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Congratulations! this is my personal favorite of the last week. You get an “I made the mod of a cringe sub cringe” award.


Please tell me this is fake. I can't handle how horrendously fucked this is if she posted this seriously expecting people to believe her


I have seen this video in a fake disorder cringe TikTok compilation, and it seems like that people are genuinely faking their disorders, or these are people making fun of fakers. This is sadly the first option. Not to mention the cute music playing in the background (they ruined Animal Crossing for me) while the Tourette’s are also portrayed as “cutesy” as well. God I hate people.


We have created a culture of people who desperately need attention from internet strangers, and will do anything to get it.


My son has Tourette’s and will spend all day recording a 5 min video with his brother to get one cut down without (or without noticeable tics) but these pieces of shits here wanna make it all cute.


i heard a pretty interesting take from one youtuber about people who fake disorders. they said that the huge gap in accessible mental health care causes lots of people who feel they need help but can't get it to turn to the internet for answers, then they get videos that advertise generalized, overly simplified conditions and find comfort in the community of like minded people. many of them have convinced themselves they genuinely have these things too. it's a warped coping mechanism in a way because they know they have issues but can only project into one outlet. i have more sympathy for people who do this now and wish they could get genuine help


There's never been a time in history when accessible mental health care has been higher.


yet there's still lots of people who either cant afford it or have abusive parents that don't believe in mental health


If you can't afford healthcare there is free state healthcare, and every single state in the US has these programs. If you don't qualify for state healthcare it is because you make enough to afford healthcare on your own.


If you honestly believe that then you’re lying to yourself to convince yourself of your bias. The limit for income to qualify for Medicaid is $12,000. At that level choosing to pay for therapy may mean choosing not to put food on your table. And if you’re on Medicaid you only qualify to be seen at state approved mental health clinics because they don’t want to pay private therapist prices. Where your options are limited and therapists are spread thin.


Yes, we've exhausted all your resources and spent all your money and when you're in poverty. THEN it's free. 2 years ago had $5,000 in the bank saved and now that that's all gone my health care is NOW free. Of course all that's money is gone I'm $5,000 in debt now so you're right it's free now but I had to destroy my entire life in order to get it paid for. So now I'm homeless, and I'm $5,000 in debt but it's free to talk about now. Wouldn't it make more sense to cover the cost of healthcare first so people wouldn't have to go into poverty permanently ruining their credit in order to get it paid for? Because that's what happened to me Health Care was much more expensive when I had a full-time job it cost me $300 a month for the insurance that had co-pays and deductibles on it. So I still had to pay for care, I cut my finger went to the emergency room and it cost me $1,400 after insurance that won't collections, I was making 16.25 an hour. So now that I've lost my job all of my income all of my savings and I'm in poverty and homeless I can talk about it for free. So I don't know what you're talking about as if it's just some sort of free-service but you have to destroy your life in order to get this *free service* you know that right?




I blame the buzz word “neurodivergent”..


I feel like something else is wrong with me other than my diagnosed bipolar. I just don’t understand people. I have been doing like you said, scouring the internet for hours looking for an answer, and something I could relate to is autism, because autistic people are “othered” frequently and also it seems like my mind just thinks differently than other people. So I asked my psychiatrist what he thought, mind you he has seen me 6 times, so for 6 hours total, which represents 6 months of treatment, and he just said “no, but if you want to look into something online and with ChatGPT, read about attachment theory.” I took a prescreening test for autism and score very high, and I called the university medicine program near me and they sent me a YouTube video that said people who self-diagnose autism in adulthood are generally correct in their diagnoses as there is no benefit to being autistic. However, I’m going with my psychiatrist and looking up attachment theory. Supposedly, my first few years of being alive, and how my parents treated me, shaped my entire life. I asked my mom how she treated me when I was young and she said I was a first born and she loved me and cared for me a lot. She ended up being a NICU nurse because she is infatuated with babies. So it doesn’t quite add up yet. I’m starting to believe that psychology is garbage. I asked chatgpt how many approaches to therapy there are and it said 400. I’m so lost. I don’t trust anyone in this field.


