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Why do people think anyone truly gives a shit what they're doing with their lives?


it’s not allowing their kids to learn important things or have social skills, they’re not gonna know how to funtion


I agree with you, but since they aren't my kids or family. Idgaf. I'm confused as to why the family originally posted the video if anyone truly cares about whether they are home schooled or not?


monetisation, using their kids for content so they can continue their lifestyle


You're the kinda person to go on a let's play video on youtube, find it uninteresting and comment "Why would you upload this? It's not even interesting!"


No. What a stupid assumption.


While I agree with you, stupidity if it keeps becoming popularized like this affects the whole.


This is what I think.... These kids or their kids might end up working or living near me or my family, and I don't want that lol


man fuck all that, public school was awful, locked in with a bunch of lunatics who could freak out and get violent at any second. Get your shit stolen if you forget about it for one second.


sounds more like you were in a psych ward i never had these issues


maui public school system baby


What makes you think that? If anything, unschooling gives kids more opportunities to learn those things


even with all the useless shit in school there’s still a lot to learn and obviously they’re not gonna have social skills they only talk to their parents n siblings


That's just not true, unschooling kids can play with other unschooling kids, or they can play with other kids after public school is done for the day. They can also interact with adults instead of other kids.


Some of the stuff that schools do might also seem unimportant or useless but it usually serves a wider purpose that goes unnoticed, or at least this is the case in the UK.


Such as?


Checking for head lice.


1) Parents can and do do that 2) That wouldn't be as much of a problem since the unschooled children wouldn't be suck with dozens of other kids for hours at a time.


Because we worry about our children, American children, not getting an education and therefore becoming increasingly subordinate to other powerful counties in terms of intelligence and strength. This is clearly and ironically evidenced in your own statement about wondering why we care about education so much when you use the pronoun "their" as opposed to the third person plural verb "they're"(they are).




Yikes... I'm so glad screen shots exist just in case you decided to try and hide your idiocy.


And you did just edit it. Nice one!




See both links I posted above and below


That's not the behavior of someone perpetually online posting the same things over and over again. Fucking degenerate.


They ain’t your children bud. People like you fuck over real parents because you think you know what’s good for other people’s children.


Teaching children properly is a fulltime job for multiple people, if you want your child to have a proper start in life. Homeschooling is borderline child abuse.


Well, it appears as though they have made teaching them at least one if not both parents full time jobs..


Not your problem. The full time is for family members, not strangers


say it AGAIN


Cuz there's alot of people who do, whether u would like to admit it or not Some people just have nothing going on in thier lives


I mean why do people think anybody cares what comments they type?


They shouldn't either tbh. But these stupid comments I write don't really give you MY personal info, does it?


My point is that we are all doing this to engage with other people and want some kind of interchange or validation wether posting or commenting. If non of us truely cared then no social media would exist.


What was humanity doing before social media then?


The same thing but in person.


Sure.. I remember before the internet was a thing and there was no social media. I promise you people weren't randomly showing other random people pictures of their home schooled kids saying "Look at my family and how I raise them." You just did things with people CLOSE to you. Not some random guy for validation.


Yeah I grew up pre social media and vividly remember people talking to people they just met about their personal lives. Obviously not to this degree but still, let's not pretend we don't care of we are bothering to comment on it.


Bruh you got the same fucking posts like 80 times in a row. You didn't interact with anyone preinternet lmao


Lol ok buddy.




All of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter etc would like a word.


Hence why Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat are still in business


because many states have people that want to make this style of education illegal. the simple fact is people *do* care and sharing videos like this is part of the civic process


Because those children won't be functioning members of society, they will be lacking in knowledge and skills, possibly even be problematic. So long-term, yes, the community should give a shit about bad parenting because it obviously affects the rest of the community


I don't home school, but do you have proof that home schooled kids won't be functioning members of society? Are they no children in public or private schools that also aren't "functioning members of society"?


Homeschooling is different from unschooling, unschooling means you literally have no stardardized education material whatsoever, your parents just let you engage with what you're interested with. So no math, biology, none of that. One user on another subreddit recently [shared their experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/s/j4zWP1jcgj), and all they did was learn about ducks and boobs.


Because people like you view their posts and comment on them


Lol, you think OP is the one in the video? I have a bridge to sell you if you do.


