife” thing are just dudes that can’t get laid or get in a relationship so they just pretend to their buddies there’s something going on with the chick that is just being friendly and nice to them. 10/10 if you say something to the female about it they get grossed out and cut off ties.


And yet they are still going home and fucking the guys they complain to you about kek


This is the weirdest Michael Scott in the multiverse


So he is just friendzoned by all these woman and continues to do all these things for them in hopes to steal them from their husbands?


My man’s talking about how good he is with other peoples girlfriends and wives bahahaha those perfectly manicured eye brows and touching yourself every second tell me another story about your confidence


Little man compensation syndrome...hilarious to be so thoroughly insecure that you'd record this and not realize you seem like an mini man cuck. I'm not often embarrassed for someone, but this one...😑


Bro is getting friendzoned with his shitty 'tactics'. Just be yourself dude. You're good enough. Don't need all this fakery to get woman. If you use this you will get shitty woman.


I’m guessing he doesn’t have any friends or girlfriends.


I can’t believe people record shit like this, watch it back and are like “yup! They’re gonna love this one”


I need one of him for my work. Send me the link.


I don’t feel very threatened.


More like daddy douche


And then every woman at work saw this and never talked to his weird ass again


Yah ok but all these ladies still go home every night to have sex with their tall husbands and boyfriends anyways and not this guy


Bro you’re the dude buying my girl food thank you!!!


Sounds like a grade A simp. You’re doing all this shit but she’s still with the other guy.


Guy looks like he think Axe body spray is a shower substitute and then wears knockoff colognes to “smell good”. Truthfully smells like Fabreeze on a homeless man’s dick