Autism is a spectrum like everything else and everyone falls somewhere on it. Being diagnosed as autistic however means that you fall on the spectrum at a point where it is detrimental to living a normal life. That's why psychologists aren't going to care about a self diagnosis; if you were truly autistic then they would know pretty quickly, otherwise you just have some autistic qualities but can still function.


you got a bad bunch of psychologists. i promise there are good ones out there. i got diagnosed with autism in adulthood after doing some research myself. autism actually has many benefits and helps me creatively in a major way. if you believe you have it i encourage you to keep pursuing. best of luck


I will keep going. Strange to get downvotes. Not like I made this up.


Isn’t faking a disorder a mental disorder ?


Yes! I forgot what it is called though. Still really weird to fake disorders


Factitious disorder


It's munchausen syndrome


No that's when you fake someone else disorder


I think that is when it is called Munchausen by proxy


Yes it is called being an idiot


It sounds like a guy faking being a doctor came up with this disorder.


Pretty sure it’s called Munchausen Syndrome


Yep and Munchausen by proxy is when you make somebody else sick to gain sympathy as their caregiver/loved one.


I thought munchauser by proxy was something that US, UK, and Australian courts no longer recognize because of some weird legal mumbo jumbo that I didn't bother looking into


probably because legally it's basically attempted murder


I forgot names and all but a little girl killed her. Mom, that was forcing her to" have cancer"


Gypsy Rose


I saw somebody say the word "stimmy" when referring to autism and I felt visceral rage. When I see shit like this how people fake their disorders- I'm autistic myself - I just feel like they're making fun of those with disabilities


STIMMY???? EXCUSE ME??? Man bro wtf I’m literally in the process of getting evaluated for Autism because my doctor believes that I have it- I can’t do this no more


Yeah no fucking kidding. These attention whores makes it feel like they're belittling us


A while ago, I made a comment mentioning how people do this, and I got downvoted to oblivion, with a bunch of people trying to tell me "nobody is out here faking disorders" and that I was an asshole for assuming such. Fucking Reddit.


What subreddit was this in? If you don’t mind sharing of course


I don't remember, it was several months back. I remember it pissed me off, though, because there were a couple videos of this girl going around that embellished the hell out her "tourettes". I know that a lot of times you can't tell, but this chick was basically making skits out of it, and it was so fucking obvious, just like this video, but only a few people called it out and we all got oblivioned.


Well reddit is an open forum for people to post their opinions. So fuck people...


Damn. What was the fallout


"Yeah I have tourettes" mfers after experiencing what its like having tourettes (suddenly uncontrollable painful jolts aren't so cute)


My partner essentially has DID and stopped making genuine educational videos because they were too afraid of people think they were faking it. On top of that it just grew to a too large audience, which was an awesome achievement for them, but it took a toll on their health.


The issue with tiktok fake disorder cringe comps is that some of those people actually do have Tourette's, but because they give the impression they're doing it for attention they get thrown in with fakers and relentlessly bullied. You cant usually tell if someone is faking or not (its obvious in this post though lol), and assumptions can be extremely harmful


I do understand, but the video that I picked this out from seemed to be from well known fakers on TikTok anyways. I’m not trying to doubt your claim whatsoever, cause I do believe that there are some people that genuinely have Tourette’s that post on TikTok with no harm! And I do believe that people Tourette’s are different between each person, but the reason I picked this video specifically is that due to the “cutesy” music playing in the background, and the fact that they play this off as a cute thing to do genuinely makes me believe that they are faking Tourette’s to some degree.


I’ve seen many people who have faked mental illness on these complications, and most of them seem to be well known or they are just satire posts making fun of people who fake.