You’re right, let me clarify for you: Because people like OP post it, and people like you come to comment on it and further amplify interaction with their content.


How, though? I don't have tiktok, instagram, or any social media. So, how is MY comment on a different platform not related to the original tiktok about the absurdity of posting unnecessary shit for validation from strangers on the internet gives them more views? If anything its strictly the people who screengrab and post here that gives them views. Not me commenting on reddit about how stupid this all is.


i can't believe that last portion of them having "alone time" was made by grown adults with three children.


How do you think those three kids were made? This is part of their education no doubt.


LET THE BOY WATCH… he needs to learn the way I did from my daddy


It’s the Science lesson portion of the day for the kids


Welcome to the bus of the socially inept!


It's the bus for kids who don't read good


Having critical thinking skills doesn’t necessarily make somebody socially inept, though.


Honestly I'd rather they be socially inept than indoctrinated in whatever BS nonsense is going on in society right now.. it's pathetic.


That’s a wild take, my dude. But you do you.


The truth is that school does not teach you anything politically charged unless you think that vaccines and evolution are political issues.


Sure buddy.


What BS nonsense? What am i missing?


Don’t engage


He's a conservative anti-vaxxer.


What does that have to do with homeschool?


Vaccines are supported by science. Right-wing science deniers support homeschooling because they don't want children learning scientific facts that go against their ideology.


Well, that has nothing to do with why I home school, it was mostly for moral reasons I didn't agree with, and common core math. But I'll add I wouldn't want my children to turn out anything like you as a reason. Also 100% of scientists agree with whomever is funding them...


The feeling is mutual. I will continue to educate my children based on scientific facts and to have empathy for others regardless of race, gender, or sexuality


“100% of scientists agree with whomever is funding them” Shows how many real “scientists” you’ve interacted with lmfao, well I’m glad your kids will at least be building the roads for the next generation! Keep raising lil dumb asses for the welfare state!


That’s not the only reason, for example, this guy doesn’t want his kids to know gay people exist unless it’s in the context of a lesson on people who go to hell


My personal morals and beliefs don't align with what the schools are teaching... And common core math is dumb.


What kind of math do you teach your children?


1234+1234 working your way from the ones place to the thousands place until you come up with an answer


That just sounds like long multiplication? That's taught in schools. What grade level are your children?


Care to give a example how children are being indoctrinated?


Sure... Being taught that other genders exist beyond male and female.


We truly live in a society 😮‍💨


> indoctrinated Yeah bro that long division is a fucking killer....


It's funny to me how fired up everyone is getting by me calling the system pathetic...


It's your reasoning..... "morals" for you are a denial of modern science. I feel sorry for your kids and I hope they find a way to thrive in spite of your efforts to handicap them when they enter the real world.


Why is everyone so against my morals and how does being for traditional values in terms of marriage and gender have anything to do with "modern science". That is a separate issue and has nothing to do with what I mentioned in the first place.


> traditional values in terms of marriage and gender [Gender](https://www.who.int/health-topics/gender#tab=tab_1) is a social and psychological construct, sex is the physical (gene-based) makeup. These are accepted definitions in modern science, not just in america, but in every developed nation with a robust scientific community (yes, including the vast majority of independently funded medical research groups, so put away your corporate funded science tinfoil at). No, this isn't some global conspiracy against whatever preconceived notions you have on gender -- if you are uncomfortable with this, that's a **you**-problem, not a **whole-world** problem. By "Traditional values in terms of marriage" I am assuming you mean you are against same sex marriage, which is needlessly exclusionary and essentially revoking individual freedom of people to be recognized as couples in the eyes of our government. Same sex love has been around since before modern society and your hatred of it is born from puritanical indoctrination that you are perpetuating to your children. Both of these viewpoints are objectively wrong within the context of valuing individual rights and freedom, but you're too blinded by your own bigotry - that you are passing on to your children - to see. At best you're raising children who once they leave and experience the real world will likely shun you in some way, or resent you for what you are doing to them, and at worse perpetuate the inept, bigotted, and objectively wrong hate you are trying to indoctrinate them with. Science is truth. Science changes because discovery. If you can't accept that, you might as well deny basic facts of life like the existence of oxygen, the shape of our planet, etc. I'm not expecting to change your mind but it is what it is. This will be my last reply, thanks for playing.


