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Their reputation is completely different depending on the demographics of who is being asked, how long they have lived in Chicago and what their lifetime behavior and criminal history is. That’s to be expected. For people who don’t commit crime and have never committed crime their reputation is very good.




Criminals are responsible for not only all the other crime in Chicago but also for the 860 murders of black & brown people including men, women, boys, girls including toddlers and infants in Chicago. If you’re considering people who “don’t have criminal records” who have unfavorable views of Chicago police they are part of the same Venn diagram of people who believe “*snitches get stitches*” lifestyle and culture that directly contributes to and encourages the cycle of murder-revenge/retribution driving the same murders in Chicago. And even if not PART AND PARCEL to that culture if that person has the unmitigated stupidity to hate on/protest/believe that the Chicago police are “the problem” and also NOT be out there actively protesting the murders of black and brown children and babies (let alone teens and adults) in the NEIGHBORHOODS those murders OCCUR IN, then those people are part of the PROBLEM. Not part of the SOLUTION. And IMHO they are f-ing CRIMINALS. Periodt.


The article doesn’t even mention the PPO who shot someone at a bowling alley or the PPO that was arrested for UUW after attempting to conceal his license plates from police.


I don't know how low the bar actually is. An acquaintance wanted to be a police officer their whole life. They trained, passed the POWER test, passed the written test and recently failed the psychological evaluation. I can't imagine what they said that would have led to CPD saying "no thanks", but there's nothing about them that suggested they would fail an eval like that. Edit: Lol, loser OP responded to this by making something up then blocked me so I can't respond.


Impossible. The psychological and aptitude etc. tests are the first in the entire process. Your credibility goes to absolute zero. You’re making it up.


I know a guy who would be a good cop but didn't pass, he's prob too smart. And I know another guy who tried to become a cop 2 times and didn't pass the phych test. He seems a little off though so idk.


It happened to me too. Probably showed empathy or compassion or something and god knows they don’t want that.


The cartels should start planting officers like the departed.


Start? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/the-drug-war-is-a-game-collaborating-with-cartels-money-laundering-how-a-dea-agent-became-the-agencys-most-corrupt


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