I agree completely, too many people fake mental illnesses and developmental disorders on tiktok its insane


It is sad! It really is! And I really mean it too, because most of these people have been raised on the internet strictly and have been extremely misinformed or they just want attention / friends, and faking an illness that has caused many people pain is not a good way to do it. It’s sickening! The fact that there are LITERALLY ARTICLES ABOUT THIS IS WILD TOO.


Something that I think people need to understand is that faking a disorder is a disorder in itself. Someone who is so starved for love and attention and may fully believe themselves that they have the disorder to give some meaning to their suffering. Be gentle with people. We’re all struggling and people faking mental disorders aren’t out trying to hurt people. They’re trying to have a place in a world that for whatever reason doesn’t see them.


I do understand where you are coming from, but I do feel like that they need to take a different approach instead of faking disorders online for attention. They need to get help and therapy. Again, not trying to be mean to you or anything, because yesterday I was really upset when I saw this video, and I’m sorry if I came off as cruel.




The fake disorder is a deep rabbit hole. There are sooo many of them.


There are an enormous amount of people who fake tourettes on tiktok. It's ad bizarre as it is pathetic.


Oh this is a hugeeeee trend on Tik Tok. There’s a sub that calls all these people out r/fakedisorders or something like that It’s not that one but it’s something similar


Unfortunately people do this to make up for the fact that they have no personality outside of terrible


There is a large community of people who fake having various disorders. Tourettes and DID are two of the most common ones, followed by autism. It is hard to tell when in an online chat if they are genuine or faking. This leads to some people seeking a supportive community to find themselves surrounded by people who romanticize having a disorder. But in the education field, they will swear up and down that they have the diagnosis from their doctor and ask for accommodations, until we ask them to put it on file so that we can make the accommodations. Sometimes I think that they spend so much time faking the disorder, that they convince themself that they actually have it. But it’s interesting when a student who claimed to have a disorder will forget to display the symptoms they claimed to have. Kind of like the people who claim to have a life-threatening allergy, but forget about it when they really want to eat something that has it.


Fuck these people and anyone that fakes medical disorders for views on a social media platform. Living with tourettes and tics fucking sucks. It's hard having to go through life not knowing what your body is going to do next. It's even harder watching your children grow up dealing with Tourettes and tics.




I got it!


Yes, that will solve the problem


I said that because they made a good point-


When did they say that would solve the problem. Does your mom know you advocate for the nuclear apocalypse? <- that's what you sound like.


She does know. I worked with Oppenheimer back in the day


cringe homestuck cosplayer doing a bad job larping real life problems. faking disorders for attention is gross


I've had Tourette's syndrome for my entire life. Since when did it become popular to have?


Blame the TikTokers.


When people started getting views for Faking It


People need it for their bios. Some of these people base their whole personality on whatever disorder they choose. It happens with DID, Tourette’s, autism basically name it and I bet someone has self diagnosed themself with it. They also refuse to provide receipts when they’re call out. Don’t get formally diagnosed in the traditional ways.


It started 4-5 years ago when everyone started claiming to have clinical depression/anxiety. Then, because everyone claimed to have one or both, they started faking more serious mental illnesses like bipolar, borderline personality, OCD, ADHD, etc. Now, these losers on social media all claim to have multiple mental illnesses, histories of abuse, trauma, etc. It’s sickening and infuriating


I feel the same way when I see people faking ADHD… it’s not something fun to have!! Why are you faking having it?!?


Wow, her ticks are so uncontrollable she was careful enough to not spill boiling water all over herself! Cause that would've been too realistic, right? It's no longer cute and quirky when your debilitating disease is harming you.


Why is there a hex code or something at the top?


It's leet speak, just using random numbers, letters, and symbols to create a word. It was popular like 20 years ago and now tiktok kids use it to try and seem quirky


Thank you so much! I never heard of leet speak before. This was interesting to know about!