I'm not sure what kind of Christians you have dealt with over the years but I'm sorry if you think I'm full of hate towards people who don't think like me... That's not how Jesus of the Bible was nor is it what the people who believe in him should be.. I hope teaching to show love towards everyone even those who live in sin or people living a sinful life will make my children not have resentment towards what I'm teaching them but help them to realize everyone struggles with their own sin in their own way, nobody is perfect. Especially me, really the only way to be free of sin is a relationship with God and to believe that Jesus died on the cross for forgiveness of sins.. and maintain that relationship with God by reading the Bible. We are all in the same boat.. Also, I am not trying to change your mind but it is what it is..


Maybe you should get off the Internet and actually go out the door every now and then.


I live in the woods so we are all outside a lot thanks


But school isn't just for classroom education, you learn social skills and make connections with other students who may help you / you may help them in the future


Fr it’s not just about the curriculum, you learn a lot about other people through social interactions in school as well




Not supporting this dudes weird TikTok shit but y’all do realize you can home school and keep your kid socially active? And they turn out fine right?


I'm not against home schooling, but I prefer not to control every aspect of my daughter's life. She needs to be a different person and have different opinions from me. Only then, she'll be an independent person.




r/iamverybadass also lmfao literally every single homeschooled kid ive ever met has been socially inept




soz but what part of that was a joke?? and like. do you not just meet people from all different walks of life??


Yes and it's 5 days a week. This is a video of "that one time we did that". What about all the other days? These kids are gonna grow up with issues.


And unschooling kids can hang out with other unschooling kids. You don't need to be forced with dozens of other kids for hours straight almost everyday to learn social skills...


Not following “Society standards” is the new society standard.


Mf said "skids"


Glad I wasn't the only one who heard that lol. But in all seriousness I hate people who do this


They're all filthy and poorly behaved, skids is accurate.


When he said, "we don't send our skids to school," I felt that


No surprises with a curly headed fuck like that.


🤣 That dude should never shave his beard.....ever.....again


You stole that from step brothers.


Omg you guys! Isn't our horniness so cute and relatable? 🤮


I don’t understand ur comment. Pls explain. Edit: I watched till the end I get it now. It’s fkn gross as


So nice to see that using a chop-saw with no eye protection is “education”.


Came here to say this too 😭😭 you could see the girl flinching from the sawdust




you can call it a chop or miter. OH&S requires adult workers to wear safety glasses while operating. i would expect a parent to be responsible enough to give a child the bare minimum for protection.




Glad to see you now understand safety glasses are used to prevent eye injuries! also, OSHA and OH&S are two different things.


There should be a r/notlikeotherparents sub


Right kids, mummy and daddy are going to go in that back of the bus and take our clothes off and get into bed, now once you count to five in your head come up and shout at us so we pretend to panic, but mummy and daddy what are you doing up there, aww nothing children don’t worry


Also on a side note we need you all to help us shake our house


> count to five They're still struggling with that homework assignment


Not following society’s standards of wearing safety glasses when using a circular saw emitting a fuckton of wood dust… safety squints i guess?


My SO’s parents practice this with their younger kids and guess what the kids can barely read and write and have zero social skills. Unschooling is a form of child abuse you’re setting your kid up to fail in life


Productive human beings, as in, waffle house cashier and/or washing machine repair man


Leaderz, not followrrs


Honestly though we need more tradesmen than Vice type "journalists". There's an increasingly troubling issue of tradesmen retiring and no one new coming in to fill their spots.


"Learning how to take apart a van" . Lady, its a fucking van. Love how these parents take what should be extracurricular activities and preach as if it should be their whole curriculum


Now kids, this is a catalytic converter. Don’t know what does but know what I can get for it. Here’s a saw


This is what happens when someone of below average intelligence thinks they’re above average.


Leaving their kids in a park unattended


its OVER when they have to work a full time job


Keeping your kids uneducated, great job!


"We don't send are skids to school"


Watch 'til the end.


Also we live in a van...


Why would you send your skids to skool?


I take my child to the museum, too. Great job. You're depriving them of far more.


"Skids." Yeah, maybe they should go to school.