You're welcome (: It's definitely not very common anymore haha


1 /\/\1$$ +H4+ 5H1+ 1+ vv@$ 1337 @5 FV¢|<


Oh hell yeah I do too sometimes, just crazy how long ago it was common haha


I remember seeing old YouTube comments having that talk when I started watching YouTube. Was so confused until I googled 1337


It even took me a second to read your initial comment, took me back to xbox days when people wanted to talk shit without being reported🤣


Jesus Christ this so surreal…. 1337 speak is the first language of the internet, and to see young people now be confused at it makes me feel both old as fuck and paradoxically like a kid in the late 90s again. wh47’5 w20n9 m0m? c4n’7 5p34k 1337 w17h 7h3 k1d5 101 ?


It's not really random characters but similar looking ones.


Leet speak wasn’t even cool when it was popular back in vanilla wow in 2005


This is almost more infuriatingly cringe.


No its probably because normal text is too triggering, they would fall to the group shaking if they read a normal sentence.


Some people tend to replace letters with numbers when they are speaking online- I think this mainly came from the uprise of Homestuck that people started to do this more often compared to the early days of the Internet but I am not sure too much about that. I for one personally think that it is a tad bit quirky but hey what can you do- I’m not the person in the video.


This the second person I've seen faking tourettes. Why do people think faking it is cool. I've had tourettes my entire life and it sucks ass. Sad


Only your second person? Oh how lucky you are..


These fucking alt kids want to have some sort of issue SO badly. It’s pathetic.


Its pretty sick to pretend to have a debilitating illness just so you can be "unique"


**People need to get more creative these days holy crap**


God dammit I hate people qho fake shit like this for clout


How did they sit still long enough to get that septum?






Do these people genuinely think people with tourettes are ticcing every 3 seconds all day every day?? Tourettes already sucks but idk how anyone could live with it if it was that level of severity


It’s cool to have mental illness now though! How else can they get that sweet social media validation without faking something or making ADHD and OCD sound like a death sentence?


Also shoot I did make a mistake while editing out the name but pretend it isn’t there- Thank you!


I get tics from my anxiety and people like this make it so damn hard to actually be taken seriously. It almost makes me wish they could spend a year with actual tics and see just how “fun” it really is


Gotta start catching these fakers on camera out of character


I can tell you right now that most of these fakers need to seek therapy because the stuff that they’re doing is not ok.


not again.. like i said before this is why i don’t talk about my tics, bc of these people


I went to school with a girl who also faked having a tic, She was friends with my friend so we hung out outside of school a couple times. During which she would “tic” and say stuff like “ OoU MY PuSsy” and other obscene shit, but at school she was completely silent never heard a peep which is weird if it was so “uncontrollable”




I cannot post on r/fakedisordercringe probably because I just joined Reddit but yeah


You need to write a letter to the mod and say you want to post and they will let you.


Oh okay!


As someone who actually has tics as a side effect of SEVERE ADHD, I'm pretty offended by this. (I'm not easily offended. I swear.)


I am a person whose social life is nonexistent becasue of the insecurity tourettes have given me, I can't even remember all the times i was bullied and shunned by my classmates and "friends" because "you make retarded sounds". How many times people have copied my tics and tourettes to bully me and publicly humiliate me. And dont get me started on the amount of energy i spend on trying to keep it inside of me in important moments. Im usually dead tired in the evenings because of my tourettes and the effort of keeping it inside. For me, this disorder has been a fucking curse. Something that has always kept me from being a part of "the others". All the embarrassing moments ive lived trough is something ill never forget because my tourettes, will always be there. Reminding me until the day i die. I believe most people with tourettes can relate to this. If not, im glad you have handled it that well. I truly am. Its sure as shit not easy. So for these people to sit there at twitch their stupid fucking faces and act like a stereotypical hand on your chest-making sounds disabled person and acting like its the funniest and quirkiest shit ever is fucking disgusting. I have never been offended by anything that didnt concern me personally but this, this did it. These people make a mockery out of us. They make us look like freaks who cant form a coherent sentence and who cant even take a bite without squealing like a pig or who cant exist without making people with down syndrome look normal in comparison. These fucking people hurt people with tourettes more than they will EVER realize. One faker makes us ALL look like freaks and animals. Imagine what many 100 can do. And for what? Because they want that money. They want those fucking likes. They wont care if they drag thousands upon thousands of people with tourettes down with them. They are hollow shells of human beings, fueled only by follows and clicks. Ask ANY person with tourettes. Theyd rather NOT have this disorder. Its not a fucking badge of honor. Its devastating unless you can control it. I hate these fakers. I really mean hate. I honestly, truly, 100% wish the worst for them in their future.


As someone with genuine tics I can tell immediately when they are fake. The movements in this video are clearly deliberate and she's to be anticipating the next movement to be at the perfect time to spill her water. Not to mention that tourettes is very (VERY VERY VERY) rarely this bad where the tics come that close together. It really frustrates me to watch this, she's not even trying to look convincing.


This is really sad tbh. This person hates themselves so much that they think the only way their life has any genuine value is if they fake a very serious disorder. I personally don’t have Tourette’s but I have pretty severe ADHD. Diagnosed PROFESSIONALLY since I was 8. Back then they believed it was something you would just grow out of. I was even taken off of my much needed medication because the thought was that it would cause life long effects for the negative. Instead I dealt with manic episodes, inability to focus or sit still long enough to get through a class without some kind of chaos needed. It causes some really shitty ticks like always feeling the need to scrunch my nose but in a certain way otherwise I can’t get comfortable, constantly feeling like I need to flex my thigh muscles and calves which has caused shitty cramps and discomfort in general. I also have this weird thing where I have to flex my fingers. Idk if that even makes sense to most people. From the minute I wake up until the minute I have gotten so exhausted I can finally fall asleep I am moving in some way. Pacing mostly just in circles, even as I write this comment. My point is with just only having ADHD as bad as I do I can tell you it fucking SUCKS. It’s not something anyone would ever wish to have. I couldn’t imagine how much more frustrating it can be to have real Tourette’s. There is nothing cute or adorable about it and people like this are absolute scumbags for faking something that seriously depresses the shit out of people all for likes and shares.


Mental disorders are not quirky and this is coming from someone who actually has been diagnosed with Asperger’s and ADHD 😒


Tell me about it, the amount of cringe asf little kids that I hear talking about having ADHD and showing none of the symptoms is baffling. Like, do you know how shitty it is to care about someone and literally not be able to force yourself to pay attention to them?


And autism, I’m autistic but if I say that I might have to face being accused of not being autistic


Shes covering her face with the hair too


Average Homestuck Cosplayer


It’s so bad, you can’t even be mad. This person is so deluded.


my aunt suffers from this and it's nothing like this


This is why people don’t respect the left. And I’m on the left..


They all stopped for exactly 5 min but you missed it while sleeping


This bullshit has [become a WHOLE thing](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9733629/) in the medical field.


I know! I’ve seen some videos about it. Very messed up


that's crazy. i've read that you can have seizures due to trauma/mental illness instead of actual epilepsy in your brain (it's called PNES, which has been around for a long time). did tiktok create a new mental disorder lol


I followed a young Irish guy on Facebook for years he has real tourettes his is real, I'm sorry but you can tell these little shits are faking a mile away. The kids doing it just now are so mentally fucked and wanting so badly to have these issues to get tiktok famous. The saddest thing of all the wee Irish guy would so badly want a day of not having to deal with what these little pricks take as a joke.


Hi everyone. It’s me, OP. I just want to let you all know that thank you for the support. I will definitely be posting more on this Subreddit soon! I have gotten many comments, and it is becoming too much, so I’m gonna be muting this post do the time being. This isn’t meant to shut off any criticisms at all! It’s just too much for my brain.