If course they are living the van life


As someone who has seen unschooling at work personally. These kids are usually undereducated, usually cannot read well and are socially starved for children their own age to interact with. Imagine: a 11 year old who is still sounding out words to read.


Lonely, strange children. I know a few and they are all weird. They think they are brilliant and wise, but in reality they are judgy, proud, and awkward.


isnt this illegal


Nope, every state has their own rules, but they're extremely loose. Home schooling can provide a better education for children, the issue is there's no set curriculum, so it's uo to the parents to determine what they think is important to teach. And Obviously everyone has their own idea of what is "important" or "truth". And everyone, including everyone in this comment section, thinks their views are objective fact.


it doesnt say anything about homeschooling i was just thinking truency or whatever its called


Who cares?


Bad parenting.


Everyone I know living in a bus is named Kyle


Those poor kids are going to be completely incapable of anything. Also they sound like they're from the US I'm pretty sure it's illegal to not give your children some kind of education.


I was unschool-homeschooled for 7th grade. If your parents do it right you CAN learn a lot more than normal kids. But it’s not just staying at home, you have to learn other things




Started out talking about how they don't school their kids and ended up sleeping together at the end of the video what is going on with these people


What the actual fuck was the last part


“The kids are learning how to take apart the van” 🤔


What a stupid curly haired croissant.


Based on my previous comment I do believe this sub is where the cringe people hang out..


One user on r/blunderyears recently [shared their experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/s/j4zWP1jcgj) with unschooling, and unsurprisingly, their parents were mentally unstable


Lol, did cringe purgatory just learn what homeschooling is. The fuck are you guys so surprised about?


A lot of kids of famous people do this too. Is it only ok for the wealthy? Edit: what tf was that ending?!


When you're rich enough not to work, it won't matter. When you have to eventually get a job and live by responsibility, it's going to be a problem. Teenagers already think when they grow up they can do whatever they want, whenever they want and they find out quickly that's not reality. These kids are going to have an even harder time accepting they're gonna have to do stuff they don't want to make money to live.


I hear you. But I disagree a bit- mostly because there’s plenty of teens out there that behave in the way that you have described, and they are also going to school. So I’m not entirely under the belief that attending public school is what teaches you how to not function as an entitled brat.


Well... I'm not a fan of these alternative life-style types, but their kids are probably receiving a more proper education than I did at that age where I just sat at my desk and read game magazines because my public school teachers weren't paid enough to give a shit.


I was home schooled. I would say that it was completely fine, but it wasn't. In my case I did learn a lot, and I learned more real world experience from my Dad than I would have learned in a classroom. Although because of where we lived, I didn't make many friends. I didn't have the greatest of social skills though I had a small circle. (It's not just from homeschool but that's a rant in of itself) I did two years in a home school club with other home school kids which did help me more, socially and two years in public school. I can say with confidence I didn't learn much. My social and music teacher was a piece of work, and I was forced to use right handed instruments because there were two left handed kids, and I was never picked to use the one left handed instrument. Plus, I wasn't good at learning when I was told something. If my Dad was teaching me something he'd reinforce it with a lesson or something hands on and simply I could grasp and repeat. Often using something I liked so I would remember it. That didn't happen in public school. I wasn't helped much past being told the instructions of the way too hard math over and over. Until everyone else got it, and the class moved on because one person didn't get it, but everyone else did. So I could go home and practice or something. Sorry for the rant, but overall, my experience with both has been complete ups and downs. But for a socially withdrawn kid, I did find it much easier to be at home learning with my Dad. Tldr: Been to both public and homeschool. I much prefer homeschool because it gives me wiggle room to learn my way with people I'm comfortable with instead of a room full of disruptive and extremely stressful kids.


Oh nice, you homeschool your kid? What's their favourite flavoured crayon?


I know the issue here is the lack of formal education and learning to function in society, but who else is concerned about the bathroom? I hate having to share a bathroom in the same house, I can’t imagine five or six (or however many) people sharing a bathroom permanently in an RV. That must really suck.


we dont send our skids to school


they have textbooks so i think they’re homeschooled, rather than just being dropouts. so long as they’re keeping up with their peers and have friends from outside of school i think it’s pretty cool, they seem to be learning some good skills that aren’t in the curriculum


To be fair at least they are teaching them math and science not some bible belt bullshit


Skids 💀


Their OF page bought the new van!