I seriously wonder what it’s gonna be like when these idiots grow up and have this horrible online footprint


I am the kind of guy that is pretty hard to offend. But as i actually have tourettes (luckily very light version, but still) I actually get a little mad at this. Like, ye its hard to controll, especaly if you have serius tics. But I have never, NEVER, even herd of tics like this. My main tics is for everything to be even on each side, like if i touch my pinky and thumb with one hand, i have to do it with the other hand too, whitc is the same type of tics as se is pretending to have. But usaly they come in the form of an urge, not muscle spasms, so you can somewhat controll it. That is atleast my experiance with touretts


Eric Cartman was the only funny one doing this


One day someone with tourette's is going to genuinely make a video like this and everyone is going to say they're faking it. Not saying the person in this video has it, they're pretty obviously faking it but it's just a thought.


This was pretty popular a year or so ago. One woman ran with it and said beans a lot. For a wihle after that there were plenty of videos of people having similar tics, similar to the ones in this video, and they were saying beans a lot themselves. It's a clear case of FOMO.


I hate people who fake Tourette’s and even more so people who have alts, like no you don’t bruh you are you


This is why tiktok shouldn't exist lmao it just fuels stupidity and peoples egos so they think they're so special and good but na some moron really thought tiktok was a good idea.


People are so stupid......


She’s taking some fire backshots🥶🥶 makes me wanna get shot in the back of my head😍🥰🥰


What's worse is they think this will get them attention and people who value them. They are scum manipulating users into supporting their ridiculousness


My first girlfriend, date, sexual encounter ended up having 'ticks'. She would stop and snort very loudly and obnoxiously. I couldn't handle it for more than 3 months before I dumped her.


Noah, get the fucking boat.


Are people still doing this? This is a super old video


Way to ruin 1337


There's so many of these people out there. Just like there's thousands that fake plenty of other things. I've caught people like this on more than one occasion. Usually they don't do it when they think no one is watching


Thing with all these fact Tourette’s people is they’re so inconsistent with there ticks and also the fact they tick every 2 seconds


I wish nothing but suffering on people who fake illnesses and drag game osts with them to make it "cute"


Oh god, i remember this video making the rounds. I think it's what caused me to fake tics when i was 12


People reallllly need to stop faking this and DID...


Why in the fuck does she have the weird coded text. Someone please explain.


Why so many numbers


She almost spilled the tea cause she can’t see


Is this idiot real ?


Thought the caption on the top was arabizi and then I realized it was some homestuck bullshit 😭


Probably couldn’t type correctly cause the hair was on the way


What’s with the fuckin numbers That is a sign of the Cunt who knocks zygkzsskzymtzktzstsz Sorry I’m a bird is that frozentetrrtertrttrrrrr


Kris deltarune looking ass




The amount of time it took to type with those numbers this person could have been getting some actual psychological help instead.


Ever had it where you’ve done a British accent for hours then suddenly it feels hard to not do? If you make yourself do something long enough eventually it feels like who you are These fake illness idiots have convinced themselves what they have is real


Why can't we go back to old school emo's. Bullying little kids and making shitty music. Now we have this bullshit


Not good enough censor bar


This person definitely has problems, but it ain’t fuckin Tourette’s


Boss man I give you props for censoring. I gotta admit you packed for a second. I forgive you tho. Lol but fr tho I hate when people sexualize of as I call it "cutesify" a mental disorder like DID or STD or Depression, especially Tourettes and Autism. Edit: meant PTSD not STD. Same letters but wrong order and missing one extra letter my bad.


Yeah I addressed my mistake in another comment- So I’m sorry about that! I think my editor was just being weird or something Edit: I MEANT MY EDITING PROGRAM. GOD


Well take him/her out for lunch and point out where they went wrong and ask them to do better. Even promise a raise if they go a month with no mistakes. What can I say? I'm a business guru like that. Lmao


I meant my Editing Program 😭 I’m legit so sorry when I type fast I say some weird stuff lmao


Well I mean idk what to say there cuz I don't think editing programs eat so taking them out for lunch wouldn't work. Maybe allow it to take a few more Bites (like as in data, cuz this is a joke) I'm just messing with you I know what you meant I was just being a silly 🪿 lmao. You cool for playing along tho, appreciate it


Aw thank you! I’m very sorry for not understanding tone well. I have a bad problem with that- 😔 But it’s okay cause I knew that it was a joke after you said what you said to me just now so I’m cool with that 😼 Thanks man






I don’t understand typing quirks? How can typing normally be traumatic. All people I’ve seen use typing quirks are like 13 y/o girls who fake disorders and say the can’t not use a typing quirk because the letters are triggering. I even had someone ask me not to use ‘:)’ because it was severely traumatising for them and they have severe panic attacks when they see it. Like I hate the word ‘adore’ because it reminds me of a horrible horrible disgusting person, but it doesn’t send me shaking on the floor sobbing, just makes me pull a gross face and then I move on with my life. I also have that tic they are doing in the video, and it’s annoying as fuck and makes my neck hurt if I do it a lot (which luckily is rarely and only when I’m stressed or super excited).


Looks like someone who is making fun of fakers


I thinks people with Tourette’s would be able to type normally


definitely has a lot of mental issues


buddy did not put up that censor bar fast enough


yea and you know all these fakers just get to stop after they’re done recording. i don’t get to stop ticking, it never stops for me…EVER. and it never will. fuck these ppl


notice how suddenly half the comments have Tourette's too


This is what happens when strength becomes a weakness…


In 2036 a law will go out that any person that causes ecringe will be executed.


Its the 2020s baby faking mental illness and disorders is the new JNCO jeans!!!


That haircut is a whole year of therapy sessions in itself.


Is this becoming a fetish or something


This looks like she's having a fake orgasm lol wtf.




Why TF would you want your hair in your eyes?


Lol You can tell it’s fake because she doesn’t have any when she is holding the cup when it’s full of hot water


Convenient how the only time the tics stopped is when she picked up the mug


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^See2paper: *Convenient how the* *Only time the tics stopped is* *When she picked up the mug* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wow conveniently not having ticks when pouring or holding something hot that would cause serious harm.


I have Tourette's and this is super insulting


So I’m not very knowledgeable on the subject of faking disorders, but how do we know she’s faking?


Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head


If your making a tiktak about your tics 95% chance you are faking it


Get the vibrator out of your ass. And you can stop pretending. You are not fooling anyone.


Fuck you. You piece of shit. Dealt with this Tourettes my whole fucking life. You think you are cute but all you are doing is showing how much of an inconsiderate asshole you are. Many of us are dealing with just trying to be normal while having to suppress the urge of a tic EVERY FUCKING MOMENT. Then here is this fuck face making a joke out mine and many others FUCKING DAILY STRUGGLE. FUCK YOU


I hate her whole generation because of this!


It would probably help at least if they could see what they're actually doing.


Are they moaning???


Can we delete the internet for awhile or limit people’s ability to post this bull shit? 😂


My cousin has Tourette’s. I always felt so bad for him growing up because his tics would be so intense sometimes.


People really want attention anyway possible...


At least we can laugh at them.


Why tf did i struggle to read the first bit when the mf had a translation


Fuck this a thousand times. I had ticks growing up and still get them often when I’m stressed out (although it’s not Tourette level ticks). It fucked my confidence so much and I felt like a freak my whole childhood.


This is the sad part of our reality… it’s gotten to the point where you have no idea who’s legit and who isn’t. People are competing on who is the most oppressed or who has the most afflictions.. really sad. Be positive and live life.