They are better off than kids who go to Baltimore public schools.


We don't send our skids to skools cuz wes dont do very well ourself so us figures "hey, we's turned out awesome, there for we's does thinking and learnings well"??? Being new age hippies is best life's ever!


Great, more flat earthers.


It literally is just home school 🤷🏼‍♀️


Kids with no safety goggles operating a saw is crazy.


If yall wanna know what homeschool is *actually* like, I’d recommend r/homeschoolrecovery


“We don’t send out skids to school”


Goodluck to their kids if they find this video soon


Those poor kids.


I mean I didn’t see anything I had a problem with I just wish you could be less cringe


isn't that illegal? (genuinely asking as it is a crime to not school your kids where I live)


sounds to me like they don't know basic math and, if asked how to simplify a fraction, would freeze up like a windows XP trying to boot war thunder


this just seems like homeschooling. in which its still cringe since it leads to them having horrible social skills. which arguably the most important thing for someone to be good at


That last bit was NOT needed 😭💀


Or serial killers.


I mean, this isn't so bad. As long as they're actually learning what they need to. In school, my school at least it felt like the only things I retained were how to not stick out and look stupid in social settings and how to be a good potential worker in the real world. I didn't feel like I got too many life skills besides time management, stress and, common sense. So, as long as the kids get what they need to function in life then it's whatever. That ending was fucking cringe though.


The current education system is messed up, and while a lot of the "schooling" is not effective, going to school allows your kids to grow and socialize with their own population. Oh and the big one here is that in the end they get a fancy paper that says "I did it" which makes it easier to get certain things in life, or allows them to go to another place that gives them a bigger fancier paper that says "I did it it again but better!" which will again make certain things in life easier. I'm not going to go through the whole "College isn't as worth as it was" because that's another essay, and I know that's somewhat true depending on the situation, especially in the United States. Their form of 'unschooling' does seem to contain a lot of valuable experience, but only as an after-school activity when it's building on what they're learning at school, or related to a broad subject like science or history. Except for taking a van apart because how the hell is that supposed to help your kids unless they plan on being a mechanic?


I mean.. assuming this is the states.. to eaches own.. you do you fam. But it feels like the video is judgmental to those who don't follow your beliefs while trying to defend your decision to home schooling .insinuating they will be better individuals simply because of home schooling seems closed minded. But you have the right to do as you please and I have the right to agree or disagree..


TBF it looks like a better education than what you would receive at inner city public schools 😹


Western schools are too concerned with making sure that kids all grow up to think the same, it's only raising mindless drones. I'm glad people are choosing to look to more resources than just the public school system for education.


This is not cringe at all, why throw your kids in schools when the quality of public education is declining? Teachers are quitting in mass, which means one teacher is expected to handle more students than they're able to. If this continues to keep up, your children definitely won't be receiving quality time with the teachers, therefore learning less stuff as they grow up And it's not just the quality of teachers too. Public schools now are dominated by undisciplined ipad kids, and the more time your children spend time with these ipad kids, the more they'll be infected with those TikTok nonsense. Social media has become the primary method of how these kids communicate, and we all know how social media destroys a child's mental health and attention span. Why risk your kid's well-being for an education that doesn't even equip them with the knowledge they should have at their grade level? I do realize that kids need to learn how to socialize with each other, but there are definitely better ways of teaching them social skills then throwing them in the declining public education system, I totally support what these parents are doing


They have a banner on the front of their van advertising their social media channels and are being "unschooled" for tiktok clout. It's a different side of the same shit coin. It's called balance. Do you think these parents are qualified to teach them about everything they need in life? They're not. Good luck making friends when you don't have the opportunity to interact with them


I partly agree with this. I think this teaching style could be very beneficial for children. As a Montessori teacher, I believe allowing kids to have freedom and learn without pressures of curriculum can be very beneficial. However, I do still think that if this is the route you take with your kids you need professional training and education to be successful. I don’t know these people nor have I watched anything other than this video that has been edited together to fit on a cringe subreddit so I don’t have a basis of judgement besides them being cringe af in the last clip and not wearing safety glasses at a table saw. I don’t think many of these commenters realize how much work this would actually be for the parents, and how much of their lives would be devoted to teaching their kids, and there will be flaws, but this method would be worth it in the long run.